Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 845

"Mr. Chen, how can you take them all? I'll have three of them, too! "

"Ha ha, I don't want to rob you of the blood of Beiming demon. I want Qingxi demon fire..." The same is purple sea space, another voice is shouting.

Even the voice of Jiangye yelled out, "cough, senior, I want all the ink souls who leave the Scriptures. Who asks for the price of Yuxian is 30% more than you!"

Xiao Hua listens to Huan Ji's bid and crazy cry. She seems to see piles of money crystal in front of her eyes, but her eyes are all narrowed.

At this time, all the immortals were shocked. What is a business alliance? What is a business alliance!

However, a voice suddenly came: "Ren Xiaoyou, I have a heartless request..."

"Who?" Xiao Hua was surprised and looked around.

"Don't worry, Ren Xiaoyou..." The voice was kind and said, "I'm Long Xiao, the head of the Dragon tribe!"

It's a kind of cheating, but what's behind in the bidding meeting is also the right of the three clans of chenxiaohai, so Xiao Hua was surprised for a moment and understood again. He said with a smile, "Oh, it's master long. I don't know what's the order of master long?"

"I'd like to discuss with you. I can Can you choose first? "

"This..." Xiao Hua's eyes turned and pretended to be in a dilemma. He said in a low voice, "not very good, right? The leader of the business alliance is Ren's apprentice, not Ren, and it's against the rules... "

Where does long Xiao not know what Xiao Hua thinks? He said with a smile: "little friend, the host of zihuandao Haishi is Huanji. Since I can ask her to put down the things in Longyu, I think you can also ask Bai Dazhang to give them to me! Of course, besides Qian Jing, you can tell me what you need! "

"It's said that there is a secluded pole in Chenxiao sea, which is the deepest place in the fairyland..." Xiao Hua slightly thought and asked, "the three clans of chenxiaohai take it as a forbidden area, and don't allow other immortals to get close to it. Ren is very curious when he hears about it. I wonder if the head of the dragon clan will allow Ren to go and have a look? "

Long Xiaodeng was silent. A moment later, some bitter old women said: "Ren Xiaoyou, it's not that I didn't give you the keepsake of Youji, but that Youji is not what Xiaoyou thought. It's a Jedi who will die a long time. Any immortal who reaches the end of seclusion will become an immortal who has no power to bind a chicken. Any small change will make the immortal fall, and the spirits will be destroyed. You You can't get any good from approaching Youji! "

"Thank you very much, master long!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "to tell you the truth, this is an entrustment I got from the business alliance. If the elder agrees, Ren immediately orders Xiao Liu to deliver the goods with the elder!"

"Ha ha, I see!" Long Xiao laughs and replies, "I'm relieved. The keepsake that passes through Youji can only be issued with the consent of the head of the three clans. But if someone has to die, my three clans are not willing to stop it. Xiaoyou, wait a moment."

Sure enough, just for a moment, a little bit of tricolor light flew out of the clouds on Xiao Hua's side, and the virtual shadow of Long Xiao stepped out from inside. Xiao Huaming said that it was a virtual shadow, but he still did not dare to neglect it. He hurried to salute Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu.

Long Xiao raised his hand to hold Xiao Hua up, handed a diamond keepsake to Xiao Hua and said, "this is the keepsake you want, and put it away. I'll take the White Chief to deliver the goods. What do you think? "

"Of course Xiao Hua nods with a smile. Long Xiao raises his sleeves and rolls up the white clay. His figure falls into the light again and disappears.

"Hey, hey..." Li Mo Yi looked at the disappearance of Guangyao and said with a sneer, "there is a back door everywhere, and fairyland is not free from vulgarity!"

"Who said no!" Xiao Hua stretched out, looked at the keepsake in his hand and put it in the bag. However, just after putting it in place, Xiao Hua looked around again and said, "MOI, didn't you see Master Zhuang Bi in Zihuan island?"

"No, no!" Li Moyi shook his head like a rattle and replied, "the elder's style is very obvious. If he comes, you can see it at a glance."

"Oh Xiao Hua let out Yannian to have a look in the bag, the half of the green tablet is still there, and there is no change, Zhuang Bi's message crystal Fu is also floating quietly beside.

"It's such a busy place in Zihuan Island, but Zhuang Bi didn't come..." Xiao Hua frowned and said in secret, "where can he go? Can he hide in a place and wait for Xiao to summon him? This It doesn't seem to match his arrogance! "

"Master..." Li Moyi suddenly thought of one thing and said, "no, we've been competing for more than ten hours. Why didn't Huanji ask us for xuanjing?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua said with a slight smile, "it's not that Xiao qikeng has just killed several xuanjing. I think Huanji can't bear it. Now she's making it up for us."

"Oh, yes..." Xiao Hua suddenly thought of yu'e Shizu, who was not familiar with common affairs in Jinyang cave. He quickly took out the message crystal and said respectfully, "yu'e Shizu, you need the Nanli magic fire. I've asked you to find it. If you can come here, I can't go to ziyanhai space!"

The herald crystal talisman has just been sent out, but the three color human figure has been revealed before the clouds, and yu'e Shizu's surprise voice rings out: "Ren Xiaoyou, please open the immortal forbidden..."Li Moyi quickly opened the ban, and yu'e Shizu's body immediately flew in. She looked at Xiao Hua and said, "where's the south glass magic fire?"

Yu'e Shizu's words were really straight to the point. He didn't even say a word of greeting and politeness.

Xiao Hua didn't have any accident. He took out a crystal box with red color and respectfully handed it to yu'e Shizu and said, "please have a look, master!"

"Great!" Yu'e Shizu opened his eyes and said in surprise, "it's really pure Nanli magic fire. Just now I'm still waiting to bid!"

But then yu'e Shizu regretted and said, "it's a pity that there is still a lack of blood!"

"Master..." Xiao Hua still respectfully said, "the blood is really scarce. I can't find it in a short time with my continuous stream of business alliance, but I think the elder is not in urgent need now. When I can find it, I will send it to Jinyang cave myself."

"Well, well, indeed, indeed!" Yu'e Shizu woke up and said, "don't worry too much."

Then she looked at the magic fire in her hand and said, "how much does it cost for Ren Xiaoyou?"

Xiao Hua first asked yu'e Shizu for a sword pill for Zhao Ting, but after listening to Zhao Ting's words, he thought it was better to make one for him, so he didn't want anything for the time being. And Xiao Hua was not stupid enough to ask a Jinyang cave Er Qi immortal for Qian Jing, so he said with a smile: "I'll take it first, and I'll give it to you later, and then I'll explain it to you later!"

"Really?" Yu'e Shizu could hardly believe his ears, so he blurted out.

"Yes, you can turn around at this time..." Xiao Hua smiles and answers.

Yu'e Shizu is really true. As soon as he turns around, he will leave. However, before he flies out, he still says, "Ren Xiaoyou, what I said before is still true. As long as I find Chenhu's blood, I can give you whatever I can give you!"

Looking at yu'e Shizu's flight away, Li Mo Yi was a little stunned and said in a low voice: "master, is that really the way to give it to her? Not even a penny? "

"Yes Xiao Hua said with a smile, "what's wrong?"

Li Moyi thumbed up and said, "the master is really powerful. If he is a disciple, he has to ask her to send a promise or leave a certificate."

"You didn't eat less of the chiyangguo they gave you!" Xiao Hua despised Li Moyi and said, "besides, the two immortals like yu'e Shizu may lack strictness and politeness in their words, but their hearts are absolutely true. If you are sincere to them, they will be sincere to you."

Li Moyi thought for a moment, shook his head slightly and said, "master's explanation is understandable, but I'm afraid I can't do it. If I'm a disciple, master yu'e won't be relieved if he doesn't give me some certificates."

"It's normal!" Xiao Hua looked at Li Moyi and said, "everyone's personality is different, and the road they take is also different. If you want to be the same as me, isn't the fairyland the same?"

When Xiao Hua looks at Li Moyi, he thinks about Zhou Xiaoming, Ye Jian, shuobing and others. These people are flying immortals. They are all the same as himself. They are decisive in killing and dealing with people. However, these people are not the same. Even some cute Zhou Xiaoming don't look like flying immortals! And I can't be as determined as Li Moyi. Maybe this is human nature. Only in this way can the fairyland be rich and colorful!

Xiao Hua and Li Moyi discuss human nature in the immortal world. Huanji, who is outside the immortal world, still presides over the auction of Moze's things. Naturally, she doesn't think of the things that happened when the merchants League came to make up for Xun. The inverted xuanxun was abandoned in the air by her, and she didn't have time to turn it over at all, because there were too many immortals who inquired, and all eyes were fixed on the Baina bag in her hand, which looked like a hungry wolf!

It took one and a half hours for the products of Moze to be sold. Not only was there a large number of Moze products provided by the business alliance, but also there were too many immortals. Every Moze product was repeatedly auctioned. In particular, at the beginning, the immortals were worried about the quality of magic blood and other things. After bidding, they found that not only the quality was excellent, but also the evil spirit was abundant. Why didn't they know that all the goods coming to the business alliance were first-class goods? No one will worry about anything, just feel free to bid for the price increase again and again.

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Fairyland also has a back door. Cough, Tanhua doesn't intend to satirize anyone. Really