Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 823

Ning Xun said with a smile: "it's good to teach Lu clan leader that if a Youyao binglu has just appeared, it's really hard for me to say. But now these missing artifacts appear one after another. Apart from some immortals taking these artifacts to participate in the sea market, I really can't think of a better explanation! "

"Ha ha..." Jiang ye saw the opportunity and laughed. She arched her hand and said, "congratulations to Lu Xianzi, dragon clan leader and Zhao clan leader. The scale of chenxiaohai city is getting bigger and bigger, which also symbolizes that the three clan forces are getting stronger and stronger!"

Lu Miao, Long Xiao, and Zhao Chong all burst out laughing and said, "thank you all for your support. Thank you Kuiyang mountain, qingxiaoguan, shuojinlou, qingyumen, fudaomeng, dandaomeng, chendaomeng, qidaomeng, and of course, thank you Xianjiang, or I can't live in Xiaohai for so many years..."

The three patriarchs glanced at the immortals one by one, and their eyes were full of eagerness. They didn't say that they were ranked in any order.

All the immortals also got up to salute. For a moment, they were very happy. Lu Miao sat down and clapped his hands to "brush" the snowflakes on the sky. Dozens of ice shadows were flying out of the sky. These ice shadows were all like crystal clear female immortals. There were wine, fruit and other things flying out of thin air. When the ice shadow fell on the jade case, the "click" ice reappeared and the ice disappeared The shadow itself also condenses into a gorgeous ice flower.

Zhao Chong raised his glass with a smile and said: "you fairy friends, the sea market is about to start. We'll have a drink first. When the sea market is over, we'll have a big banquet. Come on, I'll give you a toast for the three families of chenxiaohai first..."

"You're welcome, chief Zhao!" All the immortals raised their glasses and drank with a smile.

When all the immortals put down the crystal cup, on the frozen jade case, an ice flower had already quietly melted, still restored to the appearance of a female immortal. Holding the wine pot with light hands, they poured the immortal wine into the crystal cup.

Zhao Chong put down his glass and said with a smile, "long Zu Chang, can we discuss the matter of Haishi?"

"Don't worry..." Lu Miao said with a smile, "patriarch Zhao has made great efforts to meet you fairy friends, but he came back a little late. There are some things you may not know. Ning Qi master, you haven't finished. How did Du Er's four grade immortal utensils suddenly become the next grade immortal utensils? It's almost incredible... "

Zhao Chong a Leng, strange way: "what meaning?"

"Ha ha, chief Zhao..." Long Xiao said with a laugh, "you are also the head of Xiaojian clan. The most famous of Xiaojian clan is Jianxiu. How can a duer four grade immortal sword be refined into Changji inferior sword?"

"It's impossible, isn't it?" Zhao Chong woke up and looked at Gu Xuan Jin Bang, who was still floating in the air, and said, "do you mean those immortal objects that had just passed away Was it Du Er Si PIN before he disappeared

Ning Xun looked at Zhao Chong and said faintly: "master Zhao can not believe what Ning said, but we must not distrust the ancient xuanjinbang. Our Dao alliance appreciates the quality of the thirty-three immortals in the immortal world, and all the immortals depend on this Jinbang!"

Zhao Chong said with a quick smile: "Ningqi master misunderstood. If a duer four grade immortal appeared again after it disappeared, it might be the result of a jockey's painstaking efforts. But I can't believe it, but I can't believe it

"Cough..." Lu Miao coughed softly and opened the topic. "It's not necessary to say more about some things that are often quiet about tasting immortal utensils. It must be that some high-level utensils of the utensils and Taoist League RE refined these Du Er immortal utensils, but they took them to Haishi at the same time, which suddenly appeared on the ancient Xuanjin list. This kind of thing happened occasionally. What I want to know is, how can the two pieces on the ancient Xuan gold list, which are called Tengjiao scissors and Wuxing Ruyi Tongtian staff, be of unclear grade? What's the matter with so many immortal wares that "the rank is not clear and the name is unknown"

Seeing all the immortals looking at themselves together, Ning Xun was a little nervous and quickly explained: "chief Lu, you elders, Ning has a shallow knowledge. I don't know if he is right..."

Zhao Chong was a little impatient, and urged him to say, "speak quickly."

Ning Xun cleared his throat and said: "I think you all know that the ancient xuanjinbang was made by the first alliance leader at the beginning of the establishment of the alliance. This Jinbang supervises the casting of fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland fairyland. However, not all the fairyland utensils were cast in fairyland. Some of them were left over from ancient times, while others were brought to fairyland from other realms. If it's the latter two, it's not easy to evaluate the rank of the ancient Xuanjin list. Only by sending these immortals into the ancient Xuanjin list, can there be a real rank. As for the names of the latter two immortals, it's even more uncertain. Unless these immortals are cast in the immortal world, or have been listed in the ancient Xuanjin list before, their names may appear again! "

"Is this the case with Tengjiao scissors and five elements ruyitong tiancuan?" Qi Li asked lightly.

"What master Qi said is true!" Ning Xun replied, "I haven't heard of the names of these two immortal utensils, but since they can condense their names, and their grades are not clear, they must belong to the latter two, either left over from ancient times or brought from the world! Of course, as the younger generation knows, it should be a legacy of archaic and ancient times. "

"Hey, hey..." Shuo Jin Lou's Wei Cheng Hu said with a smile, "do you still remember the colorless Tianze Ningxue Lian?""What day? Zening blood refining All the immortals were at a loss. After looking at each other, Jiang Ye frowned and said, "master Wei, I'm afraid it's hard to know what happened to colorless heaven according to our strength, but this is zening's blood refining Is it a blood sacrifice? "

"No!" Wei Chenghu shook his head and said, "blood refining means blood purgatory, to zening There is no explanation in the records that Wei looked at, and the records are incomplete, and he does not know. "

"Take zening as a place name of fairyland for a moment." Long Xiao said with a smile, "Wei Xianyou, let's talk about the incomplete records first."

"In fact, it's nothing..." Wei Chenghu replied, "Wei once got a piece of jade Jue, in which he wrote a story about colorless heaven, saying that a weapon named Tengjiao scissors attacked colorless heaven..."

"What What? " Ning Xun said, "count Tens of thousands of immortals? "

Wei Chenghu ignored Ning Xun's astonishment and continued: "a certain heaven of colorless heaven is almost submerged by the blood of tens of thousands of real immortals, so it's called zening blood refining! After seeing the fragment, Wei broke it and couldn't restore it. He only remembered the name of Tengjiao Jian. If he hadn't seen the name of the immortal weapon on the ancient Xuan gold list today, he would have forgotten the name of zening Xuelian. "

"If you can kill tens of thousands of real immortals, this Tengjiao scissors is at least a tool to taste immortals..." Zhao Chong narrowed his eyes and looked at Tengjiao's three big characters. He said word by word, "but why is the rank unclear at this time?"

"Wei Xianyou..." Xiaoyun Guanyun Bi Tian said with a smile, "does the fragment not say the whereabouts of Tengjiao scissors?"

Wei Chenghu hesitated for a moment and replied, "there is an unclear record in the fragment, which is' Apart from each other, it falls down. " I don't know if it's about the whereabouts of tengjiaojian! "

"Respect It could be heaven Lu Miao chuckled and said, "it's to split Tengjiao scissors into two parts, isn't it? Fall? Is it falling into the world

"Master Lu, ice snow is smart!" Ning Xun complimented, "such as Tengjiao scissors, which kill tens of thousands of real immortals, it's estimated that they can't be destroyed by the power of heaven. What the Lord of heaven can do is to seal them and send them into the world of mortals. Let the power of heaven slowly erode the blood and sharpness of the immortals, and finally turn them into iron..."

Without waiting for Ning Xun to finish, yu'e of Jinyang cave said, "so, the Tengjiao scissors were brought to the fairyland by the flying immortal?"

Wei Chenghu nodded and replied, "it should be like this. And if there is no accident, so is the so-called five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff... "

"Oh?" Wei Yuhan, who had never said anything, said strangely, "isn't it that feisheng fairy is powerful now? One by one, they bring all the things in the world to the fairyland? "

"Speaking of the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff..." Jiangye said with a smile, "I've heard of this name before."

"Yuxian's Jiangxiao master must be a well-informed person..." Ding Yilong of Dan Dao League complimented Jiang ye and said, "the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff can be remembered by the Lord of the sky, and it seems that it's not ordinary..."

Unfortunately, before Ding Yilong finished, Xiaoyun Guanyun Bitian was not happy and said: "don't mention the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff, Ningqi master. Just now Wei Xianyou said that Tengjiao scissors may be pushed into the world, that is to say, the grade of Tengjiao scissors will definitely fall. The grade is not clear Is that why? "

"Well, well..." Ning Xun didn't know the grade of Tengjiao scissors. He didn't admit that he didn't understand it. Instead, he nodded, "what master Yun said is that Tengjiao scissors must have a grade on the ancient Xuanjin list before. Now it appears again. It must be sent to the Jinbang again to know the specific grade."

Ning Xun's explanation is reasonable, but Yun Bitian didn't ask. Ning Xun looked at yunbitian and asked Jiang ye, "Lord Jiangxiao, what's the origin of the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff?"

"Taigu fierce soldier!" Jiangye said with a smile, "and to be exact, I know that the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff is a dragon tool, not an immortal tool in the immortal world of Taoism!"

"Too Taigu fierce soldier? "Dragon ware?" Ning Xun was silly. He looked at Gu Xuan Jin Bang and said, "that Then how can we go back to the ancient Xuanjin list? "

"I can't tell you that!" Jiang Ye shook her head and said, "and as far as I know, the reason why the five elements Ruyi Tongtian staff is an ancient fierce soldier is that it is more dangerous than the Tengjiao scissors mentioned by the former Wei. I once took a look at the record of this object. It is said that even the lower star field will be destroyed by one stick. "

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Xiao Hua's background will be peeped