Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 850

"Xieyu palace?" Xiao Hua's heart moved and nodded, "thank you, Huanji fairy!"

As Xiao Hua's voice falls to the ground, the cloud and mist fairy's ban breaks, and Xiao Qi's figure flies in.

"What about Xiao Liu?" As soon as Xiao Qi entered Xianjin, he immediately looked around and was disappointed.

"Xiao Liu went to distribute immortal utensils with the elders of Yuxian and qingyumen!" Xiao Hua said lightly, "if you want to find him, you should let Huanji send you to the core space of Zihuan island."

"Master..." Small seven pitifully fly to Xiao Hua in front of bow way, "small seven to find small six just want him to beg the elder, this matter to the elder to make the decision."

"What can I do for you?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile.

"Of course, it's these fairies!" Xiaoqi spat out his tongue and said, "you take out so many top-grade immortal tools all of a sudden. It's just that Xiaoqi doesn't see them. Now that you see them, if you don't take some back, Xiaoqi can't explain to the school."

"You come out to experience by yourself. It doesn't matter whether you take the immortal weapon or not..." Xiao Hua replied, "even if Xiao Liu goes out like this and comes back empty handed, I will never blame him. I think your teacher is the same!"

"Master..." Xiao Qi was a little tearful, and said, "you always have pity on Xiao Qi. How can you give Xiao Qi ten pieces and eight pieces of immortals? You've made Xiaoqi's identity clear, but you don't want to give such a face. I'm afraid it's not good for you to come to Xieyu palace in the future... "

"Bullshit!" Xiao Hua sneered and said, "here are ten and eight pieces of immortal tools. You can really dream. Just now you're going to kill me. Now I'll give you immortal tools for nothing. How beautiful

Xiaoqi was not upset. She pursed her lips and said, "aren't you kidding me? You've got the upper hand. You can't be cut. Xiao Qi is just to activate the atmosphere... "

"It's no use begging me..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I gave Xiao Liu all the immortal utensils..."

"You said it earlier!" Xiaoqi's tears, depression, and begging for mercy were swept away. He started from the ground and cried, "sister Huanji, sister Huanji, send me to Xiaoliu. There is no immortal weapon here, senior..."

Looking at the three color glow in front of him, Xiaoqi's figure disappeared. Xiao Hua was really in tears and laughter.

After the ban, situ Yang, who had changed his appearance again, looked at the fairies he was bidding for and said in a low voice, "my Lord, things It's weird! "

He Qiong also had a strange look on her face. Listening to the continuous price calls, she replied, "it's more than odd. It's totally beyond my imagination. This matter It may not be as simple as I thought before! "

"Yes..." Even situ Yang saw something strange about it. He said, "before, my subordinates thought that the secret that zhanglv palace wanted to explore was on xiaoxianying. Now it seems that he is not alone!"

"Not bad!" He Qiong nodded and said, "there is the shadow of Yu Xian in it. This matter..."

Speaking of this, he Qiong asked, "didn't master situ summon you?"

"No!" Situ Yang shook his head and said, "there's no message from him, or Send him a letter to the old man

"No need!" He Qiong quickly waved her hand and said, "his old man must be nearby. If there is no accident with the order just now, it should be written by his old man or Zhang LV Gong Wei, but they have never appeared. We can just wait and see what happens."

"It's reasonable for us to say that they have nothing to do with Zhang Xiaohua!"

"Any feeling is false!" He Qiong said coldly, "only facts are true! It is difficult to infer the names and surnames of some of the immortals among them. "

"If you don't take the keepsake to find the three families of chenxiaohai..." Situ Yang said tentatively.

"Now?" He Qiong laughed, pointed to the three colors of the sky, and said, "although I haven't seen them, I can say for sure that the three clans of chenxiaohai and several immortal clans are cooperating with a stream of business leagues. How can you divide up those immortal wares? It's not boring for you to find them now?"

Even he Qiong thought of it. How did situ Hong and Wei Sheng not think of it? They are all dormant beasts. They will never show their tracks until the critical moment or the time when they are killed.

So even if Xiao Hua didn't look at the clouds around him, the previous shudders didn't appear again, and he didn't know whether his feeling was right.

The competition of Du'er's four immortals was very difficult. At the end of the competition, several immortals held on to the price, and xuanxianjing added a little bit. The high price made ordinary immortals dumbfounded, so that many immortals whispered.

"Alas, ordinary immortals can only see appearances forever..." Xiao Hua sighed and said in secret, "how do they know the transactions behind these? Just as they are waiting, all the benefits have been divided up, leaving them only some leftovers! "

It took half an hour for Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu to return to Xianjin, and with their return, the competition for the fourth grade immortal wares in duer suddenly accelerated.

"How?" Xiao Hua looked at the excitement on Bai Xiaotu's face and asked faintly.

"To the master!" Bai Xiaotu bowed and said, "fortunately, I have fulfilled my mission. My disciples helped me to come to the business alliance and earn money that I could not have imagined before..."Then Bai Xiaotu sent more than ten crystal rolls to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua's eyes swept for a while. Although he was ready, the dark numbers on each crystal roll still made his heart beat.

"A lot of..." Xiao Hua pondered for a moment and spewed out two words in a low voice.

"Ha ha..." Li Mo Yi beside him said with a laugh, "master, it's not a lot, but a lot that makes people's heart beat. Don't worry about it. This Qian Jing is enough to make our master and apprentice come to the business alliance in an endless stream."

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "MOI, don't be proud. Since the Lord can give us so many immortal tools, he can also give them to others..."

"Sir, have you seen the Lord?" Asked Li MOI.

Xiao Hua shook his head, pretended to be confused, and said, "I only received a message from the Lord, but I've never seen him. He's so mysterious!"

While talking, Xiao Hua's own belly will burst, he dare not let Li Mo Yi ask, this lie is too easy to be pierced! Xiao Hua quickly handed the crystal roll to Bai Xiaotu, and then asked, "Xiao Liu, how can the immortal ware be divided?"

"Take this master!" Bai Xiaotu didn't pick up the crystal roll. He waved his hand and said, "master, it's also a great contribution to the Lord."

"What a great achievement Xiao Hua curled his lips and shoved the crystal roll to Bai Xiaotu. "It's just some money crystals. Take these money crystals. It's a great credit to treat you as a big leader!"

Li Mo Yi smiles and says: "master, this is to give up! Such an important task was assigned to our two disciples! "

"Naturally, I'll give it to you. I don't like these mundane affairs!" Xiao Hua white Li MOI a way.

Bai Xiaotu carefully collected the crystal volume and said, "don't worry. Xiao Liu has worked hard to build our business alliance."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "you've worked hard. Let's talk about how to distribute the immortal utensils."

"The master of Youyu fairy Jiangxiao gives advice for his disciples, and they don't have much trouble!" Bai Xiaotu respectfully said, "in addition to bidding for ten pieces of Du'er's four immortals and two pieces of chang'ai's two immortals, five immortals took 50% of the 156 pieces of immortals, several aristocratic families including Chen Xiaohai's three families took 20%, Yu immortals took 20%, and other business leagues took 10%...."

"Five immortals gate?" Xiao Hua smiles and asks, "how did you become the five immortals?"

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu said feverishly, "Yang Junke from Xieyu palace didn't give it to Qian Jing, but But she made a promise and left a keepsake for Qian Jing to her disciples... "

"Yang Junke? Seven, right Xiao Hua asked with a smile.

"Yes Yes Bai Xiaotu quickly replied, "I think Xieyu palace is also one of the five immortals, which can help me to come to the business alliance, so I agreed without authorization..."

"What do you mean to promise without authorization?" Xiao Hua said, "your words are the words of the leader of the business alliance! You give all the fairies to Xieyu palace, and I agree with you

Bai Xiaotu's eyes were slightly moist. He bowed respectfully and said: "disciple master Xie..."

"Not necessarily!" Xiao Hua picked up Bai Xiaotu and said, "you are the chief executive. Everything depends on what you say. I and MOI will help you!"

"Hee hee, how about it?" Next to Li Moyi, he said to Bai Xiaotu with a smile, "when you just increased the share of Xieyu palace, you were worried that the master was not happy. Look, the master said the same thing as I said!"

"Yes, thank you, master and brother Li!" Bai Xiaotu's heart went down completely.

"It's strange!" Xiao Hua frowned and said, "I thought Jiang ye would take 50% of the share. Who knows that he only took 20%. The five immortals actually took more than the seven or eight aristocratic families!"

Li Moyi explained: "master, the immortal utensils are no better than the elixirs. It's the easiest thing to show the strength of the immortal sect. The purpose of taking 10% of the immortal utensils from Qingyu sect is different from that of taking 10% of the immortal utensils from Yuxian. Most of the time, Yuxian still wants to sell them for profit, while Qingyu sect wants to give them to the disciples! It's the same in every family. According to Wei Chenghu of shuojin building, Yuxian and other business leagues don't need any shares at all. They just want to stir things up! "

"Ha ha, that's true!" Xiao Hua laughed.

"And Yuxian also said..." Bai Xiaotu continued, "I come to the business alliance to come up with such immortal tools. How can I rob the ninth tower?"

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Yeah, in fairyland, "how do they know the deal behind this? Just as they are waiting, all the benefits have been divided up, leaving them only some leftovers! " Should this be true in the world?