Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 825

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua patted his head and said with a laugh, "I understand. You can refine, but you can't succeed. I asked you wrong. Well, what kind of elixir are you good at or can refine successfully? "

"It's the elixir that the master let me see a long time ago!" Xiaoguo didn't want to answer.

"Holy lotus seed?" Xiao Hua's eyes brightened and he blurted out, "can you refine the lotus seed?"

"No, no..." Small fruit face red, quickly waved his hand way, "small can refine not so good elixir, small is can sacrifice refining similar elixir, but that elixir fruit effect is only 30% of the holy lotus seed!"

"With Is there any fairy grass in the medicine field? " Xiao Hua was overjoyed.

"Well, well..." Xiaoguo was happy to see Xiaohua, and nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice. After that, he even took out a bag of 100 Na, some showing off, and some pinching, "old Master, this is something that I tried to refine before... "

After that, someone immediately explained: "but don't worry, I don't waste fairy grass..."

"What a lovely little fruit!" Xiao Hua suddenly felt that Xiaoguo was more intimate than Xiaoyin. Well, it was like a cotton padded jacket.

Xiao Hua raised his hand to touch Xiaoguo's bun and said, "master, you've worked hard. These pills are of great use. You can refine some more."

Seeing Xiao Hua's praise and help, Xiao Guo blushed with excitement and nodded: "old Master, don't worry, little Small now Now begin to sacrifice and refine... "

Then Xiao Hua opened the bag with a smile, and with a golden flame, Xiao Hua's face changed slightly!

But there are thousands of tiny swirls on the surface of the flame. The swirls seem to be still, but in fact they are spinning rapidly. In the sky, the invisible force of stars and moon is sucked in by the swirls. The whirlpool is very powerful, and the space around it is a little twisted. In the twisted space, mysterious runes appear and disappear, which are six parts like the real lotus seed!

"How could it be?" Xiao Hua was a little stunned. He looked at Xiaoguo, who seemed to be singing a song and flying in the air. He was surprised and said, "I don't have a prescription for the holy lotus seed, and I can't see what kind of fairy grass the holy lotus seed is made of, or what kind of things the Dragon kingdom or the Buddhist kingdom is used for the sacrifice. How can Xiaoguo know the Tao?"

As if he had thought of something, Xiao Hua raised his eyes to see Xiaolei's laughter and thunder in the wine country's bottle mountain, and then to see Xiaoguo's song in the medicine field rising with the fragrance of medicine. Xiao Hua caressed his hand and said, "I'm really wrong. There are some geniuses in this world. They don't have to use any prescription or know any method of offering wine. They can sacrifice and refine elixirs only by their own talents He xianjiu. I may not have their talent, but I can draw a ladle from a gourd! "

Xiao Hua took the elixirs and didn't take them out of the space. Instead, he flashed to the void where the former elixirs were floating. He squinted at three of them, raised his hand and took them to his eyes. He said with his hand one by one: "these three things are all fire elixirs. One of them has a nearly perfect immortal array as the center, and the other two have been broken, but they are not The intact part can be refined to one place, one for protection and one for attack. Ha ha, I'm also a genius... "

It's easy for Xiao Hua to say, but it's quite troublesome to really sacrifice and refine. After all, the three immortals have different qualities and different methods of sacrifice and refining. It's also troublesome for the inner immortal array to coordinate as one. Therefore, it took Xiao Hua three hours to successfully refine this unique immortal weapon.

Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, wanted to take out the immortal utensils to inspire him, but he saw that there were still many immortal utensils. He didn't have much time, so he didn't test them any more. He looked all over again to find the suitable ones.

It was only half a month since the ceremony. Seeing that there were only a dozen immortals left around, Xiao Hua clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I'm poor! That's it... "

Xiao Hua gets out of the space and returns to his original position. At a glance, he sees Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu sitting next to him with their knees crossed.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "why did you come back so soon?"

Li Mo Yi quickly got up and saluted: "master, we have already walked all over the ring dome, and there is nothing to find, so I have to come back to wait for master, and Zihuan island will open soon."

Bai Xiaotu also respectfully said: "it's a coincidence, master. As soon as I flew out with Li Ge Gang, I met Huiyu fairy without making any profit."

Xiao Hua frowned and said, "what does she say?"

"Huiyu fairy can judge that the immortal weapon given by the master is Changji immortal weapon, but it's not top grade, and she can't be completely sure!" Bai Xiaotu replied, "so, she wanted to come to visit the master, but she went in a hurry after taking the immortal ware. She must have asked the master of Jiangxiao to confirm the quality of the immortal ware."

"Well..." Xiao Hua revealed a wide, brush sleeve way, "don't pay attention to her, go, we also should leave this ring dome."Sure enough, when they flew out of the quiet room, and then to other places, there were only a few immortals in it. They must have left the ring dome to go to Zihuan island.

Xiao Hua and the other three had just flown out of the ring dome, but they had never looked up to the sky. The purple light had already ordered the star like Zihuan island. A familiar voice came: "you You are finally willing to come out! You You compensate me for Qian Jing... "

Isn't this the voice of the immortal who follows Bai Xiaotu to kick the hall behind him in the ring dome?

After hearing this, Bai Xiaotu cried like hell: "you How can you recognize me? "

"Alas..." Li MOI was going to speak. At this time, all the words turned into a sigh and said, "Xiao Liu, don't you have a long brain? She How could she recognize you? She must have said that to every fairy who flew out of the sky? "

Xiao Hua was speechless, but when he looked at the fairy, he felt thoughtful.

But I saw that the fairy was dressed in the immortal clothes of ice sacrifice, and there were flowing beads like water. The fairy girl's face is as white as jade, her eyebrows are bent, her eyes are as bright as night stars. Now she stares at Bai Xiaotu with anger, her lips are trembling slightly, and her teeth are as white as snow.

"This female immortal is also persistent..." Xiao Hua said in secret, "there are no less than thousands of immortals flying out of the ring dome. It's really powerful that she can inquire one by one."

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and sneered: "Li Moyi is smart. Xiao Liuyi comes out, and the fairy goes to Xiao Liu. If she makes a trial Is that too much coincidence? The fairy may be trying, but she must have some secrets

Bai Xiaotu had a fever on his face and cried out, "what What and what! Why should I compensate you? You have to pay for so many fairies! What does that have to do with me? "

"Hum..." The fairy snorted coldly, "are you ok? You Are you a fairy? How do you mean to fight with me

"I Of course I didn't rob you... " Bai Xiaotu argued, "didn't I give you all the fairy utensils?"

"You gave it to me? What do you mean to say? " The fairy sneered and said to the immortals around, "you fairy friends, come and judge..."

Then the fairy waved her hand and ten fairy wares flew out. The quality of the immortal ware is not good, but the light and the mist have already attracted the eyes of the immortals around. Although the female immortal's face is angry, her voice is very resentful, and she cries: "you immortal friends, look at these ten immortal wares. What quality are they? They cost me 300 xuanjing!"

"Ah? How is that possible? " Naturally, the immortal who knew the goods exclaimed, "this kind of fairy ware is for me I don't want it. How can you spend 300 xuanjing? "

"That's him!" The fairy pointed to Bai Xiaotu and cried, "he joined hands with the immortal who sold the immortal utensils to make me think that they are of excellent quality..."

"Conscience of heaven and earth!" Li Mo Yi looked at Bai Xiaotu's red face, wanted to argue and didn't dare to speak, so he had to step forward, "Xianyou, this is shameless! What's a joint game? It's just that you robbed my younger martial brother's immortal weapon. My younger martial brother dug a hole for you... "

"Hum..." Without waiting for Li Moyi to finish, the fairy hummed coldly, "what's digging a hole but not digging a hole? You and the immortal are definitely in the same group!"

Looking at the fairy's eyes turning slightly, Xiao Hua's heart moved and said: "girl, if you want to participate in the sea market of Zihuan Island quietly and fish in troubled waters, you should shut up honestly, otherwise I will tell you the secret of the quality of the fairy ware now, so that you can't make any profit in the sea market!"

She looked at Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu, and said coldly: "if you tell me, I will tell you the secret that you can see the level of the immortal ware. It's not a big deal to break up in one shot!"

"Ha ha!" Xiao Hua laughed and said, "just say it! We are all disciples of the Business League. I have such a talent. I am the one who can't meet in all business leagues. Your words can only make my disciples more famous! "

"You You... " She hesitated for a moment, but refused to give up. She exclaimed, "I don't care. I won't compensate xuanjing. I'll make it hard for you to participate in the sea market!"

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This fairy is also interesting. She has to provoke Xiao Hua