Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 851

Li Moyi even said: "all the immortal sects, all the aristocratic families and business leagues have left the highest level of communication immortal tools for disciples and others. I hope that if there are any immortal tools in the future, I can contact them at the first time. There is no need to say more about Qian Jing."

"Yes Bai Xiaotu also excitedly said, "they have never seen so many immortal tools. They don't know how to say that."

"Do they have any money?" Xiao Hua made a sudden remark.

"I'm afraid it's gone!" Bai Xiaotu didn't think much about it, so he immediately replied, "every immortal gate has taken nearly ten pieces of immortal ware, and his eyes are green."

Li Mo Yi is not Bai Xiaotu. He immediately realized the others and exclaimed, "master, you Don't you have any other fairy wares? "

"How many immortals do you search for? Don't you have any idea?" Xiao Hua said, "how can I become more immortal?"

"That's the master and other things..." Li MOI smiles.

"Yes..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said, "the fairies outside are going to be sold out. I'll consider whether I should send some more things out."

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu said carefully, "according to the disciples, let Yuxian and them compete first! We can't take all the limelight... "

Just then, Huan Ji's voice said, "you immortal friends, the immortal wares that the business alliance entrusted me to sell have run out here..."

"How could it be?" An immortal cried, "just now there are 168 pieces of immortal wares on the ancient Xuan gold list. How can they be sold out after 12 pieces of auction?"

"Gege..." Huanji said with a smile, "this fairy friend, although there are more than 100 pieces of fairy ware on the list, they don't have to be sold."

"Why don't you bid for it?" Another immortal yelled, "the price of the previous 12 pieces of immortal utensils is too high. It's not possible for ordinary immortals like me to get them. Where are all the immortal utensils on the list? Is it the continuous stream of business leagues that won't bring it out? "

"That's right, that's right. We've already discussed it. We're going to put Qian Jing together to bid for a piece of Du'er four grade immortal ware, so that the business alliance can quickly take it out..."

The emotions of the fairies in the shopping mall were aroused, and there was chaos!

"Cough..." A voice rang out, and long Xiao's figure revealed, "old man, Long Xiao, I've taken some of the immortal tools you said. Do you have any opinions?"

"Old Lu Miao, I, the Yuchen clan, have also taken some immortal utensils. Do you have any opinions?"

"Old Zhao Chong, my Xiaojian clan also took some immortal tools. Do you have any opinions?"

"No No... " Think about the sharp of the immortal tools in the cutting order, and the immortal stammered in a hurry.

"I'm Qi Li of Qingyu gate. I've got some immortals in Qingyu gate. Do you have any opinions?"


"I'm Shuo Jin Lou Wei Cheng Hu..."


"I look at the clouds and the sky..."

One by one, they are all the two immortals admired by immortals, and they all represent one immortal gate. Who dares to say no?

Seeing the silence, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said a few words to Huan Ji.

Huan Ji's eyes turned around, waiting for the voice of several big figures to come to the ground, and said in a hurry: "I have just been voiced by the business alliance. In order to make up for your regret, the business alliance is willing to take out some of them from The spirit world's immortal wine is sold to you. There is no need to bid for it. Each cup is a Xuanxian crystal... "

"Spirit world?" At the same time, Wei Sheng and situ Hong clapped in their hearts and looked at Xiao Hua's cloud and mist fairy. After all, the spirit world was broken. What was the spirit world in Xiao Hua's mouth?

Sure enough, before Huan Ji finished speaking, another immortal said, "Huan Ji fairy, I'm afraid he's fooling me. The spirit world has long been broken. Where did he come from? What's more, a cup of immortal wine needs a xuanxianjing... "

Xiao Hua was shocked. He was talking about the spirit world casually. I didn't expect that the spirit world was broken!

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said in a loud voice, "I don't know which spirit world this immortal wine comes from. But since it's immortal wine of spirit world, it must be brewed by some spirit body in a fragment of spirit world. If Xianyou doubt the quality of immortal wine, please check it with the three tribes of Xiaohai

Huan Ji frowned and said, "the immortal friends who come to the business alliance have given me a problem. If it's the elixir, the immortal weapon, the array and the talisman, the three clans of chenxiaohai have invited the experts of each alliance to come here. How can I check the immortal wine?"

"Let's have a party." Huanji's voice falls to the ground, and a fairy flies out of the purple sea. Isn't it Lian Xiuyuan's voice?

Seeing the three colored figures flying out of the purple sea, all the immortals knew that they were the guests invited by the three clans together, while long Xiao and other three clan leaders did not dare to neglect them and rushed out together. Lu Miao even said with a smile: "it's really rare that Lian Xianyou should have such elegance!"

Lian Xiuyuan stands in mid air, and the three colors of light and shadow slowly disappear, revealing his true nature. He looks at Xiao Hua's direction and says, "Ren Xiaoyou is predestined with me. He has been to chaobi Pavilion in liubize before, and he has also mentioned a stream of business leagues. Although the stream of business leagues didn't give me a satisfactory answer at this time, I still think highly of their strength . Now that they have taken out the immortal wine, I naturally need to see the quality first! ""Thank you, fairy friend..." Long Xiao and others dare not despise, also dare not leave, respectful smile.

Seeing that even the chieftains of the three clans of chenxiaohai are standing there with them, where don't the immortals know the identity of lianxiuyuan? Everyone is waiting for Lian Xiuyuan to decompose.

Bai Xiaotu flies out, takes a bottle of fairy ware in his hand, respectfully hands it to Lian Xiuyuan, and then accompanies him.

Lianxiuyuan checks the immortal utensils and "brushes" a liquor. Lianxiuyuan sniffs the fragrance of the liquor. At first, he frowns slightly and looks at Bai Xiaotu and says, "have you tasted this liquor?"

"I'll tell you..." Bai Xiaotu didn't dare to hide it. He replied, "this immortal wine has just come from my business alliance. I haven't tasted it!"

"Just by the aroma of wine..." Lian Xiuyuan shook his head and said, "the material of this immortal wine is complicated, and the brewing technique is shallow. It can't reach the level of a drop of immortal wine. It's not worth a Xuanxian crystal!"

"Taste it first, master!" Bai Xiaotu said, "there must be other meanings in my master's words."

"Well!" Lian Xiuyuan has a meaningful look at Xiao Hua's cloud Wonderland. He nods slightly and holds the wine in his mouth.

At the entrance of immortal wine, "crackling" is like swallowing thunder, which shakes Lian Xiuyuan's face for several times. A series of rays come from his eyebrows and turn into waterfalls to brush down the immortal body. The twisted light and shadow of several feet also tear the void around him.

When the immortal wine came into his stomach, Lian Xiuyuan's eyebrows showed. Suddenly, his face changed dramatically, and he said, "this wine is from the spirit world. Although it's not a kind of immortal wine, it contains The important rule is that the value is not money. I'm rash. "

Just talking about this, Lian Xiuyuan said with a bitter smile: "I'm a little rash. This rule is very helpful for me to understand the art of offering sacrifices to wine. Long clan leader, I need to shut up. Can I open the immortal prohibition?"

"I'm sorry!" Long Xiao said hastily, "please forgive me..."

"Well, I understand!" Lian Xiuyuan took a deep look at Xiao Hua's location and said, "the continuous flow of business alliance is really good. I remember! Ladies and gentlemen, if I don't sell more than a hundred xuanxianjing in chaobi Pavilion, one xuanxianjing is worth giving away. However, I suggest that any immortal who wants to break through the bottleneck must bid for a cup. Oh, by the way, don't drink it in Haishi. When you come back to the cave, enjoy it carefully! "

With that, Lian Xiuyuan arched at Long Xiao and wanted to fly back. However, he just flew away and turned around again. He asked Bai Xiaotu, "can I have some more?"

"Please, sir, please feel free to..." Bai Xiaotu is a little flattered.

Lian Xiuyuan grabs it with a big hand, takes some liquor from the bottle shaped immortal utensil, and turns to leave.

All the immortals were shocked, and even Xiao Hua was stunned on the spot. He didn't expect that there were so many mysteries hidden in the immortal wine. However, just when Lian Xiuyuan said there were important rules hidden in it, Xiao Hua suddenly realized that Xiaolei was a thunder beast, and was nurtured by the thunder water from Xiantai. Was the thunder controlled by him an ordinary thunder? Although he can't make immortal wine, the power of thunder and even the way of balance also exist! I may not pay attention, but But it must be useful for ordinary immortals!

Especially when Lian Xiuyuan said that the spirit wine was not sold by Yu xuanxianjing, his heart seemed to be pierced by a flying sword. Qian Jing! I just went like a duckweed

Looking at Xiao Hua's face slightly changed, Li Mo Yi, who didn't know what Xiao Hua thought, quickly said with a smile: "master, we have just made a huge amount of money in the sale of immortal wares. Money is enough. However, we have left a bad impression on ordinary immortals because of the sale of immortals. Now the master is wise and uses these immortals wine to buy people's hearts. The method is really brilliant. I admire him... "

"Bullshit!" Xiao Hua scolded, "don't give me a high hat. I'm careless. However, you're right. It's not a waste to harvest the reputation of these scattered immortals, and these valuable immortal wines. Alas, my money crystal... "

Huan Ji woke up quickly and said with a smile: "you fairy friends, get ready for Qian Jing! I came to the business alliance to send out immortal wine. Starting from the space of yinjinghai, there are several immortal friends in each cloud and mist immortal forbidden area. I will give you a few cups until I finish... "

"Huanji fairy..." An immortal cried, "I am willing to spend 100 xuanxianjing to buy a cup of immortal wine for my younger martial sister!"

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Xiao Hua never thought that the junk fairy wine he took out later was so powerful. Space is a treasure! Immortal wine with important rules, tut tut