Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 860

"I've been in for hours!" Zhao Chong replied, "they didn't know they were coming. There was nothing left..."

"My lord..." Situ Yang looked at he Qiong and asked softly, "what shall we do?"

"Wait..." He Qiong smiles and answers, and then says to Lu Miao and others, "I'm waiting for my master here. I won't delay the three elders, will I?"

"No, no, how can it delay anything?" Long Xiao waved his hand and said, "I have to wait again. Then..."

Long Xiaogang just said this, situ Yang suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his right hand was in the Taoist robe. He Qiong was stunned and turned to look at it. But he saw a red jade pendant in situ Yang's hand, only it split from the middle!

"No!" As soon as situ Yang saw the crack, he suddenly changed his face and said, "my Lord has fallen!"

"Ah?" He Qiong was surprised, but it was more than her surprise. Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong turned pale at the same time

"Let's go!" He Qiong thought a little, yelled at situ Yang, then bowed to Long Xiao and said, "my Lord has fallen. We have to go back to the penalty palace to report back. Please send us to the immortal array..."

"Easy to say!" Long Xiao's eyes turned quickly, nodded and answered with a big sleeve roll. He Qiong and situ Yang took photos and flew straight away.

"This girl, it's not easy..." Lu Miao and Zhao Chong look at each other. Naturally, they are not suitable to stop at Youji. Qi Qi flies behind long Xiao. Lu Miao can't help but say to Zhao Chong, "calm, quick witted, quick decision, it's the only thing I've seen in my life."

"Yes Zhao Chong also sighed, "when I heard the fall of the immortal official in the palace of punishment, my first reaction was to die in seclusion. But as soon as the girl said this, I suddenly understood that maybe it was the immortal official in the palace of zhanglv who had succeeded. When I thought about it, she turned to Long Xiao for help. On the one hand, she spread the risk. Even if the head of the law palace fairy official came out, we had to protect her. On the other hand, she could get out of danger as soon as possible. Fierce, fierce... "

"Actually, there is another problem..." Lu Miao squinted at the distance and said in a low voice, "the means of the penalty Palace are a little strange. Can they also explore the fall of the immortals in the secluded extreme? This Isn't that possible? "

Zhao Chong just wanted to answer, "Wu..." The strange wind seemed to come out of thin air, or it seemed to blow out from the distance behind. However, with this strange wind, all the immortals felt cold at the same time, and they didn't wait for the immortals to turn back, and suddenly changed

When situ Hong and Wei Sheng fell to the edge of Youji, they looked up at each other, and there was no special look in each other's eyes. Then a triangular crystal card flew out of his hand, and the color of the crystal card was golden. Situ Hong opened his mouth and hit it with a thunder, "poof..." The crystal card is broken, and countless thunder hairs fly out like a butterfly dance, slowly falling into situ Hongxian's body, which turns into golden thunder armor!

On this thunderbolt armor, countless thunderbolts flow in strange tracks. One by one, inexplicable thundermarks spring up like a spring. This thunderbolt is like a rune, like a armor protecting situ Hong.

Wei Sheng's hands and feet were not slow. Just when situ Hong was in the first exhibition of thunder battle, he also patted the immortal mark on his eyebrows. But he saw the emerald light and shadow flashing, and an immortal weapon like a finger flew out. The immortal ware is emerald in color and crystal clear in ice. It's more like a rare decoration. However, with Wei Sheng's middle finger flicking and the sound of "Dang", the immortal ware trembled rapidly, and a unicorn like animal head appeared in it!

"Roar..." The animal's head roars and climbs out of the immortal, and ice crystal's immortal also turns into a unicorn.

The ice crystal Unicorn flies down on Wei Sheng's body. With the sound of "Ka Ka Ka", the unicorn condenses on Wei Sheng's body and becomes an almost transparent immortal garment. There is a head of unicorn on the chest and abdomen of the immortal garment, and there are scales of Unicorn everywhere. Light and shadow fall on the immortal garment, and countless tiny Unicorn virtual shadows emerge in the faint cloud and fog.

Wei Sheng looked at situ Hong again. He found yellow clouds under his feet and flew into the secluded world!

Situ Hong also gave birth to thunder clouds under his feet, holding his body to the other side of Youji!

It seems that there is another space inside the secluded pole, quiet and silent, and the light of snake day and bird day outside the secluded pole can't penetrate, and the eyes are full of unspeakable darkness.

This kind of blackness seems to be absolute blackness, no light and shadow can enter! But in the dark, countless purple filaments, such as water plants, corals, hills and branches, spread all over.

Situ Hong's eyes turned slightly and released Yan Nian slowly. Unfortunately, Yan Nian was only limited within ten miles, and could not reach far.

"Brother Wei Xian..." Situ Hong just wanted to deliver a sound, but he found that it could not reach far.

"Can't you even talk?" Situ Hong was a little embarrassed and cried, "brother Wei Xian..."

When situ Hong's voice came down, he said "click..." in the dark The sound was as thin as a cow's hair. Some purple light fell on the edge of his thunder armor As the current washes through, the edge of thunder armor is instantly pierced!

Situ Hongda was shocked, and he quickly dodged. The yellow light was too strange and powerful!

Wei Sheng had seen this strange situation for a long time. He pointed to situ Hong's direction and his own direction with his fingers. Then he used his hands to do everything. Situ Hong knew that Wei Sheng divided the Youji into two parts, and he distinguished and explored each direction with him.As for where Xiao Hua is, it depends on who is lucky.

Situ Hong nodded and urged his body to fly to the dark depth. But after flying for a moment, situ Hong frowned again, because the dark space was almost infinite. How could he detect it with naked eyes? If a negligent Miss Xiao Hua, and then Xiao Hua escape from the extreme, it can be trouble!

Sensing the immortal power that he was suppressed to the middle level of the two Qi immortal, situ Hong frowned. He raised his hand and took out an immortal detector. After the immortal formula entered, thunder surged on it. However, in addition to being dark or dark, he could not detect anything unusual.

"Hum..." At this time, there is a buzz like vibration in the space, as if the whole space is shaking, but the vibration is only for a moment, and disappears after a moment.

"Damn it At first, situ Hong was surprised. When he saw that he was all right, he took away the artifact. Then he took out a bronze mirror. The mirror turned purple and gold. It turned out to be an ancient artifact. When situ Hong patted his eyebrow, two thunder lights fell in the immortal mark. The thunder light was blue and red on the artifact. The whole artifact was covered with purple and gold light and shadow. Then the light and shadow came out of the mirror to light up the area for tens of miles!

"This This... " Looking at the light and shadow of purple gold like a candle, situ Hong was more and more embarrassed. Even the ancient immortal utensils were imprisoned. He could not think of a better way. However, after receiving the bronze mirror, situ Hong thought to himself: "the immortal force here is suppressed. There is a kind of taboo force everywhere. Even the ancient immortal utensils can't work. If I want to capture Zhang Xiaohua, I'm afraid I have to use a weapon Some secrets! It's just

Situ Hong looked in Wei Sheng's direction with some fear, but just as he raised his eyes, he saw a blue light shining like Epiphyllum!

"Ha ha..." Situ Hong laughs. Yannian sweeps the nuxu ring, and a piece of bone like a bronze mirror flies out. However, when situ Hong gets the bone, his face is alert, because he finds that the space of nuxu ring is closed.

"Damn it, how can you be so strange! All laws are forbidden here, which Is this the reason for the power of taboo? "

After taking out the bone mirror, situ Hong patted the immortal trace again, and a crystal bead flew out. Situ Hong opened his mouth and swallowed the crystal bead into his stomach. When he opened his mouth again, the immortal spirit was gushing down, and the immortal spirit had already brought you blue light and shadow.

"Hum..." When it fell on the bone mirror before, it trembled as if it was alive. It was originally Bai Sensen's mirror. At the same time, it produced hundreds of dark blue peristalsis, which was like maggots.

"Puff, puff, puff..." Situ Hong's face was cautious, and several mouths of immortal Qi were spouting out. The wriggling became bigger and bigger. When the rhythm was consistent, the ripples began to appear on the mirror surface. The ripples calmed down, and a watery mirror surface appeared in the middle of the bone mirror!

"Pa" situ Hong hit the immortal mark with his backhand in a circle, "Ka Cha Cha" immortal mark opened a crack, and clusters of thunder light gushed out from the immortal mark and fell to the bone mirror, and the mirror began to show the light and shadow of dark blue.

Situ Hong raised his hands and said, "brush..." The sound of light and shadow, such as candles, is very quiet.

"Why?" Looking at the light and shadow on the bone mirror, situ Hong was a little surprised. He raised his hand and "brushed" the bone mirror to the top of his head. It was like a round of qiuhaoyue illuminating all around.

"Interesting Situ Hong was overjoyed. He raised his hand and his body was flying. The bone mirror was flying up, and the space near the left was very delicate.

"Hum..." In the distance, Wei Sheng also saw situ Hong's bone mirror. With a cold hum, he looked down at his chest. Light and shadow appeared in a quiet bone circle. Although the light and shadow were not very broad, the situation around the light and shadow was absorbed in the bone circle, but all the strange things could be seen clearly!

It's also ironic to say that one is the high-level plunder envoy of zhanglv palace and the other is the high-level prison patrol envoy of penalty palace. They actually use the technique of taboo in Youji, and the technique of taboo is to explore an immortal baby whose strength is only five elements immortal!

Within the light and shadow of biyou, the mysterious veil of Youji space is uncovered. There are many things floating in the dark, such as broken immortal utensils, old corpses, broken rocks, or water balls, but there are no living immortals

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It's really ridiculous that the high-level two Qi immortal actually uses the technique of taboo to protect his life. Strange Youji, what will happen?