Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 859

Situ Hong asked: "is this light and shadow different from the appearance of ordinary seclusion? According to your experience, are there immortals going in and out of the seclusion

"Not necessarily..." The immortal of the dragon people shook his head slightly and replied, "You Ji often has strange light and shadow, and there are also immortal with different strength. We really can't judge."

"Well, you can go by yourself." Seeing nothing to ask, situ Hong waved the immortal away and looked at Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng said with a smile, "Wei wants to go into Youji. Are you going?"

"Ha ha..." Situ Hong also said with a laugh, "since brother Wei Xian has such an elegant interest, some family will also sacrifice their lives to accompany a gentleman."

"My lord..." Seeing this, Lu Miao said in a hurry, "there is no shortcut to Youji, but I know a slightly safe way. Please come with me!"

"Thank you, three patriarchs..." Wei Sheng said with a smile, "when you get to the edge of the area you are familiar with, you can turn around after waiting. You don't have to wait!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Long Xiao and other three immortals are very broad-minded.

Long Xiao looked around, flew straight to the side of the huge gap, and said: "the risk of entering Youji from the side is the least..."

Looking at the leader of the three clans of chenxiaohai leading the way, situ Hong sent a message to Wei Sheng: "now, brother Wei Xian, you and I don't want to join hands..."

"For the sake of a little fairy baby who is just the strength of the five element immortal, you and I are going to join hands?" Wei Sheng's face is as heavy as water. In the whirlpool, countless broken five element spirit shadows are floating in the air like broken bricks and tiles. These five element spirit shadows have blank eyes and their bodies are full of holes. Wei Sheng's eyelids turn and he looks at situ Hong with great interest and asks.

Situ Hong shrugged his shoulders and said: "brother Wei Xian has a habit. What he can't get, others can't get. A family should also abide by the rules of the penalty palace. Zhang Xiaohua has the secret skill of our penalty palace, and a family should never let him fall into the hands of others..."

"Yes, so..." Wei Sheng interrupted situ Hong and asked, "how can you and I cooperate?"

"Some family is also in a bit of a dilemma..." Situ Hong said with a smile, "after all, it's not suitable for zhanglv palace to know the secret that some family wants to explore!"

"Yes Wei Sheng nodded, "this is also Wei's scruple..."

Situ Hong chuckled. He kneaded his chin, pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "in that case, you and I might as well make an agreement! The secret of our palace of punishment should be inquired and explored in front of Wei Xianyou, and the secret of your palace of law should also be inquired and explored in front of some family... "

"Of course it can!" Wei Sheng nodded his head even though he didn't want to. After all, he thought that situ Hong had the same task as himself. But he didn't expect that what situ Hong asked was actually the secret he wanted to ask Xiao Hua. However, some people asked, "but after asking? How does Zhang Xiaohua deal with it? "

"If someone takes it away..." Situ Hong said with a smile, "does Wei Xianyou agree?"

"Do you think Wei will agree?" Wei Sheng asked.

During the discussion between the two two immortals, the immortals had reached the bottom of the whirlpool. At this time, it seemed that the former dark and green Youji was actually huge, and purple light began to appear in the dark. Although the enchanting purple was sparse, its root was like a crooked twig piercing into the void. Wei Sheng's eyes fell away, and it was a little painful.

There are records of Youji in zhanglv palace, but Wei Sheng didn't go to see it. He never thought that he would go deep into Youji one day. But he had heard about Youji's ferocity for a long time, and maybe even knew more than the three patriarchs in front of him. At this time, the feeling of suffocation made Wei Sheng feel very uncomfortable, just like ordinary mortals to a very high peak. The silver light, which was originally to protect the body, became weaker and weaker, especially occasionally some light filaments, not necessarily purple, but whenever there were light filaments passing like dust, his immortal body would have inexplicable tingling pain. The silver light in the tingling place would melt for no reason and could not be repaired.

Wei Sheng felt very subdued. It was not only the overwhelming oppression of Youji, but also the sudden threat of punishing Gong situhong. This threat touched his life and death, even more than Youji!

"When did the penalty palace notice Zhang Xiaohua?" Wei Sheng was puzzled. "Judging from situ Hong's deeds and words, they seem to have started long ago, and even sent two preliminary penalty envoys and one higher penalty envoys. It seems that the value of Zhang Xiaohua is far more than Wei thought. I really don't know What secret has this little flower mastered? "

Thinking of this, Wei Sheng couldn't help but feel anxious. He thought that if he captured Xiao Hua in Zihuan Island, he would return to zhanglv palace. Unexpectedly, there were so many twists and turns. No wonder Yin Yu didn't dare to take over and avoid Xicheng!

But after a while, Wei Sheng was relieved. Although he was embarrassed by the trouble of Si Tuhong, how could it not be a help? Xiao Hua's means are unpredictable, and his origin is mysterious. Just now, Qingbei regarded the punishment thunderbolt and zhanglv Qingguang as nothing. There must be more powerful opponents behind Xiao Hua. With situ Hong, wouldn't he be more sure to capture Xiao Hua?

Wei Sheng thought that it was before a black hole that looked like a giant eye. The black hole seemed to have nothing, but the breath of the essence was like a giant pillar standing in front of the immortals. The mottled light filaments were like the eruption of magma in the dark. The silver light of the Immortals' body was almost disappeared, and the immortal body was as thin as a paper harrier!"Two adults..." Lu Miao's whole body flashed silver. His body contracted and condensed. He was more than 600 feet low. Then he stopped and said, "this is the limit of safety that I have explored in Chenxiao sea. No one can guarantee life and death if I go inside."

With Lu Miao's voice, Zhao Chong's body is shining with purple light, while long Xiao's body is shining with golden light. Wei Sheng and situ Hong look at each other. One is the green light condensing the bamboo knot, the other is the thunder light turning into a chain, and the two immortal bodies are shrinking.

"So..." Wei Sheng thought for a moment and said, "you can go back."

"Thank you, two adults..." Lu Miao, Long Xiao and Zhao Chongqi bowed and said, "let's help the two adults make a successful start."

Situ Hong can't laugh or cry. He just captured a five element immortal. Is it worth saying that? He didn't wave his hand, Long Xiao and others, such as amnesty, hurried back along the original road, and did not dare to fly to other places.

Looking at the three immortals flying away in a hurry, Wei Sheng closed his eyes and said word by word: "Wei takes Zhang Xiaohua and brother situ leads another immortal. After exploring and inquiring together, Zhang Xiaohua's spirit You and I are one and half! "

"Good!" Situ Hong laughed, stretched out his right hand and said, "as for who can get what from half of the spirits Let it be

"Good!" Wei Sheng also stretched out his right hand and met with situ Hong again.

High fives!

For the two Er Qi immortals, what is valuable is Xiao Hua's spirit. As for Xiao Hua's baby body, Xiao Hua's life is not in their consideration at all!

If Xiao Hua is in the seclusion, Xiao Hua will be in danger!!!

But is Xiao Hua in the seclusion?

Wei Sheng didn't know, neither did situ Hong, so they looked at each other and urged their bodies to fall into the secluded world.

Naturally, Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong did not know. They flew out of Youji and were relieved. Looking at the empty bottom, no one spoke.

About half an hour later, Long Xiao looked at the messenger, flew a little far to urge him. After a while, he returned and said, "there are still two low-level immortal officials in the penalty palace, and they have also come here..."

"This is Ren Xiaoyao..." Lu Miao took his favorite Youyao binglu and had a good impression of Xiao Hua. He said softly, "how did you offend the penalty palace and zhanglv palace? How can two immortals appear at once to arrest him? "

"It's also possible that an endless stream of business leagues committed the taboo of zhanglv palace and penalty palace!" Zhao Chong frowned and said, "you didn't see the wine, utensils and elixirs they took out from the sea market on Zihuan island How adverse it is

"That's not so much..." Long Xiao also shook his head, "these are all under the jurisdiction of Tianzun mansion. They have nothing to do with penalty palace and zhanglv palace!"

"Mr. long, you have the advantage of people coming to the business alliance..." Zhao Chong said with a smile, "is it enough for the ten years of the dragon people?"

"More than ten years?" Long Xiao is a little bit elated, "clan chief Zhao, you don't know the quality of those things in the Dragon Kingdom at all..."

"Yes Zhao Chong interrupted Long Xiao and said, "Ren Xiaoyao still has two disciples..."

"Alas..." On hearing this, Long Xiao understood and sighed, "I've already sent a message to Huan Ji. Let her handle it according to her own discretion. But we're afraid of punishment palace and zhanglv palace, and we're not afraid of anything at all. Huan Ji is sure to spread clouds, but someone robbed the two disciples of the Business League in front of the two penalty palace immortals!"

"Oh?" Lu Miao is big Leng, urgent way, "in addition to feather fairy, who else?"

"I don't know!" Long Xiao shook his head. "Long Cheng is so vocal. I can't figure out who it is."

"Shh..." Zhao Chong said in a low voice, "here comes the immortal official of penalty palace..."

"I've met three seniors..." Facing the three two immortals, he Qiong and situ Yang dare not neglect them and bow down.

Long Xiao quickly picked them up and said with a smile, "Long Cheng has no pass order, so Huan Ji doesn't dare to send you here. Please forgive me!"

"Where, where..." He Qiong replied, "I'm in trouble for the three elders because of my official business in chenxiaohai."

"You are welcome, my Lord!" Lu Miao's voice was ironic.

But he Qiong smile, said: "junior he Qiong, the elder can call his name directly, an adult let the younger on pins and needles."

Situ Yang couldn't bear it. He said in a hurry, "when will my lord go in? What can I say to you? "

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Capturing Zhang Xiaohua is no longer a task. The two two immortals want to kill Xiao Hua. They only want Xiao Hua's spirit!