Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 869

"Ladies and gentlemen..." After thinking for a moment, the witch said to the crowd, "everyone is safe. Don't worry. Xiao Daoyou is the destiny of heaven. You and I are here. He will be fine!"

"Even if there is something wrong with Xiao Daoyou, we will find him even if we break through the nether world," said the man coldly

"That's it, that's it..." Yuji nods again.

"Wait..." Yudie Huangtong looked around and said, "I can't do anything but wait!"

"You can wait, but I can't!" Yudi Leiting stretched his waist, looked at Daoxian space and said, "poor Dao and Xiao Daoyou's Fairy law have changed, poor Dao still have to see how his skill is modified!"

Yudietianren hesitated for a moment and said, "a certain family doesn't know what Daoyou said. However, according to the message from Daoyou, this method of stepping on Shenque is a change in the cultivation method of the divine world. As a certain family knows, Honghuang divine world law can accommodate all things. It must be no matter what the Honghuang method is. Those disciples just need time to adapt and change it..."

"Oh?" Yu Ti raised his eyebrows and said unexpectedly, "if so, I don't need to do anything! Let's wait and see! "

Looking at the fairyland space, Xiao Hua's body is still sitting on the throne of Zaohua, but at this time the body is like a clay sculpture, no longer flexible.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, paid a visit to the disciples of Zaohua sect and said with a smile: "it seems that, as the Taoist friends said, although it is a disaster similar to the destruction of the world, the variation of the vitality of the immortals only affects the change of the space environment of the celestial world. The cultivation of the disciples is just stagnant, and it is also a great fortune in misfortune. In that case, let the kids adapt themselves, and go to find shulinggen.... "

Say, jade die thunder will that small spirit day of pass token in the hand.

Yu die Huang Tong strange way: "Xiao Daoyou already had the body, you still look for rinse Ling root for what?"

"And those Taoist friends!" "These are all the parts of Xiao Daoyou. If Xiao Daoyou goes, leave them It's a thought

"Ouch..." Yuji suddenly cried, "no way! If the elder brother goes, how does the younger brother's magic come into being? This What should Lu Hu do? "

"Well No one can help it! " He shrugged his shoulders, then looked at his own space in Longyu and said, "let Lvhu take root in the poor space! Who let Xiao Daoyou send a group of people to the poor space, and make the poor plan confused! "

"That Who, who... " Then he pointed to Ye Jian and said to Huang Tong, "is he a disciple of Tao you?"

"Cough..." Yudi Huangtong coughed softly and said, "what Daoyou said is right. If Xiao Daoyou is not here, I hope Daoyou will be all right!"

"All right, all right!" Yudiehe said helplessly, "who let the space of Longyu in poor way be fragrant cake? Everyone wants to take advantage of it!"

The yudiewu didn't speak all the time. At this time, he looked at all walks of life and said seriously, "I have nothing to do with Tianren Daoyou. Now that the space change is stable, we are on duty in the space. If there is anything unusual, we will inform you Daoyou."

"Thanks for everything, two Taoist friends..." All of them share the past and bow to each other to leave the space.

When he had to be separated, the jade wizard looked at the jade wizard and said in a soft voice, "Daoyou, have you noticed?"

"Notice what?" There is something strange about yudie.

The jade die sorcerer hesitated for a moment and said, "are you the same here in your space?"

"Of course not!" Yudie Tianren was quite depressed and said, "what does this shit look like? Where can I be handsome in my space?"

"Ha ha..." The witch laughed and said, "you are handsome? I'm afraid it's only the great sage of Sakura who thinks so? "

"Why, no?" Jade die heaven neck a hard way, "difficult not to peacock virgin said just become?"

"All right, all right..." The jade die sorcerer some Shan Shan way, "poor way asks you words, how can pull to peacock Virgin Mary?"? In other words, you look like the world of ten thousand demons in the space? "

"Aren't you?" Yudie is a wonderful way of heaven and man.

"So is the poor way The jade wizard understood and nodded, "but other Taoist friends are different! Didn't you see it just now? "

"I didn't notice!" Yudietianren honestly replied, "a family just came back to the space and felt very friendly. I didn't see anything else!"

"Other Taoists here are the same as they are in their own space!" "This is different from us!" said the witch

"Ah? How could it be Yudie heaven and man were surprised. In a flash, he entered the Dragon space, and yudie witch followed him.

"No!" The jade die heaven person looks at oneself way, "isn't this that previously that ugly appearance?"

"Strange!" Looking at his own form, the witch felt strange and said, "let's go and have a look at the poor space!"

With that, the yudiewu and the yudietianren suddenly fell into the space of Wushan.

"Ah? You How did you change back? " Looking at the jade wizard's appearance as a Taoist priest, the jade wizard was a little surprised.Who knows the wizard Taoist left and right look at a blank face: "where is the Taoist friend?"

"Damn it Jade die heaven person leng for a while, low scold a way, "you Can't you see a house? "

"Hey, hey..." The wizard said with a smile, "I understand! The space between you and me may be different from others.... "

"What's the difference?" In a flash, the figure of heaven and man in the yudie was transformed into heaven and man. Standing beside the Taoist priest, he was quite puzzled and asked.

"All other Taoist friends are feisheng's own interfaces!" The sorcerer and Taoist said, "their bodies are left in their own hurry, and only the mind and spirit enter the space! But you and I have no space to soar, only to enter the space, so I wait in the space is the essence, go out to become a yudie

"Go, go..." Yudietianren laughed and said, "go to a certain space to have a look..."

Two parts just fly out, jade die kill accompany smile face to wait outside.

"What are you doing here?" Jade die heaven most despise jade die kill, some impatient asked.

"Nothing..." Yudiesi rubbed his hands and said, "I haven't been close to the two brothers for a long time. Moze has nothing to do. I've come here to have a look..."

"Some family..." Yudie heaven and man were going to drive yudie away. Yudie witch said with a smile, "just in time, follow me to see the space of heaven and man!"

"Good, good!" Yuji nodded in a hurry.

Seeing that the yudie wizard opened his mouth, it was hard for the heaven and man to say anything. With the yudie wizard and the yudie murderer, he flew into the Honghuang divine space.

Who knows, yudietianren flies into space and turns into Tianren, but yudiewu and yudiesi can't go in anyway!

Heaven and man roared in the space: "you should come in quickly!"

It's a pity that he roared more than ten times, but he didn't see the Witch and the murderer.

The sky's popularity rushes out, and turns into a jade ultimatum sky's humanity: "why don't you go in?"

"Myna Yuji said with a bitter smile, "it's not that I can't get in, it's that I can't get in!"

"Myna?" Yudie Tianren was stunned for a moment, then he beamed, patted yudie on the shoulder and said, "it's good. It's good. Let's hear it again..."

"Myna, myna, myna..."

"Ah, ah, ah..." Yudietianren promised several times, looking very happy.

The jade wizard ignored them, thought for a moment and said, "in this way, we can't enter the space of heaven, man and Taoism friends!"

"Starling comes from a noble family!" Yudieji immediately flattered, "his space is higher than ours, we can't get in naturally!"

"Hey, hey..." Yudie Tianren also complacent way, "a certain space is afraid that you can not enter the only place, right?"

"That..." Jade die kill eyeball a turn, point to Xu Mi mountain careful way, "that place younger brother also can't go!"

"Hum..." The jade die heaven man glanced at Xumi mountain and hummed coldly, "it's just a place for a group of devil cubs to stay. One day when a certain family is free, go and have a look!"

"Kill..." The witch said, "come and have a look at the poor space!"

"But at the sixth brother's command!" One by one, yudiesi's ponies are killing.

Unfortunately, when you get to Wushan space, you can't get in as well as yudiesha.

Yudieji scratched his ears and said with a smile, "sixth brother, no It's not that I don't give brother six face, it's that I can't get in! "

"Strange!" Yudie Tianren patted his thigh and said, "how can he not enter your space?"

"Since yudiesi can't get in..." If the witch had thought about it, he said, "other Taoist friends can't get in! It's also about you and me! If you think about it, the only space for the poor to return to is ordinary strength. When they go in, don't they abuse the poor? It's the same as Daoyou's trying to get rid of Yufeng king in Tianfu palace and force them to marry Daier to Yuanya? "

"That is..." Yudie heaven said, also slanted a yudie kill.

Jade die kills the facial expression to change abruptly, quickly wave a hand to: "eight elder brothers, the younger brother isn't seek to seek an opportunity, the younger brother doesn't know these at all! I dare not save my mind to clean up myna! "

"All right, all right..." The jade die sorcerer was a little upset. He waved his hand and said, "kill, you go first! If we are here, there will be no harm in the space. Let's wait for Xiao Daoyou to come back! "

"Yes, yes..." Yuji nods in a hurry and returns to the magic space, still swallowing the magic array.

"That's about it!" The jade wizard looked at the jade wizard and said with a bitter smile, "but there's still a problem!"

"What's the matter?"

"Well, it's nine summers, of course!" With a sigh of the witch, the Taoist robe unfolded, and the closed eyes of jiuxia flew out of thin air.

"Ah?" The man in heaven was shocked and cried, "you How do you get her into space? "

"You think I'm willing to take it!" Yudiewu could not laugh or cry. "Just a few years ago, jiuxia ran to me and said that she had no foresight. She might have some chance with me, so she asked me to accept her first! Naturally, I won't agree casually, but But if I was not careful, I got her benefits and had to listen to her! "PS: for those who like this book, please go to the starting point( https:book.qidian.cominfo1010594608 )Subscribe to support, vote monthly, vote for a recommended vote, collection, reward, thank you for all forms of support!!

Wushan and Shenjie space appear, jiuxia is coming, and a new chapter is about to begin