Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 861

After a meal, situ Hong and Wei Sheng sneak into the deep. What puzzles them is that with the deepening of the journey, the colder it is, it is almost frozen. The suffocation becomes more and more heavy. It seems that the mountains are pressing down on them, but the taboo utensils become more and more thick and bright.

For another half an hour, it seems that at the bottom of the space, a lot of purple light and shadow spread all over the mountain forest, and frost spread all over the branches of light! It's like a forest in winter.

Situ Hong watched Wei Sheng urge you Bi light and shadow to fly close. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly thought of something. He quickly shut up and waved to Wei Sheng, indicating that he didn't find the trace of Zhang Xiaohua. Unexpectedly, Wei Sheng's voice said: "brother situ, you can transmit sound within a short distance. I've just seen it. There's no trace of Zhang Xiaohua here. If you don't, it means that I'm not in this space

Situ Hong had a fever on some of his faces, and he quickly said, "not bad! But Youji is known as the deepest part of the fairyland. There must be other space under this space. I can't wait to try to look down... "

"Don't worry..." Wei Sheng said with a smile, "no, if I have a closer look and see if there are traces of breaking the ban on the bottom floor, maybe I can determine whether Zhang Xiaohua is in it!"

"As you wish!" Situ Hong agreed and let out Yan Nian to explore carefully.

Yannian can barely get to the bottom of the purple forest, but every time Yannian sweeps through the ice cold place, Yannian is like a needle, which makes him really uncomfortable.

"With the strength of my two immortals, it's so troublesome here..." Situ Hong frowned, "how can other immortals go deep into the deep?"

After half a cup of tea, situ Hongxian's body was shocked. He really found a big deep hole in a place. The deep hole was pierced with more than ten purple filaments, barely allowing an immortal to pass through. And inside the deep hole, there is a colder breath gushing out, even in the purple torn bottom, and inside the deep hole, there is a dark blue light like a needle!

Situ Hong wrote down this place and went to other places to explore. After searching, he returned to the place where he had met with Wei Sheng. Wei Sheng had been waiting for a long time. He said anxiously, "brother situ, can you get something?"

"There's a place to break the ban. It's directly under the space..." Situ Hong didn't hide anything. He replied, "there's no trace except that place."

"Great!" Wei Sheng caressed his hand and said, "there is no trace in the direction of a certain family. It seems that Zhang Xiaohua has really entered the deep place from here!"

"The problem is..." Situ Hong was puzzled and said, "Zhang Xiaohua is just a five element immortal, and he is also an immortal baby. What's he doing here? He Can you go deep into the space under the secluded pole? "

"Don't you want to make sure?" Wei Sheng said with a smile, "if he is not in Youji, you and I will rely on our own abilities after we go out."

"That's all!" He sighed and flew to the deep cave. When he saw the cave, he was stunned. However, for such a period of time, the cave had shrunk a lot and could not accommodate an immortal.

"I'm afraid the ban will be broken!" However, before he finished his words, the whole bottom suddenly vibrated, his voice was lengthened, and the purple light and shadow became more and more bright!

"Quick..." Wei Sheng didn't even think about it and said, "hide quickly..."

With that, Wei Sheng's body floated and fell to a place like a tree hole!

"Damn it Situ Hong almost scolded him. He knew that Wei Sheng must have something secret. Otherwise, Wei Sheng could not find the tree hole so easily. He must have been paying attention to it all the time.

At this time, situ Hong had no time to think more. He turned his head and flew to a place Just as situ Hong was hiding in a cave like space, there was a roar on the ground. Countless lights broke out from the ground and went straight up into the sky. The whole space became bright. Previously, the floating rocks and immortal objects were either destroyed or pierced by the cave.

After light, the whole space fell into darkness again.

Situ Hong hid in the space, and his mind was blank. When the light suddenly rose, he clearly felt a kind of unspeakable tremor coming from the bottom of his heart. The light with light purple was completely disappeared. It was like being in a transparent and unshaded space. At this time, the previously explored secluded space had a panoramic view, a kind of incomparable fear from the abyss Terror, in a moment will cover the entire space!

When the terror struck, situ Hong felt that time had stopped, space had disappeared, and all the feelings, bodies, spirits and so on had turned into nothingness. Straight to the horror of the tide receded, before the eyes slowly into the dark, previously feel bored quiet at this time, even let situ Hong feel warm, this for a strength to achieve Yin and Yang autistic two Qi immortal, really incredible!

Situ Hong came back to explore. A moment later, he was relieved. Although the thunder armor for body protection was just a bullet, his fingers were full of holes, and there were thousands of small stabbing wounds on the immortal body, in the meridians, and on the immortal baby. But all the wounds were not fatal. Situ Hong hastened to urge his mental method to repair them, but suddenly he found that it was very quiet There is no spirit at all.Situ Hong thought for a moment, swallowed a elixir, slowly mended the wound, and then carefully explored around. But seeing that the purple light and shadow of the mountain rock was as thin as paper, as if it could be broken with a finger, situ Hong couldn't help sweating on his forehead. He couldn't imagine what kind of desperate situation he would face if the mountain rock was defeated and he didn't hide in this space in time.

"Damn it Situ Hong murmured and said with some resentment, "Wei Sheng must know something! He actually... "

Although situ Hong was complaining that Wei Sheng didn't tell him in advance, he could turn to think that if Wei Sheng didn't want to use his own power to contain Xiao Hua's possible companions, Wei Sheng would have fallen if he didn't choose not to remind him or remind him half a moment later!

Just then, Wei Sheng flew in from a distance. When he saw situ Hong, he quickly said with a smile: "sorry, brother situ, Wei has forgotten that you have killed the spirit. If you don't see the opportunity quickly, you and I will fall here!"

Situ Hongfei came out and said with a bitter smile: "there's nothing to be ashamed of. If brother Wei Xian didn't remind me, a family would not have escaped death, but how did they even die I don't know! "

"Sorry, sorry..." Wei Sheng naturally heard the sarcasm in situ Hong's mouth and said repeatedly, "Wei really didn't expect that the death of Zhuling was rare. It's said that it didn't happen once in his lifetime..."

"That's it, that's it..." Situ Hong had no choice but to wave his hand. "It's a certain family that doesn't care. No wonder brother Wei Xian, let's go, or hurry to find Zhang Xiaohua!"

"He?" Wei Sheng also had a wry smile and shook his head. "The extremely quiet death light of Zhuling is one of the great killers of our immortal world. Let alone Xianying, it's the common five element immortal If you can't avoid it, you'll die. Wei doesn't think Zhang Xiaohua can avoid it. I'm afraid you're going to run for nothing. "

"Then I have to go and see..." Looking at Wei Sheng, situ Hong realized that he was a bit of a tempter, so he said with a smile, "he's carrying the secret martial arts of our penalty palace. How can he live to see people and die to see corpses?"

"Ha ha, let's go..." Wei Sheng laughed. "Under the light of Zhuling's death, I'm afraid you can't even see the corpse!"

Just now, there is another space vibration like a beep!

The previous gap leading to the lower layer was not enough for Wei Sheng and others to pass through. Now the gap seems to have been torn by his big hand and opened up a lot. Countless purple filaments are pulled apart radially and fall obliquely in the dark.

Wei Sheng took a look at situ Hong and asked with a smile, "brother situ, who will go down first?"

Seeing that Wei Sheng's face became more and more natural after the death of Zhuling, situ Hong was a little surprised. He was not sure what Wei Sheng was thinking. So he looked at the place where some blue light came out, and the purple color around him. He thought for a moment: "just now, Zhuling dead light, some family owes you a favor. Now I will return it to you. Brother Wei Xian enters first. If you see Zhang Xiao Hua, brother Wei Xian can do it first! "

"Good!" Wei Sheng caressed his hand and said with a smile, "although Zhang Xiaohua may not be still alive, since brother situ said something, Wei also inherited brother situ's feelings. You and I will analyze it according to the most optimistic situation. If there is no accident, besides Zhang Xiaohua, there is a messenger inside. Of course, it is also possible that Zhang Xiaohua is not in Youji at all, there is only one person inside. Since this man sent a message to Zhang Xiaohua, he must know Zhang Xiaohua and arrest him and torture him. "

"If Zhang Xiaohua is in the seclusion..." Situ Hong nodded, "the one who sent him a message and the one who brought him with Qingbei should be the same! Oh, not necessarily. There may be more than one immortal... "

"Yes..." Wei Sheng echoed, "in a word, you and I can't take it lightly. With Zhang Xiaohua's strength and his immortal baby's body, he would never dare to come to Youji without strong support..."

Later, Wei Sheng discussed with situ Hong for a few more words. Wei Sheng opened his mouth one by one, and a column of palm was emitting blue light through the deep hole at the bottom of purple. He saw the bamboo like green light gradually covering the whole area. Wei Sheng took a look at situ Hong and fell into it.

Situ Hong narrowed his eyes and watched Wei Sheng's body disappear, and the green light left around the deep hole, a little hesitant. Fortunately, it was just a moment, and the green light quickly converged. Situ Hong knew that Wei Sheng had received the green light, and then he patted his eyebrows, and a "click" penalty fell. The thunder fell down, covering the deep hole like the previous one. Situ Hong was relieved to fly down!

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Zhuling's death is so fierce. It's estimated that the last time Lao long came here, he was killed by this dead gate!