Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 827

The reason why Jiangye's color changes is that Huiyu fairy made it clear in her subpoena that it was a continuous stream of business alliance that delivered two pieces of top-grade Changji immortal utensils with her, rather than the Changji Xiapin immortal utensils discussed by many people. Although Jiangye couldn't see where the two characters were, he clearly knew that they were not the top two! That is to say, if the two immortal wares delivered by the merchants' alliance are Shangpin changjixian wares, then there are probably three or four other Shangpin changjixian wares in the market!

When is Shangpin changjixian so cheap? Chenxiaohai city It's just a small fairyland on the enlightenment mainland!

However, this is not the fundamental reason for Jiang Ye's shock. What he was shocked by was the speed with which a stream of business leagues came out with top-grade immortal killers!

It's rare to see the top-grade constant immortal killers in Haishi, but it's not too rare in Yuxian. However, it's really impossible for Yuxian to take out two top-grade constant immortal killers in such a short time! First of all, not to mention Jiang Ye's identity, whether he has the ability to transfer the two pieces of top-grade immortal ware, even if he can, it will take at least one and a half to two months to transfer the two pieces of top-grade immortal ware from other places to Zihuan island. And the speed of Yuxian is not that Jiangye claims to be the fastest in fairyland.

This is also the reason why Jiang ye did not ask Xiao Hua and Bai Xiaotu about the specific delivery time.

However, seeing Huiyu's top-grade changjixian ware, Jiangye suddenly realizes that she seems to underestimate the continuous flow of business leagues. In the face of a business leagues who can take out top-grade changjixian ware at any time, her attitude Still a little high!

Jiangye squints her eyes and nods to Huiyu fairy. Huiyu fairy flies out with a small pot and says to Ning Xun with a smile: "I don't know how to identify the elder?"

Ning Xun looked at the small pot and asked cautiously, "does it have a name?"

"No!" Huiyu fairy has nothing to hide.

"Ning needs to cast a spell. Wait a moment, fairy!" Ning Xun raised his hand a little bit and half empty book, the book received light Xia fell in front of Ning Xun.

Ning Xun pinched the immortal formula, and there was an immortal mark between his eyebrows, showing five colors. When the immortal formula was ready, the immortal mark slowly opened, and a silver light column with five colors fell down. The immortal formula was printed on the book.

"Wu..." The book was shaking violently, and the void around it was twisted. Immediately, the book was opened slowly from top to bottom, and the four characters of "ancient Xuanjin Bang" flashed out in the golden light!

However, the ancient xuanjinbang at this time is different from the previous one. The golden light condenses together and turns into various kinds of runes. These runes flash with infinite virtual shadows. In the virtual shadows, various kinds of immortal tools come out one after another and fall to the center of the Jinbang and turn into some gold hook and iron handwriting. It is just "unclear grade, unknown name"!

"poof..." Seeing the Jinbang unfolding, Ning Xun opened his mouth and breathed immortal Qi into the Jinbang. In the "buzz" sound, "guxuan Jinbang" was a big word. The word "gold" came out and fell in front of Huiyu fairy, turning into a cauldron!

"Fairies, please tell me how to send the fairies into the cauldron furnace!" Ning Xun said.

Huiyu fairy smile, the small pot into the cauldron furnace.

"Hum..." The cauldron furnace roared again and began to rotate. A series of inexplicable runes flew out of the cauldron furnace and rushed into the small pot. The small pot that couldn't stand to see began to produce colorful light and shadow.

At the beginning, the light and shadow of the ten colors were not particularly dazzling, and the light and shadow were also different. But with the passage of time, the light and shadow of the ten colors soared, and the lightsaber pierced the void.

At this time, the third line of writing on the ancient Xuanjin list began to glow. Needless to say, the small pot ranked third on the ancient Xuanjin list!

All the fairies, including Jiang ye, were staring at the light and shadow on the small pot. It was half a cup of tea. Several colors in the light and shadow began to fade, and the roots of the light and shadow began to crystallize. When all the light and shadow begin to shrink and condense, a simple dark shadow will flash away!

"Water based fairy ware!" All the immortals had an idea in mind, and everyone was disappointed, but no one ever spoke, waiting for the final result.

Light and shadow converged into the small pot, and finally began to shake. A golden word "gold" flew out of the small pot, "Wu..." It was on the third handwriting that the handwriting fell into the ancient xuanjinbang. A bright golden light flashed by, and a line of "often quiet top grade, unknown name" appeared!

"Top grade is always quiet?" Ning Xun lost his voice and said, "is it the top grade?"

"Lord Jiangxiao..." Lu Miao opened his door to the mountain and said, "how much do you charge for this top-grade immortal? I'm going

"Ha ha..." Jiangye was overjoyed and said, "chief Lu, think more about it. It's not for sale!"

"Not for sale?" Lu Miao said, "if you don't sell it, why do you take it to the market?"

Jiangye said with a smile, "I am a business alliance. Naturally, I have bought and sold this top-grade immortal ware. I got it somewhere..."

"Where?" Don't say it's Lu Miao. Even Zhao Chong can't help asking.

"Ha ha..." Jiangye got up and said, "you elders, you fairy friends, I still have some things to deal with. I'll leave now. When Zihuan island is opened, I'll bother you again!"

"Lord Jiangxiao..." Long Xiao said in a hurry, "seeing Zihuan island is about to open, how can you go?""I have something urgent..." Jiangye said with a smile, "maybe three or five yuan days, maybe dozens of Yuan days, or so, before Zihuan Island opens, I will come back..."

"Why?" What else does long Xiao have to say? Qi Li, who has never talked much, suddenly looks at a pendant on his waist. After Yan Nian sweeps it, he says, "how can orange be summoned suddenly?"

As he spoke, Qi Li got up in a hurry, arched his hand and said: "long Zu Chang, Qi also wants to leave for a moment..."

"What happened to Qi Xianyou?" Long Xiao some helpless, quickly asked.

"Qi has a younger generation. Oh, it's Yi Cheng..." Qi Li explained, "she was hurt, and this time After another fight with others, the injury was more serious. She originally came to Haishi with me, but later she stayed outside the sixty-four ring dome because she was taking pills for meditation. Now she suddenly sends a message, I'm afraid there's something different! "

"So..." Lu Miao knew about Yi Cheng and said with a smile, "Qi Xianyou, you'd better hurry up! It must be urgent to summon in the process of healing. "

"I'd like to join senior Qi..." Jiang night rushed to Hui feather fairy to make a wink to say.

Zhao Chong and others had no choice but to send Qi Li, Jiang ye and Hui Yu fairy away. When they got out of the ice crystal space, Hui Yu fairy bowed down to say goodbye to Qi Li, and then whispered: "my Lord, in the opinion of my subordinates, it's not appropriate to go to find a stream of business alliances at this time..."

"I know!" Jiang ye turned to look at the closed space and said coldly, "Lu Miao has always wanted to find a top-grade immortal. If I went to find a stream of business leagues, wouldn't I show them the way? I left the ice crystal hall because I wanted to deliver this top-grade immortal device to the Lord of the dome in person... "

Huiyu fairy frowned and was about to speak. Jiangye realized something. She looked around and flew to a place and said, "don't think about it. It's nothing to do with you. It's this top-grade immortal tool that is too important! Besides, I need you to do two things... "

"My lord misunderstood my subordinates..." Huiyu fairy clever answer, "how dare I think so?"? If you have anything to do, please tell me... "

"One of them..." Jiang ye sent out Yan Nian to explore Zuo Jin and said, "take my Xiao Lord's order immediately and upgrade the level of searching for the antidote of perplexed congealing scar at all costs!"

"Yes, I understand. This is what I want to remind you of!" Huiyu fairy said with a smile.

"Second..." Jiangye said, "go and find out what kind of material Xianying's congealed body needs. I remember that there should be several kinds, and I will find them at all costs. They are the same share as the tonic stone!"

Hui Yu fairy Leng a few, hastily nod a way: "yes, subordinate understand, this is subordinate did not expect!"

"Do these two things as soon as you can." Jiang ye had already reached the edge of the rough water. He stopped and said, "wait for me nearby after finishing the work. Remember, if there is any material or information on the sea market that condenses Xianying's body, you must help a stream of business leagues to get it..."

"My lord..." Huiyu fairy also stopped, accompanied by careful way, "some don't understand, this Although it is precious, it's a top-grade immortal

"But it's not rare in Yuxian, is it?" Jiangye smiles and asks.

"Yes Huiyu fairy nodded, "you don't have to be so careful about the gains and losses of the business alliance, do you?"

Jiangye said with profound meaning: "have you ever seen a few top-grade immortals without names?"

"No? I haven't seen it Huiyu fairy suddenly understood something and was shocked.

"There is a spirit in Shangpin changjixian ware!" Jiangye said, "the top grade with common name is often quiet. The spirit has been refined by sacrifice. It is stained with the essence and blood of others. It is inevitable that the spirit is impure! There are only two possibilities: one is the latest sacrifice and the other is the rebirth of the spirit. One of the best things that a continuous stream of merchants can produce is often quiet, and it's most likely that the spirit of the instrument will be reborn. If you think about it, there are two other immortals on the ancient Xuan gold list, which are probably also from a continuous stream of merchants. What does that mean? "

"It means that there are a lot of top-grade immortal utensils in the business alliance? And the spirit is reborn? Think about Ren Xiaoyao, Li MOI and Bai Xiaotu? They are reincarnated immortals, and those two top-grade immortals will not be the immortals of their previous lives? "

"Oh, if they use it themselves, they don't have to erase it and regenerate it..." Jiangye said with a smile, "but no matter what, I will go to tell the Lord of the vault and ask for more authority."

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