Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 865

"Ah..." At the same time, Zhuang Bi screamed in the distance. Situ Hong's thunder spear was always more powerful than Zhuang Bi's ten day Yao Tian. It not only pierced through ten days, but also pierced into Zhuang Bi's left shoulder to smash Zhuang Bi's half immortal body!

"Ah, Er Qi Xian That's great! " Although Xiao Hua's wishful stick has already hit situ Hong's head, but situ Hong has killed Gu Gu and injured Zhuang Bi in the blink of an eye, which shows the strength of the two immortals. Xiao Hua can't help but feel frustrated. In the face of the two Qi immortals, Xiao Hua really does not have the strength to fight back. Even if you add Zhuang Bi and Gu, let alone two two Qi immortals, if you didn't shoot the lonely sword, Xiao Hua would have been captured by now!

Sure enough, situ Hong's eyes were full of irony when he saw Xiao Hua's giant stick coming. He was shooting the arrow from the sun while his right hand was the same as thunder's. Xiao Hua's left and near space was closed. Ruyi stick just defeated a little thunder. It could not hurt situ Hong at all, and he could not get out of the predicament!

Seeing that Xiao Hua was about to be captured, Xiao Hua's left hand was slightly open, "brush..." Hundreds of crystal symbols are falling like rain.

"Boom boom..." The space waves flooded around situ Hongxian's body.

Situ Hong frowned a little. The space crystal symbol was so powerful that he couldn't avoid it. Let alone the burst of the space crystal symbol, it attracted the blue light. However, when he was distracted, he said, "boom..." Xiao Hua Mei's heart suddenly gave birth to a silver column of light, which seemed to shoot from the immortal trace, and fell to situ Hong's forehead in an instant!

Situ Hong didn't expect that Xiao Hua had such strange means. He was scared to death. How dare he capture Xiao Hua? With a big hand, he tried his best to throw Xiao Hua out, and he was even more desperate!

Although situ Hong did his best, he just went back a thousand feet and said, "poof..." With a light sound, the silver beam has penetrated his head! Or in situ Hong see machine fast, silver light column did not directly hit situ Hong's immortal mark!

"Damn it Situ Hong was sweating in his vest. He felt the power of the silver light column, and his fear came back. "If I was careless, I would be hit by this light column, and I would end up like Wei Sheng!"

As he spoke, situ Hong grabbed the two arrows in his hand and turned his head to look at Xiao Hua!

Sima Hong shot Xiao Hua to the Qingbei. Before the Qingbei, there was zhuangbi, but zhuangbi was hit by Sima Hong and let the space out. At this time, the Qingbei was just repaired. When the Qingbei was covered from top to bottom, Xiao Hua happened to bump into it, just like a stone into a pool There was a ripple in the light, and Xiao Hua disappeared.

It's nothing. Strangely, with the disappearance of Xiao Hua's figure, the ripples will start to disappear!

"Damn it..." Situ Hong scolded again. This time, there was no sound coming from the Qingbei. Who knows where Xiao Hua was sent again?

After his low scolding, situ Hong's body turned into thunder light, and with a loud "click", he had already rushed into the green stele that had never disappeared. His speed and Zhuang Bi, who was the two immortals, were also stunned!

"This This... " Zhuang bi was abandoned by situ Hong, which made him feel a little lost. However, he forced himself to fly up, looked down at the broken immortal body, and saw that there was only a Xuanwu like empty shadow of the green stele that had disappeared. His face frowned.

Zhuang Bi clearly remembers that it was only a few ten days ago that he was successful in his ten day practice of Yao Tian. He was just flying out of the closed door. As soon as he flew out, he saw a green dragon and a gilded dragon. With Zhuang Bi's style of meeting each other, he immediately stopped the two dragon families. When he asked, he knew that the green dragon was a Ku and the gilded dragon was a Xuan ho.

Zhuang Bizhi is listening to Tianxue, but he doesn't plan to enter Youji. However, when he hears Gu's saying that the cold and green light is actually from Youji, he doesn't realize that there is something strange in his heart. He knew exactly what the power of the cold blue light was, and his ten day glory depended on the power of the cold blue light.

Seeing that he meets Gu and Xuanhe occasionally, Zhuang Bi feels that he should go to Youji to visit. Zhuang Bi had this idea, and Gu was more happy. Er Qi Xian was several times more powerful than Xiao Hua, which was beyond Gu's reach. At that time, Gu only said that there was a powerful fairy friend with him, and he even sent a message Jingfu. But Zhuang Bi didn't know that it would be Xiao Hua, let alone that Xiao Hua was participating in the sea market in Zihuan Island space at that time. Gu's message Jingfu couldn't arrive at all!

So Zhuang Bi took Gu and Xuanhe into the secluded world. Gu intended to use Xiao Hua's frost sword to break the barrier from the dark purple space to the blue space. With Zhuang Bi, this barrier is nothing. It took several yuan days for Gu to find out where the barrier was weak when he entered last time and let Zhuang Bi enter. As for the blue space to the next layer of barrier, Zhuang Bi, Gu and Xuan ho have been looking for nearly ten days, but they have not found a suitable place. Even Zhuang Bi has used his magic power, but still can not break the ban. Just when one immortal and two dragons are at a loss, Zhuang Bi finds the eagle like protrusion hidden in the dense like boundless tree branches, and also sees the Xuanwu like notch on the eagle like protrusion!

Zhuang Bi's heart leaped wildly when he saw the mark. He didn't want to put his half green stele with Xuanwu on it. Sure enough, the base of Xuanwu coincided with the mark on the eagle like protuberance.At the moment of coincidence, some blue light began to gush out from the eagle like protrusion. After passing through the Xuanwu above the Qingbei, it turned into green light straight up, and then condensed into a complete virtual shadow of the Qingbei. So the half of the Qingbei that Xiao Hua was holding also formed a virtual shadow. At this time, some obscure fairy formulas appeared in the virtual shadow of the Qingbei!

At this time, Zhuang Bi didn't know that although the Qingbei came from Tianxue, it was used by Youji. He quickly began to recite xianjue. When the xianjue was finished, countless butterfly shaped virtual shadows began to swirl inside half of the Qingbei's virtual shadow. When the vortex formed, a blue light column fell from the sky on the Qingbei. As for Xiao Hua It flew out from the crack of the two green steles.

Zhuang Bi and Gu screamed at the same time. It was not until then that they knew that the fairy friend they were waiting for was the same person!

Unfortunately, Xiao Hua was also very surprised, but he was far from the surprise Zhuang Bi and Gu thought. The panic on his face was that they had never seen him. Xiao Hua can't tell in detail. He only says that there are two Er Qi immortals chasing after him, and he wants to run away from Youji in a hurry. But he just soared and was caught up by Zhuang Bi. Zhuang Bi's three words made Xiao Hua change his mind.

The first sentence is: since the Jingfu of Gu's message says you Ji, the two Er Qi immortals will surely come after you, and they will be sent by the three clan leaders of chenxiaohai. Although Xiao Hua has a green stele, the chieftains of the three clans of chenxiaohai must also have similar means. Xiao Hua's front foot will come, and the two two immortals and the chieftains of the three clans will come back. Now Xiao Hua has been blocked in the secluded, and it is impossible to escape. Of course, if the two Er Qi immortals didn't hear the word Youji, and they didn't come to Youji, why did Xiao Hua want to escape?

The second sentence is: Qingbei is used in Youji. Qingbei is placed on the eagle like protrusion and is slowly healing. It must be the transmission channel leading to the next layer. If the channel becomes Xiaohua, he can enter the next layer through the channel. Even if two Erqi immortals come, it is impossible to find Xiaohua's trace. Of course, if Qingbei can't heal in time, Zhuang Bi pats his chest and promises to join hands with Xiao Hua! Xiao Hua dare not place his hope on the healing of Qingbei, but he believes in Zhuang Bi's strength and commitment. Xiao Hua has a sword that Gu shoots alone. He is confident that he can attack and kill one Er Qi immortal. The other Er Qi immortal is restrained by Zhuang Bi. Working together with Gu and Xuanhe, Xiao Hua may not have no chance to win. Xiao Hua's heart, Zhuang Bi said the third sentence.

Since Xiao Hua and Zhuang Bi got two and a half pieces of Qingbei in Shujin dead space, they planned to listen to Tianxue to find the chance together, but they didn't expect that the chance was in Youji of Chenxiao sea, and Qingbei helped Xiao Hua out of a disaster temporarily. Therefore, Qingbei and Youji must be Xiaohua's blessed places, and there will be a great chance.

When it comes to chance, Xiao Hua doesn't think of his own congealed body, which is also full of twists and turns. Not to mention the lost congealed trace, just talking about shulinggen, it's true that real thunder has entered xiaolingtian, but it's hard for him to make it. At the end of the mountain, there is no way out. Xiao Hua still finds the pass token of xiaolingtianxian ban in chenxiaohai. If there is no accident, the pass token should have the same function as the Qingbei. That is to say, real thunder can enter xiaolingtian and get shulinggen, and Xiao Hua can coagulate after getting shulinggen.

Xiao Hua slightly measured his strength after condensing. Even if he was not the middle level of the two Qi immortals, he could get to the middle and lower level. If so, Xiao Hua would be sure to escape from the pursuit of the two Qi immortals. Therefore, Xiao Hua made up his mind to escape into the depths of Youji and hide in it. When real thunder finds Shuling root, he immediately condenses. Moreover, Xiao Hua also knows that only the strange place like Youji can make him escape the joint pursuit of situ Hong and Wei Sheng with the power of taboo!

Since it was decided, Xiao Hua immediately followed Zhuang bifei to the side of Qingbei to discuss how to kill the two Erqi immortals and how to use the power of Qingbei to enter the next level.

After hearing that Xiao Hua had the power to kill one of the two immortals, Zhuang bi was shocked and determined that he could kill another one! So two men and two dragons began to lay out. But without waiting for their layout to be completed, the death light of Zhuling in Youji appears. Gu was killed by Zhuling's death light last time. Preparations have been made here for a long time, and Zhuang Bi talked about it when exploring the two levels of Youji space. However, the death light of Zhuling came so suddenly that Zhuang Bi and others could not find a suitable hiding place.

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Almost killed by situ Hong, can Xiao Hua escape this time?