Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 818

After that, Bai Xiaotu said to Li MOI, "let's go, brother Li!"

Li Mo Yi also beside smile, to Xiao Hua way: "master, have come to kick the hall son!"

"Ha ha, yes!" Xiao Hua said with a smile.

From this flame, Bai Xiaotu took Li Moyi and Xiao Hua to another one. As a result, he did not expect. He just found two immortal utensils, and the immortal came after him again. He did not allow Bai Xiaotu to open his mouth at all and offered him the price to sell Bai Xiaotu.

"What do you mean?" At this time, Xiao Hua also noticed the immortal and looked up and down at the figure covered by the fire. However, Haishi's protective immortal ban was very good. Xiao Hua could not see the immortal's appearance clearly.

"Go Bai Xiaotu didn't bother with the immortal any more, so he flew out immediately.

Xiao Hua and Li Moyi did not speak much, and then flew into another flame.

"Xianyou..." As soon as he flew into the fire, he saw dozens of fire shadows rolling in front of him. Bai Xiaotu grabbed half of them and said with a smile, "Why are you so excellent in quality?"

"Ha ha, yes!" The immortal on sale was stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed, "I'm A caster of the immortal sect has good means and vision. If you like these immortal wares, I can let some Qian Jing... "

"No, no!" Bai Xiaotu said, "since I like it, where can I give less money to Qian Jing? I'll take all of these 17 immortals, 20 xuanjing for each! "

"Good!" The immortal who had been here for so long had never seen such a cheerful buyer, and the price was still so high. He caressed his hands and said, "Seventeen immortals, 340 xuanjing. I'll take you 320!"

"No, no..." White small soil side says side is to notice all around, wave a hand way, "how also get 400 Xuan crystal!"

"What?" The immortal was so puzzled that he could hardly believe his ears and said, "is that right? Four "Four hundred xuanjing"

"No mistake!" Bai Xiaotu looked at some flames in the distance and cried out, "it's a deal, four hundred xuanjing. I'll take it right away..."

"Good..." Sell immortal which tube so much, can't wait to say, "according to fairy friend..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for the immortal to finish, where the flame was blowing, an immortal flew in and said in a high voice, "no, I'll add a xuanjing!"

"Good!" Bai Xiaotu was more agile. He put the immortal weapon in his hand and cried, "let's give it to this immortal friend, brother Li, let's go!"

Although Bai Xiaotu said he was going, he didn't fly very fast, but slowly.

"Hum..." The immortal who chased in gave a cold hum and asked, "how much is crystal?"

"Thank you, Xianyou, thank you The immortal who sold it was smiling and exclaimed, "this fairy friend asked for 400 xuanjing. If you add one, that's 401 xuanjing?"

"Ah?" The fairy, surprised, cried, "just Just these garbage, ju Four hundred xuanjing? You Are you crazy? "

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Seeing this, Bai Xiaotu and Li MOI cover their stomachs with laughter and escape from the space.

"This..." Xiao Hua had no choice but to touch his nose and said with a bitter smile, "the world is changing with each passing day. Even the honest little six is bad at learning!"

Xiao Hua didn't dare to stay, so he flew out in a hurry, because he had heard the immortal who was selling it was in a big hurry and cried out: "you You've already made an offer. These 17 immortals are yours. You said 401 pieces of xuanxianjing yourself. Do you want to give it or not? I've got the token of the mountain patrolling envoy... "

"You You... " The fairy who came after him was dumb, angry and impatient, and his voice stuttered. It seemed that he didn't have enough money.

Flying out of the flame, Bai Xiaotu looked around. Instead of flying directly into the nearest flame, he said in the distance: "go, let's go to those places!"

Xiao Hua low scolds a way: "MOI, this is you teach small six?"

"The Lord is wronged!" Li Moyi immediately yelled, "this is not what I taught. I didn't say a word..."

"Hee hee, master!" Bai Xiaotu said with a smile, "do you still use brother Li's teaching? The disciple was bullied to the front of his eyes, but he fought back a little. "

"Xiao Liu!" Li Mo Yi is in the side to remind a way, "this immortal looks to be some supernatural powers, he seems to see through some things!"

"Well, well!" "It's true, so I have to release water properly," he said

Then Bai Xiaotu went to other flame fairyland, and didn't meet the pursuit of the strange immortal. If the immortal didn't give up, the immortal didn't have enough money, and the immortal was caught by the immortal who sold 17 immortal wares.

Seeing a flame mirage flying out, we met two immortals covered with silver light. Xiao Hua, the immortal, saw more and didn't care. Just as he was about to pass by, one of them cried: "Oh? Is it Xiaoyao? Are these your two disciples of the Business League

Xiao Hua was surprised and looked at the immortal: "little? You Can you see through the defense of the dome? ""Cough..." Xiao Xiao looked very embarrassed. She coughed softly and said, "I just bought an immortal weapon from a fairy friend. This immortal weapon Just can see through the dust Xiaohai fairy ban

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua naturally won't believe it. He smiles and says to Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi all the time, "this is Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi, the leader and deputy leader of the business alliance's Enlightenment in mainland China. Come on, Xiao Liu, Moyi, I've met little elder!"

Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi did not dare to neglect them. They quickly bowed and said, "Xiao Liu, Moyi has met the elder!"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Xiao Xiao quickly raises Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi, and Xiao Hua continues to introduce Rong er.

After seeing each other, rong'er said, "since we meet again, let's go together."

"No problem..." Xiao Hua smiles and orders Bai Xiaotu to say, "you wait. I'll talk with two fairy friends behind you for a while."

Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi agreed to move on into another flame.

"Xiaoyao..." Xiaoxiao looked a little anxious and whispered, "my that..."

"Hey, hey..." Without waiting for the end of the novel, Xiao Hua took out a crystal box and handed it to Xiao, "look, but you want the Xuan Huang plantain?"

Small hand picked up, although his arm was blocked by the silver light, but the silver light trembled slightly, obviously more excited.

"No Good When he opened the crystal box, he even stammered and cried, "just That's it

"I What about mine? " Rong'er is in a big hurry, too.

"Rong er..." Xiao Hua said apologetically, "I'm sorry! There's no news about your fire dragon pill yet. I can't deliver it with you yet! "

"Alas..." Rong'er sighed, but her sigh did not fall to the ground. Xiao Hua raised her hand and took out a hundred Na bag and said, "but the celestial elixir you want has arrived. Do you count it yourself?"

"This So fast? " Rong'er could hardly believe her eyes.

"Of course!" Xiao Hua said haughtily, "the way I come to the business alliance is by no means comparable to the ordinary business alliance!"

Rong'er grabs the bag, Yannian explores it, frowns slightly and says: "the quantity seems wrong!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "in the list you gave me, there is a Qing Yin pill. I came to the business alliance and didn't have it for the time being. The alchemists in the business alliance looked at the prescription of Qing Yin pill and found that Qing Yin pill is similar to a kind of Shao Yin pill, and the Shao Yin pill in our business alliance is more effective than Qing Yin pill, so they took six Shao Yin pills to replace twelve Qing Yin pills! Of course, if you find what I said is wrong after you use it, I'll give it away to you for nothing

Xiao Hua didn't lie. Although Wenqu was looking for the elixir in heaven, the elixir she wanted was really rare. With the power of Wenqu, she couldn't find it all. Fortunately, Wenqu found Qing Yindan's elixir. Xiao Hua looked similar to shaoyindan, and Xiao Hua had six shaoyindan in his hand.

"All right!" Rong Er nodded and said, "I hope you're right. This Qing Yin Dan is in the family Don't go wrong with what an old man wants

"Keep your heart in your stomach!" Xiao Hua comforted, "absolutely no problem! By the way, I also got the information you asked me to inquire about from Yuxian. "

Say, Xiao Hua gave that Mo Xian Tong to Rong ER!

Rong'er looked at it, nodded and gave it to Xiao, then asked: "Xiaoyao, this news is extremely useful to us. In this way, according to our previous estimate, how about we pay you a thousand xuanxianjing in advance?"

"Ha ha..." Looking at rong'er taking out the crystal roll solemnly, Xiao Hua laughs and waves his hand, "rong'er is polite. I've come in an endless stream of messages. Does the business alliance get nothing?"

"What What do you mean Not only Rong Er Da Leng, but also Xiao Xiao has a look at Mo Xian Tong's mouth. He doesn't know what to say.

After Xiao Hua explained the reason, he finally said, "since Yuxian doesn't accept Qian Jing, how can I accept your Qian Jing?"

"Alas..." Rong'er looked at Xiaoxiao and sighed, "although I say that, but But I don't know. Even if you accept the thousand xuanjing, it's normal! "

"No, no!" Xiao Hua shook his head. "What I've come to the business alliance is to be aboveboard, not to mention that I'm familiar with you at first sight. I won't want any ill gotten gains."

In other words, Xiao Hua and others also follow Bai Xiaotu into another flame.

After listening to Li Moyi's analysis, Bai Xiaotu knows that Xiaohe rong'er may be an ancient family, and he also wants to rely on the power of a continuous stream of business leagues. Therefore, Bai Xiaotu is cautious and shows off a little bit, bringing in a few pieces of fairy ware with excellent quality but poor appearance.

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Sorry, sorry. I'm busy in the morning. I just have time to update it. I'll add a leader late