Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 844

"Damn it Qi Li scolds himself. He sees Youyao binglu appear on the ancient Xuanjin list, and he is sure to get it. He has been paying attention to it since Zihuan Island Xianwei. But he didn't expect that Lu Miao suddenly opened his mouth. Even if Qi Li wanted to bid, he couldn't open his mouth.

Who knows, Lu Miao's voice fell to the ground for a long time, and there was no immortal voice. Just as Lu Miao was about to speak, Qi Li said with a smile: "Lu clan leader, your xuanxianjing has not been given to Huanji yet!"

"Ha ha..." Long Xiao and other immortals who are similar to Lu Miao laugh. Lu Miao is stunned for a moment, and instantly understands Qi Li's meaning. She smiles, takes out a xuanxianjing and throws it to Huanji, and turns back.

However, just as she was flying down huixiaofan's flower shadow, she suddenly thought to herself: "Damn, isn't it Did the immortal who took Youyao binglu not know it was Youyao binglu? Otherwise, how could it be... "

Lu Miao regretted her carelessness. If she had been first, she could have taken out the earth shadow recorded by you Yao Bing, but Qi Li spoke. How could she have gone her own way?

"Well, let it be!" Lu Miao sighed, and his figure dropped. "I've lost face once. I'm afraid I can't do it again."

Huanji took Lu Miao's Qian Jing and said with a smile, "since there is no fairy friend willing to help the Lu clan leader of the Yuchen clan, the trade continues. Now it should be..."

"Cough..." Bai Xiaotu quickly coughed softly and said, "sister Huanji, have you forgotten that I came to the business alliance in an endless stream?"

Huan Ji was stunned for a moment, woke up and said with a quick smile: "how can it be? One is Xiao Qi's sister Qishen, and the other is Xiao Liu's sister Qishen. How can she forget? Now it's time to come to the business alliance in an endless stream... "

Bai Xiaotu didn't expect that he would be teased by Huanji as soon as he opened his mouth. He was speechless. Now that Xiao Hua and others are in the cloud, the cloud's shielding effect disappears. Bai Xiaotu's voice is different from before. Huanji can easily hear Bai Xiaotu's voice. Think of the previous seven troublemakers, she will naturally say some irrelevant playful words.

Although Bai Xiaotu had a fever, he still said, "thank you, sister Huanji. These are the ten xuanxianjing I have come to the business alliance. Please keep them. If they are not enough, my sister can explain them to my younger brother..."

Looking at Bai Xiaotu's offering xuanxianjing, Huanji said with a smile: "Xiao Liu's younger brother's mouth is so sweet, and his elder sister has to give you some money free. Don't worry!"

"Thank you, sister..." Bai Xiaotu smiles, then flies out of the clouds and bows his hands around him. "I've come to the Business League for the first time. Although my master looks up to me as the leader of the Business League, I know that I am not as talented as my predecessors. However, the previous dismissal order made me see that Chen Xiaohai's words were true and that you were just and strict. This made me come to the business alliance and have great confidence in Chen Xiaohai. This time, the younger generation of representatives came to the business alliance to participate in the sea market and prepared a lot of goods. I believe all the business alliance that had cooperated with me before knew that I didn't want to conflict with your predecessors in my business alliance's transactions. I didn't care much about what they did in their daily life, but they didn't care to do On the contrary, it is what I want to do. Therefore, in addition to Yu Xian's predecessors, I am also willing to establish good relations with other business alliance predecessors. "

"Bai Da Zhang shou..." Shi Hong didn't wait for Bai Xiaotu to finish. He said hastily, "I'm willing to make an alliance with you. I don't know if I can?"

Bai Xiaotu said with a smile, "Xiao Liu understands the kindness of the stone merchant master, and really thanks him for his kindness. However, it is not up to Xiao Liu to make an alliance with me. Of course, if the Lord can also form an alliance with the business alliance of your predecessors in the enlightenment mainland, Xiao Liu will certainly consider building a business association! But at this time, we'd better try to cooperate first... "

Bai Xiaotu's words are true, but all the business owners of the business alliance have heard two points clearly. First, Bai Xiaotu is the leader of the business alliance in the enlightenment continent. Second In fact, Bai Xiaotu politely refused to form an alliance with Yao's business community.

After the sudden appearance of the business alliance in lingyunchi, it has attracted the attention of the business alliance. Many of the leaders, such as Wang she of the enlightenment business alliance, have been instructed by the business owners one by one. However, this time, the sea market appears again, facing the business owners of the business alliance directly. How can these business owners have no plans in mind? Even as early as when chongtianxian League and Lianyi Business League were fighting each other, they already had a choice!

"Gege, that would be great!" Wei Yujiao, the deputy leader of the enlightenment business alliance, laughs, "the enlightenment business alliance had the intention of alliance with your alliance before, but now it's natural for you to join us. I don't know what your alliance took out of Longyu this time?"

"Things of the Dragon kingdom?" Long Xiao couldn't sit down immediately. He asked Zhao Chong in a low voice, "chief Zhao, have you heard the name of the business alliance? He How can they have things from the Dragon kingdom? "

Zhao Chong shook his head and said, "I don't know. Before Haishi, I had never heard of the name of this business alliance! If there is no accident, their golden ring order should be given by Yuxian. "

Over there, Bai Xiaotu said with a smile: "thank you, master Wei. I have come to the business alliance to trade not only the things from the Dragon Kingdom, but also the things from the heaven, the Buddha Kingdom, the demon alliance and the Moze...""What?" Nangong Cheng, the vice-president of the three world business alliance, cried out, "you You've come to the business alliance in succession, and this time you've got something from Moze? "

It's natural that Moze's things were not in lingyunchi's last transaction. No wonder Nangong Cheng was shocked.

Bai Xiaotu said with a smile, "I have just got in touch with Moze, so I've brought some things here this time. I hope it will help you in your cultivation!"

"Quick, quick..." Nangong Chengji said, "can there be the spirit of Moze? We need three thousand for the three world business alliance. "

"Cough..." Huan Ji light cough two smile way, "South Temple elder some anxious!"

"Yes, yes..." Nangong Cheng woke up, patted his forehead and said, "Huanji fairy doesn't know how I feel. My three circles business alliance has already accepted the money Jing paid in advance, but at this time, the ink soul hasn't settled. I'm worried!"

"With me coming to the business alliance, you don't have to worry!" Bai Xiaotu smiles, takes out a Moxian pupil, hands it to Huanji and says, "this is the thing of the Dragon kingdom that I have come to the Business League to prepare this time. Please bid for it..."

"Cough..." Huan Ji just good mouth, her ear rang out the voice of Long Xiao, "let's first come to the business alliance to sell Moze's things, the ink fairy pupil of Longyu's things first show me!"

Huan Ji's eyes turned slightly and looked at Bai Xiaotu. She said with a smile, "Bai dazhangshou is really patient. People in Nangong say that they are anxious for Mo soul. You give me something from the Dragon kingdom. This Isn't this the misunderstanding of Nangong businessman? "

"Ah Bai Xiaotu didn't think so much. He patted his forehead and said with a smile, "I'm wrong. It's from Moze. Thank you, elder sister..."

Huanji takes over another Mo Xiantong. Mo Xiantong, who records the things in the Dragon Kingdom, does not return them to Bai Xiaotu, but quietly sends them to Long Xiao.

Huanji doesn't care what Long Xiao does with Mo Xiantong. She just sweeps Mo Xiantong with Yannian. She looks surprised again and says, "white palm head, you Are you sure you have all these things? "

"Nature Bai Xiaotu nodded and said, "please start bidding

"You Fairy Friends..." Huanji cleared her throat and said, "we have come to the business alliance to provide some magic objects. Now we are bidding for them. Please listen carefully. There are 3000 magic spiders, 6000 magic contracts, more than 10000 demons, more than 10000 red magic bamboo, more than 10000 red magic bamboo, more than 10000 red magic bamboo, more than 10000 seven color magic crystal, more than 10000 three color magic stone, more than 10000 deviant ink soul, more than 10000 yuan ink soul, and more than 10000 Liufu ink soul."

Reading this, Nangong Cheng couldn't help crying: "Huanji fairy, you Are you right? This There are all kinds of magic objects here. Thirty percent of them are extremely rare! "

"Ha ha..." There's no need for Huanji to open her mouth. Jiangye said with a smile, "don't worry, Nangong businessman. These magical objects are nothing, but they're rare in the enlightenment mainland!"

"Yes, I understand..." Nangong Cheng said nothing more.

And Huan Ji then read: "Li Fan magic blood, you Kou magic blood, Nanming magic blood, Beiming magic blood, etc

At this point, Huan Ji couldn't read it any more. She cried, "Bai Da Zhang Shou, I can't read it any more. Let alone others. I don't think I can make it up. Have you come to the business alliance to empty all the things that can be used in the magic world?"

"Ha ha..." The immortals laughed, Huan Ji's words sound really lovely, this is what they think in their heart, feel that Bai Xiaotu is bragging.

Bai Xiaotu had a plan in mind and said, "in that case, the younger brother will give these things to the elder sister. How about the elder sister follow the plan?"

Then Bai Xiaotu sends several bags to Huanji. Looking at Huanji's eyes sweeping over the bags, Xiao Hua smiles to herself. Moze is different from daoxianjie. There is not much affection between the demons. Most of them fight and devour each other. Therefore, killing in Moze is not merciful. Xiao Hua's Moze items are all the spoils of killing. These things are nothing in Moze. It's very difficult to get them to chenxiaohai. Huanji's color has changed, and other immortals are even more shocked. According to Huanji, they begin to bid. The atmosphere in the venue is even higher than ever, almost crazy.

"Beiming blood, Beiming blood! I'll take it. I'll take four. No, I'll take all of them! " A voice came from ziyanhai space

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There is no way, even if it is the residual food in the mouth of the devil, it is rare in the Taoist fairyland! It's no good not to be famous