Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 842

However, Wei Sheng had just urged his body to move. He looked at the three celestial objects in the sky and stood there.

"Hey, hey..." Wei Sheng is excited. Which one of situ Hong, situ Yang and he Qiong is not excited? Situ Hong, in particular, looked around and was extremely alert for the sudden appearance of Wei Sheng.

In mid air, Diao Cheng, the Deputy owner of juxianlou, echoed: "it's exactly what Mr. Mo said. The goods of our juxianlou were also looted by this man, causing us heavy damage. I also asked for a ruling. This is the details of the looted goods of our juxianlou..."

With that, Diao Cheng hands a Mo immortal pupil to Huan Ji, who takes a look and gives it to ice waterfall fairy!

The ice waterfall fairy didn't even look at it and gave it to Ding Yilong and others.

Then, Xu Yi and Feng Yuan, the vice business owners of qichonglou and yeyuntian, respectively complained that Zhao Jiyu and Sui Xiaoshi, the vice business owners of their own business alliance, were killed by Zhang Xiaohua and robbed of the goods of the business alliance! In a word, Zhang Xiaohua has committed a heinous crime and must be killed in Zihuan island!

When they finished, Huan Ji looked at Xiao Hua and said, "Zhang Xiaohua, according to the rules, you have to show your true face. Do you have something to say?"

With Huanji waving, the clouds around Xiao Hua and others disappear, revealing the bodies of Xiao Hua, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu.

"Is this Zhang Xiaohua?" Although Wei Sheng was gnashing his teeth, he could see that Xiao Hua was slightly flurried again. After all, he had the image sent back by Yanfei in his hand.

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua's face showed a smile, as if he had a heart of his own. He said with a smile, "Mr. Mo, Deputy business leader, this ruling made Ren a big surprise. Ren thought that he had offended chongtianxian League, qichonglou, yeyuntian and juxianlou! Now after listening to the four people's crying, Ren knows that this is a big misunderstanding! "

"What misunderstanding?" Mo Jianghong and others suddenly feel bad. They look at each other and say, "you are Zhang Xiaohua. What are you sophisticating about?"

"Vice merchant of Mo" Xiao Hua closed his smile and said coldly, "you've never met Ren. How do you know Ren is Zhang Xiaohua? Ren does not change his name in his business. He does not change his surname in his business. And what you call the evidence of crime, the skin and fur of the rainbow animal in Shexi, and the beauty of pisongliyan, I bought them from an immortal in the business alliance! It has nothing to do with what you call ransacking! "

"You You... " Mojianghong really didn't expect such changes. She said hastily, "what do you want to do with the purchase of the skin and fur of the rainbow in Shexi? These two things are very valuable and have no special purpose It's impossible to buy it! "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua sneered again and said, "it seems that I don't need to explain to you what kind of goods I want to buy from the alliance? Besides, I like to hoard some scarce goods. Otherwise, how can Yuxian cooperate with me? How is Kuiyang mountain willing to buy goods from my business alliance? "

"Ah?" Not only Mojiang Hong is stupid, but also Diao Cheng, Xu Yi and Feng Yuan are stupid. They never thought of such changes when they discussed! Moreover, they also questioned all other business leagues. No business leagues had ever purchased Shexi rainbow hide and bisong Liyan! Why does a business alliance come out suddenly?

"No! "Business alliance" Diao Cheng suddenly woke up and pointed to Xiao Hua, "you Are you Ren Xiaoyao from lingyunchi

"Yes Xiao Hua shrugged and said, "Ren still remembers the city of juxianlou, the fairy friend of the national day city!"

"Damn it Diao Cheng murmured, "master Mo, let's We made a mistake! Have you forgotten to come to the business alliance? "

Xiao Hua took the opportunity to say: "of course, there is a mistake! Is Ren so likely to be the immortal who robbed and killed the products of the Tianxian alliance? "

As soon as mojianghong patted her forehead, she seemed to think of something!

However, the regret on mojianghong's face was fleeting, and a trace of malice flashed in her eyes. She said coldly, "Ren Xianyou, don't confuse the public. How can you be so coincidental? I think Tianxian league's looted goods are purchased by you? Don't you dare to make a promise Aren't you Zhang Xiaohua? "

Xiao Hua felt a thump in his heart. He knew that it would be difficult for him to make a good ending. He was afraid that he would not be able to cope with the present predicament. In fact, as Xiao Hua thought before, even if he admitted that he was Zhang Xiaohua, what's wrong? He is worthy of heaven and earth, and he may not lose the verdict if he speaks on the spot. But at the thought of the previous shudder in the ring dome, Xiao Hua still chose to deny it and took out the business alliance as a shield!

Xiao Hua thinks that if Mo Jianghong knows how to advance and retreat, he can also retreat without causing any trouble. But now Mo Jianghong forced himself to make a promise, which is very difficult to do!

Xiao Hua slightly thought, pretended not to hesitate, raised his hand and said: "I'm free, to Taoist..."

Just talking about this, Xiao Hua stopped and looked at Mojiang. Hong said coldly, "master Mo, why do you let Ren make a promise? Mr. Ren has made it clear that you have nothing to do with the loss of any goods in Tianxian League... "

"Hey, hey..." Xiao Hua looked at Huan Ji and said tentatively, "please ask Huan Ji to solve her doubts. Is this so-called killing order immortal? Even if the ink merchant made a mistake, she Should we also accept the verdict of the three clans of chenxiaohai"Not bad!" Huan Ji's face remained unchanged, and she said faintly, "so There's no deep hatred, there's no real basis. I don't suggest that I should apply for a firing order on the sea market of Zihuan island... "

"So..." Xiao Hua sneered and looked at the Mojiang rainbow, "the master of Mojiang is preparing to kill him, trying to make Ren admit defeat in the ruling! So What kind of bullshit does Ren make? Come, come, Xiao Liu, tell you what Zhang Xiaohua said when he delivered these two kinds of goods with you on the first day of that year! "

"Yes, sir!" White soil smell, fly out in a hurry.

Xiao Hua originally wanted Li Mo Yi to tell the story separately. After all, Li Mo Yi is more eloquent than Bai Xiaotu. But when he thinks that Li Mo Yi's name is connected with Zhang Xiaohua's name, Xiao Hua can't wait to bring him to Kunlun fairyland. How dare he make a public appearance?

Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi were both there when Xiao Hua was framed by the immortal of chongtianxian League, but they were hiding in the sky to practice the skill of refining weapons. Other immortals didn't know about it, and Xiao Hua also told the story when he returned to the flying boat, so Bai Xiaotu knew the whole story very well.

Bai Xiaotu stood in front of Xiao Hua and said what happened on the first day of the year. Finally, he said, "I'd like to teach you that when I came to the business alliance, I saw that master Zhang sold so many things at once, and it was very rare. Naturally, I have to ask about the origin. Master Zhang was kind-hearted and didn't mention the names of chongtianxian alliance and qichonglou. He just told me the story I said it. Therefore, although I know it has some twists and turns, I didn't expect that it is the alliance of heaven and immortals. Now the alliance of heaven and immortals is not only backward, but also It's a bit of a reversal of right and wrong. Don't say that I'm not Mr. Zhang. Even if Mr. Zhang is in front of me, who do you think is reasonable? Who should be cut off? "

"That's bullshit!" Mo Jianghong was furious and cried, "you are not Zhang Xiaohua. How do you know what happened on the first day is not his nonsense..."

Xiao Hua laughed, nodded and said: "the ink merchant knows that we are not Zhang Xiaohua, or the immortal who robbed you of Tianxian League!"

"This..." For a time, Mojiang rainbow language knot, face red, don't know what to say.

"Useless things..." When the immortals laughed, Wei Sheng said with gnashing teeth, "even this little thing can't be done well. Do you want to join my zhanglv palace?"

Xiao Hua, with a cold face, bowed his hand to the fifteen judgments in the air and said: "previously, Ren thought that since the master of ink business misunderstood me, I would not ask you for a favor. But since the master of ink business is like this, Ren thought that Ren should not be sentimental. Now, Ren implored you to make a ruling, so as to return my innocence to the business alliance..."

"Dragon clan leader, Lu clan leader..." Xu Yi, the Deputy business owner of qichonglou, cried out in a hurry, "Xu is just trying to find out the cause of Zhao Jiyu's death, which is why he was fooled by mojianghong..."

"Yes, yes..." Feng Yuan, the vice businessman of Ye Yuntian, also cried, "Feng is entrusted by my big businessman..."

Long Xiao said coldly: "two fairy friends don't have to say much. Now that they have applied for the order, it's time to explain it to the 15 judges!"

"Your ruling..." Feng Yuan said hastily, "we vice business leaders of the business alliance were robbed and killed on the way to chenxiaohai, and the goods we traded were lost. We are also anxious to find the real culprit behind the scenes, which is a little negligence. This matter Please give more consideration... "

"Think more about it?" Yu Xian's Jiang Ye sneered, "how can you make me think more about it? Do you want to adjudicate an endless stream of business leagues that have nothing to do with this? "

"No, no..." Feng Yuan, with a rustic face, waved his hand quickly and said, "that's not what Feng means!"

"The so-called order of dismissal is only yes or no!" Jiangye said, "don't you ask me to kill you and other four people

"Of course not!" Feng Yuan was flustered.

"Alas Jiangye sighed, "although I don't know how you and the vice business leaders of the two business leagues fell down, whether it's Yuxian or the three clans of chenxiaohai, they have announced the real murderers of killing immortals around chenxiaohai as early as Yanyue. You don't know that they are still playing tricks on xiaocongming here. Either they don't trust me, or they are used by some people... "

The two immortals' faces changed dramatically. They looked at mojianghong and cried, "master Mo, you..."

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Things turn around. Do you think of Xiao Hua's way of counterattack?!