Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 867

"Alas..." Seeing this, Xiao Hua had no choice but to take another shot of the immortal mark and "brush" the star sky. Where the immortal mark opened, countless mottled five color luster poured out, which was the unstable state of the five elements fairyland.

"Vertical son!" Situ Hong is more and more straightforward, cry a way, "still don't give up to arrest?"

Xiao Hua naturally won't give up. As situ Hong's voice falls to the ground, on the side of the immortal trace in Xiao Hua's starry sky, a bit of green and secluded mountain light and shadow appears like a candle. Just now, situ Hong still looks like a dark witch trace, but now it's as bright as a star and instantly envelops all around!

Situ Hong didn't have to take a close look. He had already noticed the light and shadow of the mountain, and his control over the arrow almost disappeared.

"Damn it..." Situ Hong scolded and said in secret, "I knew there must be something wrong with this guy's mark!"

Situ Hong was just a moment of cursing. The light and shadow of the magic mark in the shape of the mountain was more dazzling than that of the immortal mark in the sky! And the previous majestic arrow is now obediently falling to Xiao Huamei's heart that mountain light!

"Boom..." At this time, it sounds like a beep, and then the space vibrates. Like Wei Sheng, situ Hong turned a blind eye to it, but just as he was thinking about how to do it, he said, "brush..." A blue light came up from the deep place where Xiao Hua had fallen. It was like the coming of a saint. As soon as it appeared, an unparalleled breath rushed up. Moreover, situ Hong could see clearly that all the darkness and green light were swept away when the green light passed by!

"This What is this? " Situ Hong was shocked. He could not wait for him to squint at the green light In situ Hong's body, the half of the arrow broke through the air and fell to the blue light. Situ Hong's bone mirror also fell out of control. Even two white bone ornaments on situ Hong's body surface floated away!

In situ Hong's heart, his eyes shrank slightly. In his complicated eyes, the light and shadow of the blue light reflected in them!

Seeing that the green light is like a mountain, similar to the shape of Xiao Hua's scar, situ Hongru falls into the ice cellar, he has a very bad feeling in his heart. It seems that at this time, he is not chasing Xiao Hua, but he is at a critical moment of life and death.

Situ Hong is worthy of being a high-level inspector of the penalty palace with rich experience. He can make the best judgment when he sees any trace, so when he clenches his teeth, there is a kind of determination on his face!

The strange appearance of the green light, and seeing the space as nothing, situ Hong is just a second thought. The green light has rushed to Xiao Hua, and the place where the green light falls is Xiao Hua's eyebrow mark!

At this time, Xiao Hua has a headache, and his eyebrows are like being split by a knife and axe. A little blazing goes straight into his spirit. There's no need to urge him. The original spirit chapter is running wildly.

What's more, the space that can only be perceived but can't be explored also flashes blue light at this time. The unspeakable feeling comes from the bottom of Xiao Hua's heart.

"This What is this? " Xiao Hua was more confused than Si Tuhong. He looked down and saw the blue light like a mountain. There were clouds, breath and rules around the light and shadow. Especially when he looked down, countless small worlds were born and perished. It was difficult to describe the mystery of them by the world of mortals and the laws of heaven. As if this is the source of light, the beginning of the world, the birth of the spirit, the foundation of all things!

"The art of building spirit!" Seeing the light and shadow beyond, there was infinite spiritual light, and the virtual shadows of all things came out one after another. Xiao Hua didn't realize that he was very lucky and had a fantastic mind. He said in secret, "if Xiao can use the art of building spirit to condense this thing, who can compare the size of the fairyland?"

Of course, this is just Xiao Hua's wishful thinking. Situ Hong didn't give him this opportunity. He just patted his eyebrows and "brushed" a yellow light spot flying out of the immortal trace. Once the yellow light came out, tens of thousands of empty shadows of green dragons were added to the void around him. These empty shadows of green dragons were placed in the tail, and the yellow light spot immediately fell in front of Xiao Hua, which was an unparalleled feeling Strength to attack xiaohuamei heart immortal trace!

Xiao Hua was shocked. He couldn't look at the green light under his body any more, so he hastened to move his body to avoid it, because he could see clearly that the earth yellow light and shadow was almost the same thing as the fire mark, and the smell of that thing was exactly the same as that of chopping Sendai. Why didn't Xiao Hua know that it was the earth property tentacle on chopping Sendai?

It's a pity that Xiao Hua underestimates situ Hong's will to kill him. He just flies so fast that the "brush" mark has come. Xiao Hua Mei's mind is broken and her eyes are open regardless of everything. The sound of ghosts and gods singing is heard all the time. "Boom boom..." Countless green seal script diplomas appear in the air, showing several times more powerful than fairyland. The green light around condenses strange runes, like a copper wall and iron wall in front of the dirt mark!

The earth trace is worthy of cutting the fragments on the Sendai, and situ Hong is also worthy of being the orthodox penalty envoy of the penalty palace. The earth trace has the power of supreme penalty. Xiao Hua's soul skill also has the power of heaven, but under the penalty, "poop poop..." All the green lights are pierced. Before the mountain like green light touches Xiao Huawu's mark, the earth mark beats Xiao Huaxian's mark first!

"Pa..." With a light sound, the immortal trace, the star sky, the rule, the star trace, and the five elements are all transformed into nothingness. Xiao Hua's immortal trace in the star sky It's broken!!!

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Today in 2017, I want to explore the fairyland. It's hard to come all the way. Let's add a chapter of self encouragement!