Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 822

Long Zheng shook his head slightly and said, "brother Jiang Ye is wrong. The casting utensil is different from the sacrificial and refining array talisman. Since Youyao binglu is a medium level du'e immortal utensil, its material determines that it can't produce the spirit of utensil. Moreover, the material of the inferior Changji immortal utensil is spiritual, and it can produce the spirit of utensil. It's not a new sacrificial and refining one."

When all the immortals looked at Ning Xun, Ning Xun also laughed bitterly and said, "what brother long said is true. This is also the reason why Ning lost his voice and screamed when he saw the reappearance of Youyao binglu."

As Ning Xun's voice fell to the ground, the name of Youyao binglu on the list disappeared, and there were still some gray and white handwriting around.

"Gone again!" Long Xiao, the head of the Dragon tribe, said in a hurry, "what's the matter?"

"Oh..." Ning Xun looked at it and quickly pointed to it. However, he saw that the list was gray and white, and he was sinking rapidly. Gradually, some golden handwriting appeared. It was the names of some immortal utensils, such as Du'er grade one and grade two. When he was suspended, he stopped a little. Ning Xun pointed to a place with a smile and said, "long Zu Chang, please see, you Yao Bing is recorded here..."

But before Ning Xun finished, his face changed greatly. His eyes fell on Youyao binglu. How many lines of golden characters were stunned and speechless?

"Why? What does that mean? " Jiang Ye's eyes were sharp. She had seen something strange on it for a long time. She cried out, "why do these immortal tools have names or No rank?? What's more, it's all on the constant immortal device? "

Among them, all the immortals looked attentively, and sure enough, on some of the immortal utensils such as Youyao binglu, there were several lines of gold characters, which respectively read "pinjie unclear, Wuxing Ruyi Tongtian staff", "pinjie unclear, Tengjiao scissors", "pinjie unclear, name unknown", "pinjie unclear, name unknown"

Especially at the top of the ancient Xuanjin list, there are several "unclear grades and unknown names" which are particularly eye-catching!

Ning Xun took a deep breath. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Lu Miao said with a smile, "if you fairy friends don't sit down first, listen to Ning Qi master slowly!"

"Yes, yes!" Long Xiao also said with a smile, "I also want to listen carefully. Don't settle down first! Please... "

Seeing that the two patriarchs spoke, the immortals restrained their curiosity and followed Lu Miao to Binghua. However, when the immortals were flying, Long Zheng couldn't help looking down at the eight trigrams ornament hanging on his waist. It's a pity that the eight trigrams ornament didn't come out differently.

"Ha ha..." Jiangye saw this and said with a smile, "don't look, your Taoist alliance is different from other people's Taoist alliance. It's easy to make immortal array, but it's difficult to refine it. There's no special reason. There won't be any movement in your Taoist alliance's wonderful immortal list."

Long Zheng was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice, "you're right. Although there are many talented people in our Taoist League in recent years, there are still few who can really innovate and refine the powerful immortal array. I don't know how many years this wonderful immortal list has never changed!"

All the immortals fell on the ice flowers, but they saw that several of the countless gorgeous flowers which were transformed by ice crystals had already hovered out. There were jade cases, fairy fruits and other things on these flowers.

"Fairy Friends, please..." Long Xiao and Lu Miao first fall on the two ice flowers in the middle, and then raise their hands.

"Xie two patriarchs..." Jiang night and so on in the mouth said, falls separately to the different ice flower.

"Keng Keng..." The immortals did not take their seats. Besides the ice flowers, there was the sound of swords. Jiangye and others looked up to see where the ice and snow were on the edge of the space. Several swords came through the air.

"Ha ha, chief Zhao Chong is back..." Long Xiao laughed and got up in a hurry to meet him.

Lu Miao, with a smile, said: "it seems that not only the fairy friends from Xiaoyun, Guanyun and Bitian come here, but also the other fairy friends from Xianmen, Dandao League and Fudao League. It's a bit impolite for the head of the dragon clan."

Since they are representatives of several immortals, Jiang ye and others dare not neglect them. They all follow Lu Miao and long Xiao.

A few sword lights stopped, and one of them showed his figure. It was a middle-aged man with a big body and a surging sword. Needless to say, this was Zhao Chong, the head of Xiaojian clan.

Zhao Chong is closely followed by a male immortal in blue brocade. This male immortal has elegant temperament, square face, and long fingers. There is a cloud like mist gushing out. Isn't it just the clouds watching the blue sky?

Behind yunbitian is a fat immortal. The immortal is wearing chain shaped armor, and the light bronze light is swimming like a snake on the armor. On the immortal body that is exposed outside the armor, there are pieces of runes. Every time there is bronze light passing by, these runes are slightly shining. If there is no accident, the fat immortal should be Chenghu, the second Qi immortal of Xuanye mausoleum in shuojin building!

Wei Chenghu is a female immortal. It's yu'e in Jinyang cave. Yu'e is talking to a young man in a bamboo blue Taoist robe. The young man looks very modest, nods from time to time, and has a smile on his brow. The young man looks ordinary, but his eyes are very bright, and there is a flash of emerald light in his dark eyes. It should be from qingyumen Biyun cave Two Qi immortals, Qi Li!

The four immortals are all two Qi immortals. Behind them are two five element immortals, a man and a woman. The female fairy in front of her head was dressed in Pink Fairy clothes. There was no smile on her face, which seemed to be frozen. A pair of eyebrows tilted slightly to the center of the eyebrows. Her slightly open eyes were slightly narrow, and her thin lips also showed that the female fairy might have a mean temper. This female fairy is exactly the language of the Green Sandalwood Fuwei of the Taoist League. As for Wei Yuhan, the tall, middle-aged male immortal in Taoist robes with immortal patterns carved on his sleeves is naturally Ding Yilong, the third grade Dan master of Dan Dao League.Yunbitian's voice was a little sharp. He looked at Lu Miao and others coming and said, "Lu Xianzi is polite. The head of Xiaojian clan, one of the three Xiaohai clans, welcomed us personally. How could it be impolite?"

"Ha ha..." Zhao Chong also laughed and said, "come, come, I'll introduce you to Fairy Friends..."

Zhao Chong's voice never fell to the ground, "brush brush brush..." Ning Xun's ancient xuanjinbang in his hand flashed with dazzling golden light one after another.

"Why?" Long Xiao urgent way, "isn't there often lonely immortal tool this world?"

"What?" Zhao Chong is puzzled, stares at Ning Xun to ask a way, "often quiet immortal tool this life?"? Is it Haishi? "

Lu Miao urged: "Ningqi master, quickly spread out the ancient Xuanjin list. Let's have a look..."

"Yes, chief Lu!" Ning Xun did not dare to neglect, but hastened to urge Xianli to "brush" the golden light out of the book, and the ancient Xuanjin list reappeared. But in the middle of a gray white handwriting, one after another golden handwriting appeared, and the golden light was dazzling, as if to light up the golden list.

"Ah? How is that possible? " Cloud blue sky first called out, "often quiet under the immortal flow Dan Bao down?"? Isn't it lost long ago? "

"Flying cloud fur armour? It's flying cloud fur armour! " Wei Chenghu's eyes were wide open, full of surprise and ecstasy, "this thing actually appeared in Haishi, NND, some family wanted it!"

"Suyun light wheel? How did it become a tool of immortality? It's a little puzzling... " Yu e looks at Gu Xuan Jin Bang, and whispers in a low voice. Her bright eyes are also shocked.

Qi Li then stares at a line of gold characters on the gold list and asks: "xuanchen star stream? What kind of artifact is this

"Senior Qi..." Behind Qi Li, Ding Yilong, a member of Dan Dao League, whispered, "I've heard of this mysterious morning star stream. It's said that it was a Du Er immortal weapon that was refined by a heaven level craftsman more than a thousand years ago. It's because the Du Er immortal tool has masculine force and the light of stars. It's not rare to kill immortals in this age, and it has caused a brief bloodbath. But later, the immortal who controlled the du'e immortal ware was killed, and the xuanchen star stream was destroyed. I never heard from him again

"Strange..." Wei Yuhan, who had never spoken, frowned and said, "why do these immortal tools appear at the same time today?"

During the shock of the immortals, the golden light on the ancient Xuanjin list gradually condensed. Although there were still some immortals of the fourth grade and the third grade, the golden light was no longer dazzling.

"Ningqi master?" Zhao Chong held back his surprise and said, "what's going on? Please solve the puzzle... "

"Ha ha..." Long Xiao said with a smile, "patriarch Zhao, we have seen strange things before, and we have never asked Ningqi master to solve our doubts. Now, if you don't sit down first, how about inviting Ningqi master to join us?"

"Good, good!" Zhao Chong woke up and said to Jiang ye and Long Zheng, "I've met you, Xiao Jian family Zhao Chong..."

"Mr. Zhao, you are welcome!" Jiang night and so on hastily return a gift, and then Ding Yilong and so on all come to see each other, only Wei Yuhan's face is still cold, only slightly nods. Long Xiao and others are very familiar with Wei Yuhan. Knowing her temper, they all smile and don't blame her.

After all the immortals saw the ceremony, they sat down. Lu Miao asked eagerly, "Ningqi master, what's the matter with guxuan Jinbang just now? Can you tell me more about it?"

Ning Xun stood up, raised his hand and put another immortal formula into the book's ornaments. However, he saw a golden light like water pattern on it. The golden light rolled down from bottom to top, like a waterfall. At this time, the dense handwriting was revealed line by line. The names of these Immortals, such as Liudan Baojiang and Feiyun Qiujia, appeared like bubbles in some places.

"Dear elders, dear friends..." Ning Xun raised his hand a little bit and said, "Ning has just explained that the ancient Xuanjin list of Ning is a virtual shadow of the real ancient Xuanjin list of the Taoist alliance. This virtual shadow can not only explore the immortal items that can be listed within a million miles around Ning, but also receive the information from the ancient Xuanjin list of the alliance. The immortals, such as Liudan Baojiang and Feiyun Qiujia, used to be listed in the ancient Xuanjin list. Later, due to various reasons, these immortals disappeared or were destroyed, and the names on the list turned gray and finally disappeared. And just now, the names of these immortals show a golden light again, which means that they have appeared in the immortal world before, and they are within a million miles of us... "

"Are you sure it's the immortal who took part in the sea market?" Lu Miao asked eagerly

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There are a lot of immortal silencers. All the immortals are about to come out