Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 828

"Yes, yes, I understand..." Huiyu fairy replied in a hurry. In fact, as early as Jiangye said that the spirit of the nameless Shangpin Changji immortal tool might be reborn, she already understood that Jiangye wanted to give the Shangpin Changji, which might be the immortal tool of her own life, to the Lord of the dome.

Jiang Ye nodded, reached out and took out a keepsake. When she raised her hand, the keepsake turned into streamer and ran into the water wave. A triangular water light was emitted and rolled out. Jiang Ye's figure disappeared into the water wave.

Huiyu fairy waited for a moment, but no fairy came. She looked around and urged her body to move.

"Hey, hey..." In another wave, Zhao Chong and Lu Miao's bodies flash away. Zhao Chong says with a smile, "clan leader Lu, with Jiang Ye's shrewdness, how can he leave you a flaw?"

"Alas..." Lu Miao's voice is also as ethereal as water mist, "water-based top grade is often quiet! What can be met but not sought... "

At this time, outside the 64 ring dome, Qi Li also looked at Yi Cheng and asked, "you You recovered? This How is that possible? "

Speaking of this, Qi Li quickly waved his hand and said, "orange, I don't mean that. As you know, I gave you the elixir in my lifetime. I promised you a ticket, but I didn't expect to cause you so much trouble, so I've been trying to make up for it. Who knows..."

"Hee hee..." Yi Cheng interrupted Qi Li's words and said with a smile, "Qi Shizu, I know you have a devil in your heart. I've been worried about the injury of my disciple, so I'll come to see you as soon as I recover. When you were old, it was for the sake of your disciples that you personally sacrificed and refined the pills. I will remember that. And every time you go to any fairyland, you have to find the pills that your disciples can use. My disciples also know that now my disciples are cured. You don't have to think about it any more! "

"Good, good!" Qi Li was overjoyed and waved, "since I've recovered from the injury, I'm going to participate in the sea market with my husband. I have to ask who cured you!"

"Shizu..." Yi Cheng quickly explained, "after the disciple recovered, the elixir could not be used up. The disciple thought that the bottleneck of many years might be broken. He came here to see Shizu to say goodbye to Shizu and rush back to Biyun cave to shut up!"

"No No? " Qi Li was silly and stammered, "what kind of elixir did you take? How How could it be so effective? "

"Hey, hey..." Yi Cheng took the opportunity to recommend Lou ting and said, "Shizu, do you still remember what the disciples told you about Lou Ting?"

"Some impressions..." Qi Li tried to think for a while, nodded, "he seems to be your childhood playmate!"

"Yes..." Yi Cheng explained, "it's shaoyindan of the Lou family..."

"Big sister..." Without waiting for Yi Cheng to finish, Lou Ting came with two disciples in the distance. Seeing Yi Cheng from a distance, he said happily, "have you recovered? How Why so fast? "

Yi orange stares at Lou ting and scolds: "haven't you come to see Qi Shizu yet?"

Lou Ting is very happy. He has heard Yi Cheng say that Qi Li has come to chenxiaohai, but where is he qualified to meet Qi Li? At this time, it was fate, so he came to the ceremony in a hurry.

"Speak quickly..." Qi Li raised Lou ting up and said, "how does Shaoyin Dan in your family work so well?"

Lou Ting woke up and said with a smile: "master Qi didn't know that although the elixir my elder sister was taking was Shaoyin elixir of my Lou family, it wasn't a sacrificial pill for the younger generation. If the younger generation could sacrifice it, they would have taken it for her. It's like this... "

"Oh? Is it a yipindan master named Xiao Hua After hearing this, Qi Li frowned and said, "I asked the three elites of Dan Dao League about orange in my lifetime, but they are not sure. Xiao Hua is a one elites..."

"Oh..." Lou Ting explained in a hurry, "Xiao Xianyou has the strength of the second grade Dan master, but he missed the examination of Dan Dao League, so he has been holding the Dan master card of the first grade Dan master."

"If you can refine the elixir that can cure orange's injury..." Qi Li nodded and said, "he should be at least the third grade Dan master. By the way, what about Xiao Hua? "

"This..." Lou Ting hesitated for a moment, next to B orange big urgent, glared at him a way, "in front of Qi Shizu, what can hide?"

"It's not that I don't know the whereabouts of Xiao Hua, master Qi." Lou Ting said with a smile, "I'm here..."

Lou Ting was going to talk about Jinyang cave, but he forced himself to swallow what he said. In front of the master of Qingyu gate, he said that he would visit Kuiyang mountain. Not to mention that Qi Li would have a knot in his heart. Even Yi Cheng would be unhappy.

"I tried my best to keep him after I got Shaoyin Dan from Xiao Hua..." Louting said, "unfortunately, he is a disciple of the Business League. He has other important affairs in the league, so I don't know where he is now."

Yi Cheng frowned and said, "did you leave him a messenger?"

Lou Ting separated from Xiao Hua in the yingbingwu of Jinyang cave. Where did Xiao Hua leave his message? He quickly explained: "Xiao Xianyou seemed to have something urgent at that time, and I didn't remember it!"

"Hum..." Second orange stares Lou Ting one eye, cold hums a way, "this small matter son all don't do well."

"No harm, no harm..." Qi Li waved his hand and said, "now that I know that Xiao Hua is a disciple of the business alliance, they will surely show up in the sea market. I don't have anything special to look for him. I'm just curious about his alchemy."In other words, Yueyong and other disciples also came back and hurried to meet Qi Li.

Qi Li said with a smile: "orange, if you go back to you, these disciples don't have to take them back. It's so easy for them to come to Haishi. I have a keepsake to enter Zihuan island in Biyun cave. It's also an eye opener for them."

"All right!" Yi orange thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I will give these children to Shizu, and let Shizu bother."

Then Yi Cheng tells Yue Yong and others a few words, says goodbye to Qi Li, and asks Lou ting to send him to the immortal array.

"What's the matter with the constant stream of business leagues?" Fly far, second orange displeased way, "how did I not hear you talk about?"

"The elder sister is going to shut up when she gets shaoyindan. In order not to distract you, my younger brother dare not say anything." Lou Ting explained, "this is what happened..."

In the face of Yi Cheng, Lou Ting has no special scruples about what happened in Xuanhong island. Suddenly, Yi Cheng knows that it can't be mentioned with Qi Li, but she still tells Lou Ting: "little brother, although we have a price to get Shaoyin Dan, Xiao Hua is kind to me after all. And from the things in Xuanhong Island, if it's not for him, you can't be happy It's also a disaster. He's kind to your Lou family, so If you meet him, you'd better try your best to leave a message? This man is so powerful that I can't compare him with you in the future... "

"Big sister..." Lou Ting whispered, "don't forget, he's just a fairy baby..."

Yi Cheng understands what Lou Ting means. Lou Ting thinks that even if Xiao Hua is powerful, he is just an immortal baby. Xianying, in the eyes of fairyland immortals, is just the best one to be an instrument. He doesn't think Xiao Hua can make great achievements. Yi Cheng wants to say something about Lou Ting, but when she talks about it, she thinks about Lou Ting's visit to Jinyang cave. She swallows the words and sighs: "Alas, nature makes people..."

Lou Ting is very attentive to Yi Cheng. He sends her to the transmission immortal array and watches her leave. Then he takes his disciples back to Zihuan island and waits for the sea market to open.

Besides, Xiao Hua, looking at Li Moyi's thumbs up at the fairy named Xiao Qi, he was also helpless. This fairy is so weird that Xiao Hua has a feeling of being short of money. He intended to use the fairy's natural talent to find immortal tools for himself, but now it seems that he was calculated by the fairy.

Xiao Hua was about to open his mouth when he suddenly felt a shudder. Although he didn't know where the shudder came from, it was like the feeling of a poisonous snake staring at him that made him shudder, almost without thinking. Xiao Hua immediately used the technique of controlling yuan to release Yan Nian and his mind!

It's a pity that there are many immortals around, but no one is different.

Xiao Hua's face was a little gloomy. After thinking for a moment, he sent Gu's sword into the space of his left hand. Then he felt relieved and waved: "go!"

"Where are you going?" Cried Xiao Qi.

"Follow if you want, and leave if you don't!" Xiao Hua didn't put down a cold word and turned to fly away.

Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu dare not say more and follow Xiao Hua. Xiao Qi looks at the three people's back, stomps and whispers, "if you want to get rid of me, there's no way!"

With that, Xiao Qi also followed.

As soon as the four of them left, Wei Sheng had already shown his birth form where the purple light poured down in the distance! At this time, Wei Sheng was not an immortal official of zhanglv palace in official clothes, but a soft armour of bamboo green. As for his appearance, he turned into a rude man.

Wei Sheng was standing in the middle of the sky, with his eyes on the side and his mind on the side to control and explore the immortal tools, and to explore the traces of perplexity around him.

Seeing no result, Wei Sheng said in secret: "Damn, I've explored almost all the hoops. How come I haven't found that guy's trace yet? Can we only go to Zihuan island? "

Wei Sheng raised his eyes to see the growing purple huixiaofan. His eyes flashed with cold light. He had a premonition that Zihuan island was not a good place. If possible, he did not want to find Xiao Hua at the last moment of the sea market, but strangled Xiao Hua before entering Zihuan island.

"Why?" Just as Wei Sheng was about to fly away, a light ray of thunder came out of the immortal detector. It was just in the direction of his left hand. Wei Sheng raised his eyebrows and said, "how How can there be immortal officials from the penalty palace? "

Thinking of Wei Sheng's collection of immortal tools, a faint light and shadow of bamboo appeared all over his body, which covered all the traces of zhanglv palace.

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Wei Sheng is almost face-to-face with Xiao Hua. Can he reveal Xiao Hua's true face?