Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 843

Mojianghong face as usual, light way: "bad luck, chess wrong a full set all lose, why say again?"

Xiao Hua's heart moved. If she looked at mojianghong thoughtfully, she knew that there must be other deep meaning in her way of doing so, because mojianghong is a vice merchant of the business alliance, and she can't put her flesh on for some goods. But now it's hostile. What does Xiao Hua care about?

And Huanji didn't give mojianghong a chance. She said to him in the air, "please make a ruling

"How to decide?" The ice waterfall fairy, who had never spoken, asked coldly.

Huanji explained: "you all feel that if you want to kill someone, you just need to name them. They are either the four major business leagues, or they come in an endless stream of business leagues..."

Without waiting for Huanji to finish, the ice waterfall fairy said, "four business leagues!"

Long Zheng opened his eyes to see mojianghong and Xiaohua, and said, "four business leagues!"

Qi Dao Meng Ning Xun hesitated for a moment and said, "four business leagues!"

Dan daomeng Ding Yilong followed him and said: "four business leagues!"

"The four business leagues!" Qi Li of the Jade Gate said

Yu'e of Kuiyang mountain looked at Xiao Hua with a smile and said, "four business leagues!"

Qingxiao Guanyun Bitian did not hesitate, said: "four business alliance!"

It was Wei Chenghu of shuojin building. He looked at mojianghong and hesitated a little, but finally said: "four business leagues!"

At this point, the verdict was meaningless, but Huanji didn't say anything. Then Xieyu Gong Xiaoqi yelled: "come to the business alliance in an endless stream!"

But with that, Xiaoqi spat out his tongue at Xiaoliu and cried, "who let you cheat me, Qian Jing, deserve it!"

"Ha ha..." This sentence suddenly relaxed the tense atmosphere, and the immortals laughed.

In the laughter, Yu Xian's Jiang ye said coldly: "Mo Jianghong, you are the vice-president of the business alliance. I have to weigh the power and relationship between you. It's a pity that you've gone too far this time. Don't blame me for neglecting the previous friendship! I have ruled that four major business leagues! "

Since yuxiandu has ruled on the four immortals, how can the enlightenment immortals League, the three World Business League, the Zongheng Business League and the Xinyi business League rule on the flow of business leagues? Even Shi Hong, who is a member of Yaozhou business association, did not hesitate to rule the four major business leagues. Although he has discussed with Mo Jianghong in advance, Shi Hong has only one choice in the face of justice and Yuxian, whom he wants to please!

"To the head of the three clans..." Huanji looked at the results of the 15th ruling and bowed, "among the 15th ruling, there are 14 rulings ruling four major business leagues, and only one rulings streaming through the business leagues. Please let the three predecessors know!"

"Thank you, 15 Fairy Friends..." Long Xiao and others fly out and bow their hands to the 15 immortals. While Huanji waves, the 15 huixiaofan and the immortals fly down everywhere.

"Please Zhenzu Xianqi..." Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong bow to the three pieces of Zhen nationality's immortal utensils in the sky, then clap their eyebrows at the same time, and "bang bang" three green and red mottled silver light columns rush out of the immortal mark and strike on their respective immortal utensils together!

"Buzz..." High above, the pair of silver feathers trembled rapidly, rippling like water, giving birth to clear light and shadow, and the glittering five clawed Golden Dragon fell into the water. After that, Jin Long swam in the water for a while, "roar..." Jinlong looks up to the sky with a roar. The Dragon breaks through the air and takes the huge purple sword in his mouth. The whole dragon turns in the air. With a strong wind, it carries a mountain like pressure and pours on mojianghong and other four people!

"Damn it Feng Yuan and other people's faces changed dramatically, and they quickly urged Xianli to defend. But xianjue was everywhere. They suddenly found that they could not mobilize any Xianli.

Feng Yuan looks around in panic. The whole space is sealed. Where is the chance to escape?

It's mojianghong standing on the other side. It doesn't seem to panic at all!

Mo Jianghong, Diao Cheng, Feng Yuan, and Xu Yi are all five element immortals. They are the ones who call the wind and the rain in the enlightenment mainland. Seeing jinlongkou holding a purple sword and carrying a silver water pattern, they can't even fight back, "brush..." The falling place of the purple sword turns into ten million, instantly penetrates the four five element Immortals' bodies, "Wu" and then the dragon breath blows down. The dragon breath falls into the already riddled body, and instantly smashes the four bodies like mud. Under the body, the four immortal babies also escape with dim light and shadow!

Finally, "boom..." The silver water wave washes like the shore, and destroys the body and the immortal mark. The only four immortal babies are reduced by 30% in the water wave!

"You deserve it!" Xiao Hua saw that the four five element immortals were destroyed into fairy babies. He had no pity in his heart. He knew better than anyone that if he were immortal babies, there would be no reason to survive!

The head of the three clans collected the fairies of the Zhen clan, and the fairies still flew back to the sky to suppress the whole space.

Huanji looks at the four fairy babies who escape into the Jinlun sea and turns to Ren Xiaoyao and says, "Ren Xianyou, do you want to show your identity when you come to the business alliance in an endless stream?"

Looking at the handwriting on the clouds of other business leagues, Xiao Hua said helplessly: "at this time, I come to business leagues, even if I don't want to show my identity You can't, can you? Ren really did not expect that my business alliance appeared in such a way in Zihuan Island Sea city! "This is a little bit of a sensation. Some people who know about the continuous flow of business alliance know that the first appearance of the continuous flow of business alliance was in Lingyun pool. That appearance was like a meteor across the sky, which shocked more than ten business alliance. If you can't understand the business alliance, you naturally think it's the first time that the business alliance appears, and the price of the appearance of the business alliance is the flesh of four high-level immortals! Fairyland often has wonderful fairyland utensils. This world will have fairyland blood and flesh sacrificing utensils. However, a small business alliance, which shows its posture like stars, even wants four fairyland bodies to sacrifice. Is it that the business alliance is destined to set off an unpredictable situation in fairyland?

"Gege..." Huan Ji has no intention of managing the noise in the meeting hall. She says with a smile, "that's it!"

With that, Huanji raised her hand, and the four characters of "a stream of business alliance" appeared on the top of Xiao Hua's head, while the clouds that had been removed before still protected them.

"An endless stream of business leagues..." Huanji's voice rang out and said, "do you want to sell the 400 pieces of rainbow animal fur and the 1000 pieces of pisong Liyan used in the casting?"

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "of course, I come to the business alliance to buy these things just to earn money? I've heard that Yaozhou business needs it. I don't know how much they ask for it

Shi Hongzheng, a member of Yaozhou business association, was worried that he would not have the chance to curry favor with Yuxian. At this time, he didn't even want to say, "Huanji fairy, these two things are what Yaozhou business association needs..."

Then Shi Hong offered a price that was 30% more than usual. Xiao Hua didn't refuse. He agreed to give Shi Hong the bag of 100 Na after delivery. He took the money and didn't mention it.

Mojianghong's quarrel has forced out the name of a stream of business leagues. Although they steal chicken and can't eat rice, it brings the atmosphere of Zihuan Island fairyland into a low ebb. After all, a cutting order makes the four five element immortals turn into immortal babies instantly, which makes all the immortals who come from afar feel uncomfortable, so the subsequent transactions are extremely sparse. However, in the three spaces of ziyanhai, jinlunhai and yinjinghai, the voices of whispering and discussing are endless.

Xiao Hua didn't have to listen carefully to know that most of what he said was a stream of business leagues, Zhang Xiaohua and qinhuomen.

"Master..." Li MOI whispered, "it's a little strange!"

"Yes Xiao Hua narrowed her eyes and answered with the same voice, "this move of Mo Jianghong looking for my husband's Revenge seems a little rash. She has no reason For some goods and Zhong Zhihong, she must have other intentions to take such a big risk. But I can't guess whether this intention is related to me or to the three business leagues, such as qichonglou. "

"The key is..." Li Moyi shook his head and said, "master, have you forgotten Prince Yuwu of Xuanyi? I suspect that chongtianxian League may have something to do with Prince Yuwu... "

"Damn it Xiao Hua was surprised and scolded, "I really forgot if you don't mention me! This prince Yuwu is absolutely suspected. He is the eldest prince of Xuanyi. Naturally, he can get to know chongtianxian League and other business leagues... "

Then Xiao Hua talked with Li Moyi for a long time. It was just how Li Moyi disguised his identity and didn't want to be discovered by others. At Xianwei, the business leagues began to fight, and the atmosphere became active again.

It's about ten days. Seeing that all the major business leagues have done business, Huiyu fairy's voice came over: "Bai Xiaoyou, if you follow the previous rules, after I trade with Yuxian Other business leagues can no longer trade in bulk goods. If xianmeng has any other business, please do it as soon as possible... "

Sure enough, as Huiyu fairy's voice fell to the ground, the audience began to be quiet. Huanji looked in the direction of Yuxian.

However, at this time, a voice rang out: "cough, excuse me..."

Huanji sees that it is Lu Miao, the head of the Yuchen clan, who gets up and flies out.

"What do you want to say, Master Lu?" Huan Ji's face gives birth to Na Han, hastily accompany smile way.

Looking up and down at the triple space around him, Lu Miao said with a smile: "the fairyland of Zihuan island should be more than half of the fairyland. Although there are still many great fairylands and aristocratic families who have never spoken, most fairyland friends have already participated in the bidding. I hope all fairyland friends who come to Haishi can get what they want. Of course, I also hope you can satisfy my little wish …”

"Master Lu, please tell me..." The immortal who had made friends with the Yuchen clan cried, "if we can help, we will help!"

"Yes, yes!" Some other immortals also echoed, "we've got a lot of money in chenxiaohai city. How can we let the Lu clan leader come back empty handed?"

"Thank you very much..." Lu Miao arched his hand with a smile, then pointed to Gu Xuan Jin Bang and said, "before the opening of Zihuan island sea market, there were great changes in Gu Xuan Jin Bang of Qi Dao Meng Ning Qi Shi, and many immortal wares were on the list. It must be some immortal friends who took them to participate in the sea market. Among them... "

With Lu Miao's finger, all the immortals look at the ancient xuanjinbang. Lu Miao's finger gives birth to a silver light, which falls on the ancient xuanjinbang, and reflects "the record of the ancient xuanbinglu"!

"You Yao Bing Lu?" The immortal, who was familiar with the immortal ware for a long time, said, "isn't this the fourth grade immortal ware of Du'er? When did it become a commonplace? If it had not been pointed out by Master Lu, I would not have noticed! "

"Ha ha, what this little friend said is..." Lu Miao nodded and said, "most of the fairy friends must not have noticed, so I want to remind you that this thing I'm of great use. If a fairy friend doesn't take it, you might as well take it out and deliver it to me. I'll thank you very much! "PS: for those who like this book, please go to the starting point( https:book.qidian.cominfo1010594608 )Subscribe to support, vote monthly, vote for a recommended vote, collection, reward, thank you for all forms of support!!

Mojianghong is the one who steals chicken without eating rice. It deserves it!