Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 862

Just as situ Hong passed through the purple bottom, he felt that his immortal body was tight, as if there was a sense of transmission. Moreover, an extremely cold ice stab swept through his immortal body. Even if there was bone protection on his body surface and armor defense, it was irresistible.

Just feel the purple light in front of him, situ Hong is in another dark space! When the purple light flashed, situ Hong had noticed that there seemed to be another world in the purple light. Countless immortals, birds, mountains and clouds were born and died in a flash!

"It's so strange!" Situ Hong murmured in his heart, and secretly regretted that he had not explored more about the records of Youji before he came.

"Brother situ..." Just as situ Hong's figure had fallen, Wei Sheng's voice had come over and said, "look at that place!"

"Why?" Situ Hong was stunned and looked at Wei Sheng's direction, but he saw that the dark and blue light flashed deep, and a little blue light was as eye-catching as a star!

"Qingbei!" Situ Hong was shocked and said, "isn't this Qingguang the previous Qingbei?"

"If there is no accident, it should be!" Wei Sheng was very calm and didn't urge him to move. Instead, he looked down at the ring in his hand and replied faintly, "so Wei is waiting for brother situ!"

"Easy to say!" Situ Hong nodded and said, "you and I approach from two directions, still according to the previous agreement..."

"Well, watch out for the ambush!" Wei Sheng told situ Hong.

Situ Hong grinned bitterly, looked around and said, "you are so strange that you and I can't lay an ambush. How can other immortals be possible?"

"Ha ha, I'd rather believe something than nothing!" Wei Sheng laughed and turned to fall towards the deep blue light!

It was extremely cold, which was the only feeling of situ Hong. He had suffocated before, but now he didn't feel anything in the cold, as if he had been numb.

Strands of blue filaments, like branches, clouds and fireflies, spread all over the space. These filaments fluttered like the wind after the passing of situ Hong. Some filaments were brilliant when they collided, and some filaments were annihilated in the collision.

It was very abrupt. Situ Hong's eyes moved away from the cyan which was staring at the deep part of the dark place. He inadvertently glanced over these light filaments. Light and shadow also appeared in his eyes. The blue light also flashed on thunder armor which was full of holes.

"Why is Youji so beautiful?" In situ Hong's mind, a thought came out abruptly: "these light filaments can exist perfectly. If Ning Xue is here, she She must like... "

I think that situ Hong will sacrifice the bone mirror.

However, without waiting for the bone mirror to be like the moon, the light was already shining everywhere. In the distance, Wei Sheng exclaimed in surprise: "eh?"

Situ Hong looked quickly, and saw Wei Sheng looking down at the bone ring, pushing his body to the side of the blue light spot, as if to find something!

Situ Hong wanted to catch up with him, but his heart moved. He quickly raised his hand to the other side of the blue light spot. He knew in his heart that since he had made an appointment with Wei Sheng, no matter what Wei Sheng found, he had nothing to do with him. He had better explore other directions quickly!

Wei Sheng was a little excited, because he could see clearly in the bone ring that the blue light spot was as bright as a star. Not far away from the blue light spot, there was a faint human light and shadow floating like smoke and dust. If there was no accident, he would be an immortal!

Wei Sheng suddenly felt tight when he was flying for thousands of miles. When he looked down, he found that hundreds of blue light knots appeared on the Ice Crystal Fairy clothes. The light knots were like runes, freezing the light and shadow of the unicorn in the fairy clothes. Each frozen Unicorn had no previous dexterity, that is, the fluctuations inside had been annihilated, and he saw a complete one Ice Crystal Fairy clothes, this moment has a great flaw!

"Damn it Wei Sheng scolded and had to open the immortal mark again. At the silver light, another emerald green finger fell into his hand.

Wei Sheng put on his finger. When he was urged by Xianli, the finger sent out a light silk as thin as a cobweb. The light silk was dark blue, which was similar to the soul silk. The special light filament falls into the ice crystal immortal clothes. The immortal clothes seem to be driven by the soul power. The bright blue comes out from the inside, and the light and shadow of the almost annihilated Unicorn are as vivid as the finishing touch.

Wei Sheng's fingers were effective, his mouth was smiling, and he slowed down to take the human shape light and shadow. When he was still some distance away, he "brushed" Wei Sheng's waist. In the Ice Crystal Fairy clothes, a detective fairy suddenly flashed a light red light.

However, the red light flashed away, and several blue light knots appeared on the detective artifact. Then, with a "click" sound, the detective artifact cracked from the inside out.

"Lost congealing mark!" Wei Sheng gritted his teeth, and a kind of unspeakable pleasure came from his heart. He almost blurted out, "Zhang Xiaohua, you Finally, it fell into Wei's hands.... "

"Brush..." As Wei Sheng's voice fell to the ground, a blue light suddenly appeared around him. As soon as the light touched Wei Sheng's Ice Crystal Fairy clothes, the green luster of the fairy clothes immediately disappeared!

"Damn it Wei Sheng quickly dodged the blue light. Although he was gnashing his teeth this time, he didn't dare to say anything.

Situ Hong flew down from the other side of Qingguang. He didn't know much about Youji, so he used the light and shadow of bone mirror to carefully explore the surroundings, and paid close attention to Wei Sheng's movements. Although Wei Sheng was far away from him, his every move fell into his eyes. Seeing Wei Sheng's gaffe, how could he not know that Wei Sheng had found Xiao Hua's trace?Instead of Wei Sheng's loss and jealousy, situ Hong gave birth to a sneer in his heart. He knew Xiao Hua better than Wei Sheng. He knew that Xiao Hua had been here from yunmengze for several times and could not survive without extraordinary means. So he had more vigilance in his heart. Let Wei Sheng do it first is not so much to accept Wei Sheng's affection as to let Wei Sheng take risks for himself!

"Why? Liu long The light from the corner of situ Hong's eye swept through the blue and quiet light and shadow, and he found that on the other side of the blue light, a small body of Liulong was floating in the air, "this This is the one who sent a message to Zhang Xiaohua... "

Situ Hong thought that he was looking around.

It's a pity that there are many blue filaments around. There are many broken and nameless objects, but this is the only one! Situ Hong didn't dare to be contemptuous. He flew down cautiously. He even looked under the corpse and the blue light. Now the blue light is hazy. It seems that there is a column of blue light that looks like an eagle flying under the green light. However, there is nothing unusual about this column of light. Even this column of blue light is far away from the mountain like blue light at the bottom of Youji.

"The light column is smooth, there is nothing to hide in..." Situ Hong said in secret, "even if there are immortals hidden in the mountains at the bottom, it's impossible to attack me. Is there really no ambush? This Liulong was originally arranged by Zhang Xiaohua. They meet here again, but the death light of Zhuling just appears. They have no time to escape. They all fall down? "

Although situ Hong thought so, he still could not rest assured. As soon as he raised his hand, a spear shaped immortal was sacrificed. The thunder of the spear shaped immortal condensed and flashed like thunder armor in his hand.

The thunder light on situ Hong's side twinkled, and the green light on Wei Sheng's side also appeared. The green light looked like a snake, and it looked like a green whip. The green light twinkled, reflecting Wei Sheng's cautious look. Wei Sheng took a look at the thunder light on situ Hong's whole body, and his eyes fell on the green stone like light.

But I can see that this is a common Xuanwu tuobei in fairyland. Xuanwu lies in a blue flowing groove. The tiny fireflies on the groove still flow like silk. In the light and shadow, Xuanwu seems to swim in the water. When Xuanwu's limbs dance, countless blue light filaments rush out of the groove and rush into the Qingbei through Xuanwu. The blue light falls into the Qingbei and disappears. A lot of bud like runes gush out from the bottom of the contact between the Qingbei and Xuanwu, and then turn into a cyan flame and spread towards the top of the Qingbei. In the cyan light and shadow, the Qingbei appears and disappears in the void, and the strange black-and-white ice marks appear like lanterns.

Wei Sheng's Yan Nian was blocked by the blue light, and he couldn't see the inside of the ice mark, but the fine lines of the ice mark were obscure, which seemed to convey the breath of immortal array.

Wei Sheng's eyes finally stopped in the middle of the Qingbei, where a crack was obvious, but the crack gushed out a lot of tiny light under the green light, and the crack slowly closed between the broken light.

"Hey, hey..." Wei Sheng sneered, looked at the Qingbei and the body of the Dragon near situ Hong, and said, "it looks like a trap. I'd better leave it to situ Hong."

Wei Sheng and Szeto hung, both of whom were possessed by evil spirits, stopped at the same time, and even looked at each other with tacit understanding. If they were not very strange, they were far away from each other and could not communicate, otherwise they would have to discuss.

Of course, even if there was no discussion, one was the high-level law robbing envoys of zhanglv palace, the other was the high-level prison patrolling envoys of penalty palace. They were also experienced in all kinds of battles, but they just looked at each other, and they had a tacit understanding of each other At the same time!

In his hands, situ carried forward his spear, like the thunder pen of the immortal world of punishment, stabbing at the core of the Liulong heart. Wei Sheng raised his hand, and the green whip turned into a dragon, roaring at Xiao Hua's corpse like baby.

However, Wei Sheng's green whip obviously stopped in the air for a while, as if the immortal power was poor.

Situ Hong's thunder spear did not have any hindrance, "poof..." The sound of "click" is very little. Although the voice was very slight, Wei Sheng could see it clearly. He was glad that green whip had already imprisoned Xiao Hua's body!

Seeing that the green whip turned into several green bamboo knots to bind Xiao Hua's baby body, and even began to infiltrate into Xiao Hua's baby body, Wei Sheng couldn't help laughing!

"Zhang Xiaohua..." Until this time, Wei Sheng was relieved to fall quickly. He grabbed the green whip with his big hand and cried, "you have today, too!"

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Wise as you, you must know that this is a trap, because Zhuang Bi and Lao long are not around, but situ Hong and Wei Sheng don't know!