Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 820

Xiao Hua naturally knew it. He turned his eyes, looked at the purple gold bag and asked, "what's this?"

"It's called Nanling bag..." Looking at the purple gold on the bag, rong'er hesitated, and finally said, "it's used to hold the Liulong. You bid for the Liulong, send it into the Nanling bag, and then put it in the instant pass!"

"Isn't the bag good?" Xiao Hua weighed Na Ling bag and asked with a smile.

"The pressure of instant transmission is great, and the bag is easy to be damaged!" Rong'er explains, "Liulong is the mount of the immortal generals in the clan..."

Speaking of this, rong'er quickly shut up.

"Hee hee..." That's what Xiao Hua wanted. He whispered, "rong'er, how much money are you going to give to the five hundred Liulong?"

"This..." Rong'er hesitated for a moment, and replied honestly, "in fact, the price of Liulong has been given in the family, but what they give is the previous price. Now Liulong is scarce. I'm afraid that the money is not enough."

"So be it!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "there must be a magic formula for training Liulong in your family. Don't you exchange that for it?"

"Of course Rong er made a quick decision.

Xiao Hua is stunned. He looks at rong'er's smile and suddenly realizes that he has dug a hole for himself!

Xiao Hua said helplessly: "rong'er, I..."

"Don't say anything!" Rong er's mischievous blink and blink, way, "can only explain, you are the heart has a sharp point!"

"We? Who is it? " Xiao Hua was surprised.

"You and the elders of the clan! Ha ha... " With that, rong'er hands Xiao Hua an ink fairy pupil and laughs.

Rong'er laughs at Xiao Hua, grabs Li Moyi and asks him something. Xiao Hua looks at Mo Xiantong in his hand, which records an immortal formula for controlling animals. Xiao Hua is overjoyed. If this formula is passed on to the disciples of Zaohua sect, it will be of great use.

Put away the ink fairy pupil, Xiao Hua idles down, he simply sits down with his knees crossed, and his mind enters the space.

"This rhinoceros is a good thing! I don't know, but I have to get one out! " Xiao Hua closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He rubbed his hands, and a space passage immediately appeared, followed by "brush..." With the help of Xiao Hua's hand, the space channel was compressed very quickly, and gradually the space appeared like a tree ring, like a dark hole mark.

as like as two peas, Xiao Hua squeezed his chin and ponder for a moment, then he pointed out the point of his hands. A fairy like silk like a rhinoceros was born, and the space was covered.

After the Xianjin and the space become one, Xiao Hua's hands pull on the Xianjin, and the strange purple thunder light comes out in the middle of the Xianjin. That Xianjin is actually pulled into two Yin and Yang by Xiao Huasheng!

"That's it!" Xiao Hua nodded with satisfaction, took out two ordinary immortal utensils, and blew out two immortal utensils into square boxes.

When Xiao Hua got the jade ultimatum, he put the two immortals into the two immortals respectively. First, he sighed: "NND, I want to make the immortals by myself. When I go out, do I have to make them by myself?"

It's no wonder that Xiao Hua sighs that this kind of weapon refining method can't be used by Xiao Hua himself. If he practices magic in space, it's like cheating, which is extremely harmful to the cultivation of ontology. The key is that Xiao Hua disdains to do so.

thought of this as like as two peas, Xiao Hua's heart was moving again, and the sword was lifted up by the hand. After carefully examining it, Xiao Hua waved his hand and made a same sword.

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and said, "I'm still smart. With this, I'm afraid of the immortal officials in Tianzun mansion and penalty palace? One comes and one goes! "

With that, Xiao Hua was elated to get out of the room.

At this time, Bai Xiaotu has finished the rhinoceros sacrifice, and is familiar with Xiaoshi. Rong'er and Li Moyi are standing beside them. But when Bai Xiaotu urges Chuanxi, the little Chuanxi also gives birth to a faint halo and flickers slightly. When both Chuanxi give birth to a halo and the halo doesn't move, Bai Xiaotu sends an immortal weapon into it and plays the immortal formula again. The halo of Bai Xiaotu's Chuanxi flashes, and the little Chuanxi also goes out. The immortal weapon appears in his Chuanxi!

"Remember, Xiao Liu..." "You don't see that it only transmits such a short distance. In fact, the channel between the two rhinoceros is very long. Mo Xiantong and other things can't be sent in without the special immortal formula. That fairy formula is engraved in the legend of rhinoceros... "

"I'll try!" Bai Xiaotu has no foundation in his heart and asks tentatively.

As a result, no small said, did not enter the immortal formula of ink immortal pupil can not complete transmission, either broken or into powder.

Seeing that Bai Xiaotu was familiar with him, little Chong rong'er winked, and rong'er said, "Xiaoyao, you and Xiao Liu are familiar with Chuanxi. I'll go out with Xiao Liu and look around, waiting for your good news..."

Xiao Xiao removed the ban on immortality, and Xiao Hua and others sent them away. Li Mo Yi said with a smile, "what benefits did the master get from the ancient family?"

"A secret for controlling animals!" Xiao Hua had nothing to hide, and said, "they don't have much money, either. Take this for five hundred Liulong!"

"Hey, hey..." Li Mo Yi smile, said, "master now know the role of Qian Jing?""Tianzun mansion restricted the ancient aristocratic family with Qian Jing?" Xiao Hua has some insight.

"It's not just an ancient family!" Li Moyi explained, "there are all kinds of immortals, all kinds of families, and all kinds of immortals They are all restricted by the money crystal

"NND, no wonder there is Qian Jing in the fairyland, but not in the mortal world, only the spirit stone!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Ancient fairies!" Bai Xiaotu looked at the rhinoceros in his hand and said with envy, "it's really powerful!"

"Come on..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "look at the way we come to the business alliance!"

"Hee hee..." Bai Xiaotu took it with a smile. Seeing it, he said strangely, "master, why don't we have a formula for worshiping and refining the immortals?"

"Use your essence and blood!" Xiao Hua complacently way, "and urge the fairy formula with their fairy formula is the same!"

"Master, is this too ancient an immortal Li MOI's flattery was loud.

"Try..." Xiao Hua is eager to know the strength of his rhinoceros, and encourages Bai Xiaotu.

"Yes, sir!" Bai Xiaotu was also a little elated, and he was in a hurry to sacrifice and refine his essence and blood.

But when Bai Xiaotu uses the immortal formula to urge him, the rhinoceros in Xiao Hua's hand still flickers and is not stable.

"Strange!" Xiao Huayan's idea came in, and sure enough, the immortal prohibition was not inspired.

"And bring their rhinoceros!" Xiao Hua thinks for a moment, reaches out his hand and asks Bai Xiaotu for the rhinoceros of the ancient family. Bai Xiaotu takes it out and hands it to Xiao Hua. Unfortunately, after seeing it, Xiao Hua did not find any difference between the two immortals in the rhinoceros!

Xiao Hua is embarrassed. He has come to realize it, which may be related to the difference between the law in space and the law in fairyland space.

"There must be something wrong..." Xiao Hua returned the rhinoceros of the ancient family to Bai Xiaotu and said helplessly, "I'll talk about it later."

"All right, master!" What can Bai Xiaotu say? He returned the rhinoceros to Xiao Hua and muttered, "I still think that since we have such a wonderful way to come to the business alliance, if you don't ask the master to send back the immortal utensils that I bought earlier, I'll ask the craftsman in the alliance to make a sacrifice for me!"

Xiao Hua looked at Bai Xiaotu angrily and said, "you can't use it. I can use it."

"Oh, no!" Bai Xiaotu woke up and said, "I thought I couldn't do it!"

"Give me the fairy ware and the ink fairy pupil you have sorted out." Li Moyi reminded, "it's less than a month since Zihuan island was opened. Even if the master sent it back, the craftsmen in the alliance would have to spend time to sacrifice and refine it!"

"Yes, yes!" Bai Xiaotu quickly took out two hundred Na bags and handed them to Xiao Hua, saying, "master, this time I found a lot of high-quality immortal utensils, but most of them had to be refined before they could be sold. The detailed contents have been written in Mo Xiantong!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua took it absently, looked at it, and said, "you can go out for a walk later, but don't get out of this ring dome. After I pass these immortal tools, I want to shut up for a while. You can come back to find me when it's almost time!"

"Yes, sir!" Li MOI and Bai Xiaotu are ready to leave after bowing.

"By the way..." Xiao Hua suddenly thought of something else. He took out a small pot, a mirror shaped immortal ware and a Naling bag from rong'er and handed it to Bai Xiaotu, "these are two immortal wares from the league. They are the top grade changjixian wares. Take them and give them to Huiyu fairy when it's convenient! This Naling bag contains what rong'er wants. You can pass it to them by the way! "

"Is it really a top-grade immortal Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu were a little shocked. They took the small pot and the mirror shaped immortal ware. They couldn't tell what was special about this top-grade immortal ware from left to right!

Xiao Hua brushed his hand and said, "the League says yes."

After Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu left, Xiao Hua put down the sky star array, took out the remnant sword from the space and said with a wry smile, "it's really the way of heaven. Xiao thought he had found a wonderful way to kill the enemy. Who knows, it was nothing. Alas, in fact, Xiao had tried earlier, but now he still doesn't want to give up. Obviously There are still delusions in my heart

Said, Xiao Huaxian power slightly urged, sure enough, the remnant sword did not react.

When Xiao Hua's mind entered the space, it turned into a jade ultimatum. As soon as Xiao Hua entered, the remnant sword turned into tens of thousands of colorful sword shadows, which completely covered more than a thousand miles around!

Looking at the shadow of the sword, Xiao Hua is bitter. He is almost omnipotent in the space. He doesn't need the chicken ribs like the remnant sword at all!

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It's the way of heaven. Cheating is not allowed. Xiao Hua's caution is broken