Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 864

It was only here that situ Hong had time to release Yannian. He clearly saw that in the incomplete healing crack of the previous Qingbei, a young immortal in Confucian costume was flying out on the thunder. Wasn't it Er Qi Xian Zhuang Bi?

Just at the right time, Zhuang Bi held the long sword in his hand. The sword was like a rainbow. It pierced the void and the thunder light. Without half stagnation, it still pierced the back of situ Hong's head!

Seeing the innate Qi flowing on the long sword, his body was protected. As soon as Lei Guang touched the innate Qi, it immediately turned into nothingness. Situ Hong's face changed suddenly! He's almost right-handed without thinking!

Situ Hong flashed, Lei Guang's right arm met with Jian Guang, making a "click" roar. The flesh and blood mixed with the collapse of Lei Guang, and the long sword like the sun also stopped!

Unfortunately, the sword stopped, but the inborn Qi in the sword was like an invincible counter current, rushing into situ Hong's immortal body and rushing to situ Hong's heart!

"Silk..." Situ Hong took a breath of cold air, and knew that he underestimated the two Qi immortal who was inferior to himself. He quickly shook his immortal body. On the thunder armor, the color of gold suddenly turned into rings and penetrated into the immortal body.

"Keng Keng..." The innate Qi broke through more than ten rings, and Sheng defeated the immortal body of situ Hong and even the thunder armor. Then it slowly disappeared.

At this time, "hum..." A very sharp sound came from the place where Wei Sheng and Xiao Hua fought. Situ Hong was so shocked that he couldn't fight with Zhuang Bi. He tried his best to get out of the battle group and looked at the source of the sound!

But see Xiao Hua is still bound by the green whip, the green stripes of the green whip almost tear Xiao Hua's baby body, but a skeleton on Xiao Hua's baby body flickers, white light and shadow will try to block the green whip! That is, in the entanglement of green light and white light, Xiao Hua Mei's heart has a white light like lightning across the dark and blue light, with the power of lightning to directly nail into the immortal baby's heart in front of Xiao!

Where the white light fell, Wei Sheng's Fairy baby was broken like a moon in the water. Before the broken baby was scattered, it had been swallowed by the white light. In the dim light, a broken arrow stood out in the eye!

"Ah?" Situ Hong cried out. He knew in his heart that Wei Sheng, who was a high-level law robber in zhanglv palace, was dead now! He died in the hands of an immortal baby who seems to be only a high-level Yanxian, but actually has reached the middle level of the five elements! And this fairy baby is Wei Sheng's prey all the way!

The hunter died in the hands of his prey. This was the first time situ Hong really faced it.

Wei Sheng fell, and the green whip tied to Xiao Hua immediately lost its brilliance. Xiao Hua grabbed the green whip and the things left by Wei Sheng's body. Unfortunately, in the secluded world, Xiao Hua could not explore the space, so he could only temporarily put them in his left hand space.

Then Xiao Hua suddenly raised his head and looked at situ Hong coldly!

Situ Hong shivered and almost had the impulse to escape immediately!

"Hum..." With a cold snort, situ Hong looked around and said, "it's just a five element immortal, a two Qi immortal, and a dragon family who wants to fight with me?"

"Two Fairy Friends..." Xiao Hua came slowly. It was in a triangle shape with Zhuang Bi and Gu that he trapped situ Hong in the center. Xiao Hualang said, "the war situation is as we expected. Now there is only the man in the penalty palace, and he is still If Zheng Xianyou is injured, we can kill him together! And your wishes will come true.... "

"Kill..." There's no need for Xiao Hua to say that even now, either you die or I live. Zhuang Bi and Gu have no choice at all!

"Brush..." When Xiao Hua exclaimed, hundreds of blue light filaments came out of thin air, which not only blocked Xiao Hua, but also fell on situ Hong!

As soon as situ Hong's face changed, he was about to start, "roar..." Gu in situ Hong side of a roar, the sound of dragon howling earth shaking!

"Brush..." It's a pity that blue doesn't have long eyes. With the roaring of the dragon, it's pouring out around situ Hongxian's body!

Situ Hong felt that thunder armor was destroyed again. He did not dare to let Zhuang Bi say, "Wu..." As situ Hong raised his hand, thunder spear appeared out of thin air!

However, without waiting for situ Hong to push the spear, "whoosh..." The sun arrow once again flew across the sky and shot at situ Hong's vest!

"Ha ha ha..." Zhuang Bi even laughed and clapped his own top door. Ten fireballs of different colors shot up into the sky, roaring at situ Hong like a meteor chasing the moon.

The five fireballs contain innate Qi, and the five fireballs contain the meaning of closing Yin and Yang. These fireballs contain each other and attract each other. The Confucian immortal and Taoist immortal skills are also like the convergence of yin and Yang!

Zhuang Bi's face is full of pride. Long before he came to chenxiaohai, the immortal skill, which is called ten day Yaotian, had never been so perfect. However, liubize had a match to select the alliance of Fu and Taoism. The words of xuanlinfu's concubine Lingyu awakened Zhuang Bi. After he separated from Xiao Hua, Zhuang Bi felt the difference of the light of the cold shy green, and then he found the gate near Youji and went in with the help of the light of the cold shy green Practice.

Zhuang Bi's real strength may not match that of situ Hong, but as soon as Yao Tian came out these ten days, he immediately sealed the space on one side of situ Hong. Even though there was still thunder flash on situ Hong's broken armor, the thunder light had been shocked, and it was even more like a small snake. It was not as fierce as before!On the other side of situ Hong was the dragon roaring fiercely. A lot of blue light came with the dragon roaring like waves. The blue light looked slim but had infinite power. Situ Hong was afraid to avoid it. How could he face it?

At situ Hong's waistcoat, Xiao Hua's broken arrow from the sun broke through the air. The broken arrow made the sound of crying and howling. The blue light fell down, and the infinite power came down like a mountain. The sharp point of the arrow was far beyond the ordinary. Even the eyes could pierce it. Xiao Hua was the farthest away from situ Hong. But when this arrow was shot, there were 97 cracks in situ Hong's waistcoat armor The trace goes deep into the immortal body!

"Damn it..." In the face of three attacks, situ Hong gave a low scold. He didn't know that it must have been negotiated by two immortals and one dragon earlier?

Situ Hong didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly patted the immortal mark in the center of his eyebrows with his right hand Two thunderbolts vibrate, and the two thunder lights fly out as the Dragon phase. The Dragon phase falls into the air not far away, but roars up to the sky, dancing and winding with each other. Countless green and red dragon patterns condense into eight trigrams and fly out in the light and shadow of the Dragon phase!

Seeing the strong dragon in the eight trigrams and greed in the Gu eyes, I know that there must be high-level dragon in situ Hongxian trace! The light and shadow of the eight trigrams are rapidly condensed with the flying of the dragon, but in the blink of an eye, a huge eight trigrams has formed to protect situ Hong, and there are two giant dragons on the eight trigrams!

At the same time, situ Hong's left hand was not idle. He still grasped the thunder spear out of thin air!

"Broken..." Situ Hong's tongue burst into a spring thunder. With a roar and the immortal force of his left hand, the thunder spear came out and stabbed Zhuang Bi for ten days!

"Boom..." Situ Hong did his best. The power of thunder was extraordinary. But when he saw the flash of thunder, the spear of thunder had already crossed the sky and pierced the first fireball. Then the thunder was more like the fighting spirit of God, and rushed forward to the second fireball!

"Damn it..." Zhuang Bi's face changed greatly, and his arrogance disappeared long ago. It was not only because situ Hong's strike was far more powerful than he thought, but also because after he hit the spear, he didn't pay any attention to Zhuang Bi at all. Instead, he suddenly turned around, put up his left thumb, and put his backhand into his heart!

But see blood light from situ Hong's chest burst out, blood light, "brush" a engraved blood lines of white light rushed out! However, strangely tight, the white light did not rush at Xiao Hua, but pierced situ Hong's immortal body

"Ah?" At this time, Xiao Hua's arrow had been shot close to situ Hong's vest. Suddenly, situ Hong turned around, and the white light suddenly appeared. Xiao Hua's eyes swept and his face was shocked. He could not help but cry in a low voice, "you You... "

Because there was also a broken arrow in the white light, which was the second half of the arrow, and the breath of the broken arrow was exactly the same as that of the arrow shooting at the sun. If not expected, it must be another part of the arrow shooting at the sun.

The change was so sudden that Xiao Huagen could not cope with it Under situ Hong's heart, the sun arrow stabbed into situ Hong's bloodstain, and the tip of the sun arrow collided with the tail of the sun arrow!

"Hey, hey..." Situ Hong smiles a little, and the mysterious fairy formula in his hand comes out. A touch of blood color suddenly comes out at the tail of the arrow. The blood color stimulates white light, and the white light covers the tip of the arrow. Then, the tail of the arrow suddenly turns around and stabs at situ Hong's other side with a "whoosh" of the arrow

Isn't this the four or two kilos that Xiao Hua used in Zihuan island sea market? But now, situ Hong took the tip of the arrow with his hand, and with the whole power of the arrow, the two immortals turned to kill Gu?

Xiao Hua couldn't control the arrow. He knew that it was situ Hong's secret skill of blood light. He immediately knew that it was not good. He quickly said, "you fairy Gu, run away..."

With that, Xiao Hua raised his left hand, lifted out the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff, and used all his strength to hit situ Hong!

Xiao Hua is not unhappy when he sees the opportunity. It's a pity that he can't make a sound. In any case, he can't compare with the sun arrow, not to mention that the Gu is blocked by the blue light tide, so he can't see the sun arrow in a flash!

If that arrow is really a weapon to shoot the sun, even if it's a blue light wave, it will be pierced immediately under the sun!

"Ah..." Gu a scream, that arrow has penetrated his dragon head, what armor, what dragon breath, what dragon pattern is just a flash and out!

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The two immortals and one dragon can't succeed in killing situ Hong. It's not a blow!!

In memory of Jin Yong, great Xia Jin! Great Xia left yesterday, and his works are still in the world. In fact, we don't know much about great Xia Jin. What we know is the characters in his works. The best way to commemorate great Xia Jin is to go on his old way and make "great Xia" shine. Flower visitors dare not say much, but dare to step on this road and watch his back, Although I am lonely, I am gone