Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 840

"Well!" Bai Xiaotu didn't think much about it. He sent the bag to Huanji and said, "Huanji fairy, please check!"

After verification, Huanji nodded: "that's right! The quantity is just right. How much is this fairy friend going to bid? "

"Hum..." Huanji's voice just fell to the ground. The immortal snorted and stepped out of the clouds. Although the clouds still covered her body and she could not see her face clearly, the immortal's anger was very obvious. The immortal bowed down and cried: "dragon clan leader, Lu clan leader, mojianghong, the Deputy business leader of chongtian immortal League, thank you for inviting me to attend the sea market of Zihuan island Long

Long Xiao and Lu Miao took a look at each other. They could only get up and said with a smile, "what is the ink merchant doing? Don't you want these goods? This fairy friend happens to have one. Why do you call me to wait for them all of a sudden? "

"Two patriarchs..." Mojianghong pointed to Huanji's bag and said angrily, "it's just these goods that I'm going to ask zihuandao for the order of killing. It's Tianxian league that matters to me!"

"What?" Not to mention Long Xiao and Lu Miao, but Huan Ji and others were surprised and said, "you Are you going to apply for a firing order? "

"Master, master..." Although I don't know what the order is, but listening to the arrogant name, Bai Xiaotu lost his square inch and yelled to Xiao Hua, "come on, something's wrong!"

Li Mo Yi's face also changed greatly, but he turned his eyes and quickly asked, "Xiao Liu, tell me honestly, what's in the bag..."

Xiao Hua's mind returned to his original position. After listening to the four words of chongtian xianmeng, he knew something for a long time. Without waiting for Li Moyi to finish, he said coldly, "yes, that's what I snatched from Zhong Zhihong's big palm of chongtian xianmeng!"

"Silk..." Li Mo Yi took a breath of cold air and lost his voice. "Master, this This is chongtianxian League and juxianlou. They want to kill the master with the help of chenxiaohai

Bai Xiaotu, like Li Moyi, heard Xiao Hua talk about Zhongtian fairy League and Juxian building framing Xiao Hua. However, at that time, Xiao Hua only talked about Qian Jing and did not mention the goods. Bai Xiaotu understood this at this time and said hastily: "master, it's It's the little one who has caused trouble to the master! "

"Nothing!" Xiao Hua faintly smiles and waves his hand, "they're hiding their bait. Even I'm fooled. No wonder you! Besides, the cause and effect It's going to end sooner or later. "

While Xiao Hua and others were talking,

Mojiang Hong took out three similar golden wheels and handed them up, saying, "you two are right! I remember that there is a rule in the Zihuan island sea market of chenxiaohai. As long as you have participated in the Zihuan island sea market for three consecutive sessions, you are entitled to apply for a dismissal order and submit the gratitude and resentment about the sea market to the three ethnic groups.... "

Zhao Chong also got up at this time, frowned and said: "there is a rule, but I also need the consent of the three ethnic groups. I want to participate in the Xianmen and business alliance in Haishi..."

At this point, Zhao Chong's face suddenly changed slightly. Looking at the space of jinlunhai, sure enough, the three immortals behind mojianghong flew out, and they all bowed and said, "Diao Cheng, the Deputy owner of juxianlou, Xu Yi, the Deputy owner of qichonglou, and Feng Yuan, the Deputy owner of Yuntian, apply for the order of dismissal with the Deputy owner of mojianghong."

"Lord Xiao..." In the mist of Yuxian, Huiyu fairy was very anxious and said in a soft voice, "this What's going on? It seems that there is something wrong with the business alliance... "

"I don't know!" Jiangye frowned, shook her head and said, "wait and see!"

Huanji smiles. She looks at the three patriarchs and says to mojianghong and others, "it's OK for you to apply for the order of dismissing. However, you have to know that if you don't succeed in dismissing, it's impossible for us to return the immortal weapons of the three clans of chenxiaohai. It's the one who was dismissing It could be you

"We firmly believe in the justice of the order!" Mo Jianghong and others said with one voice, "I also believe that the elders who are present in the judgment can let us, the dead disciples of the Business League, sleep in peace under the Jiuquan."

"Three masters..." Huan Ji looks up at Long Xiao, Lu Miao and Zhao Chong and says, "what should I do?"

Long Xiao and the other three murmured for a moment, and Lu Miao said first: "the Deputy merchant master Mo and others must have consulted in advance about their request for the order. Their request is in line with the order of our chenxiaohai..."

"I have an opinion!" Xiao Hua stepped out of the clouds and said coldly, "we have never heard of any order of dismissal when we first participated in the sea market of Zihuan Island, so we are not willing to accept any verdict!"

"I'm sorry!" Lu Miao looked at Xiao Hua's direction and said, "since I have got the keepsake of the three ethnic groups of chenxiaohai to participate in the sea market of Zihuan island and entered Zihuan Island, it means that I abide by the rules of Zihuan island sea market. Xianyou doesn't accept it at this time It's too late. "

"Damn it Xiao Hua was slightly angry. His eyes were like electricity. He looked at the rainbow on the Mojiang river. Then he looked up at the immortal wares of the three nationalities hanging in the sky!

Huanji then said: "since the master of Mohist business has asked for a judgment, please pay one hundred xuanxianjing first, and then the three clans of chenxiaohai will put forward a verdict!"

Mojiang Hongjiao xuanxianjing, and asked: "according to the rules, the verdict candidates need to be announced, we can wait for approval?"

"Yes Huan Ji nodded, "as far as I know, it seems that so many Ji's killing orders have been made twice. Alas, what a grudge! Why is it so? ""When the adjudicator is chosen, Huanji Xianyou will know!" Ink River rainbow light reply way.

"Master..." Li Moyi flew out of the clouds and stood next to Xiao Hua and said in a low voice, "the situation is not good. The Zhongtian fairy League should have contacted many business leagues..."

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Hua said calmly, "I always believe that evil does not oppress right, and I think I have done it with reason and integrity. I'm not afraid of any verdict!"

However, even the immortals were still curious and whispered to each other. When they communicated with each other, they all stared at Mo Jianghong and Xiao Hua and speculated about their grudges and the origin of Xiao Hua.

At Hui Xiaofan's place, Long Xiao, Zhao Chong and Lu Miao have already flown out, and their bodies fall in different parts of ziyanhai space. They seem to be looking for a judge. After a meal, they fly down to jinlunhai again. When they return, they have each taken a Mo Xiantong. After a while, they exchange Mo Xiantong with each other, and then give Mo Xiantong to Huanji.

Huanji took over Mo Xiantong and looked at it. Then she said in a loud voice, "Mr. Mo, the Deputy businessman, the judge has been chosen. I'll announce it first, and then I'll ask the businessman and this fairy friend to see if it's ok..."

"What if I don't think it's appropriate?" Xiao Hua asked coldly.

"Xianyou can ask for change!" Huanji replied, "if the three patriarchs think it's OK, it's OK!"

"Don't you have to take care of mojianghong?"

"Well, it's none of her business!" Huanji nodded, "just like the main replacement of ink merchants, they will not discuss with Xianyou!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua nodded and agreed.

Mojianghong naturally has no opinion.

Huanji said: "through the joint recommendation of Longxiao, Zhaochong and Lumiao, the three patriarchs of our chenxiaohai clan, we invited the two aristocratic families, the Jiang family and the Chen family, the four Dadao League, the Qi Dao League, the array Dao League, the Dan Dao League and the Fu Dao League, the four Xianmen, the Qingyu gate, the Kuiyang mountain, the qingxiaoguan and the shuojinlou, the five business leagues, the Yuxian League, the enlightening fairy League, the three World Business League, the Zongheng Business League and the Xinyi business League, with a total of 15 Many people have been appointed to adjudicate... "

Hearing that there were only five business leagues, Mojiang Hong was very worried and asked, "can we announce the ruling at this time, which elder is it?"

"Sorry, I can't!" Huanji shook her head and said, "you can ask for a change of family, Taoist league or immortal gate! Hehe, in terms of business alliance, surely the ink merchants will not change

Huanji's words are not without irony, which is obviously the meaning of the three clansmen of chenxiaohai. There's no reason to make a killing order in Xianwei, which makes the three clansmen of chenxiaohai unprepared. If they don't find out the basket, won't they lose their faces?

Mo Jianghong looked at the list and went back to discuss with several business owners. The 15 forces selected by the three clan leaders are very representative, so Mo Jianghong has no loopholes to pick! However, after discussing for a while, Mo Jianghong said respectfully, "I want to change a candidate..."

"You say it Huan Ji light asks a way, "is who?"

"Master Chen..." Mojianghong bows to the direction of ziyanhai space and says, "it's no disrespect for me to change Chen family. It's just that the ruling involves the interests of me and others. I don't dare to be careless. Please forgive me if I offend you."

"No harm..." A faint voice rang out, "I didn't intend to participate, but long Laoer said that there were no two bad families, so I reluctantly agreed!"

"Thank you, master!" Mo Jianghong was overjoyed and said to Mo Jianghong, "I'd like to ask you to replace Mr. Chen's family with Yao's

"Yaoyu business office?" Huan Ji Leng for a moment, said, "they did not come?"

"Cough..." Under the sea of Yinjing, a man flew out, coughing softly, and said, "I'm Shi Hong, the owner of Yaozhou business, who came to Zihuan island to participate in the sea market It doesn't mean yaoyu business, but the owner of Mo business doesn't want me to take part in the ruling. I can barely... "

"This guy came to find Yuxian and Kuiyang mountain to make amends!" Xiao Hua understood immediately.

Huanji naturally can't be the master. She turns to Longxiao and asks, "three masters?"

When Shi Hongfei came out, the patriarch of the three ethnic groups had already begun to spread his voice. At this time, Long Xiao nodded and said, "Yaozhou business community is a Business League. Naturally, it can be!"

"Good!" Mo Jianghong promised to raise his hand and wipe it in the air. The names of the fifteen forces appeared in the air. Then he turned to Xiao Hua and asked, "where are the immortal friends?"

Xiao Hua squinted at the fifteen forces and thought to himself that among the fifteen forces, Xiao Hua was not clear about the attitude of the vast majority of the forces, while Xiao Hua was particularly clear about the attitude of the two forces! Yuxian doesn't need to say that Xiao Hua is definitely biased towards himself. The other one is opposite to Yuxian. He will definitely die

This force is not Yaozhou business community, it's fudaomeng!

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This is the real sudden change. Xiao Hua didn't think of it. Did you forget it?