Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 866

When the death light of Zhuling sweeps everything in the blue space, Zhuang Bi has an idea to fly into the crevice of the Qingbei. Who knows that there is a transmission immortal array in the crevice, which can just accommodate himself.

Zhuang Bi flies out after escaping the death light of Zhuling. He sees that Gu flies out from the Dragon horn of dazzling Ku's corpse awkwardly, while Xiao Hua stands alone in the dark with scars. Zhuang Bi looks around, and he can't figure out where Xiao Hua is hiding to avoid death!

However, Xiao Hua didn't explain much, because he had been thinking about the time, and felt that situ Hong and Wei Sheng might appear at any time, so he thought a little bit and overturned the previous arrangement, and set up an ambush according to the place where they had just evaded!

However, the process is just like what Xiao Hua and Zhuang Bi thought, but the result is far beyond Zhuang Bi's expectation. Zhuang Bi really can't think of it. Apart from the two immortals of situ Hong and Wei Sheng, situ Hong alone is not Xiao Hua, Gu and himself. Now that Gu Gu is killed, Xiao Hua is forced to enter the next level of the secluded space through the Qingbei. Situ Hong doesn't intend to let Xiao Hua go and give up the opportunity to kill himself. Everything is far beyond what he thought before!

"Strange..." Zhuang Bi patted his forehead, looked at the Xuanwu like notch on the eagle like protuberance, looked at the surrounding space, and said, "although Zhuang was seriously injured, now it seems that he has escaped from the heaven. In that case, what's Zhuang's chance?"

Although Wei Sheng was killed, all his things were taken away by Xiao Hua. After the Qingbei disappeared, there were only Gu and xuanho's corpses in the blue space!

"Is it really the remains of the dragon?" Zhuang Bi's eyes fell on the Gu corpse, but Zhuang Bi knew that he needed dragon Qi, but the real dragon corpse didn't have much effect on his cultivation.

At this time, "hum..." Youji space sends out the vibration like a beep again!

Zhuang Bi Hun, who had been through several times, didn't care about the movement. He flew to the body of Gu, took the bag of Baina from the body of Gu, and Yannian swept it. The dragon's soul nest fell into his hands. Zhuang bi was stunned, and was immediately overjoyed. He cried: "Yuan It turns out that what Xiao Hua gave back to Gu was the dragon soul nest! That's great. Zhuang's secret skill is about to be broken through by this thing. It's Zhuang's chance... "

Zhuang Bi just said, "hum..." Youji space is shaking again.

"Oh?" Zhuang bi was surprised. The two shocks were too close to each other, and before Zhuang Bi's surprise flashed by, a huge force pushed him unsteadily. Zhuang Bi quickly urged Xianli, but he could not stand still. Immediately he saw the blue branches under him, like a mountain torrent and tsunami, rushing out of the blue light!

"My life is over!" Zhuang Bi's soul flies out of the sky. He tries his best to drill into the body of Gu under him. It's also Zhuang Bi's life. He was beside Gu's body, and what Gu gave up was the real ice dragon. The blue light rises up and instantly drowns the body of Gu. Even the real ice dragon turns into dust and skeleton in the blue light. On the contrary, Zhuang Bi is not killed by the blue light.

After looking at the blue light, the space is like water washing, and all the blue filaments are completely gone. When Zhuang bi was shocked, he found that the darkness above his head and the purple light disappeared.

"This This... " When Zhuang Bi looked up again, everything above his head turned into transparency. Only on the sixth and the third of March appeared in the sky, and all the stars around the sun and the moon also stood out!

But in the six days, Jiaotu day glows with fire yellow, sundial day glows with gold yellow, Yanxi day glows with fire color, snake day glows with silver, Dawu Bird Day glows with glass gold, and chiwu day glows with red; in March, the same is true: qiuhao month glows with dark green, guihun month glows with ice crystal, and zhanbai month glows with white! These nine days and months are like huge pearls dotted in the dark night sky!

Zhuang Bi could not help groaning and exclaimed: "Zhuang just got the dragon's soul nest, and You don't have to have such a strange sky to celebrate... "

With Zhuang Bi's moaning, on the sixth March, a light column was sent out at the same time, and nine light columns fell on Zhuang Bi's head, forming a light column and falling down suddenly. As for the stars, they also cast starlight into this light column!

"Do I want to be a real immortal?" Zhuang bi was overjoyed.

With Zhuang Bi's joy, he suddenly found that the whole world outside the pillar of light was dark, and everything seemed to disappear in the dark, including Zhuang Bi's own consciousness!

Zhuang Bi is like this. Apart from Youji, the three clan leaders of chenxiaohai, he Qiong and situ Yang, who fly to send the immortal array, are also like this. They are surprised to see the sudden changes. On the sixth, March, and even the stars appear in the sky. When all the sun, moon and stars condense and fall down to Youji, the darkness suddenly comes, and they have no reaction at all. They are like all the immortals in the fairyland The same, at the same time stagnated in midair, as if this moment time stop, all things end!

Besides, situ Hong urged his body to turn into thunder light and rush into the green monument. He felt that it was as cold as snow all around. In front of him, there was endless green light flashing. It seemed that all things in the world were living and dying. Unfortunately, without waiting for situ Hong to see clearly, he was already in another secluded space!

This secluded space is similar to that before, except for the dark, which is some cyan filaments. Situ Hong just had a look and hastened to sacrifice the bone mirror!

"Brush..." You Bi's luster has long been shining on Xiao Hua's back!"Ha ha..." Situ Hong laughed, and his body flew quickly, shouting, "since I'm here, I'll see where you can escape..."

It seems that it's cat and mouse. Situ Hong follows Xiao Hua like a shadow. Xiao Hua can't get rid of it after a cup of tea. His heart is full of bitterness and he doesn't feel like he's slowing down.

As soon as Xiao Hua stepped into the cyan space, he wanted to activate the art of light evasion. Unfortunately, he clearly felt that there were many lights and shadows in the space, and it was very easy for him to enter the light and shadow. However, his immortal power could not activate it, and he could not enter the realm of the ordinary five elements evasion.

Xiao Hua suddenly turned back. The ferocity on situ Hong's face was close at hand. He knew that he was in a desperate situation, and he could only fight to death. The weight of coagulation and life and death is still clear, so he does not hesitate to clap his backhand on the top door.

"Click..." The sound of the sound, seal dike Fu broken, "Wu..." Xiao Hua's whole body was full of silver. It was originally a fine luster that quickly condensed, but it was a moment of five color mottling! Xiao Hua wants to use the opportunity to step into the five element immortal to force Guangdun!

"Five elements fairy?" When situ Hong saw this, he was a little surprised. He seemed to have some doubts. But then Xiao Hua's eyebrows opened up, and the silver light in his heart gradually turned into five colors. He was more and more sure that Xiao Hua was stepping into the realm of five element immortals.

"Ha ha..." Situ Hong laughed and said in secret, "if you are outside the secluded pole, you may be able to make great changes, but there is no spirit in the secluded pole. If you want to be a true immortal, you can't make any waves. This little flower has a delusion to set foot in the five element fairy to fight against a certain family. It's really wishful thinking

Just then, situ Hong suddenly found that on the side of Xiao Huaxian's scar, a faint green mountain like light and shadow began to appear, and how to look at the color of that green mountain seemed strange!

"This..." Situ Hong was shocked and said in secret, "is it the second immortal trace of Zhang Xiaohua Ground mark? He Why is he so advantaged? "

When he thought of this, the whole space vibrated again. Situ Hong could see clearly that Xiao Hua's traces swayed with the vibration of the space, just like a candle.

Situ Hong didn't want to delay any longer. In fact, he was afraid of something wrong. He quickly raised his hand to sacrifice the thunder spear. The thunder spear roared, but to his surprise, the thunder spear just pierced thousands of feet, and a lot of cyan filaments were produced in the air. The filaments twined on the spear, which made the thunder sound hoarse, the thunder light broken and the thunder spear powerful Force drop is not a little bit!

But even so, in the face of the two immortals, Xiao Hua was also surprised. He quickly raised his hand to hold out the Ruyi stick. With a loud bang, the thunder splashed everywhere, and the thunder spear flew upside down!

Two Qi immortal situ Hong's thunder spears are all upside down. How good can Xiao Hua be? Xiao Hua felt numb in both arms. His torn baby was badly hurt again. He fell like a meteorite towards the bottom of the blue space!

Xiao Hua sighed that he was lucky. Fortunately, it was very quiet. Otherwise, with this blow alone, he might be doomed.

Xiao Hua escaped a blow, but situ Hong was furious again. His feelings and knowledge went deep into Youji. The thunder was even more confined by the strange celestial phenomena. His immortal power might not be able to do his best. So he bit his teeth, scolded in his heart, took back the slanting thunder spear, flew quickly, patted his chest, and the "poof" blood light suddenly appeared, and the half of the sun shooting arrow in his body broke Out of the air, he stabbed Xiao Hua's vest with the blood pattern engraved on it.

At this time, the sun Archer was three points more powerful than before, and you Bi on the broken arrow almost soared into the sky like a flame! Even the broken arrow had just been stabbed out, and Xiao Hua's Vest had already given birth to arrow marks in the distance!

"Wonderful Seeing this, situ Hong couldn't help caressing his hands. He said in secret, "if you combine the two broken arrows, isn't it more powerful?"

When the arrow shoots at the sun, Xiao Hua is naturally frightened. Most of his immortal utensils are placed in the space. In this strange seclusion, the immortal utensils in the bag can be taken out. Although Xiao Hua's space can be perceived, he can't take out things. So Xiao Hua's means are limited! However, Xiao Hua suddenly turned around. He realized that his realm was unstable and that no Taoist means could be his opponent. So he patted his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

"Boom..." Another silver light shot, straight up to the arrow!

If it's in the blue space, the silver light column may not be able to block the arrow. But in the blue space, the arrow sends out a dazzling blue flame, and countless runes like green seal script gush out crazily. With a bang, it shoots into the light column, like a knife splitting a bamboo knot, splitting the silver light column!

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What means can Xiao Hua escape from the interception! Wisdom is like your fairy friends. What do you think?