Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 819

Rong'er talks to Xiao Hua. Xiao Xiao is listening to him. He is very calm in xuanhuang Zijiao's heart. He turns his attention to Bai Xiaotu. He is surprised to see that Bai Xiaotu is so powerful.

Waiting for Bai Xiaotu to fly out with the immortal weapon, he whispered: "Bai dazhangshou, you What's your magic power? "

"Master!" Bai Xiaotu said respectfully, "you are my master and fairy friend. You don't have to call me Zhang Shou. Just call me Xiao Liu! It's not a magic power, it's a gift of the younger generation... "

"What talent?" Rong'er just hears it and asks curiously.

When Bai Xiaotu said something, rong'er and Xiao DA were shocked. They looked at each other and almost said in one voice: "I'll go to the business alliance. How can you not prosper if you are such a genius?"

Then a small voice asked rong'er, "rong'er, when I see this little six, I suddenly think of a person?"

"A god!" Rong'er also said with a smile, "I think of it too!"

"Yes, the so-called Duobao Tianzun, Xunzhi Tianzun..." Little nodded, "it's said that this mysterious Xunzhi Tianzun only needs to touch with his finger. No matter it's immortal utensils, runes or immortal prohibitions, he can know the secret inside!"

"It's a pity that we are an ancient family. We can't fight with other people. Otherwise, we can recommend this white clay..." Rong'er smashed it and said, "Duobao Tianzun will definitely like him."

"Duobao Tianzun belongs to Tianwaitian..." Xiaoliu said with a smile, "Xiaoliu comes to the business alliance in an endless stream It could be from my ancient family! "

"What do you mean?" Rong'er, a little enlightened, asked in a low voice.

"It's bright and capable to work in the business alliance. It's a thing of heaven To tell you the truth, let Yuxian do it for a few years, and the business alliance was completed in half a month. " Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes and said, "I believe you know the difficulty of xuanhuang Zijiao. I think they can trust them and conclude an agreement with them after waiting for the sea market. If you don't do it now, strike while the iron is hot!"

"Not bad!" Rong'er watched Bai Xiaotu fly into another flame and nodded, "I think so, too. We've just taken over the task of five hundred Liulong. It's really hard to finish it without revealing our identity. We'd better let a stream of business leagues help us! "

"Hum..." Small cold hum a way, "all told you, don't mention we are in the sea market, you pour good, carelessly said, this not......"

"I'm wrong, isn't it?" Rong'er was embarrassed and said, "I don't think of the two little fairy girls of the dragon clan. I want to say hello in advance!"

"Forget it, forget it..." Small way, "walk this dreamland to finish, seek a quiet room, the affair said with Ren Xiaoyao!"

"I'll discuss it with you first." Rong er's mind has been determined. She whispers something to do with the short novel.

Bai Xiaotu shows off his natural talent, while Li Moyi pays attention to rong'er and Xiao Xiao, and sees them standing by Xiao Hua's side and whispering. With a smile, they also whispered to Xiao Hua: "master, it's a big deal! I think the two elders of the ancient family have decided to cooperate with me in the business alliance. "

"Well..." Naturally, Xiao Hua paid attention to both of them and replied, "that's right. I've come to the business alliance to add a pair of wings!"

"It's an opportunity and a test!" Li Moyi nodded, "master, if you want to think well, you have to follow Tell the business owners and elders to be good! "

It took Bai Xiaotu half a day to clean up the rest of the mirage. When she saw the hall, rong'er said with a smile, "Xiaoyao, I have something important to tell you. Can I find a quiet room?"

"Easy to say!" Xiao Hua was not surprised and nodded his head.

After entering a pavilion, Xiao raised his hand to offer a net immortal. The immortal fell in the air and lifted heavy water. When he stood around, he was imprisoned. Xiao Yannian swept away and found that not only Yannian could not penetrate, but also the aura of heaven and earth were isolated. The power of this immortal was much more powerful than that of Jiangye, the leader of Yuxian Jiangxiao.

"Xiaoyao..." Seeing Xiaoxiao's putting down the immortal ban, rong'er said, "after Xiaoxiao and I are two aristocratic families, our aristocratic family is not in the fairyland. Many things are not easy to do, so we always want to find a business alliance to buy on behalf of our aristocratic family..."

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "isn't Yuxian very good?"

"I talked to you before!" Rong'er explained, "Yuxian's strength is too strong. We don't dare to provoke! In particular Yuxian has taken shape. I can't believe our family! "

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "is it to buy?"

"Most of them are still buying..." Small then words way, "occasionally some news inquires, just like just that day Zun Ling."

"Nothing else?" Li MOI asked.

"Nothing else for the time being!" Rong'er shook his head and said, "we don't know about your business alliance. Moreover, our authority is limited. Let's make an alliance and cooperate for the time being! When we get to know each other, we can let our elders come forward to negotiate with you! "

"Good!" Xiao Hua nodded and said, "if so, I would like to make an alliance with the two representatives' families.""Is blood a league?" Li MOI asked with a smile.

"Of course!" Small affirmative nods a way, "this is necessary!"

Embarrassed, Xiao Hua said to Li Moyi, "it's up to you and Xiao Liu."

"Don't worry, master. Give it to us!" Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu bowed together.

Looking at rong'er, Xiao Xiao, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu's oath of blood essence, Xiao Hua is more determined, because this oath of blood does not respect daozun, Daozu and daozhu, but takes heaven and earth as the top priority, which is not strange to the ancient family!

Waiting for the four to unite, Xiao Hua raised his hand and said, "rong'er, Xiaoxiao, we also clap our hands and swear!"

"Ha ha, thank you Xiaoyao Rong'er and Xiao Xiaoxiao raise their palms and clap high five with Xiao Hua.

After an appointment, rong'er looks at Xiaoxiao, winks at Xiaoxiao, and says with a smile, "by the way, MOI, Xiaoliu, we need to keep in touch with each other frequently in the future. If we don't have a convenient tool, it's too troublesome to deliver and pick up the goods. We just got an ancient artifact somewhere in the fairyland. If we take it later, we can deliver it at any time... "

Then Xiaoxiao took out two purple gold bowl shaped immortal utensils and handed one of them to Bai Xiaotu.

"The immortal tool of transmission?" Bai Xiaotu was very curious and took the purple gold bowl to have a close look.

"It's called instant transmission, also called transmission rhinoceros..." Rong'er explained, "rhinoceros is a rhinoceros with a good heart!"

"It's said that there is an immortal formula for sacrificing and refining in the rhinoceros..." You can see for yourself. When we get them, they are in good condition. Otherwise, we don't know what to do with them! "

Small words, although some want to cover, but Xiao Hua and others will not point out.

Xiao Hua turned his eyes and said with a smile, "I have come to the business alliance to have similar immortal utensils. Do you know if they are similar to this one? Come on, let me see... "

Say, Xiao Hua hands a probe, big sleeve fall place will be small and white small soil hands pass rhinoceros photography!

Bai Xiaotu would not resist naturally. He hesitated a little. Looking at Xiao Hua's smiling face, he also gave a little smile and let go.

However, in the process of taking it from the two men and retracting it, Xiao Hua's heart and soul rolled and sent it into space. Then Xiao Hua swept his eyes in the space to see the two rhinoceros clearly.

However, we can see that there are two almost the same space celestial prohibitions, one positive and the other negative. The space within the celestial prohibitions is born out of thin air. The immortal who worships and refines it compresses and condenses it into a higher level channel than the space channel. If it is explained by the concept of "dimension" of Xuanyuan space, it means that when the two immortals are simultaneously urged, a channel beyond the ordinary dimension will be created between the channels, which will connect the two rhinoceros and instantly send the things in one rhinoceros to another.

"I see..." Xiao Hua, who had seen the jade ultimatum, suddenly realized it and said with a smile, "the means of the ancient aristocratic family are really good!"

Then Xiao Hua takes the two rhinoceros out of the room, and Xiao Hua returns to his original position. He takes them out of his sleeves and takes a close look.

Chuanxiyin is in Xiao Hua's sleeve. Although she has a little feeling for a moment, Xiaoxiao is not suspicious. After all, it is in Xiao Hua's Taoist robe, and chuanxiyin appears again in the blink of an eye. Xiaoxiao knows that chuanxiyin has not changed.

Xiao Hua pretended to observe for a moment, returned the two things to them, and said with a bitter smile, "this ancient immortal ware is so wonderful that I can't compare it with the immortal ware that I came to the commercial League."

"Oh?" Xiaoxiao takes over Chuanxi and says with a smile, "I don't know what the Chuanwu immortal tool of Guishang League looks like?"

"This..." Xiao Hua took out a square box and handed it to Xiao Xiao. He said, "it doesn't look good, but it's also troublesome to use..."

It's just an ordinary immortal. I can't see why it's so small, so I have to give it back to Xiao Hua.

"Xiao Liu..." Xiao Hua looked at Bai Xiaotu and said, "you should refine this rhinoceros sacrifice now! While Xiao Xiao and rong'er are here... "

"Yes, sir!" Bai Xiaotu did not want to answer.

Now that Xiao Hua has given the order, Xiao Xiao and rong'er can't say anything. Taking advantage of Xiao Xiao's instructions, rong'er takes out a ink fairy pupil and a bag with purple and golden luster and hands it to Xiao Hua, saying: "Xiaoyao, our family officially gives you the first commission of the business Alliance..."

"What?" Xiao huamo Xiantong and the bag looked at each other casually, but he felt strange on his face. He blurted out, "five hundred Liulong? You What do you want this for? "

"Cough..." Rong'er coughed softly and said, "it should be for the generals in the clan! But it's strange. I just asked a lot of immortals. They said, "I haven't seen Liulong for a long time..."

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Thank the leader of the alliance "singing Flute" for your help. This chapter contains a lot of information. Please take a closer look