Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 848

Seeing that Huanji had finished speaking, Xiao Hua could not make Bai Xiaotu speak any more. He had to raise his hand to take out the bag containing all kinds of immortal utensils from the space and handed it to Bai Xiaotu. He said, "this is the immortal utensil you found earlier. I'll send it back to the alliance and ask the casting master to recast it. It was delivered before the market. You can have a chance to sell it!"

Bai Xiaotu was shocked. He quickly took the bag. Yannian swept it and said, "master, this Are these still the fairies? "



Without waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, there were bursts of surprise outside the cloud and mist fairy prohibition. Some impatient immortals cried: "this What's going on? "

Bai Xiaotu and others were also extremely surprised, and they hurried to explore outside the immortal forbidden area!

In addition to Xianban, Huiyu fairy just flew out a few moments ago. She said with a smile: "Huanji fairy said well. As a business alliance, Yuxian has never regarded any business alliance, Xianmen or aristocratic family as an enemy. Yuxian believes that only cooperation can achieve common development. Yuxian has many allies. You've just met, but you're not familiar with the endless stream of business leagues. There are several fairies here, and many business leagues. I'm not afraid of the development of our allies, let alone the strength of our allies. Only... "

It's a pity that Huiyu fairy just said, "brush..." The golden light flashed from behind her.

"Who?" Huiyu fairy frowned slightly and turned her head in displeasure. Just when she saw the strange place in front of her eyes, she couldn't help exclaiming: "how can it be?"

And then, all the fairies exclaimed!

"How could it be?"

I'm afraid this question is the most in the minds of the fairies in Zihuan island. No matter what, they can't imagine that an ordinary fairyland has revealed so many miracles. It's just another one in front of them.

But in the sky, where the ancient xuanjinbang is, the golden light shoots out like a sword, and the lines of writing emerge like a fish leaping over the dragon's gate.

The immortal's eyes were all sharp, and someone had already cried out: "often quiet, the immortal's tools flow, and the Dan Bao falls..."

"I've always tasted the flying cloud fur armour..."

"Often quiet down, taste the immortal ware, plain cloud light wheel..."

"After a long silence, you can taste the immortal utensils and the stars in the morning “


Later, all the immortals called out the name of Changji Xiapin artifact which appeared again and again on the ancient Xuanjin list

"Often quiet, I taste the immortal ware, Hongyou embroidered armor..."

"The water floating magic stab of immortals in the silence..."


In the shouting, Qi Dao Meng Ning Xun staggered out, and the shock and ecstasy on his face were self-evident.

"Whoosh..." Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong couldn't sit still any longer. At the same time, they flew out and landed beside Ning Xun, saying, "Ningqi master, this What's going on? "

"Senior..." Ning Xun stammered, "you ask me, who shall I ask? I I've never seen anything like that

"Brush!" Jiangye couldn't help but fly out of the immortal ban. She looked up at the names of the immortal wares that still appeared one by one, and cried, "Why are there so many immortal wares? Is it because of the simultaneous sacrifice and refining of the Taoist alliance and the master? "

Ning Xun was about to cry. He said in a hurry: "how can it be? No matter how many craftsmen we have, we can't sacrifice and refine so many immortal tools at the same time! This kind of immortal ware can't be forged unless it's made of gold. "

During the conversation, the two immortals of the four immortals all flew down and looked at the ancient xuanjinbang with complicated facial expressions. However, during the conversation, all the immortals had already called out more than thirty names of the immortals, many of which were familiar to them. They could be regarded as the famous immortals of the Enlightenment mainland or Huang Zengtian, but the immortals also remember those immortals clearly It's just the fourth grade of Du Er!

"Ningqi master..." Qi Li suddenly thought of something and said, "do you remember the record of Youyao ice, a kind of immortal ware that is often silent?"

"Remember, remember..." Ning Xun's head nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "is it difficult for me to be equal to the elder's feeling that All these immortal wares are Are some immortals trading in Zihuan island sea market? "

"Ningqi master..." Zhao Chong frowned and said, "the triple sea space of Zihuan island has been closed. The immortals outside the space may be able to see the images of the inner bidding, but the information of the immortals they bring may not be able to be transmitted to your ancient xuanjinbang?"

Ning Xun said with a sad face: "this Ning does not know!"

As they spoke, the voices of the immortals changed again: "I'll go. At last, there's no more. This This is a total of 46 pieces of immortals that are often quiet! Where do they all come from? "

"Where did you come from? I don't know, but look at the Suyun light wheel! I remember that there was a Du'er four grade immortal called Su Yunsi, but But the fairy ware has been destroyed... "

"Oh, I remember. You're right. I vaguely remember that there was an immortal instrument called light wheel pestle. It was also Du Er Sipin at that time..."

"No?" The speaker didn't mean to hear it, but someone said, "did a craftsman cast these two duer four kinds of immortals together and make them a kind of immortals"How can it be!" Another voice said in a low voice, "I know a little about the art of casting utensils. The attributes and techniques of sacrificing and refining of the two pieces of duer four grade immortal utensils are different. How can they be combined? Even if they are put together, they will not become a new immortal, let alone a common inferior product! "

"Do you think this Suyun light wheel has something to do with Suyun silk and light wheel pestle?"

"It's the same name! It's not like the fairyland doesn't have the same name and surname! "

Just as the voice said this, there was a cry like a frying pan: "what? What else is there? "

"Now it's Du Er Si PIN Xian ware. My God, it's gone after a long silence. This is the beginning of Du Er Si PIN Xian ware. This What the hell is going on

"Look, look, the name comes out, the name comes out..."

"Du'er four immortals, liuhuangxing town"

"Du'er four immortals, Yuhua silk awning"

Hearing this, even Ning Xun couldn't help staring at the ancient xuanjinbang. Sure enough, the place where the golden light of the ancient xuanjinbang stagnated suddenly began to flow again, and the names of Du Er's four immortals appeared!

"Du Er Si PIN Xian ware, flying catkins and dragon scales"

"Du Er Si PIN Xian ware, Changxing dragon sting"

"Du Er Si PIN Xian ware, Shiyan jiepeng"


Seeing that the name of Du Er's four grade immortal wares appeared like water, Jiang Ye suddenly thought of something. She looked at Wei Chenghu in Shuo Jin Lou and asked, "master Wei, I want to ask you, when you successfully cast the immortal wares in batches in Shuo Jin Lou, is this the case?"

Wei Chenghu nodded first and then shook his head and said, "I cast a lot of immortal wares in shuojin building. Maybe some of them will be on the list of shuojin building, but there won't be so many. I never thought that there would be such a terrible situation! However, Lord Xiao, if you are Yuxian, if you are from I've brought a batch of immortal wares from the color world. Is that the case? "

"No!" Jiangye shook her head without hesitation and said, "the sky of the color world is also the fairyland, and the fairyland in it is also listed in the ancient Xuanjin list..."

When Jiang ye said this, she suddenly thought of something. She looked around and thought of it. Ning Xun, Wei Chenghu and others naturally thought of it. They looked at each other and said inconceivably, "is it a continuous stream of business leagues?"

Jiangye looked around and saw that there was no Xiao Hua and others. She cried out: "Ren Xiaoyou, Ren Xiaoyou..."

Xiao Hua, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu are also stunned to see the golden light of the ancient Xuanjin list flashing again and again. They don't know what happened.

When the name of the four immortals appeared, Bai Xiaotu pointed to the name of liuhuangxing town and said, "old Master, this Isn't this the artifact that disciple spent three xuanxianjing to buy on the first day? Most of the immortal array was broken, and the immortal who sold it didn't hide it. He not only told his disciples the name of the immortal, but also told them what the material of the immortal ware was. The three xuanxianjing bought the material. Now why is the immortal ware suddenly on the list? "

Li Moyi woke up and pointed to the bag in Bai Xiaotu's hand and said, "Xiao Liu, you silly boy! It's hard to understand? Master, send back the fairyland you bought to the alliance, and let the craftsmen in the alliance refine it again ~ "

" really Really? " Bai Xiaotu raises the bag in his hand, and his arms are shaking. If it's true, as Li Moyi said, this Isn't this bag full of immortals? Bai Xiaotu's careful liver can't help shivering.

If Bai Xiaotu only thinks about the value of the immortal utensils in the bag, then Li Moyi's heart has begun to shock the strength of the business alliance behind Xiao Hua.

Besides Xiao Hua, Li Mo Yi knows the most about the number of immortal utensils that Bai Xiaotu sweeps in the sixty-four ring dome with the world near Yan Yue. It's not to say that a continuous stream of craftsmen from the Shang league can refine so many immortal utensils in a short time. Even if they repair so many immortal utensils, Li Mo Yi can't believe his ears. There are so many immortal utensils. How many craftsmen and how long does it take to repair them!

But it's only half a month. Those dilapidated and unwanted immortal utensils have been sacrificed and refined by the business alliance to become immortal utensils! What strength it is, and what a great deal it is! With Li MOI's expanding memory and cognition, he really can't imagine which force has such strength!

Xiao Hua smile, smile is so calm, smile is so mysterious, smile is so indifferent, he said: "in fact, not as much as you think, there are 60% is Du Er four grade immortal..."

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Come and have a look, you immortal friends. A miracle has appeared. A stream of fairies from the business alliance has begun to rush to the list! Does this make people live? However, a small auction, how can it do so many miracles?