Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 841

Earlier, after the selection of Fudao League, Ji Lingyu said that Wei Yuhan, the Fudao league's Qingtan Fu master, has a small mind. If he participates in the sea market, he must be careful of her. Now that he has never revealed his name, Wei Yuhan won't show anything. But if he shows Ren Xiaoyao's role, Wei Yuhan won't let him go! Of course, Xiao Hua does not deny that he has magnified the small measure of human nature in his heart, but since Wei Yuhan has a great possibility, how can Xiao Hua trust her to make a ruling?

However, who can Xiao Hua let if fudaomeng is not allowed to participate in the ruling?

Xiao Huasi thought before and after that, suddenly his eyes lit up and said with a smile: "I'd like to ask you to replace the elder Fu daomeng..."

"Master Fu daomeng?" Don't say Huan Ji don't understand, is three clan patriarchs and all the fairies are in an uproar, Huan Ji asked, "you want to change into which side force?"

Huanji is very powerful.

"Enlighten the five immortals in mainland China..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Qingyu gate, Kuiyang mountain, shuojin building and Qingxiao temple are all here. Naturally, another force is Xieyu palace!"

"Ah? Xieyu palace Huanji was surprised and said, "Xianyou and the master of ink business are very strange today. One wants to use yaoyu business, which has never been in Haishi, and the other wants to use Xieyu palace, which has never appeared before."

"Cough..." Xiao Hua coughed softly and said, "Xiao Qi..."

"Ah?" Xiao Qi was so surprised that he cried, "Xiao Liu, you You killed me

"Xiao Liu, come on..." Seeing this, Li Mo Yi rushed to pass a message to Bai Xiaotu.

Bai Xiaotu flew to Xiao Hua with a sad face. Fortunately, no one could see his sad face.

"Xiao Qi..." Xiao Hua said in the tone of Bai Xiaotu, "although you and I met by chance, you also went to Zihuan island with my master. You should know something about my master's character. Although the verdict has not been explained, I ask you to participate in the verdict as a disciple of Xieyu palace and make your judgment with your conscience. Of course, that's what it brings you I'll bear the harm later! "

With that, Xiao Hua waved to Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu, and the three turned to the clouds at the same time.

Xiao Qi was standing in the air, regretting that he had been in trouble with Xiao Liu before, but now he was found out by others and fell into a quagmire.

"Little seven sister..." Huanji said with a smile, "you can choose not to participate!"

"I..." Xiao Qi hesitated for a moment, and finally bit his teeth and said, "why don't I take part in it? Xiao Liu bullied me miserably. This time, he just took revenge!"

"Ha ha..." Don't say Huan Ji doesn't believe this words, even all immortals don't believe, a burst of laughter rang out from all around the clouds.

Now, even Xiao Qi doesn't believe it!

"However, little seven sister..." Huanji reached out and said, "you have to show the keepsake of Xieyu palace to your sister, otherwise you can't represent Xieyu palace!"

"What about Yaozhou business office?" Xiao Qi cried, "why don't you look at him?"

"Is Shi Hongshi, the owner of Yaozhou trading company?" Huanji said with a smile, "the stone merchant has participated in the sea market of Zihuan island. I know him."

"All right!" Small seven helpless take out a shape if raindrop's Keepsake to hand to Huan Ji way, "but can't divulge my name and surname!"

"Well, that's easy to say!" Huanji smiles after seeing it, but it says clearly in the Keepsake: "Xieyu Palace xieyuze yangjunke!"

After reading it, Huan Ji gives it back to Xiao Qi. With a wave of her hand, she erases the light and shadow of Fu daomeng in the air and makes it Xieyu palace. There are two big words under Xieyu Palace: Xiao Qi!

"Hee hee, thank you so much, sister Huanji!" Xiaoqi took the keepsake and said with a smile.

"All right!" Huanji raised her hand in mid air again. The huixiaofan, where the three clan heads are, is shining with light and shadow. Fifteen three color flowers fall down in succession. After that, fifteen huixiaofan line up in mid air. Huanji said with a smile, "little seven sister, please..."

"Easy to say!" Xiaoqi takes a look and flies to huixiaofan under Xieyu Palace's handwriting. Huixiaofan blooms. Xiaoqi sits down on her knees. Her figure is still not revealed.

"Let's welcome Mr. Jiang..." With Huanji bowing her hand, a tricolor figure flew down to Hui Xiaofan under the Jiang family's handwriting. The figure sat on it after sitting, and the word "ice waterfall Fairy" appeared behind the Jiang family.

"Here comes the clove!" When Xiao Hua saw this, he was very happy.

"Let's welcome the Fairy Friends of Sandao League..."

The names of Ning Xun, Long Zheng and Ding Yilong are revealed respectively.

"Let's welcome the four immortals..."

Four human figures fly down, and the names of Yun Bitian, Qi Li, Wei Chenghu and yu'e appear. It is obvious that the four immortals, however, did not come in person at the request of the three clan leaders.

"Let's welcome the six business leagues..."

Jiangye originally wanted Huiyu fairy to come for her. It can be seen that Qi Li and others could not be ignored. Therefore, the names of Jiangxiao leader, Wei Yuyu, Nangong Cheng, Wang Jian, Yue Yuming and Shi Hong, appeared under their respective business leagues.

Looking at some familiar names, mojianghong was relieved.

"Vice merchant of Mo" Huanji solemnly said, "fifteen judges are ready to stop. You can explain why! But before you make a statement, according to the rules of the order, you have to show your true face! ""Of course Mojianghong and others agreed that with Huanji waving, the two-color clouds on the four immortals disappeared, revealing their true appearance.

Mojianghong pointed to Huanji's bag and said, "the reason is in this bag. I want to buy 400 pieces of Hexi rainbow animal fur and 400 pieces of pisongliyan. These two kinds of goods were originally the things that we wanted to trade in the sea market with the Tianxian alliance and yaoshe business community, but they were sent to the sea market by Zhong Zhihong, the leader of our business alliance, and robbed by this guy..."

Mo Jianghong said what happened, then pointed to Xiao Hua and said, "these two goods are for special purposes. I have searched Tianxian Alliance for a long time before I found them. I believe that there will never be a second alliance to store them except for Tianxian alliance. In particular, the quantity of these two goods is particularly consistent, so I decided that the man is Mie Zhongzhong Zhang Xiaohua of Tianxian League! I'd like to ask the censor to kill that man! "

Wei Sheng didn't know what other people thought of the name, but the high-level palm temperament of the palm temperament palace hiding in yinjinghai made him really happy. He almost felt that it took no effort to get anywhere.

"Zhang Xiaohua?? I found you! If I didn't find chongtian immortal League, if I heard that an immortal named Zhang Xiaohua robbed and killed their goods, ha ha, how could I think of such a wonderful way to force them? "

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No wonder mojianghong will apply for the dismissal order. It turns out that Wei Sheng is behind the scenes!