Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 847

Bai Xiaotu said hastily in the mist: "master, Yuxian and I have come together. The business alliance is an ally. This kind of transaction should be 20% off. Master can give us 4800 xuanjing."

"Ha ha, thank you very much Jiangye said with a smile, "but the private transaction between you and me is still different from the auction transaction. Yuxian can't break the rules here. The six thousand xuanjing are still to be given..."

After that, each item of the Dragon Kingdom items sold shocked the whole audience. In the end, all the immortals were numb, leaving only exclamations and ecstasies. Conditionally, they bid incredible high prices to buy rare dragon pills, dragon scales, and even some dragon Kingdom items.

"It's worth the trip!" This is the common idea of all fairies competing to buy things from the Dragon kingdom.

I thought that after the bidding of the Dragon Kingdom, the enthusiasm of the immortals would be slightly less, but when dehuanji announced the demon alliance again, it caused a new round of bidding fever.

The objects of Moze are of great help for the high-level immortals to break through the realm, the objects of Longyu are of congenital help for the immortals who practice special skills, and the objects of demon alliance are really useful for the cultivation of the vast majority of immortals. The casting materials of demon fruit, demon wood, demon alliance, demon shell, demon family and demon ware are all things that the immortals covet.

For a while, not only the space of ziyanhai and jinlunhai, but also the space of yinjinghai began to boil. All the immortals were desperate to bid. In the space of Zihuan Island, one voice after another sounded again, and the excitement was no less than that of the ordinary market.

"Xiao Liu!" Looking at Huan Ji's confusion, Li Mo Yi said in a low voice, "you're in trouble after Haishi. Not to mention the major business leagues, even many fairies want to invite you..."

Li Moyi just said this, a voice came from outside the immortal forbidden area: "little Xiao Liu, I have something to discuss with you... "

"Little seven?" Xiao Hua eyebrows pick, smile.

Bai Xiaotu looks at Xiao Hua in a hurry. Xiao Hua holds his hand in his arms and looks at the distance leisurely, as if there is the secret of cultivation. Bai Xiaotu turns to look at Li Moyi again. Li Moyi, who was just talking to him, suddenly shut up!

Bai Xiaotu had no choice but to reply, "what What's up? Come here and talk

"I'm in yinjinghai space, I can't return to jinlunhai space..." Small seven low voice says, can how listen to all have some to gnash teeth of remorse feeling.

"Well, OK, you say, what's the matter?"

"Is there Xuanyan colorful Soul Crystal of demon League?"

Bai Xiaotu replied: "yes, I've written it on Mo Xiantong. Sister Huanji hasn't sold it yet. You'll be bidding at that time..."

Bai Xiaotu just said here, "pa" Xiao Hua can't help slapping Bai Xiaotu on the back of the head and scolding: "you really have no brain?"

Bai Xiaotu was stunned for a moment and said in a hurry: "well, well, I'll give you a 70% discount when you bid..."

Xiaoqi held back his anger and cried in a low voice, "at this moment, a Pingsheng demon bone will be sold to two hundred xuanjing, and the Xuanyan seven color Soul Crystal will not be more than a thousand!"

"Thousands more than that!" Bai Xiaotu was very determined and said, "how can you get 1500 xuanxianjing?"

"Yes, 1500 xuanxianjing..." Xiaoqi was so critical that he said, "you are too black hearted. A soul crystal can earn 1500 xuanjing."

"You can't say that!" Bai Xiaotu explained in a hurry, "I come to the business alliance to get the soul crystal, and I have to pay the price. Besides, didn't you just earn 400 xuanjing?"

Xiao Qi finally couldn't bear it and cried out, "why don't you die! I'm still thinking about my Qian Jing... "

Xiao Hua couldn't bear it any more. He looked at Bai Xiaotu from a distance and said, "is there a string missing in the child's mind?"

Let alone Xiao Hua, Li Moyi, who closed his eyes for meditation, opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Hua with a bitter smile.

Seeing that Bai Xiaotu scratched his head and wanted to open his mouth, Xiao Hua quickly raised his hand and took out a Xuanyan colorful Soul Crystal from the space. He packed it in a crystal box and handed it to Bai Xiaotu: "here you are!"

"How can the master still have it?" Bai Xiaotu was surprised, and then naturally asked, "how do we charge for this?"

"Pa..." Li Moyi slapped Bai Xiaotu on the back of his head and said, "this is not money crystal. It's free!"

"Oh, good, good!" Bai Xiaotu woke up and nodded quickly, but after he got up, he scratched his head again. He looked at the space of yinjinghai and said, "master, I can't go. I can't come back after I go."

"Poof..." Without waiting for Bai Xiaotu to finish, Li MOI raised his foot and kicked Bai Xiaotu out of the immortal's palace!

"Alas..." Li Moyi patted his leg and said with a smile, "elder martial brother can only help you here!"

Xiao Hua laughs, which reminds him of the younger martial brother of Yu Lei Zong, Mr. Cui. Didn't he help Mr. Cui that way?

Fortunately, but for a long time, Bai Xiaotu flew back from outside the immortal prohibition with a look on his face. Li Moyi asked angrily, "how did you come back? Don't you mean you can't come back after you go? "

"Well That... " Bai Xiaotu said in a low voice, "little brother sent Huanji fairy a message. Huanji fairy sent me back.""That Xuan Yan seven color Soul Crystal you won't bring back?" Looking at Bai Xiaotu's appearance, Xiao Hua suddenly felt something bad in his heart and asked in a hurry.

Bai Xiaotu shook his head and said, "of course not, master..."

"OK..." Xiao Hua said in secret, "it's not stupid!"

It's a pity that Xiao Hua didn't vomit blood.

"Disciple also sold a good price..."

"No help, no help!" Xiao Hua looked at Li Moyi, and they were helpless.

Li Moyi scolded: "didn't I tell you? No Qian Jing, no Qian Jing... "

"Yes Puzzling, Bai Xiaotu took out a shining jade pendant and replied, "I don't want Qian Jing! Xiaoqi didn't have many xuanjing in her body. I gave her nothing. She didn't want to mortgage this jade pendant to me... "

Speaking of this, Bai Xiaotu handed the jade pendant to Xiao Hua and said, "it looks precious. You'd better keep it by yourself."

Xiao Hua again speechless, scolded: "you deserve to be a bachelor!"

"What What do you mean Bai Xiaotu's innocent face, he really can't understand what this means.

"Well, a fool is blessed with a fool! I don't know how Xiao Qi takes a fancy to this boy! " Li MOI sighed, "I can't understand what I think."

"Like me?" Bai Xiaotu finally understood. He pointed to his nose and said, "brother Li, do you think Xiaoqi has a crush on me?"

"Yes! What's the matter? "

"She didn't say that!"

"Go away..." Li Mo Yi scolds a way, "show off again in front of me, I kick you to fly."

"Master!" Bai Xiaotu asked Xiao Hua again, "this..."

"Put away this jade pendant!" Xiao Hua had no choice but to tell him, "even if he didn't say it, maybe it's also true. You and she both have inborn differences. She may like you. Xieyu palace, one of the five immortals, may be helpful for me to come to the business alliance in the future."

"Yes, master, I know!" As soon as he heard that it had something to do with the continuous development of the business alliance, Bai Xiaotu's face was straight. Be careful to put this jade pendant away.

Xiaoqi's estimation is right. The demon alliance soul crystal that appeared later was chased by many immortals. The price reached 1700 xuanxianjing. With her strength, she couldn't compete at all.

The Xuanyan seven color soul crystal, which even the Xieyu palace disciples covet, is really nothing among the demonic alliance materials provided by the business alliance. After that, more blood crystal, Star Crystal and more star stone demonic pills make the crowd flock to them.

At the end of the bidding, Huiyu said to Jiang ye, "my Lord, we Let's look down on the continuous flow of business alliances! "

"Alas..." Jiang Yeh sighed, "don't mention you. Now I regret it. I knew that I should have done it in the beginning. You see, up to now, all the other business leagues can't add up to the rarity of the goods that come out of a stream of business leagues! Although I haven't done anything yet, I don't have to think about it. The most famous thing in Zihuan island is the continuous flow of business alliances! "

"It's a good thing that many business leagues only do rare business, which is not common in fairyland. Otherwise, other business leagues will cry to death!" Huiyu fairy said with a smile.

"Not doing it now doesn't mean not doing it in the future!" Jiangye said with profound meaning, "so this continuous stream of business alliance is a double-edged sword. I, Yuxian, want to use them and be careful not to be hurt by them!"

"Yes, I understand!"

After the objects of the demon alliance, Huan Ji took out the objects of heaven and the kingdom of Buddha. However, these two realms did not cause as much sensation as the objects of the first three realms. After all, heaven is also owned by human beings and immortals, and the objects of the kingdom of Buddha are not commonly used in the kingdom of immortals!

However, even so, the large amount of transactions and the long time it took for ziyanhai to know the depth of the Xianmen and aristocratic families to be astonished. As Li Moyi said, these people have already begun to discuss how to cooperate with yiyishang League after Haishi.

It took nearly half a day for all the fairies to figure out how to sell their products. This is something that no business alliance has ever had before.

Looking at an immortal in yinjinghai bidding for the elixir of the last heaven, Xiao Huachong winked at Bai Xiaotu and said, "go and tell sister Huanji..."

Xiao Hua, of course, is going to strike while the iron is hot to get rid of the immortal utensils and other things. But Huan Ji, who is just relieved at this time, laughs: "Yu Xian's immortal friends must have been in a bit of a hurry. I didn't expect that I would have such strength when I first participated in the continuous business alliance of Zihuan island sea market. Of course, I also believe that since it is Yu Xian's alliance, the business alliance is extraordinary Now it's Yuxian's turn to sell goods. According to Yuxian's contract with chenxiaohai, Yuxian doesn't have to buy Xunshi. Please... "

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There's no way. The business alliance is so good!