Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 846

Facing the eyes of all the immortals, Huan Ji looked at the bag in her hand and said with a bitter smile: "you immortals, the goods entrusted by the business alliance have run out. It's useless for you to stare at me again! If you have a heart, you may as well get close to the three fairy friends from the business alliance... "

"Cough..." An immortal coughed softly and said, "this Huanji fairy doesn't need to worry about it. After the sea market, we will certainly look for the fairies of the business alliance to discuss the cooperation. As for now, please also ask the fairies to take out the Longyu things entrusted by the business alliance for auction..."

"It's easy to say..." Huanji nodded. Only then did she see xuanxun. She patted her forehead and said, "I'm so busy that I forgot xuanxun..."

"Fairies don't have to bother visiting Fairies in the Business League!" The immortal quickly sent out a Xuanxian crystal and said, "I'll buy a Xun Shi first..."

Immortal voice just landed, and then, purple sea ten immortals at the same time smile: "we also buy a Xun time!"

All the fairies were surprised. They had never seen such things before.

"Brush..." Huan Ji procrastinates time, Xiao Hua is in the fairy forbidden on top of three colors of light, white soil from the inside fly out.

At the same time, Huanji said with a smile: "in that case, I'd like to thank you for coming to the business alliance. Now I'm going to compete for the goods of Longyu. A stream of things from the Dragon Kingdom provided by the business alliance is full of dragon blood... "

Huan Ji's words just finished, already had immortal exclaim: "what? Please say again, it's Is it the blood of the dragon?? How is that possible? "

After that, the immortal regretted it and said, "I'm not questioning the Fairy Friends of the business alliance. I only need one drop, one drop!"

"I also want a drop, a drop!"

These voices are all from ziyanhai. It's obvious that some of the elders of aristocratic families and immortal families continue to practice dragon blood.

Huanji said with a smile, "you elders, can you not wait for me to read out all the things that the business alliance can provide in the Dragon Kingdom one by one?"

"No, no!" The first one to say, "I'll bid for the dragon blood. I'll give you five hundred immortal crystals..."

"I'll give you 600..."

"I'll give you 650..."

But in a few breaths, the price of a drop of dragon blood soared to a thousand xuanxianjing.

Xiao Hua was very satisfied with the atmosphere of bidding. He said to Bai Xiaotu with a smile: "why, the dragon clan leader didn't take away the dragon blood?"

Bai Xiaotu said with a smile: "the head of the dragon clan wants to take it away, but he also knows in his heart that the dragon blood is very useful for the cultivation of the immortal elders such as Kuiyang mountain and shuojinlou. He doesn't dare to take all of them, but he just took 50% in advance."

"Only 50% of the time is wasted?" Xiao Hua frowned.

"The goods from the business alliance in Longyu are scarce and of excellent quality. The head of the dragon clan dare not specialize in them. He also asks the elders in the clan to make reference. This determines the price!" Then Bai Xiaotu took out the crystal scroll and said the amount of delivery. Finally, he said, "the most important thing is that after the delivery, the leader of the dragon clan will not let his disciples return. He has to keep his disciples' message crystal Fu and give them the message immortal tools of the Chenxiao Hailong clan..."

"I'm afraid there's a dragon girl waiting on me?" Li MOI joked.

Bai Xiaotu's face was a little red, so he didn't answer. But at this time, outside the immortal prohibition, Huanji's voice came: "Bai dazhangshou, I want to discuss a matter with dazhangshou for several elders of the immortal sect. What do you think?"

Bai Xiaotu came to the spirit and said with a smile: "I don't know what my sister wants to discuss?"

"That's it Huanji replied, "according to the rules of Zihuan island's previous dragon blood auction, I can't disclose the quantity of dragon blood. After all, this will reduce the income of the fairy friends who sell dragon blood, but I see that the dragon blood provided by the business alliance is enough... "

Without waiting for Huanji to finish, the immortal who took the lead in calling the price of dragon blood to one thousand xuanxianjing lost his voice and said, "what? This Is there more than one drop of dragon's blood

"Master, don't panic..." Huanji said with a smile, "it's more than one drop, and there are many. I've already calculated that it's enough for the seniors who just started bidding to use it..."

"How can there be so many?" Immortal not only did not calm down, but more anxious, "isn't this dragon blood not pure?"

Huanji replied, "as I can see, this dragon blood is purer than the previous magic blood. Please be calm and wait for me to discuss with Bai Dazhang, the leader of the business alliance, before you bid!"

Bai Xiaotu asked Xiao Hua in a low voice, "how do you think about it?"

Xiao Hua shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'll leave you the business alliance. I don't care."

Li Moyi saw Bai Xiaotu looking at himself and said with a smile, "you are Bai Dazhang, you decide for yourself."

Bai Xiaotu thought a little and said in a loud voice, "sister, don't say more! My younger brother understands what my elder sister means. The purpose of my business alliance is to develop together. Now that dragon blood can help you, my younger brother is very happy. I don't need to bid too much. My elder sister will tell you the amount of dragon blood and let them give you the right price! "

"Ge Ge, Xiao Liu's brother is really cheerful!" Huanji was very happy when he got Bai Xiaotu's approval. He said with a smile, "with brother's generous hand, the business alliance will be prosperous in the future!""Thank you very much, chief white!" The immortals had been waiting for a long time, and cried, "Huanji fairy, please say How many dragon blood are there

"Senior..." Huanji said in a loud voice, "there are eleven drops of dragon blood entrusted by the business alliance here, which are enough for your predecessors. I've just calculated that each drop of dragon blood costs 800 xuanxianjing. What do you think of it?"



"Ten Eleven drops of dragon blood

All the immortals were shocked. Although there were clouds and mists, the immortals could not see their faces, but the voice showed the shock in their hearts.

"Can I have a look at the quality of these dragon blood first?" A fairy is still not at ease.

"Master, please..." Huanji said, a little bit of bag, "roar", but listen to a shrill dragon roar, a burning red dragon flying out from the inside. As soon as the Dragon came out, the void was covered with blood, and a silent cry rushed around with the sharp gold.

"Wu..." A big tricolor with the power of yin and Yang grabs it out of thin air. The dragon is not as good as wailing. It has been coagulated into a blood red by Juli. On the blood red, there are dragon patterns and strange spots. At first glance, it looks like a gilded dragon.

"Ha ha, it's the first time I've seen such a pure dragon blood!" That big hand just took back, the immortal's voice already spread out, "I give out 800 Xuan Xian Jing!"

"Nie Laogui..." A voice burst into a rage and exclaimed, "you are cheating!"

"Hey, hey..." The fairy, who was called Nie Laogui, said with a smile, "there are as many as eleven drops of dragon's blood on the left and right sides. Please bid slowly!"

Huan Ji is really a little sad, but she soon realizes that something is wrong, because in a moment there are a lot of immortals who just did not bid for it. After all, the dragon blood is scarce. Now that she has the chance to get it, who will be too much?

Huan Ji was at a loss for a moment, so she had to hold on to those immortals who had just started bidding. When he saw that eleven drops of tiliu dragon blood had run out, when he and she were about to apologize to the rest of the immortals who had never bought tiliu dragon blood, Bai xiaotulang said: "it seems that you are very supportive of my coming to the business alliance. Now there are still seven elders who have not got tiliu dragon blood, and the younger generation will take out another seven drops "The dragon's blood..."

"My God!" Just now the immortal, who was called Nie Laogui, cried, "how many dragon blood do you have when you come to the business alliance?"

"It's good to teach you!" Bai Xiaotu said haughtily, "as long as the elder has enough money, as long as the elder gives me enough time to come to the business alliance, I can provide as many dragon blood as the elder wants."

In the past, some people must have sniffed at Bai Xiaotu's words, but now no one dares to question Bai Xiaotu's words. In addition to the mysterious Yuxian, any business alliance dare not be compared with the continuous stream of business alliance!

Just a dust storm, Xiaohai city has established the position of numerous business leagues in the enlightenment mainland.

"Why do I want so much dragon blood?" Nie Laogui was not deceived either. He said with a smile, "let's see what else you have in the business alliance."

Huan Ji Yan Nian swept Mo Xian Tong for a moment and said, "dragon blood..."

"What?" Even Yu Xian's red night could not help exclaiming, "yes Is it the nine sons of the dragon

Huanji said with a sweet smile: "how does the ink fairy pupil given by Bai Dazhang write?"

Jiang yeshen took a deep breath and said, "you immortal friends, I'll take all the blood from you. No matter how much you bid, I'll be 10% more than you..."

Jiang night said domineering, full of quiet, no one dares to fight with feather fairy.

Seeing this, Huiyu fairy next to Jiangye said in a low voice, "my Lord, my subordinates, send a message to the business alliance."

"No need!" Jiangye shakes her head and says, "I, Yuxian, have made an alliance with Yiyi business alliance, but I can't control other people's business. If it's arbitrary, how can Yiyi business alliance cooperate with me again?"

"Well, I understand!" Huiyu fairy nodded in a hurry.

"Thank you for giving me the face of Yuxian. I'll write it down in my heart!" Jiangye saw that no one spoke, and she was extremely satisfied. She said, "a drop of Yuxian's blood produces 1200 Xuanxian crystals. Please Huanji fairy to have a look. How much of Yuxian's blood comes from the business alliance?"

"As many as five drops!" Huanji looked at the bag and replied.

"So good!" Jiangye nodded, motioned Huiyu fairy to take the crystal roll and said, "I give six thousand Xuanxian crystal to Yuxian."

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Come to the business alliance and start the auction climax again!

Well, maybe others like to write about auctions, but Tanhua doesn't like it very much, because there is no technical content. Tanhua doesn't like to write about repetition. I don't know if you have seen the auction in Xiushen. It should have its own characteristics and no repetition. Keke, of course, if it's repeated, Tanhua has a bad memory, ha ha