Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 868

"Ha ha..." Seeing this, situ Hong couldn't help laughing, but his laughter didn't ring yet, "hum..." The green light hanging in front of Xiao Hua's sorcery mark gave out the sound of shaking that was familiar to situ Hong. A heavy green light poured out like a blanket of heaven and earth, and instantly covered situ Hong. When the green light passed by, situ Hong's former place became nothing. Situ Hong's immortal body turned into flying ash, and even the immortal baby disappeared. It must have killed the spirit!

How could Xiao Hua's baby be spared? Even if it was affected by the blue light, Xiao Hua's baby body also instantly disappeared. All kinds of locks, needles, traces and bags disappeared. Only Baigu Shengyan class A, who had once blocked the light of cold shame, and other things related to soul cultivation, still exist!

Even where the blue light falls, Xiao Hua's broken celestial traces are washed away, and the breath of daozun is swept away!

Situ Hong fell, but the disaster he caused did not stop. The blue light just rushed out of the dark blue space, "boom..." The sky is open, all the stars are exposed, and all kinds of light columns are falling madly, one after another hitting on the blue light! The green light was turbulent, but after the light column fell, it gradually stopped and slowly converged into the mountain like green light, and the mountain like green light, like a tired bird homing, fell to the sorcery mark in Xiao Huamei's heart.

"Brush..." At the moment when green light touches Xiao Hua's sorcery mark, all the pillars of light in the fairyland converge into green light, and green light trembles gently, and a strange scene that no one can detect appears!

But seeing the blue light trembling gently, the whole fairyland faded like ink painting in the trembling, and the fading also spread beyond the fairyland. In the spreading, all the outlines and all the creatures disappeared in the dark, as if everything fell into the blue light!

In such darkness, on the side of the blue light, the little lights are extremely trivial and tiny, as if they are close at hand, and as if they are far away.

I don't know how long, "brush..." There was a similar tremor in the distance, a faint red light also appeared, the red light came out, and immediately began to fade

I don't know how long, maybe in the blink of an eye, maybe more than 100 years, "brush..." Far away, a faint yellow light appeared and trembled, as if echoing the blue and red light

Red, orange, yellow, blue, blue, purple six colors one by one revealed, only the lack of cyan.

After all kinds of light spots are exposed, they tremble at the same time. On the side of the light spots, there are hard to describe light and shadow contours. However, these light and shadow contours are exposed for a moment and quickly annihilate, leaving a few lines. These lines correspond to the contours of blue light. If you look carefully, are they the parts of Xiao Hua in all walks of life?

When the blue spot touched the sorcery mark, "brush..." There is no light spot in the bottom layer. The two figures of heaven and man and the wizard and Taoist priest also appear as outlines. However, as soon as the outline appears, it turns into a line like water and flows into the scattered light near the blue light. A moment later, the wizard's trace is particularly bright. The wizard and Taoist priest's voice is extremely surprised: "eh? Where is this? Mo Is it Tianwaitian? "

The sound of surprise just fell, "hum..." The blue light vibrates again, and the inexplicable fluctuation moves the whole body like a hair. The fluctuation will cover the darkness. The edge of the fluctuation, the light will reappear and rush around like the dawn

"Lotus..." An obscure voice sounded from the unknown place. The outline of Xiao Hua's body appeared when he entered the fairyland and engraved the sorcery mark. The voice was full of surprise, "Fa What happened? This This Wushan actually has a change that I didn't even notice? Is it the beginning of Wushan's creation? "

That blue light spot is the beginning of Wushan?

It's a pity that even the outline can't be determined. In a moment, the sound and outline gradually disappear, as if exhausted.

The light has come, and the darkness is still within the range of fluctuation, as if in another time and space, the voice of the wizard once again sounded in extreme shock: "Oh, no, this Is this Xiao Daoyou's body? How How did this happen? How did I get here? "

"Oh, no, Xiao Daoyou's spirit is going to disappear. What should I do? Well, well, the spirits gather in the immortal trace. Xiao Daoyou has the method of condensation of mysterious trace. I'm afraid he wants to use it to retain the ghost of Daoyou... "


"Yes, yes, I understand. It's It's Xiao Daoyou who is condensing his body... "

"Well, well, the art of building spirit, the art of placing the spirit in the void, the art of searching the soul for the body, the art of Qi Ling Yan, and Xiao Daoyou are quite complete..."

"Oh, what? Xiao Daoyou wants to use this The green light condenses the body? This is not a dream? How is that possible? "

The sorcerer obviously caught those thoughts before Xiao Hua's fall, but these thoughts were scattered and incomplete. Of course, the sorcerer didn't know that Xiao Hua's idea of using green light coagulation was just a whim.

"Yes..." Taoist Wu was a little distressed by Xiao Hua's thoughts, but suddenly he had a kind of insight, almost lost his voice and cried, "Beidou divine fist, I remember Xiao Daoyou used this skill to harden his bones before! Since he has such an idea, it must be based on it... "

When the wizard thought of this, he immediately used Xiao Hua's yuan Shen to repose the void.Xiao Hua is also blessed. If he didn't fall, and his spirits are all there, he would never have used the art of Yuan Shen's reposing in the void. After all, his infant body disappeared, and there was no trace of lost coagulation. There was no need to use the art of Yuan Shen's reposing in the void to condense a new immortal body. But the sorcerer and Taoist mistakenly hit and collided. Once the yuan God's technique of reposing in the void was urged, "brush..." The blue light immediately leaves the sorcery mark and falls towards one place.

At the same time, "brush brush..." On the side of the other five light spots, there are scattered light and shadow. All Xiao Hua's body parts give birth to a light column that looks like a gossamer at the same time. Passing through the darkness, they fall into the vicinity of the green light. Then they can see the colorful halo shining like stars. The unspeakable mystery is born in the light spot. At the outline of Xiao Hua's left foot, the 1320 small dots that constitute Xiao Hua's new body begin to build the first one!!!

With the existence of Xiao Hua's separate bodies, Xiao Hua's new body will not lack blood, bones, meridians and so on. Moreover, Xiao Hua's body is actually constructed by light spots. The origin of the light spots is extraordinary. Even the thirteen great gods and Taoists may not know about it. In this way, let alone the fairyland, who can match the Honghuang divine world?

Seeing the blue light falling, an invisible light filigree was born out of thin air. This light filigree was like breaking the darkness and void into a light spot. The supreme meaning of the light spot was born. Blood essence, essence, meridians, spirit and so on were all falling. Under the fluctuation of two, two, three and three things in his life, the first little spot of Xiao Huaxin's body broke out of cocoon!

The way of heaven is like a brush, but the place where it falls is at the tip of Xiao Hua's left foot. After the first dot condenses, the light is dim. The blue light seems to be like a brush. If there is God, it will produce a second ray of light beyond the dot. The ray still breaks through the darkness and void like an earth opener

Light is the root of the world, light is the source of all things, light is everything, light is the way of heaven!

The ordinary light spot is the light of the day after tomorrow. Naturally, it can't have the power to create the world. However, the blue light is different. As expected, the shadow of the thirteen gods is the beginning of Wushan's creation. It can be said that the whole Wushan mountain is led by the blue light. Wushan takes shape, which is naturally separated from Wushan and integrated into Wushan space. Xiao Hua is so lucky that there are traces of witchcraft leading to the light of Wushan mountain. The way of light spreading all things is revealed in his body by all kinds of strange coincidences. Maybe now Xiao Hua doesn't know the use of the body of light, but when he stands on the top of the fairyland and steps into the divine palace, he can understand the magical use of the body of light!

So back and forth, Xiao Hua's body is a little bit of condensation, this body is not static, under the control of Wu daoren, Beidou Shenquan meticulously display, end is methodical.

At first, the Taoist priest was absorbed in the condensation of the body, but he had to wait for the Beidou magic fist to show. He immediately found that, just like the bone quenching, the later Wushan began to condense, and the trajectory of the body didn't need to be controlled by himself. He just had to fight again and again, so he focused on the condensation of the dark mark.

The condensation method of xuanchen is owned by the ancient aristocratic family. Xiao Hua had some understanding that day. After taking charge of Xiaohua's Wuchen, it's easy to get these understanding. And Xiao Hua's experience of engraving Daochen for his disciples in space also fell into his mind. So he is quite able to repair the broken immortal mark on one side of the Wuchen!

Just in the repair room, the sorcerer was suddenly stunned and said in a low voice: "no! The poor Taoist yuan God reposes in the void. Now he is condensing a new body here. That The immortal mark is in another place... "

For a moment, the Taoist priest suddenly realized and said with a smile: "I understand. I am the condensation of Xiao Daoyou's spirit. The sorcery mark is the foundation of me. The immortal mark is accompanied by the sorcery mark. I can feel it naturally. It's Taoist Xiao. He's still in trouble. I still need to think about it. "

Then the wizard and Taoist priest were silent in the twinkling light and shadow, as if they were looking for a way to break the difficulties. But I don't know how long later, a wisp of gold began to condense on the immortal mark on the side of the wizard mark. With a sound of gold, the wizard and Taoist priest laughed and said, "Xiao Daoyou, great talent, now you believe in the gold wire, and you don't have to worry about the repair of the mysterious mark. Let me help you repair the spirit! This is my family. You've made it full of holes. If you don't come back, I'll take up the nest. I won't leave in the future! "

In other words, on the side of the immortal trace and the witch trace, the evil eye is revealed, the seven spirit Yan flies out, the seven spirit Yan suddenly comes out, "brush" the blue light and shadow immediately sweeps the seven lamp flowers of the seven spirit Yan like fire, the seven spirit Yan's lamp flowers suddenly shrink by more than 70%, but within only 30% of the lamp flowers, there is more mystery than before.

"Wonderful If the sorcerer and Taoist have hands, he must touch them now.

With the voice of the wizard, the seven spirit Yan flies down the light silk around the blue light. One of the light silk naturally has blood. The seven spirit Yan skims the light silk, and Xiao Hua's essence and blood have penetrated into it. With the wizard slightly urging the ritual, the seven spirit Yan falls into Xiao Hua's broken mysterious cloud!

As the wizard said, Xiao Hua's mysterious cloud at this time was in a state of dilapidation and even lost its luster. Only the hardened corpse dog still has some light and shadow flashing, but this light and shadow is also like a candle in the wind.

However, if you carefully look at the mysterious outer layer of clouds like the Seventh Tower, although the lustre of Youbi is a little faded, there is some flexibility at this time, and the tiny light starts to burn like a tiny flame!

"Wonderful, wonderful!" The sorcerer laughed, obviously praising the flame.As for Qi Lingyan, he falls into the mysterious cloud and holds the broken seven residual clouds. When the Taoist priest urges Qi Lingyan's skill, the lamp lights up slowly. In the lamp flame, strange sounds of gods and ghosts come out, fragmentary green seal characters gush out like fountains, and strands of inexplicable light come out in the mysterious cloud, starting to repair Xiao Hua's spirit!

The place where Wushan Shiguang is located is unknown. It seems that he does not care about the sun and the moon. After a long time, his spirit becomes more and more complete, and Xiao Hua's body is also perfect. This body is very strange. It looks like it's full of treasure from the outside. Compared with any artifact, it's like waves of breath. What's more, it's crystal clear, what's blood, what's meridians, what's skeleton, etc But if we use Yannian to explore, there are infinite mysteries in any place of the body, and it seems that there is a small world in any place.

When the last light spot condenses, the 13200 light spots around Xiao Hua shine at the same time, and the light and shadow of Wushan start light appear dim. It looks as if the green light suddenly comes out of Xiao Hua's body, and at the same time, there are 13200 whirlpools around him. The whirlpool leads to the unknown space, and the wisps of chaos also don't know where they come from Whirlpool into Xiao Hua's body!

The body of chaos It's just a follow-up to the body of the first light!

The body of chaos gradually takes shape, the precious light of Xiao Hua's body gradually becomes introverted, the crystal clear also disappears, and everything returns to its original nature!

The whirlpool retreated from the unknown space, and the edge of the space gave birth to ten colors of halo light. These halo lights turned into streamers and shone on Xiao Hua. The mysterious light that ordinary Qi immortals could not touch penetrated into Xiao Hua's body like this!

"Is it time to use the skill of stepping on Shenque?" The voice of the sorcerer appeared in the sorcery trace and even in the void around it. It sounded rather hesitant. "No, no, I should use the skill of holding Jiuquan to bring the spirit into the new body..."

However, without waiting for the voice of the Taoist priest to come to the ground, "Wuwu..." The strange wave rushed out from the scattered light and shadow around the sorcery mark. The first light of Wushan trembled and crossed towards these light and shadow. With the green light flying, Xiao Hua's body also flew up, and it was at the sorcery mark and immortal mark!

"Ouch, ouch..." The sorcerer cried, "why don't you listen to me? It's just, it's just, the immortal body is complete, and the spirit is complete. It's time for me to turn back. But how can I return when the original spirit of me reposes in the void? "

In other words, the first light of Wushan falls into the scattered light and shadow, but when you see biyou's brilliant work, you gradually become introverted. After the other five light spots flash together, they all disappear. The outlines of Huangtong and Fengwu, together with the light filaments emitted from them, also disappear!

"Ouch..." The voice of the sorcerer called in the unknown space, "my God, what's the matter?"

The sorcerer and Taoist cried, and the voice came out of the void of Yuan Shen's sustenance. It turned into a misty voice and fell into Xiao Hua's space!

Naturally, the wizard doesn't know what happened. He didn't experience it before when he entered the space from the seven sources of the world. Naturally, he doesn't know the chance that Wushan Shiguang fell into the space.

But seeing that Wushan begins to shine and everything in space is still, it is as if the law of time in space does not exist. Bi Guang first met the five color fire in the void. The five color fire was called five color, but it was actually seven color. The other two colors were mellow and hidden behind the five color, and could not be seen clearly. At this time, Wushan began to pass by, and the five color fire got the chance first. After the blue light was swept away, the five color fire flame was far away, and a little light filament in the center of the blue flame had already condensed.

After the five color fire, the seal of the Star Palace gives out a dazzling green light. More than a hundred immortal babies who originally sacrificed and refined the seal of the Star Palace close their eyes, and the yuan Shen who stayed in the seal of the Star Palace grows like crazy!

As for wanxianlu, Tengjiao scissors and other immortal utensils, they all washed out a lot of dust in the blue light.

All this is nothing at all. Bi Guang sweeps all the interfaces of the space and says, "boom, boom..." The continuous roar comes from all walks of life. In the already formed space, the sun, moon and stars make the finishing point!

Especially in the fairyland space, there is a lot of thunder in Xiantai. On the side of tracing light, there are nine golden suns and six dark purple moons. When the blue light sweeps through, the golden sun produces different blue lights, and the dark purple moon adds the same color.

"Click, click, click..." On June 9, the light and flame changed, and the whole fairyland space was thundering again. The law of heaven born by the first light of Wushan mountain was naturally different from that of space. Now blue light's strong entry into nature is to change the law of Taoism and fairyland, and even the vitality of fairyland and the mysterious light of fairyland! Now all the disciples of daoxianjie are still. No one knows that there will be a great disaster after Biguang!

Looking at the place where Xiao Hua was forbidden, two inexplicable blue rays fell into Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei's sleeping body. The huge light and shadow of the heaven swallowing beast broke out like a mountain. The two little eyes trembled slightly, and they seemed to wake up.

There is no need to elaborate on the anomalies of other interfaces, because Wushan's first light sweeps through the void and stops at the center of each interface The huge thunder light and shadow came out, and the blue light broke through the darkness and void. The previous scene of Xiao Hua's body appeared again, but this time it was an interface!

Wushan space!

I don't know how long it took for Wushan to take shape. All the mysteries of Wushan can be revealed by no words. I can only see that the secluded space is like a mountain peak, and the sun, moon and stars in it are also revealed. Unfortunately, this Wushan space is similar to the previous time when the demon League, dragon Kingdom and other spaces did not take shape. There is chaos in it, and it can not reveal the level.Wushan has become a space, and all the interfaces tremble at the same time again. Different streamers rush up to the void like water. Suddenly, some of the previously hazy places also have thunder surging and flashing.

In the thunder, a blue light came into the Wushan space from outside the space, straight into the Wushan space. Surrounded by the blue light, the Taoist priest looked around and exclaimed in surprise: "this Where is this? "

"Boom..." The voice of the sorcerer never fell to the ground, and a golden light also shot in from outside the space, straight into the place higher than the interfaces, "Yo Hoo..." The voice of heaven and man sounded from the golden light with surprise and arrogance, "what is this? Is someone going to fly? A certain family has soared. What about the wizard and Taoist? "

Although the voice of heaven and man is loud, the Taoist wizard can't hear it when he is in the Wushan space. However, the Taoist wizard looks around curiously and steps out of the Wushan space to the void!

As soon as the sorcerer came out of Wushan space, he immediately turned into a sorcerer!

"Ah?" Yudiewu was surprised when he found his strange appearance. However, when he lost his voice and screamed, another scream also sounded on his head. Yudiewu was not surprised but pleased because he was familiar with the sound. Wasn't it heaven and man?

Waiting for him to look up, heaven and man are also illusory jade ultimatum heaven and man in the air!

"You Are you a wizard Yudie heaven and man have an incredible look at yudie sorcery. Although they are all yudie, he can clearly see that it is the sorcerer and Taoist to deal with them!

"Nonsense!" The witch said with a smile, "are you not friends of heaven and man?"

"This What the hell is going on? " Yudietianren looked around and said, "a certain family remembers that they are discussing Dharma with Taoist friends. You suddenly disappear. No matter how they explore, they can't find you, and then they fall into a mysterious space..."

"Don't you think this place is very familiar?"

"Could it be that..." The jade ultimatum man suddenly woke up, looked at more than a hundred still immortal babies in the void, and many immortal objects, and said with a smile, "is this our space?"

"Ha ha, ha ha..." Without waiting for the yudie wizard to speak, yudie Fengwu, yudie Huangtong, yudie Wenqu, yudie Leiting, yudie Buddha, yudie suiqi all flew into Gongshou Road, "two Taoist friends finally come, welcome, welcome..."

"Ha ha, I've met you Taoist friends..." Yudiewu and yudietianren were also extremely happy, but they looked around and said, "where are xiaodaoyou and Shenren?"

"Ha ha, I'm here!" With the sound of separation, yudiehe flew out of the formed dragon space and said with a smile.

All of them have seen the ritual in their separate bodies, and the yudiewu and yudietianren have already understood the situation here. However, when they think about it carefully, all of them turn pale.

Yu die thundered: "Xiao Daoyou's spirit is broken? So How can I wait? "

"Is it hard for us to fall, or disappear?" Yudie Huangtong is not calm.

"Fortunately, the spirit of Xiao Daoyou did not completely annihilate..." The witch comforted him and said, "I'm called out by the sorcery mark. I'll repair Xiao Daoyou's immortal mark in time with the technique of dark mark condensation, and solidify his residual spirit with seven spirit Yan and secret technique. Xiao Daoyou won't fall into the nether world!"

"But why doesn't he come back now?" He was a little anxious.

Jade die kill body shape just move, jade die angry way: "don't move!"

"I I didn't move... " Yudiesi stuttered a little, but he was still very afraid of yudieshi.

"Don't think I don't know what you want to do..." Yudie Huangtong raised her hand a little and said, "Xiao Daoyou's body can't be touched by anyone except Wu Daoyou. Any mistakes you make may make Xiao Daoyou unable to turn around!"

"Yes, yes, I know!" Yudiesi's head is like a chicken pecking rice!

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Wushan shimuang condensate, which Taoist friend guessed it? Such a body of beginning light has never been seen before and has never been seen since. Is it worthy of Xiao Hua's escape of more than two million words and the 365 days' waiting of you Taoist friends?

Cough, ask weakly, where is the monthly ticket and reward?