Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 852

Huanji covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Xianyou thinks a lot. If you want to compete, do you think you can buy this cup of liquor with important rules?"

"Huanji fairy, we are ready..." Another fairy called out.

"Easy to say!" Huanji smiles, pats the top door, and "brushes" the thousands of silky clouds on Huanji's head. Meanwhile, as her right arm shakes, thousands of hand shadows emerge. This hand shadow sweeps over the bottle of fairy ware, and a little bit of wine flies out of it, condenses into a ball, and is taken away by the hand shadow.

"My lord..." Situ Yang hesitated, watched the black light fall, and said in a low voice, "let's..."

He Qiong had two different lights in her eyes. She took out two xuanxianjing with her backhand and said with a smile, "it's just two xuanxianjing. It's not that you and I can't get out. Why don't you look at the immortal who even the three clan leaders compliment Is it true "

as Wu Guang rolls away the two Xuanxian crystals, two groups of flashing Leisi and liquor with different aroma are sent to the two immortals!

He Qiong didn't want to take out a jade cup to collect the liquor, but situ Yang hesitated for a moment again, and he also collected the liquor and said with a smile: "thank you, my Lord!"

"This Is there the law of thunder in it Wei Sheng naturally took one too. He looked down at it and said, "no wonder the immortal said that the immortal who met the bottleneck had better bid. The power of thunder is the most useful for breaking through the bottleneck. This This liquor is really priceless to them. This stream of business alliance even sold it with a Xuanxian crystal. Is it possible that I made a mistake Isn't Zhang Xiaohua a disciple of the Business League

No matter the message from Mo Feiyan or the message from Yan Fei, it doesn't mention the continuous flow of business alliance. Wei Sheng only knows that Zhang Xiaohua is a lonely little fairy baby. Once the continuous flow of business alliance appears, it can't compare with Yu Xian, but it can't compare with the big business alliance of the three world business alliance. Wei Sheng can't connect Zhang Xiaohua with the big business alliance.

"It looks like..." Wei Sheng said in secret, "after this, I have to go back to see that Mofei rock!"

"How could it be?" Different from Wei Sheng's question, situ Hong looked at the liquor in front of him, and his face was shocked How can this liquor have the smell of chopping Sendai? If not, specious? Is it difficult that the sudden chopping of Sendai was Taken away by a stream of business leagues? No, in such a short period of time, they can't use it to make liquor! "

"No, no matter whether it is or not, I have to find out to the end, no matter whether the business alliance is related to Zhang Xiaohua or Xiao Hua!"

Just as situ Yang was thinking about it, a cloud and mist fairy in Yinjing sea suddenly exclaimed: "ah?"

Huan Ji suddenly froze, all over the sky of black light and hand shadow stagnation, Huan Ji concern way: "this fairy friend, how?"

"How can it be, how can it be?" A voice called hysterically, "I I've been stuck in the bottleneck of shijiji, but Is it loose? I Can I really step on the middle stage of the leakage fairy? "

"Ha ha..." Huanji laughed and said, "Xianyou is naughty. Didn't the senior of chaobi Pavilion say that? You must go back and take it. If you can't break through it here, I can't afford it! "

Said Huan Ji body regenerates an arm to hit on that cloud fog fairy forbid, say: "I body first your space is closed, wait for you to arrive to leak fairy medium step again not late!"

Some people might have suspected Lian Xiuyuan before, but now they hear the story of the immortal who has a low rank. The immortals are more enthusiastic. The immortal who has not got the immortal wine is almost ready to jump up.

As for jinlunhai and ziyanhai's business leagues, aristocratic families, and Xianmen, they sent messages to Bai Xiaotu one after another, which can help the disciples break through the bottleneck of xianjiu. This is much more precious than what they used to do before.

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu couldn't resist. He went back to Yunwu fairy and said, "what should I do? The disciples dare not reply. Master Qi of Qingyu sect said that if we want to give them three female disciples, we will change our liquor... "

Just then, Bai Xiaotu's jade plate flashed. Bai Xiaotu looked at Xiao Hua and quickly raised his hand. His voice slowed down and said, "yes Is it Xiao Qi? What can I do for you

"Xiao Liu, you You're hiding it from me! Why don't you tell me in advance about such a good liquor? " Yang Junke, named Xiao Qi, growled, "I want 700 glasses of this wine. You've prepared it for me!"

"Hum..." Xiao hualeng snorted and asked, "first ask her, is it you, or his elder martial brother?"

"Why don't you tell me? Senior... " Yang Junke hears it vaguely and says in a hurry, "little brother six is the most handsome. There is no immortal in the enlightenment Mainland..."

But just after that, Yang Junke threatened: "but if you don't prepare liquor for me, Xiao Liu, you are the ugliest Xiao Liu in the enlightenment mainland!"

Bai Xiaotu can't laugh or cry!

Li MOI laughed and hurt his belly, covered his stomach and hid beside him.

Xiao Hua couldn't help laughing.

During the conversation, all the immortals in yinjinghai were given a cup of immortal wine, followed by jinlunhai. Xiao Hua was relieved. The immortals in yinjinghai were the most, and they were almost sent away.Sure enough, it's not ziyanhai's turn yet. The liquor has run out.

Xiao Huachong and Bai Xiaotu shrugged, but Bai Xiaotu got up and flew out. He arched his hand and said, "I'm sorry, sir. There are only so many immortal wine this time. You have to have a second batch of communication tools. I'll send you a message later! Of course, elders, don't worry. Immortal wine is just a stone to ask for directions. I've come to the business alliance to see the specific effect. If you need it, I'll give it to you in the future. I've come to the business alliance not to sell it directly... "

Green jade gate and other two Qi immortals are a little angry, but when they think about the presence of so many immortals, the business alliance has already handed out so many rare liquors, and they have gained a lot of benefits from their previous immortal utensils, they just give up.

Just as Bai Xiaotu turned around, Huanji suddenly turned her eyes and whispered to the immortals of jinlunhai and ziyanhai: "I've just come to the business alliance to talk to you. You still have a glass of wine. After you get to the sea market, you can find the white palm head. It doesn't need any money..."

"Great goodness!" All the immortals were overjoyed.

As soon as Bai Xiaotu fell into the cloud and mist fairy ban, he saw Xiao Hua throw him a jade bottle and said, "take it. There's not much wine in it. I've already sent a message to Huan Ji. If you don't get the wine, everyone in the immortal family and the aristocratic family will have a cup. If there is any surplus, you can deal with it by yourself, or you can get drunk, or you can get Xiaoqi, whatever... "

"Hee hee, thank you, master!" Bai Xiaotu was also very happy. He bowed and said, "I know that the master still has stock."

Bai Xiaotu took the jade vase and then asked, "master, those immortal tools I remember... "

"Go away!" Xiao Hua didn't have the good spirit to scold a way, "first small seven marry to come over to say again, now start to hit our stream business alliance's idea?"

"Look what the master said..." Bai Xiaotu's face was thick, and he said with a smile, "I'm playing a signboard for an endless stream of business leagues!"

"All right, all right..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "let's wait until after the sea market. I've already arranged for you. After the sea market, I'll have a good chat with those immortal families and aristocratic families. I think I can make some more money! Now I'm going to do something. This is what the Lord needs. I'll try my best to buy it in the sea market... "

With that, Xiao Hua takes out the ink fairy pupil and hands it to Bai Xiaotu.

Mo Xiantong recorded the Buddha, Huangtong, murderer, and what was required in yudie's songs.

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu looks at Mo Xiantong and says, "why didn't you take it out when you cooperated with Yu Xian?"

"You're not talking nonsense!" Xiao Hua said, "I just got it, didn't I?"

"Xiao Liu..." Li Moyi explained, "it must be the master who mended the immortal tools in the alliance. He also heard that we cooperated with Yu Xian, so he sent Mo Xiantong!"

"Hee hee, disciple Lu Dun!" Bai Xiaotu said with a smile, "it's Yuxian's bidding outside, so I'll bid..."

Xiao Hua nods and doesn't speak any more. Naturally, he is ready for the things in Mo Xian's pupil. However, when he cooperates with Yu Xian, he only takes out a part to trade with Yu Xian. One is that Xiao Hua didn't have a lot of money at that time. The other is that Xiao Hua wanted to create a kind of illusion, which is what Li Moyi said. The third is that trading in the sea market is different from private trading in Yuxian. Trading in the sea market can show the strength of the continuous flow of business alliance, lay the foundation for the development of the continuous flow of business alliance in the future, and will not be controlled by Yuxian.

With the climax of the continuous stream of business alliances, the sales of Yuxian are a little light. Although the business alliances and zhuxianmen want to participate in the competition, they spend too much money on the fairies, and many promises have to be reduced before the market. Fortunately, the continuous stream of business alliances took most of the goods from Yuxian, which made Huiyu fairy a little relieved at the beginning.

"Bai Da Zhang shou..." After Bai Xiaotu took the last batch of unusual casting materials and delivered them to Xianjing, Huiyu couldn't help saying, "thank you very much!"

After all, these materials were supposed to be delivered to shuojin building. Unfortunately, Wei Chenghu of xuanyeling in shuojin building made it clear that he had just purchased several pieces of immortals which were often dead and the fourth piece of immortals which was ten times over. Moreover, nothing in the door had been traded, so he could not participate in the bidding for the time being. Bai Xiaotu's secret was like sending charcoal in the snow.

"Thank you very much?" Bai Xiaotu was a little stunned. He clearly remembered that the materials of these casts were recorded in Mo Xiantong by Xiao Hua. Although he didn't know that these materials were used by the demon League, it had nothing to do with Xie Buxie?

"It should be!" Bai Xiaotu smiles a little and says, "Yuxian and Xianzi are very good to me. I and Yiyi's business alliance should reciprocate!"

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Bai Xiaotu, the leader of business alliance, is more and more competent!