Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 849

"Ah!" If Xiao Hua says that all the Baina bags are made of immortal wares, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu may feel that Xiao Hua is lying, but these 60% of the four immortal wares really confirm Li Moyi's conjecture, because Bai Xiaotu finds different kinds of immortal wares with different degrees of damage. Xiao Hua's saying is just in line with reality, and it makes Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu feel more secure, but Bai Xiaotu still can't bear it "Master, four Forty percent of them are still in silence. I come to the business alliance in an endless stream. "

Just talking about this, someone started to scream outside the Yunxia immortal ban: "Du Er, four grade immortal ware, liuhuangxing town..."

"Master..." Li MOI's face suddenly changed and he said in a low voice, "you How are you going to bid for these fairies? Don't you leave one? You Don't forget, how many immortals are there in the whole enlightenment continent? What's the impact if you sell off these often quiet immortal wares all at once

"Old How can I know! " Xiao Hua's face immediately gave birth to a sad look. He pointed to the bag and said, "I just received an instant message from the league. I passed these immortal tools to me. I just took them out to Xiao Liu, and it was such a big accident. You are the leader of my business alliance. I don't care. You can deal with it by yourself. "

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu cried, as if he had a fire chestnut in his hand. "You don't take this with you."

Li Moyi's eyes turned sharply. Unfortunately, before he could care about it, there was already a voice from the night outside: "Ren Xiaoyou, Ren Xiaoyou..."

"Master..." Li Mo Yi smiles and says, "the Lord of Jiangxiao in Yuxian is calling you!"

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua white Li Moyi one eye, Yang Sheng way, "Jiang night elder brother, what matter son?"

Looking at Xiao Hua pretending to be confused, Li Mo Yi hurried to talk to Bai Xiaotu, as if to discuss something.

"Ren Xiaoyou, Ren Xiaoyou..." Xiao Hua flew out of the cloud and mist, and all the immortals came to surround him. Regardless of his identity, strength and airs, he asked: "what's the matter with these immortals? Is it what you want to sell? How are you going to sell it? "

"Cough..." Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Xuan's gold list, which was still shining like a meteor, coughing twice. This voice is not big, the voice of Jiang ye and others stops in a hurry, one by one slightly expecting to look at Xiao Hua, waiting for the answer.

"Senior..." Xiao Hua arched his hands around and said, "to tell you the truth, these immortal tools were just sent to Ren by our forefathers of the business alliance..."

"How could it be?" Zhao Chong lost his voice and said, "the three sea space of Zihuan island has been closed..."

"Cough..." Lu MiaoBai took a look at Zhao Chong, and said in a low voice, "there are some means to provide so many business leagues which are often used to taste immortals. It's a little strange for the head of Zhao clan."

Jiang night also explains hastily: "Zhao clan chief, it is transmission, this has nothing to do with space closure."

Zhao Chong was a little embarrassed. He even said with a smile, "yes, yes, I'm in the sea of dust, but I haven't seen your business alliance. It's impolite. It's impolite..."

Seeing that Zhao Chong is a two Qi immortal, and the head of his family is so respectful to him, Xiao Hua understands that this is the function of more than 100 immortal utensils from the continuous stream of business alliance, so he still says in a light tone: "these immortal utensils are sent to me by the continuous stream of business alliance, so that I can sell them in chenxiaohai city..."

As before, without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, qingyumen said anxiously: "how to sell? Are they all sold? Are they sold in batches or one by one? "

"My Lord sent a message..." Xiao Hua arched his hand to a place in the sky and said, "last time, many business leagues in lingyunchi came to support him. This time, a Yuxian came to chenxiaohai to help his old man fulfill a wish, so these immortal wares were sold. As for how to sell it, he also said that the customers should follow the master, and listen to the opinions of the three clans of chenxiaohai, the five immortals of the enlightenment mainland, and many business leagues. "

Xiao Hua's voice fell to the ground, but the immortals were speechless. All the immortals, you see, I see you, are speechless. There are 46 pieces of immortals that are often silent, and there are a steady stream of four pieces of immortals from dueI. How many years have these immortals never appeared? How to distribute these immortals is very important for all forces, and these immortals will not affect all forces Strength is strength, but it also plays a very important role.

Yu e is simple, direct ask a way: "Ren Xiaoyou, you say how to distribute, so distribute!"

Xiao Hua felt his nose and laughed bitterly in his heart. He never thought it would cause such a big stir, and he didn't dare to distribute it casually. It's an easy sinner, so he said with a smile: "since it's Zihuan island sea market, of course we should sell some in the sea market, otherwise the immortals who come to the sea market won't agree, and the reputation of the three groups of chenxiaohai is not good. However, whether it's changjixiapin or dueI Sipin, it's expensive. Ordinary immortals may not be able to compete. All the younger generation think that it's good to have 10% of them in Haishi, and the other 90% are good. Let's see how many immortals are on the list. How about that? "

"Good, good, good!" All the immortals agreed, but they didn't expect that they had only Xiao Hua, the high-level leader of Yan Xian.

"Brother Jiangye..." All the immortals looked at Gu Xuan's gold list, and Xiao Hua whispered, "I've come to the business alliance. I'm in alliance with Yu Xian. Let brother Jiang ye weigh this matter. What do you think?"Jiangye was supposed to send a message to Xiao Hua. At this time, she was very happy and quickly replied, "Ren Xiaoyou, don't worry! I'm very good at handling this matter. I won't embarrass you. I won't let you explain it before your Lord! "

While talking, the golden light on the ancient Xuanjin list gradually calmed down, but the voices of the immortals did not drop. All the immortals wanted to know how many immortals would be on the list!

"Du Er's four immortals, Zhen Yun Hong..."

"Du Er's four immortals, broken stars..."

With the sound of the immortals around the beam, the golden light on the ancient Xuanjin list slowly converged, and the immortals cried out: "is there any more? Come again, come again... "

"My God! This All in all, there are 122 pieces of Du Er's four kinds of immortal utensils! "

"In addition, there are 46 pieces of immortal utensils, totally 168 pieces of immortal utensils..."

"Yes, this Is this for auction? "

"It's impossible. When did you see the sea market auction so many Du'er four grade immortals?"

"Why not? It's all on the ancient Xuan gold list. Do you want me to wait and see? "

"Huanji fairy, Huanji fairy, are these fairies for sale? What's the price? "

There was instant confusion in the field.

"Ren Xiaoyou..." Lu Miao said anxiously, "if I don't say anything else, I'll ask you, is that Youyao binglu in your place?"

It's not easy for Lu Miao to endure here. Xiao Hua doesn't understand. But when he looks at Jiang ye, Jiang Ye nods slightly. So he says with a smile, "Ren doesn't know which one is you Yao Bing Lu. If the immortal utensils appear together, they should be there!"

"This..." Lu Miao wakes up and raises his hand in a hurry. The image recorded by Youyao binglu comes out. Doesn't Xiao Hua see that it's the immortal weapon he made for the first time?

"Well, in Ren's hands..." Xiao Hua nodded with a smile. Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Lu Miao cried, "I want this old thing!"

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua didn't hesitate. He replied, "all the immortal utensils, you can choose three pieces unconditionally. Qian Jing is easy to say. Look at the other immortal utensils. How about Mr. Jiang ye, who entrusts Yuxian, and the two leaders of the business alliance to deal with them?"

If you listen, you can choose three pieces first. Where can the immortals think about it? It's all nodding.

"Ladies and gentlemen..." Jiangye also took the opportunity to say, "I am a business alliance, and I am the leader of Jiangxiao, who is responsible for enlightening the Yuxian affairs in mainland China. So you can rest assured that all the bidding for the distribution of immortal utensils are based on the major immortal families..."

All the immortals are caressing their hands. Long Xiao and other three clan leaders of chenxiaohai look at each other and say, "Ren Xiaoyou, just now Xiaoyou said that you want to bid for 10% of the immortals. Now the group of immortals in Haishi are excited. Don't you bid for some first?"

"Of course..." Xiao Hua nods and orders Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi to come out. He takes some of Du Er's four grade immortal utensils and sends them to Huanji fairy.

For a time, Zihuan island once again reached the climax of fairy ware, and the voice of bidding came one after another.

Looking at the bustling scene, Lu Miao urged again: "Ren Xiaoyou, don't you come to Zihuan island to discuss how to distribute these immortal utensils!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "if you don't understand this, let Xiao Liu go with you."

Jiangye was puzzled, but he looked at Xiaohua's seriousness and nodded: "Ren Xiaoyou, don't worry. I'll give it to you now."

Then, with a big wave of his hand, Lu Miao takes Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi to fly into huixiaofan's flower. All the immortals nod to Xiao Hua and follow him.

Xiao Hua turns around and flies back to Yunwu Xianjin. It's not that he doesn't want to deal with all the immortal families. He's afraid that something might go wrong. The previous shudder outside the ring dome is still in sight. He really doesn't want to be in the limelight in the sea market.

Xiao Hua hid in the cloud and fog fairy forbidden, listening to the price of Du Er's four grade fairy ware being called to 800 xuanxianjing, and the price calls were still rising one after another. He was dumbfounded and didn't have to think about it. It must be that those business leagues were behind the scenes, raising the price too high for ordinary immortals.

But this is the rule of the sea market, even if those ordinary immortals understand, they can only knock down their teeth and swallow them into their stomach!

"Xianyou..." Suddenly, Huan Ji's voice came into Xiao Hua's ears, "the little sister named Xiao Qi wants to find Xianyou..."

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Xiao Hua doesn't want to be forced, but he can always be forced. He can't help it. Passive forced is the real forced