Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 854

Compared with these two Qi immortals, Xiao Hua was even more surprised. He stood up and said, "Xiao Liu, MOI, you What do you think of the breath of the stars? "

"Very familiar with..." There was a kind of confusion in Li Mo Yi's eyes. "It's like I've been to this star, but But I don't have such experience! "

"Brother Li is right!" Bai Xiaotu also nodded and said, "I feel the same way, and my eyebrows are jumping wildly, as if I want to open the immortal scar!"

Xiao Hua didn't speak any more. He squinted at the half star, but there was a huge wave in his heart: "if not unexpected, it must be the half word of Wuji Yan's Taoist painting, the broken pieces of Zifu's painting, and the half word of Taoist painting turning into half star is normal. And the breath as like as two peas on the stars, "

"Ten thousand immortal crystals come from my Jade Gate..." Qi Li did not hesitate to bid.

"Damn it..." Xiao Hua scolded and exclaimed, "if I had known that, I shouldn't have bid for your things. Now I have no money, but you are all alive."

"Shuo Jin Lou 11000..."

"Twenty thousand yuan family..."

Listen, even the Jiang family are bidding, Xiao Hua is stamping his feet, all of a sudden called 20000, this is the rhythm of people called to death!

"Qing Xiaoguan 25000...."

"I'll give you 50000..." A voice came from yinjinghai. Although Xiao Hua couldn't recognize who it was, how could the immortal who dared to call out 50000 xuanxianjing be an ordinary immortal?

"Oh? Is this Wei Sheng It doesn't mean that no one knows if Xiao Hua can't hear it. Situ Hong knows as soon as he hears it that Wei Sheng can't help it.

"Mount Kuiyang 60000!" Yu'e is not a vegetarian either. She doesn't care about other people at all. She shouts harshly.

But for a moment, this half star has been called to the price of 90000 xuanxianjing.

Xiao Hua stamped his feet in the cloud and mist fairy forbidden area. He knew that all the elixirs and utensils were useless at this time. Only Qian Jing could use them well. Moreover, all the immortal sects would never give face to the merchants. This is what they must get!

The sound of asking price didn't stop because of Xiao Hua's stamping foot. It was another cup of tea. It had already reached 200000 yuan! The disciple of the Yi family was also silly. He never thought that the half star would cause such a sensation, so he turned his head to look at the distant cloud and mist fairy.

At this time, Wei Chenghu of shuojin building opened his mouth and said: "Huanji fairy, it's 200000 yuan, which is the limit. If I want to be higher, I want to ask the Yi family where I got it, otherwise I can't bid again..."

"Well, not bad!" A strange voice of the Jiang family also sounded, "my Jiang family also means that. Although it is good, its origin is unknown..."

"Just a moment, ladies and gentlemen..." Huanji said with a smile, "this matter needs to be decided by the ancestors of the Yi family."

The disciple of the Yi family flew back to the cloud and mist fairy temple in a hurry, but after a few breath, an immortal who was covered by three colors of rays flew out. The immortal's voice was a little hoarse, and he replied: "immortal friends, this star is from the old..."

"Why?" Xiao Hua listened attentively, but suddenly a strange and familiar breath fell into Xiao Hua's mouth and nose. Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows and said, "this Is this the breath of the immortal

Bai Xiaotu's eyes suddenly turned red and said in a low voice: "yes, sir, it's the taste of fairy three failures, brother I smelled it on my mother. "

Li Moyi immediately said: "it must be that the ancestor of the Yi family has reached the point of immortal three decline, and then he will sell the half stars!"

"Alas..." Xiao Hua sighed, patted Bai Xiaotu on the shoulder and said, "it's my fault. I didn't have a chance to save your mother at that time!"

"Don't blame the master!" Bai Xiaotu clenched his lips and said, "the master didn't have that great magic power at that time..."

"Master? You... " Li Mo Yi suddenly understood Xiao Hua's meaning and said, "do you have a holy lotus seed?"

"Oh? Do you know the lotus seed Xiao Hua was shocked.

"Yes Li Mo Yi said with a smile, "when I came to enlighten the mainland, I heard people say that!"

"I don't have any lotus seeds!" Xiao Hua took out a bag from his arms and handed it to Bai Xiaotu I have just refined some Xiaosheng lotus seed, it's my elixir in the fairyland. Take it and see if you can exchange it for half a star

Xiao Hua originally wanted to say that it was sent by Lianyi shangmeng, but he thought that if Lianyi shangmeng had a little holy lotus seed, he should have taken it out to dongfangling on that day. He could only say that he had just made a sacrifice to prevent Bai Xiaotu from misunderstandings.

"Master..." At this time, Bai Xiaotu understood the meaning of Xiao Hua's words. He nodded and said, "don't worry, master. I'll try it!"

In addition to the immortal ban, the ancestor of the Yi family has already told the origin of the stars, and is preparing to turn around. Bai Xiaotu flies out and respectfully says, "can you wait a moment, elder?"

"What's the instruction of Bai Da Zhang Shou?" The forefather of the Yi family naturally knew Bai Xiaotu's identity and asked in a hurry.

"I've come to the business alliance to bid for this half star..." Bai Xiaotu pointed to the stars in Xiaoqian space and said with a smile, "it's just that I don't have 200000 xuanxianjing in the business alliance. I'm going to exchange one thing with my predecessors!""Bai Da Zhang shou..." Wei Chenghu said unhappily, "although you have a good relationship with our Xianmen, we don't talk about the relationship in Xianwei. We all take Qian Jing. It's not proper for you to exchange things for anything."

Qi Li hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "what Wei Xianyou said really has some truth."

But yu'e said, "if Bai Dazhang takes out something worth 200000, I think it's OK!"

Yuxian didn't take part in the bidding of the half stars, so Jiangye said with a smile, "I don't think it's improper to trade things for things."

Huan Ji is also partial to Bai Xiaotu and says with a smile: "anyway, Bai dazhangshou still tells me what you want to exchange with Yi's ancestors?"

"Yes The forefather of the Yi family chose no one to offend and said, "Bai Da Zhang Shou, let's talk about what to exchange with Lao Jiu first."

He didn't wait for Bai Xiaotu to say, "boom..." But see has been hanging in the air, no movement of Dan Dao Meng Zaohua Dan stele, an extremely dazzling red light as red black sun rising to the East, all of a sudden the whole Zihuan Island three sea space shrouded!

"This What's going on? " Looking at the dazzling red light, all the Immortals' faces changed greatly.

Dan Road alliance Ding Yilong flew out in a hurry. He looked at the red light slowly converging on the Zaohua Dan tablet, and cried out inconceivably: "immortal pill? How can I find a new elixir in fairyland? "

"10th" Jiangye cried out, "this What kind of elixir is this? "

It's a pity that no one can see the writing clearly in the red light.

Bai Xiaotu is also a bit at a loss. He looks at his own bag of Panax and the stone tablet of Zaohua pill. After counting the breath, the red light is dim, which shows the name of the elixir on the list!

"Little "Little lotus seed?" All the fairies cried in unison, "this What kind of elixir is this? "

"You Fairy Friends..." Ding Yilong said excitedly, "the holy lotus seed is the elixir to cure the three failures of our fairyland immortals. However, the holy lotus seed is not the elixir of our fairyland, so it is not listed in the Zaohua Dan tablet of our Dandao League. Now there must be a elixir similar to the holy lotus seed, which is called the little holy lotus seed..."

"The problem is..." The old ancestor of the Yi family said anxiously, "who is this little holy lotus seed? Where is he?"

"This That's not what I know! " Ding Yilong had some words. He pointed to the Zaohua Dan stele and said, "but since the Zaohua Dan stele is showing signs at this time, it may be near the Chenxiao sea..."

Ding Yilong's voice never fell to the ground. All the immortals, including Ding Yilong himself, looked at Bai Xiaotu almost at the same time. They couldn't help shouting: "Bai Bai dazhangshou, you Are you going to trade with the ancestors of the Yi family "Little lotus seed?"

Bai Xiaotu poked in a smile, raised his hand a little bit, and a crystal bottle flew out. Looking at the faint light on the crystal bottle, Bai Xiaotu replied proudly: "yes, it's the little holy lotus seed!"

"Boom..." All the audience were shocked, and countless calls rang out, "is there a holy lotus seed in the business alliance? Too It's incredible

"The constant stream business alliance can compare Yuxian! In the past, there were more than 100 pieces of immortals which were often used to be dead. Now there are more than ten immortals. How can the business leagues mix up in the future? "

For a time, the business alliance was in the limelight, and even Yu Xianjiang's face changed dramatically at night!

"White White palm head.... " The forefather of the Yi family stammered, "old Can you first Let's see first? "

"Not only can we see..." Bai Xiaotu sent the crystal bottle to the forefather of the Yi family and said, "you can take it first. If it's effective, you can take the half star to trade with me

"Good, good!" The old ancestor of the Yi family said happily, "if you can compare the lotus seed, you will give me 500000 xuanjing, and I won't change it!"

Wei Chenghu and other immortals are also speechless. What the Yi family's ancestors said is right. Can't you meet a saint lotus seed? Qian Jing can't buy it. The three bad breath of the Yi family's ancestors can't be concealed. There is a saint lotus seed in front of him. Don't say that this half star is another precious thing. He is willing to exchange it.

Huanji said with a smile: "when you take Xiaosheng lotus seed, can you let other fairy friends have a look?"

"Yes, yes..." In order to survive, where else could the ancestors of the Yi family care? He nodded and agreed.

With the flash of light and shadow, the Yi family's ancestors revealed the truth. Sure enough, the Yi family's ancestors were covered with rust and the silver light on their heads was gray black. Most of the silver light on their bodies was mottled, and a smell of fishy smell came out. It was similar to Xu Zhi, but the silver light was much lighter than Xu Zhi.

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Xiaosheng Lianzi ranks tenth in the Caihua Dan tablet. Xiaoguo is very powerful! It's a pity that Xiao Hua made a great contribution to the reputation of the business alliance!