Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 826

Li Moyi looks at the female fairy and says nothing, as if he is transmitting a message. He looks at Xiao Hua and understands something. He says to the surrounding immortals, "are they all scattered? This is my master's old acquaintance, which has been lost for many years. This is not to fight but to know each other! "

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, listening to Li MOI's words, said to the fairy: "you can only be defeated by both sides if you are such a fool! Well, I guess you don't have any money. If I wait to join in the sea market, you can help me to find the immortal tools that I can use. How about I pay you money? "

The female immortal wanted to refute Li Moyi, but after listening to Xiao Hua's voice, she thought for a moment and said, "OK, according to what the elder said!"

Immortals also like to watch the fun. Naturally, they can't leave because of Li MOI's words. The female immortals frown at the more and more immortals flying in. They hasten to pick up the ten immortals and leave with Xiao Hua.

When he got to the place where there were few people, Xiao Hua stopped and asked, "what's your name?"

"Master..." The fairy blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "you and I met by chance, and they have cheated me. How can I tell you my name?"

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry and said, "how did I fool you? Don't you think it's your aggression that makes you so unhappy? What's more, if you don't tell me your name and surname, will it be just you, you shout? "

"All right!" The fairy turned her eyes and said, "I can't tell you my real name, but I have a nickname called Xiao Qi. You can call me Xiao Qi!"

"Ah?" Bai Xiaotu lost his voice and exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Qi glared at Bai Xiaotu and said, "haven't you heard such a meaningful name?"

"That, that..." Bai Xiaotu stutters and doesn't know what to say.

Li Mo Yi said with a smile: "the fairy is wrong. The name of the fairy not only has connotation, but also has poetic meaning, and even can see some nobility from it..."

"Hum..." Xiao Qi looked up and down at Li Moyi. His eyes were full of vigilance. He hummed coldly, "it's just two words. Where is it as good as what you said? If you don't pay attention to anything, you can either cheat or steal! "

"Do you have a senior brother named Xiao Liu?" Looking at the strange fairy, Xiao Hua couldn't help asking.

"You How do you know? " Xiao Qi pretended to be surprised.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed, pointed to Bai Xiaotu and said, "far away in the sky, near in front of us, this is Xiao Liu. Haven't you met your elder martial brother soon?"

Xiao Qi is slightly Leng at first, but seeing Bai Xiaotu's face turn red, she knows that Xiao Hua didn't cheat her, but she didn't panic that her lies were exposed. She lightly replies: "this Xiao Liu is not that Xiao Liu. My elder martial brother named Xiao Liu is so handsome, but you Xiao Liu is so handsome!"

"You You... " Bai Xiaotu doesn't know what's going on. In the face of this fairy named Xiaoqi, she can't even speak well. She looks like a fool.

"What are you doing?" Small seven again white small earth one eye, way, "even words all don't understand, still think of deceiving, you are the worst!"

"Boom..." Bai Xiaotu was just about to refute, but when he heard a thunderbolt from the sky, the purple light which was once hidden and now appeared suddenly burst, and a strange purple flower slowly bloomed. The flowers are divided into seven petals, just like the netherworld lotus, but the shape of the seven petals is different, or crane shaped, or bead shaped, or neon glow, where the petals shake, there is bamboo shadow rhythm, and where the purple dream is, there is a faint fairy shadow, where the eyes fall, unspeakable heart, unspeakable emotion.

Xiao Hua couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart and asked in a low voice: "this What kind of flower is this? "

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu quickly replied, "this is Hui Xiaofan of the fairyland..."

"Huixiaofan, huixiaofan..." Xiao Hua read it in a low voice. In his mind, Xue Xue's voice and smile came out of his mind. In the high sky, with the flowers blooming, purple light fell down along the water column in the middle of the 64 ring dome. Where the purple light passed, it was like a vine like crystal strip out of thin air. Looking at the huge whirlpool, the purple light and shadow extend like a dream, a lot of flower shadow with star light spread rapidly in the space, "boom, boom, boom..." When the purple flowers and shadows were all over the place, the 64 ring domes gave birth to a huge roar, just like the purple huixiaofan in the middle of the transit stars.

But in the blink of an eye, sixty-four ring domes turned into purple stars, and huixiaofan protected them. On each ring dome, immortals appeared wearing armor!

Looking at a mysterious immortal array, Xiao Hua suddenly woke up, turned to Xiao Qi and said, "you didn't enter the keepsake of Zihuan Island yourself!"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Xiao Qi's chest is quite straight. Looking at Xiao Hua, he says, "I didn't enter the keepsake of Zihuan Island, but since you have promised me to buy immortal utensils for you, you must take me in, or you will bully me as a male immortal?"

"You You're so good! " Li MOI can't laugh or cry and gives a thumbs up to Xiao Qi!

Li Moyi didn't know that he was not the only one who raised his thumb. As early as half a month ago, in the ice crystal space near Zihuan Island, when Huiyu fairy took out the small pot shaped fairy ware, all the immortals around him could not help but raised their thumbs and said: "powerful, if Jiangxiao master is really powerful, he can really take out Changji fairy ware at will!"Jiangye said with a smile: "you immortal friends, you elders praise me. This is my master. We Yuxian are powerful, but we have nothing to do with you!"

Jiangye is that the speaker has no intention, but long Xiao is interested in it. He turns his eyes slightly and says with a smile: "people often say that the fairyland is boundless, and the power of Yuxian is unparalleled. The master of Yuxian is absolutely one of the best people in the fairyland. Long really hopes that his old man can go to Dechen Xiaohai, and let's have a look at the supreme beauty of his old man!"

Long Xiao's words are euphemistic, where doesn't Jiang night know his meaning? Jiang Ye didn't want to answer, but Lu Miao and Zhao Chong all looked at him, so she coughed and said, "the dragon clan leader has thought a lot. Don't say that chenxiaohai, even the whole enlightenment continent, can't see my master. In his eyes, his old man can't come!"

"Hey, hey..." Ning Xun laughed in a low voice and asked, "Lord Xiao, Ning has heard that even Yuxian, except for a few top figures, can't anyone see the Lord of Yuxian?"

"Hey, hey..." Jiang night also low smile a, counter ask a way, "that next ask you, who is the top person that you say?"

Embarrassed, Ning Xun quickly waved his hand and said, "Ning has a shallow knowledge. He is really interested in Yu Xian I don't know much about it. It's the first time I've seen him. "

"That's right!" Jiangye's face turned, and she said, "there are rules of Qi Dao League in Qi Dao League. Yuxian naturally has the practice of Yuxian! Qidao alliance can publish the list of eight level craftsmen, namely Huang, Huang, Xuan, Hong, prefecture, Zhou, Tian and Yu, so that a group of fairyland craftsmen can be proud to be on the list. Yuxian can hide Jiangxiao and other Xiaozhu's name from you. Except for my familiar fairy friends, who can know that I am Yuxian's Jiangxiao master? Who can know my name? As for the fairy tale about me, I don't care what it says or what it says. After all, I have a long mouth on others. But if you want to find out my secret, it's not only disrespectful to me, but also unjust and negligent It's very likely that I've violated the taboo of Yuxian. You've heard the secret, and I'll be doomed! "

"Ha ha..." Hearing Jiangye scold Long Xiao for his troubles, the Taoist alliance of the array, Long Zheng, hastened to settle down and said with a smile, "Lord Xiao, we've been waiting for a long time to uncover the mystery of the unknown immortal weapon on the ancient Xuanjin list. Now Huiyu fairy finally brings Chang Jixian weapon. Don't we feel like having a look?"

When Jiangye spoke, Huiyu fairy naturally bowed her head and did not speak. Now she was surprised and looked at the empty shadow of the ancient xuanjinbang hanging in the air.

"Silk..." When she saw some handwriting on the gold list that "the rank is not clear and the name is unknown", she took a breath of air. But she often went to the bidding meeting. Seeing these strange signs, she naturally understood the mystery.

"No, no!" As soon as Ning Xun was about to speak, he suddenly looked at the handwriting on the ancient Xuanjin list and said, "it's just four lines on it. How How did you suddenly add two more lines and turn them into six? "

"Oh, that's true!" Long Zheng looked closely, and cried, "I also remember that there are four unknown immortal utensils. Now there are two more! But, master Ning Qi, when did you add these two? It's Is it before or after Yu Xian's summons? "

Ning Xun scratched his head and said with a bitter smile: "the Dragon fairy friend asked Ning. This ancient xuanjinbang is not the immortal weapon of Ning. The image inside is just a part of the real Jinbang. Ning can't notice the specific changes on it..."

After all, before Huiyu fairy was summoned, people were talking about the strangeness of Tengjiao scissors and Wuxing Ruyi Tongtian staff, and no one ever paid attention to the change of ancient Xuanjin list.

"Just, just..." Lu Miao waved his hand and said with a smile, "we don't have to think much about it. Now Zihuan island is about to open. Naturally, many immortals are coming. It's really nothing to add one or two more immortals with unclear rank. Let's see what rank the immortals brought by Yuxian are!"

Huiyu fairy looked at Jiangye. On the surface, Jiangye was as deep as water, but in her heart, she was already drowning. Lu Miao's words were easy, but the ancient Xuanjin list couldn't tell. Could the immortal wares of the rank appear casually? But others didn't pay attention, but Jiangye did. When he got Huiyu fairy's message, he took a special look at the ancient Xuanjin list. There were some light and shadow flashing on the ancient Xuanjin list, and two of the "unclear grade" characters on it had been added!

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There are two more characters on the ancient Xuan gold list. Yuxian's Jiangye should know what happened

It's said that Daoyou of "Tiandao Xiaohua" had a birthday today. When he just asked, all zhentanfen in QQ group said that it was today's birthday. In that case, let's add more. One is to help Tiandao Xiaohua have a happy birthday. Although he doesn't know him, he has worked hard to understand the cultivation of God. The other is to wish all zhentanfen happy every day