Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 853

Huiyu fairy was very happy. He immediately told Jiangye what Bai Xiaotu had said. Jiangye was also very happy. He knew better than Huiyu fairy that the materials of these smelters were special. Apart from shuojin building, other immortal families and aristocratic families would not want them. He came to the business alliance to help himself out. But he still said with a smile: "they didn't make a lot of money this time It should be

After Yuxian, there are the major immortal sects. Starting from Jinyang cave in Kuiyang mountain, there are Qingyu gate Biyun cave, Qingxiao Temple Xiaoyun temple, shuojin Pavilion Xuanye mausoleum, etc. one by one, the disciples come out of the cloud immortal ban and send Mo Xiantong and xuanxianjing to them. As usual, Huanji recites all the things sold by the immortal sects. It's no accident. After a continuous stream of business leagues, all sales fell into weakness, and there were few open bids.

Xiao Hua was very happy when he saw Bai Xiaotu. He was meticulous about the things on the pupil of the ink immortal. He could start with anything that no one was bidding for. So Bai Xiaotu began to talk frequently, which made all the immortal families happy.

After all the great immortal sects, there are small sects selling them. Bai Xiaotu doesn't mean Qian Jing either. Most of them accept them. Seeing that the last small sect named mingxiaolou sells the last piece of elixir, a disciple suddenly flies out, takes a Mo Xiantong and says to Huan Ji, "Huan Ji Fairy, the master has an order, so Qian Jing is missing, so he auctions a dangerous pass token to all the immortal sects ……”

"Easy to say!" Huanji looked as usual, looked at xuanxun and said, "just pay a xuanjing!"

Thank you The disciple handed Huan Ji a Xuanxian crystal and a long ruler shaped silver object.

Huanji turned xuanxun upside down with her backhand, looked at Mo Xiantong and said, "Mingxiao building is a pass token for a dangerous place in LiuTian mainland. It can be used for the training of Xianmen and aristocratic disciples. It can be used for more than 20 disciples to go in and out once. It can be used three times. Mingxiao building has been used twice, and there is only one left. Mingxiao building hopes to bid for 1000 xuanxianjing..."

"Heaven has no immortal realm?" Qi Li of the jade door frowned and said, "it's a little far away. Can it be cheaper?"

"Ha ha, senior Qi..." An immortal in mingxiaolou laughed and said, "if other things are cheap, they will be cheap. It's a pass token for a dangerous place. It can let more than 20 disciples in and out of that dangerous place at a time. If that disciple gets the chance, it's not what Qian Jing can measure!"

"If you enlighten the mainland, why do you need to talk more about it?" Wei Cheng Hu of Shuo Jin Lou also said with a smile, "even ten thousand Xuanxian crystals are worth it. The land of LiuTian is really far away. It's not very cost-effective..."

The immortal of mingxiaolou replied, "that dangerous place is not too far away. Even my disciples of mingxiaolou can go. How can they not go? But it's just a thousand xuanjing... "

"Well..." Qi Li of Qingyu gate was a little excited and nodded, "that's right. As long as one disciple can get the chance, the thousand xuanxianjing will earn money..."

Xiao Hua didn't care, but when he heard Qi Li's words, he suddenly felt awe struck and asked, "Huanji fairy, can you ask where this dangerous place is in LiuTian mainland?"

"Ha ha..." Qi Li of the Green Jade Gate listened and said with a smile, "you can't tell the name of the dangerous place where the disciples have experienced in the auction, otherwise it will cause some misunderstanding Ha ha... "

Qi Li didn't go on talking. Li Mo Yi understood and said quickly, "master, if you tell me the name of the dangerous place, the enemies of the immortal sect may arrange ahead of time, saying that if they can't, they will catch all the disciples who have gone to experience!"

"There are a thousand xuanjing in Qingyu gate..."

"Shuo Jin Lou 1100..."

"There are 1500 in Kuiyang mountain..."

At the beginning, all the immortals belittled the token, but when it came to bidding, each one was fiercer than the other!

"Xiao Liu..." Xiao Hua said, "let's bid, too!"

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu was surprised and asked, "what do we want this for? And we don't have enough money! "

"There are just so many Qian Jing!" Xiao Hua was surprised, "how come it's gone for a while?"

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu said with a bitter smile, "don't forget how many things we have bid for! Let's take most of the things from some big fairy gates and feather fairy! "

"Well..." Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and said, "it's better to bid. There will be some other things here."

Bai Xiaotu naturally took Xiao Hua's lead and immediately said, "a stream of 1700 xuanjing from the commercial League!"

"Oh?" Qi Li of the blue cloud cave in the Jade Gate said with a smile, "why is Bai Da Zhang Shou suddenly interested in this token? You can't use this kind of thing! "

Bai Xiaotu said with a smile: "I can't use it when I come to the business alliance, but my younger generation's strength is shallow. I need to go to the dangerous place to experience..."

"Ha ha, I see!" Qi Li laughed, "since Bai Da Zhang Shou is for his own use, how can I win people's love? I'll give it to Bai Dazhang! "

After Qi Li, all the other fairies chose to quit.

Bai Xiaotu is overjoyed and flies out to deliver Qian Jing with Huanji. The Ming Xiaolou immortal also promises in public that he won't disclose the danger to other immortals. Bai Xiaotu bows to the surroundings and says: "Xiao Liu, thank you very much...""Ha ha..." Jiangye laughed and said, "don't thank you very much. Just give me a few glasses of immortal wine after Haishi!"

"Ha ha, that's it, that's it!" All the immortals said with a laugh.

"Sure, sure!" Bai Xiaotu knew it was a polite remark, so he casually answered the ban.

"Master!" Bai Xiaotu handed the order card to Xiao Hua and said, "we don't have much money. We can only watch the market."

Xiao Hua took the token and said, "it's almost over. What else is worth it? Look on... "

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua's expression was obviously happy, and there was a shock in his eyes. He quickly said, "this thing is different. Xiao Liu, MOI, please continue. I'll have a look first!"

With that, Xiao Hua quickly sat down with his knees crossed, pretending to be enlightened, and immediately entered the space with a roll of token.

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, fell into the void. He looked at his hand as if it was long and silver, but only 30% of the silver was full of strange runes. He was surprised and said, "this is actually the token of xiaolingtian's lock on Lingxian?? If I didn't see it, how could I believe it? "

Xiao Hua doesn't dare to neglect Yu die. He calls for Yu die Lei ting in his heart. Unfortunately, after a cup of tea, he doesn't see Yu die Lei Ting enter the space. Xiao Hua understands that all of them are different from himself. They are afraid that they can't feel their call. Xiao Hua doesn't have any choice but to leave the immortal tools in the void. After leaving the ink immortal pupil in the fairyland space, he exits from the space.

"I hope this pass token can let real thunder and his martial uncles pass the difficult immortal prohibition!" After the return of the mind, Xiao Hua thought of it with mixed feelings.

"Master..." Looking at Xiao Hua opening his eyes, Bai Xiaotu couldn't help asking, "how?"

"I'm a little out of my mind..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "but it's OK. If you send it back to the alliance and let other disciples sell it in tianwuxian, you will make more money!"

"Hey, hey, yeah!" Bai Xiaotu, ha ha, smile, no doubt there is him.

Li Moyi thought for a moment and said, "if so, we have to thank Yuxian. If they bid, it will be hard for us to do!"

"Well, it's up to you!" Xiao Hua waved his hand.

Speaking of this Kung Fu, all the aristocratic families outside began to compete. Xiao Hua also ordered Bai Xiaotu to bid for the things used in some immortal birds, immortal beasts, and casting utensils, but all the things delivered were elixirs. Huan Ji said with a smile: "it turns out that there are still hidden goods in the continuous stream of business alliances. Why didn't they compete with each other before?"

Bai Xiaotu said respectfully: "I have come to the business alliance to take up too much time of your predecessors. Moreover, Yu Xian's predecessors have not done anything. I dare not be too presumptuous!"

All the immortals are caretakers, and they know in their hearts that Qian Jing is just a substitute. In the final analysis, the immortals need elixirs, skills and other things. When the fairylands were selling, a stream of business leagues came to sell them. They had already returned all the money to the fairylands. Now a stream of business leagues barter. Naturally, there is no criticism.

However, when an aristocratic family called the Yi family was sold out, Xiao Hua's elixirs were also exhausted. These elixirs were all sacrificed by the disciples of the inner creation sect. Because of the different rules, they were mostly for healing, which was not too precious.

After selling some secret arts, elixirs and immortal birds, the Yi family took out a tubular immortal utensil and handed it to Huanji, saying, "among them is half of the stars that our ancestors of the Yi family got from a certain star field. They can be used as casting materials and are priced at 10000 Xuanxian crystals..."

"Well..." Huan Ji should be a, mix don't care of take over the fairy, raise a hand to grasp on it. Among the casting materials sold in the previous auction, some are like mountains, some are like bottomless blue lakes, and some are lava with thousands of feet of flame. The so-called half star is not rare.

"Boom..." After a great earthquake, half a huge star was burning silver flame, flying out of the immortal weapon! If the stars were in the ordinary world, they could smash half of the continent, but in the fairyland fairyland fairyland, they just showed a little majestic breath. They were immediately imprisoned by the fairyland and fell into a thousand spaces.

But see if the night sky in the small space, that half of the stars release enough of the star flame, star flame has countless strange texture, this texture is like a stroke will scratch the void, a small space can not be confined to the breath, such as the wind burst out, instantly swept the whole Zihuan Island three sea space!

"Ah?" All the two immortals stood up and looked at the stars. The sweeping breath made their eyebrows tremble. Wei Chenghu of Shuo Jin Lou exclaimed, "this Why is the star so strange? In any case, it's not the same as the ordinary casting tools... "

"It may be something outside the territory..." Qi Li frowned and said, "it's said that stars often fall in the demon League. Maybe this is it!"

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It's really a turn of the road. Xiao Hua's shulinggen can see the hope again. His kung fu can live up to those who want to!