Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 858

Wei Sheng was very angry and laughed: "ha ha, it's really unreasonable. How does Zhang Xiaohua have something to do with the penalty palace?"

After that, Wei Sheng immediately realized something, and his face was suddenly gloomy!

Sure enough, situ Hong also laughed and asked, "is Wei Xianyou blind? Didn't you see Zhang Xiaohua show the thunder of my penalty palace? "

Wei Sheng naturally thought of this point and retorted: "is the immortal who can exert thunder related to the penalty palace?"

"Yes, yes!" Situ Hong caressed his hand and said, "a certain family is also so confused. Since Zhang Xiaohua has nothing to do with my punishment palace, how can he understand thunder? This Isn't that why some family captured Zhang Xiaohua? I just don't know Why did Wei Xianyou capture Zhang Xiaohua? "

If situ Hong dares to say that, he is sure that Xiao Hua, who has the skill of penalty palace, must have something to do with the immortal weapon of penalty palace. He is sure to capture Zhang Xiaohua. This is his most legitimate reason. However, Wei Sheng didn't dare to say that. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Zhang Xiaohua has something to do with the fall of a zhanglv envoy in my zhanglv palace. Wei captured him..."

Without waiting for Wei Sheng to finish, situ Hong waved his hand and said, "if that's the case, it's easy. If someone takes Zhang Xiaohua, he will give you an explanation from zhanglv palace."

"Brother situ thought too much!" Wei Sheng also glanced at situ Hong and said coldly, "after Wei inquired about the fall of the zhanglv envoy of our zhanglv palace, it's not too late to give Zhang Xiaohua to the penalty palace!"

"I'm afraid brother Wei Xian thinks too much!" Situ Hong called him elder brother, but his tone was also cold. "No matter what secret Zhang Xiaohua has to do with your zhanglv palace, he has the secret skill of my punishment palace. According to the contract between the punishment palace and zhanglv palace, it's better for my punishment palace to do it first?"

"Hey, hey..." Wei Sheng didn't retort. Instead, he gave a cold smile and said, "the two primary penalty envoys of the penalty palace didn't come. I think they must have captured the two immortals of the business alliance on your order?"

Situ Hong's face changed slightly. He looked around at the extremely thin clouds that were torn like flowing clouds and said, "what? Brother Wei Xian, do you want to fight some family? "

"Hey, hey..." Wei Sheng still sneered and asked, "brother situ didn't have this idea? If brother situ didn't want to know why Wei wanted to capture Zhang Xiaohua, I'm afraid he would have done it already? "

Situ Hong didn't speak. Wei Sheng took a deep breath. His eyes flashed a fierce look and said, "Wei really didn't expect that brother situ was so powerful. First he used two minions to attract Wei's attention, and then he hid behind to be a yellow sparrow. Although Wei didn't know when brother situ would pay attention to Wei, he must have been before Chen Xiaohai Brother situ has been following Wei's ass, right

Wei Sheng's words are not without irony or temptation, but how could situ Hong be deceived? He was silent.

"Brother situ's character and forbearance are unknown to Wei, and Wei also disdains to know!" Wei Sheng said calmly, "but Wei knows what kind of person he is. At that time, Wei was only a dust fairy, and he didn't know the name of zhanglv palace. He liked an ice demon very much. The ice demon was not only enchanting, but also had a great effect on Wei's cultivation. Wei spent a lot of time to pursue the ice demon, only for her to treat Wei wholeheartedly. It's a pity that one of Wei's enemies also takes a fancy to the ice demon when he wins. After Wei's several struggles with his enemies, he doesn't even want to kill the ice demon right away... "

"Hey, hey, what brother Wei Xian can't get, no one else can get it?" Situ Hong interrupted Wei Sheng. Looking at the extremely twisted light path in front of his head, and a cold and suffocating wind pouring down like a cliff, he said in a low voice, "it seems that you are coming. Does brother Wei Xian want to tell a family that if a family doesn't compromise, brother Wei Xian will directly kill Zhang Xiaohua?"

Wei Sheng didn't answer directly, but said coldly, "it's not easy for Wei to hurt you, but it's easy to kill Zhang Xiaohua!"

"Alas..." Situ Hong sighed. This is what he was worried about. He has been hiding behind to be a yellow sparrow. His purpose is to capture Xiao Hua before Wei Sheng's hand. As long as Xiao Hua falls into his hands, Wei Sheng's words are useless. But who would have thought that Xiao Hua was like a loach smeared with oil, and the two two immortals didn't catch him, so situ Hong was embarrassed and directly exposed his identity. If Xiao Hua hadn't revealed his thunderbolt, situ Hong could hardly tell the reason why he did it.

But situ Hong turned his eyes and said with a smile, "I don't know if brother Wei Xian has noticed that Zhang Xiaohua may not have come to Youji!"

"I know!" Wei Sheng didn't show his eyebrows, as if he had expected that "the sound is crystal symbol, which is totally different from the Qingbei. Zhang Xiaohua is in the space of Zihuan Island, and all communication outside the space is isolated. The sound should have been passed to Zhang Xiaohua before. Now no one knows where Zhang Xiaohua has gone... "

"Why did brother Wei Xian come to Youji?" Situ Hong was not smiling.

Wei Sheng also said with a smile: "since brother situ wants to come, Wei naturally pushes the boat with the current?"

As he spoke, the clouds of light and shadow suddenly broke, and a sharp cold suddenly hit him like the wind. As strong as Wei Sheng and situ Hong, he could not help shaking his immortal body. The immortal mark flashed between his eyebrows, and the green and red pillars of light burst out uncontrollably. They either turned into thunder or bamboo knots to cover their bodies! However, it's just a matter of counting the breath. Before the light column falls completely, the strange light is like a wave of water, "brush" whether it's thunder or bamboo flash into nothingness!"This..." Wei Sheng and situ Hong were surprised.

At this time, Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong also follow. At this time, the three people are different from before. There is no silver light to protect their body, and there is no immortal sacrifice. They seem to be the same as the dust immortal. Long Xiao is still respectful and says with one finger: "two adults, this is Youji!"

"Silk..." Even Wei Sheng and situ Hong, two well-informed high-level officials, still had to take a breath of air when they saw the situation.

But this is a space with more than one million Li. The space is like a funnel. On the turbulent sea surface, the huge whirlpool is better bitten off by the giant beast! This vortex extends from the sea to the sky, and spreads more and more. The naked eye can see the spiral air filaments in the space that day! At this time, the snake was falling to the west, and the sparrow was hanging high. The silver white light and shadow of the snake were condensing into strands of silver white in the west of the vortex, which seemed to dance like a silver snake. The glass golden sparrow day was depositing into layers of golden fog in the east of the vortex. Gold and silver are dazzling, but there are lightning and thunder in the four corners of the sky, fire, wind and thunder surging, inexplicable suppression, inexplicable strictness, inexplicable Xiaoluo, and endless scattering in the light, fire and shadow.

Wei Sheng and situ Hong's eyes could see that all the laws of heaven and earth were back to the original, and all the fairies and phantoms were back to the original. The overhanging sea surface disappeared, the overlapping space fault disappeared, that is, the fairy birds flying, the sea animals roaring are silent!

Wei Sheng and situ Hong urged their bodies to fly thousands of miles to the edge of the vortex, but they saw that the vortex gnawed by a giant beast was not a real vortex, it was more like a huge gap. The edge of the gap is mottled and uneven, with only a mess of ten colors of light and haze, without the usual texture and spiral. The silent and surging waves fell down, and the gap suddenly disappeared. It was like falling into the light, better like disappearing. The unspeakable cold and inexplicable suffocation is coming out from the deep of the gap like an invisible fountain. The eyes of the two two immortals can only see the deep of the gray clouds. A little bit of black paint with blue light spots, like the eyes of the dark beast, can look deep into the fairyland and the sky!

Situ Hong tried to release Yannian, but it was a pity that Yannian was located in a place that seemed infinite. No matter how Yannian was infiltrated, it could not be seen everywhere. When situ Hong wanted to fly further, Lu Miao quickly reminded him, "my Lord, you can't get any closer. Strange rays will burst out from time to time in Youji. Don't say that Qi immortal is the real immortal who will be beaten to death by the rays!"

"Out of your wits?" Situ Hong stopped and frowned, "but really?"

"Brother situ, try it!" Wei Sheng cold channel.

"My lord..." Lu Miao said with a smile: "it's true, immortal baby, immortal body They all become invisible, just as the dust disappears! "

"How can it be called Youji?" Long Xiao explained quickly.

"Where are the guards of your three clans?" Wei Sheng looked around and asked.

"Wait a moment, my lord..." Zhao Chong said with a smile, "I have already informed you that they will come right away."

Looking at Zhao Chong's words, Lu Miao explained again: "in fact, the purpose of the three clans of chenxiaohai listing Youji as a forbidden area is to prevent the immortal from falling. It only serves as a warning. If there is an immortal who has to come to die, we can't help it. We won't stop it hard!"

"So these guards are on the edge of Youji, and they won't get close to Youji..." Zhao Chong then said, "the breath from Youji, and the light and shadow corrode the immortal Taoist foundation, so the guard will be replaced in the half life of Youji..."

In a word, there are two immortals of the dragon people who are wearing armor. Long Xiao meets them in a hurry. After asking, he doesn't ask them to leave. Instead, he turns to Wei Sheng and situ Hong and says, "I'm two adults. Not long ago, you had a strange light and shadow, but is it The man came, and they didn't know. What else do you want to ask? "

Situ Hong thought for a moment and asked, "let them come here. I'll ask!"

Two immortals of the dragon people came over. Long Xiao didn't introduce the identity of situ Hong, but said, "this adult has questions to ask. You must know everything you want to know!"

The two immortals agreed.

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You Ji! You Ji! You Ji!! The end of the nether world?