Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 863

However, just as Wei Sheng's body was close to his big hand, he suddenly changed, "whoosh..." A shadow suddenly appeared in the middle of Xiao Hua's left hand, which was like a remnant sword. As Xiao Hua's left hand raised hard, the remnant sword "Keng..." The sound of the sword sounds very strange!

"Ah?" Wei Sheng was a little stunned. Although he yelled, he didn't let ecstasy dazzle his mind. He still paid attention to the strange appearance of Xiao Hua's corpse around him. He was surprised to see Xiao Hua's left hand move and even a shadow appeared. However, Xiao Hua has been imprisoned by him now. He doesn't think sword shadow can be powerful.

However, when the strange sound of the sword started, Wei Sheng's heart trembled, and immediately saw that the remnant sword stabbed him like a sword wave. The sword wave was closed for thousands of miles, and there was no immortal spirit in it. He wanted to kill everything again!

Jianlang's sword spirit is so sharp that it has just revealed that it has imprisoned Wei Sheng's whole body. The immortal force, blood, immortal baby and other places in his body are like being pierced by endless filaments. The immortal scar is painful and wants to crack without opening it!

"It's time to Damn it Wei Sheng's soul flew out of the sky and said in secret, "this This is a real immortal sword... "

The light of the sword came so fast that Wei Sheng was just a student. The light of the sword had already hit him. Wei Sheng could not resist at all!

This It's also the root cause of Xiao Hua's adventure!

"Poof..." A blue bamboo hanging around Wei Sheng's waist was broken first, and the sound of "brush" was accompanied by countless small bamboo like green lights. The blue bamboo was condensed into a huge image of the palace palace. Unfortunately, the palace did not show its majestic posture at all, and it had been destroyed by the sword light.

"Click..." At the moment when the blue light was annihilated, a bronze human pendant was hung on Wei Sheng's chest, which burst from his chest and abdomen. A tiny human figure flew out from the inside. The shape of the person was like Wei Sheng's, and the body was blood red. There were still strands of blood marks carved into strange tadpoles. The blood man flew out, and the void in front of his head immediately gave birth to a dark passage as thin as hair, and a very thin light silk in the immortal mark on Wei Sheng's eyebrows Instantly fell into the blood man's eyebrow, the blood light around the blood man flashed, and immediately disappeared in the dark channel. Unfortunately, as soon as the blood man disappeared, tens of thousands of swords appeared around the dark passage. The swords fell into the void, "poof..." With a loud sound and a flash of blood, Wei Sheng's ancient blood amulet was easily destroyed.

At the same time, Wei Sheng's Ice Crystal Fairy clothes rose like a Phoenix, "ouch..." There was a whirring sound from the immortal clothes. Countless green runes, which were very similar to the green seal script, came out like tadpoles. There were tens of thousands of small eddies on the surface of Wei Sheng's body. The eddies were dazzling in the blue light. It seemed that there was an open abyss in each of the eddies, which swallowed up the incomparable sword light!

"Hoo..." Seeing the light of the sword annihilate for a little while, Wei Sheng couldn't help but feel relieved.

Unfortunately, he did not spit out his anger, "hum..." The remnant sword, which had been hidden in the light of the sword, roared again and burst from the inside. A nine palace virtual shadow, electric light and flint, which was like eight trigrams, came out and turned into thousands of light!

"Nine Jiugong Zhenxian Wei Sheng exclaimed in his heart. Suddenly, he thought of something and cried, "situ Hong did harm to me!"

What's the use of Wei Sheng thinking about it now?

"Puff, puff, puff..." A shower of rain makes a dense sound like a banana. The sword light goes into the tiny whirlpool of fairy clothes and penetrates between the fingers. Then Wei Sheng's body surface gives birth to seven huge purple gold marks. The mark is rotating and needs to condense into the ancient fairy forbidden. However, at this time, the sword light is more ferocious than before and directly inserts into the purple gold luster. The "boom boom boom" is loud, the purple gold is broken and the mark is broken Annihilation.

"Brush..." The sword light pierces into Wei Sheng's body surface. The immortal mark of Wei Sheng suddenly splits, the green light condenses into a bamboo knot, the red light gathers into a bloodstain, and falls madly from the top door. The bamboo knot is not disordered, but coagulates into the unfolding shape of the book. The bloodstain is not scattered, but produces the mysterious form of the Dharma array. The book and the Dharma array are even more intertwined, trying to protect Wei Sheng's body.

The two colors of green and red are the images of Wei Sheng's two Qi immortals, whose Yin and yang are closed to each other. Under the light and shadow, the body and blood of the immortals are combined with the traces of the immortals. Unfortunately, even so, the closed image still collapsed in the sword light!

"Roar..." Seeing Wei Sheng's body collapse, his flesh and blood turned into dust, a roar of the beast sounded from his body again, but the virtual shadow of a bear like an immortal broke through his broken blood! In the name of the immortal beast, the stone bear Xiang, whose body is comparable to the immortal utensil, Wei Sheng refined the blood sacrifice of the stone bear into a Dharma body to protect his life in a critical moment. As soon as the shadow of the immortal beast and the gravel bear appeared, countless yellowish brown toothed blood stains coagulated rapidly in the shadow, "Keng Keng..." The overwhelming sword light pierces into these virtual shadows and makes a huge sound.

It's a pity that the secret body still can't completely resist the sword light. After the fireworks like light and shadow flashed through the flesh and blood burst, especially Wei Sheng's eyebrow immortal mark, "boom..." With a loud bang, countless green and red condensed eight trigrams, bright or dark, big or small, clear or fuzzy, pour out with some unspeakable fluctuations and debris. These eight trigrams are broken one after another by the sword light, and each broken light trace seems to have a virtual shadow of Wei Sheng.

"Wu..." In the blur of blood and flesh, there is a clear sound, like the wind roaring like an avalanche, and the three colors are shining. In the sky, a fairy baby in blue armor flies out. As soon as the fairy baby flew out, he immediately opened his mouth, and the "whoosh" blue light fell like electricity before the sword light. The green light had not yet revealed its shape, "boom..." With a loud noise, the surrounding space was distorted, and countless ghosts were revealed, which condensed into 365 blue skeletons, separating the fairy baby from the sword light!"Poop, poop..." The sword light still pierces into the skeleton and smashes it to pieces, but the blue light and shadow entangle it like a swamp. The sword light is no longer as sharp as it was at first!

However, Wei Sheng's Fairy baby is only broken. After a sharp cry, the blood light suddenly rises, and Wei Sheng's Fairy baby even escapes from the sword light and gets half of his life!

"It's time to Damn it Xiao Hua saw Gu's broken sword break through Wei Sheng's seven Immortals' protection, but he still couldn't kill Wei Sheng on the spot. He didn't realize that he was cursing himself! He knew in his heart that Wei Sheng would not have escaped from the heaven if he had not been in the secluded extreme, if he had not suppressed the power of the remnant sword to the maximum extent.

However, in Xiao Hua's heart, he said, "whoosh..." The blood baby suddenly turns around. His red eyes are like dripping blood. His broken right arm is only half of his arm. Suddenly he holds out a sharp thorn, which turns into cold light and stabs straight at Xiao Hua's eyebrow

Besides, situ Hong, the thunder spear smashed the core of the dragon's heart, and the body of the Dragon sank like gravel. With a smile, situ Hong ignored the corpse and turned to fly to Xiao Hua. At this moment, "brush..." At the bulge between the Dragon horns, the golden light shines like a star. Immediately, a huge green dragon flies out of the light. The huge dragon body completely fills up the left and near space, especially the mountain like dragon tail, and "boom" to situ Hong!

The distance is so close, the speed of the dragon tail shot down is so fast, situ Hong did not wait to wake up, the dragon tail has fallen on his head!

"Ha ha..." Who knows, in the face of the fierce dragon tail, situ Hong didn't panic at all. He just laughed and yelled, "I know there must be one around here!"

In other words, situ Hong's body was flying sideways, his left hand was raised, and a thunderous hand rose to the sky! There are too many thunder hands than Xiao Hua Ning. The big hands pass by, and the thunder is everywhere!

"Boom..." Thunder's big hand clutched the dragon's tail, but the dragon's tail was too heavy. The dragon's Qi was entangled on it. When the dragon's Qi defeated thunder's big hand, it forced situ Hong to fly upside down!

"Damn it Situ Hong's face was a little gloomy. When Qinglong flew out, he realized that Qinglong's strength was so ordinary that it was not worth fighting. But he had to deal with the attack of the dragon's tail. Now he was forced to fly upside down. He felt that his face had been broken by Qinglong's claws.

"Hum..." Situ Hong snorted coldly. Just as he was about to raise his hand and grab the thunder spear, there was a loud sound of "Keng". Even after that, the scream had already appeared in his mind.

Situ Hong was not surprised. Instead, he turned his head and looked at it with a smile. But he saw that Xiao Hua just raised his left hand, and the scream turned into sword light and pierced Wei Sheng's immortal body!

"Hey, hey..." Situ Hong laughed and said in secret, "brother Wei Xian, don't blame someone for not reminding you! Zhang Xiaohua was associated with a Jiugong immortal when he was born. A family doesn't believe that Zhang Xiaohua won't ask Jiugong immortal for one or two pieces of self-defense tools. Since brother Wei Xian has to meet that challenge, a family has to meet your requirements! "

However, seeing that Wei Sheng's immortal body was defeated by the sword light, situ Hong could not help but be surprised: "this That's too much! "

Unfortunately, he did not wait for this idea to come out, "Keng..." There was another sword sound, and a burning sharpness came out of Wei Sheng's head like the sun!

"Ah?" This sword was absolutely unexpected to situ Hong. He never thought that there was a fourth immortal besides Xiao Hua and the two dragons!

This sword was too fast, more than three points faster than the previous dragon tail. Situ Hong couldn't dodge at all. He quickly slapped the top door with his backhand and said, "boom..." A thunder burst into the sky and turned into a hammer to block the sword light!

"Poof..." As soon as the thunder came out, the sword light had hit it. It was the hammer that pierced it!

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The two Qi immortals are so powerful that you can't kill them with one blow!