Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 821

"So..." Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, waves away the shadow of the sword. It's like driving away some mosquitoes and flies. Then he takes out the two hundred Na bags given by Bai Xiaotu, and says in his heart, "I'm also disappointed that I want to refine these immortal weapons in space!"

Naturally, Xiao Hua was the only one who came to the business alliance. However, time was short, so it was unrealistic for Lu Shu and others to help with the ritual. As for the disciples of Zaohua sect in fairyland space, there are a large number of them, but Xiao Hua, the jade die, can't be refined. Of course, they are not good at refining.

After seeing what Bai Xiaotu had written down in Mo Xiantong, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said with a smile, "I'm wrong! Most of the artifacts found by Xiao Liu are broken, but most of the cores of the immortal array in these artifacts are intact. Even if people sacrifice and refine them, they also repair the damaged parts of the immortal array, which does not affect the effectiveness of the core immortal array. Even if many immortal artifacts are refined together, they are easy to do. They don't even need to sacrifice the three talents... "

Xiao Hua raised his hand a little bit, and hundreds and thousands of various kinds of fairy ware flew out. He looked around, raised his hand and said, "brush..." Two lights and shadows flashed, and the two immortals mentioned in Bai Xiaotu's ink immortal pupil fell to one place. Xiao Hua squinted for a moment, nodded and said, "Xiao Liu is really a genius. These two immortals are one, and the inner immortal array is slightly damaged. I just need a little sacrifice to recover!"

With that, Xiao Hua opened his mouth, "Wu..." A thread of fire flew out and wrapped the two pieces of immortal utensils. Xiao Hua grabbed the jade ultimatum with both hands again. The inexplicable wave came out of the air and fell into the fire.

It was about half a cup of tea, and a "click" came out of the flame. Xiao Hua opened his mouth and closed the flame, but a diamond shaped snow-green immortal appeared in the air.

"Good!" Although Xiao Hua said that he was good, he didn't have a special look of joy on his face. Instead, he whispered to himself, "I must understand that this is an expedient, not a long time, and not the strength of my own body. I still need to refine my own immortal tools!"

With that, Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, comes out of the space with the immortal utensils. Xiao Hua, who returns to his original position, closes his eyes slightly and is covered by Yan Nian. Sure enough, this artifact is also in good condition in the fairyland, but the place where Xiao Hua's jade plate was refined has given birth to the inexplicable immortal prohibition that Xiao Hua could not explore.

"I don't know if I can push it!" Xiao Hua thought, Xianli urged.

"Wu..." However, the blue ice shadow on the immortal vessel emerged, and seven lifelike Xuanwu virtual shadows skillfully shuttled through the light and shadow.

"Good!" Xiao Hua was overjoyed and put the snow-green fairy into the bag. Then he entered the space again and was ready to show his skill.

It's not the yudie that Xiao Hua secretly refined and repaired the immortals in the space in order to come to the business alliance. At the top of the 64 ring dome, next to the purple halo, there is another water color ice crystal. At this time, the ice crystal is flashing light halo, which looks like a falling snowflake!

"Stab..." The void on the side of the ice crystal was suddenly torn, and then a tricolor light bridge emerged from the inside. Inside the light bridge, two silver covered immortals stepped out of the cloud.

The two immortals flew to the side of the ice crystal along the light bridge. Their bodies gradually shrunk, and there were three color portals on the ice crystal.

"Brush" when they arrive at the three color gate, the light and shadow flash on it, and the silver light of the two immortals annihilates, revealing their true appearance. Isn't one of them just Yu Xian's Jiangye? The other is a dragon fairy with a golden dragon horn above his head.

The immortal stopped, raised his hand and said with a smile: "Lord Xiao, please..."

"Long Xiao, you're welcome!" Jiang Ye naturally won't go ahead. He said with a smile, "the patriarch is the elder. If the elder can't, how can the younger dare to move?"

The immortal of the dragon race is actually the patriarch Long Xiao!

"It's the master of Xiao who calls you polite." Long Xiao replied, "if you don't say that you represent Yu Xian, you have a noble status. Shan Yu Xian publicized the truth that Qin huomen attacked and killed the immortal of our Longren race. He has already shown great kindness to the three clans of Chenxiao sea. If you can't, how can I take the lead?"

If Xiao Hua were here, he would be tired of such rituals, but Jiang ye turned a blind eye to them and said with a smile, "I am a guest, and I am the master. How can I win over the guests?"

"Ha ha..." Long Xiao tried Jiang Ye's attitude and laughed. He raised his hand and grabbed Jiang Ye's arm and said, "why be polite, if you don't go with me!"

"Yes, yes!" Jiangye didn't shrink her hand. She followed long Xiao into the ice crystal and said it was.

Inside the ice crystal portal is a space of ice and snow. A huge palace opens up the whole space. The palace is also a condensation of ice crystals. It looks beautiful with seven colors in the crystal clear.

"It's Yuxian's Jiangxiao. Welcome, welcome..." Without waiting for the red night to fly close to the temple, a loud voice sounded above the temple. In the space in the center of the temple, a huge ice flower bloomed, and a middle-aged fairy in white clothes flew out.

Although the female immortal looks middle-aged, the holy ice feather on her back is slightly unfolding, and the white and ice crystal on her body are shining, which makes her dizzy. Jiang Ye knows that this is Lu Miao, the head of the Yuchen clan!

"Lu Xianzi..." Jiang Ye flew to the front of the plane in a hurry and said respectfully, "you are still so charming. I should call you elder, but But if you can't say anything, it's better to call a fairy! ""Eat..." Lu Miao closed his mouth and said, "Lord Jiangxiao is still so sweet. I'm very happy to hear that!"

"I'm telling you the truth Jiangye looked wronged and said, "I haven't said that for more than a hundred years..."

Without waiting for Lu Miao to talk about it, two other five element immortals flew out of the ice flower. One was a tall, thin man in a soapy Taoist robe with thick eyebrows. The other was a male immortal in Xuan Jia. The male immortal had small eyes and long beard under his jaw. The male immortal in Xuanjia laughed and said, "ha ha, how did brother Jiangye come?"

Jiangye looked up, seemed surprised, and said, "Oh, it's brother Longzheng of the Taoist League. Didn't you go to the enlightenment mansion for business?"

That long Zheng says with a smile: "go to enlightenment mansion to do official business with come to dust Xiao sea to participate in the sea city have no conflict? Besides, I promised master long to come back and have a look... "

"Ah?" Jiang night Leng for a while, strange way, "originally Long Zheng elder brother comes from dust Xiao sea dragon race?"? You haven't told me before! "

"Aren't you the Jiangxiao master of Yuxian?" Long Zheng seemed to be very familiar with Jiang Ye. He didn't have any scruples and said casually, "how could he not even know this?"

Jiang Ye touched her nose and said with a bitter smile, "I'm just a Xiao master. How can I do everything? I don't know who is the fairy friend behind brother long? "

"Ha ha..." The tall and thin immortal went up and arched his hands and said, "I've met Mr. Jiangxiao in xiaqidao League, the waste level craftsman Ning Xun!"

Hearing that it was Qi Dao Meng Qi Shi, Jiang Ye didn't dare to neglect it. She hastened to reply, "is it Qi Dao Meng Huang Qi Shi? Disrespect, disrespect... "

It is said that a book like ornament on Ning Xun's waist suddenly gave birth to a golden light.

Ning Xun said in a hurry: "I'm sorry, there's an urgent subpoena in the League..."

"Easy to say, easy to say..." Jiangye said with a smile.

Looking at Ning Xunshan to one side to investigate the message, Jiang Ye looked at the distant ice flower and asked: "where is the elder Zhao Chong of Xiaojian clan?"

"Clan leader Zhao goes to meet Xiaoyun Guanyun Bitian fairy friend..." Lu Miao said with a smile, "I think it's coming back soon! Lord Jiangxiao, please... "

When she got here, Jiang ye saw that there were so many people, but she didn't mean to be modest. With a smile, she motioned to Lu Miao and long Xiao to go ahead. She accompanied them, but she asked, "why don't Lu Xianzi go?"

"Zhao Chong and Yun Bitian are old friends!" Lu Miao explained, "I'll stay here to welcome Mr. Jiangxiao!"

"It's better for Lu Xianzi to call Jiang Ye!" Jiangye said with a bitter smile, "it's estimated that all the five immortals come from Er Qi Xian. Every fairy is an adult. I can't stand it!"

"Ah?? How is that possible? " At this time, Ning Xun, who did not fly, suddenly lost his voice and screamed.

"What's the matter?" All the immortals are big Leng. Stop and look at Ning Xun.

Ning Xun quickly raised his hand to pick up the book accessories in his hand, and a golden light rushed out of the golden list in the middle of the sky. In the dark and gray handwriting on the list, some of them were gradually showing light and shadow.

"This Is this the ancient Xuanjin list of your Qidao League? " Looking at the list, Long Zheng of daomeng asked thoughtfully.

Jiangye also said with a smile: "I heard that there was an ancient immortal ware in Qidao League early this morning. I can list the famous immortal wares in the immortal Kingdom on the ancient Xuanjin list, but I've never seen them before. I didn't expect to see the real appearance of the immortal wares today!"

"You are both right and wrong!" Ning Xun nodded and said, "to be sure, the ancient xuanjinbang is composed of several parts. Huang Zengtian's ancient Xuanjin list can only display Huang Zengtian's immortal artifacts, and Ning is a virtual shadow of the ancient Xuanjin list. It can only receive the information of Huang Zengtian's ancient Xuanjin list, and can explore and return the immortal artifacts that can be listed in the gold list within a million miles of Ning! "

At this time, the writing on the light and shadow of the ancient xuanjinbang was clear, and it was really a record of "often quiet and tasting Youyao ice"!

Without explanation from Ning Xun, Lu Miao exclaimed, "you Yao Bing Lu?? How is that possible? Isn't this immortal ware Du Er's four grade immortal ware? And it's been missing for a long time... "

Jiang ye also pinched her chin, looked at Long Zheng, and said in a low voice: "if so, there is only one possibility that you Yao Bing Lu can be found, and after casting again, he can reach the level of a high-level immortal."

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There is an ancient xuanjinbang in Qidao League. It looks great. Which is this Youyao binglu? You must have known