Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 817

"Brush..." The mark on the body of stupid Taoist gives birth to a slight dark green luster, and a wave is raised between the rotation to engulf the body of stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu.

And behind them, red raindrops crackled down, which fell on the rocks and immediately made a "zilala" sound, eroding the rocks into a big hole.

The cliff is not an ordinary cave, but a strange space. In this space, purple condenses into a python shape, flying around in the space, and gold condenses into a turtle shape. It is pasted around the space, and inexplicably fluctuates like the wind. A human shaped column in a black cloak stands on a golden turtle shape with a crutch.

"You Lao..." Liu Yanyu couldn't look around and cried out, "what's the matter with you?"

The figure named youlao didn't answer. Instead, he held his walking stick in the air. With a loud bang, the space burst, and two space faults were pushed away like a door. He lay pale in the air, and his whole body was entangled with purple and gold like a knot. A lot of blood clotted around these knots!

"Jue'er, jue'er..." Liu Yanyu was very surprised. She cried out and rushed to her. Before she could fly near, you old man's crutch stopped her. A hoarse voice rang out, "Yan Yu, you'd better not move, or her last spirit might dissipate!"

"What?" Liu Yanyu screamed, and quickly stopped. At this time, she noticed that in the center of her eyebrows, a dark green charm was sticking there. The edge of the charm had seven purple and golden filaments that pierced deeply like tentacles!

"You Lao..." Liu Yanyu cried out with a cry, "she What happened to her? "

"It's my carelessness!" You Lao's voice rang out, "before, the wind family sent a message to me and invited me to discuss the ancient immortal's prohibition of warning signs. I thought that she had been practicing well, so she didn't tell others to come to biyutian to protect her. But I didn't think that I would find it like this as soon as I came back. If there's no accident, it's because the cultivation is too urgent. I'm possessed by the devil... "

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!" Liu Yanyu gritted her teeth and held back her tears and said to herself, "if I hadn't used someone else as a grindstone to stimulate yu'er, she wouldn't have been like this! Damn me! Damn me

"Where are the two of them?" Youlao ignored Liu Yanyu and asked the stupid Taoist, "why can't I send them a message?"

"They..." The stupid Taoist hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice, "they have something to do to leave chaotianque."

"Ah? Why don't I know? " You Lao was a little surprised and cried, "that's the trouble! I'm afraid it's hard to protect her life... "

"You Lao!" Liu Yanyu cried hastily, "I know you must have a way, don't No, how about reincarnation first? "

Youlao shook his head and said, "if you have three souls and seven spirits, I'm sure I can reincarnate her, but now there's only one soul left..."

"Then..." Liu Yanyu asked again, "if my parents are in chaotianque, you Do you have a way? "

"I just thought about it!" You Lao nodded and said, "since one of her spirits is still there, her other three spirits and six spirits should not have gone to forget Sichuan. I have an archaic secret to try. Let's see if you can let your father's or mother's spirits look for her on the way to huangquan..."

"I'll go, I'll go..." Liu Yanyu cried without hesitation.

"Alas..." The stupid Taoist sighed, "what's your cultivation? I'd better go!"

"It's no use going to old four!" You Lao shook his head and said, "this archaic secret is to use blood as a guide. Your blood is too different from that of Ji'er! Yan Yu's cultivation is not good, but she is the most suitable one except for her parents... "

Then you looked at the charm in his heart and said with a bitter smile, "unfortunately, time is not enough. The charm can't suppress this spirit for too long! I can't wait for my parents to come back in time. "

"You old, I go, I go!" Liu Yanyu urged again and again, "you old, cast the magic quickly..."

"Oh, silly boy, it's not that I don't cast the Dharma!" Youlao sighed again, "you are weak. I have to tell you everything, otherwise If you enter the yellow spring, you will never come back

"No!" Liu Yanyu looked at her and said firmly, "she is the great carrier of my Liu family. She will never die. I will find her back!"

Stupid Taoist reminded: "Yan Yu, even if she can come back, it doesn't mean that you I'm sure I can come back! "

"Even if I can't come back!" Liu Yanyu said word by word, "I also want to go to huangquan road to find her son, not only because she is the great carrier of my Liu family, she It's my sister

The stupid Taoist was speechless, but you Lao raised his hand, a blue light fell into her eyebrow, and said: "this is the taboo for the soul to enter the huangquan Road, you first have a careful look, I'm going to cast the Dharma..."

"Yes, you Lao!" Liu Yanyu agreed and immediately sat down with her knees crossed.

"Yan Yu..." You Lao looked at Liu Yanyu and said, "I want to take your blood essence and essence..."

"You can use it when you are old!" Liu Yanyu didn't open her eyes and replied, "just cast the spell in the shortest time!"

Youlao was about to raise his hand when he suddenly raised his eyebrows and said to the stupid Taoist: "there are other people in the clan. You go to block them. I don't have time to explain to them! What's more, before yu'er and Yan Yu come back, close biyutian! "Of course, Xiao Hua doesn't have the consciousness to be a grindstone, and he doesn't know that cho'er's soul is broken because of him. He just follows Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu into a ring dome, a palace like a flying sword! Previously, he found a tiger like waist tag and half a silver Ruyi in other ring domes. The tiger waist tag is similar to the broken waist tag in the shape of a lion in the hand of qingxiaoguan Molly. Half of the silver Ruyi makes Xiao Hua overjoyed. It's one with the silver Ruyi in the hand of jieyinshi Wang Lang, but the silver Ruyi has something to do with it. Xiao Hua can't even see the secret from the jade plate.

In this temple, there is a flame fantasy. In the big and small fireworks, there are many immortal fireballs in front of them. Although Xiao Hua is full of harvest, he is still a little absent-minded. Bai Xiaotu and Li Moyi do not know what Xiao Hua is thinking, but they are full of interest. Bai Xiaotu has already been in this temple, and has taken more than ten pieces of good quality immortal utensils one after another, and these immortal utensils are naturally covered with dust.

"It seems that Xiao has to choose a way to go!" For nearly half a month, Xiao Hua has been thinking about how to get out of the predicament. He feels that it is not the best to hide in a place for meditation or to hide around. Only hiding in the army can confuse the public. He is also more and more determined to listen to Tian Xuexian.

Thinking of listening to Tianxue, Xiao Hua naturally thinks of shuobing and Guan Tianyue. Guan Tianyue is the special envoy of Tianzun mansion. Xiao Hua thinks that he can knock around and see if he can get further information.

"This fairy friend..." Bai Xiaotu is also familiar now. He takes a look at more than ten immortal utensils revolving around the immortal in this dreamland and says with a smile, "I want to have a look at these immortal utensils one by one. Is there any problem?"

"Xianyou, please..." The flame flashing around the immortal big sleeve waved, a flame big hand will be more than ten immortals are sent to Bai Xiaotu in front of him.

Bai Xiaotu, with a smile, stretched out his right index finger and touched them one by one. Looking at the casual appearance, the immortal was not happy.

However, without waiting for the immortal to speak, Bai Xiaotu pulled out the three immortal utensils with his left hand and said, "the attributes of these three immortal utensils are consistent with those of my disciples. I want these three utensils! Xianyou, how do you make a price for these fairies? "

There were only three people in the space, such as Xiao Hua. The immortal didn't think much about it. He said with a smile: "Xianyou really has a good eye. These are the best quality pieces. Let's say, one piece of immortal ware has three xuanxianjing, and three pieces count as eight xuanxianjing!"

As soon as he heard that the price offered by the immortal was just three xuanxianjing, Bai Xiaotu understood it. He said with a smile, "Xianyou is poor. Although your immortal ware is of good quality, it can't be regarded as complete. Three..."

As soon as Bai Xiaotu said that, a figure flew into the fire shadow in the distance. As soon as the figure fell into the space, the whole body immediately produced a ten meter flame to protect the figure. Bai Xiaotu took a casual look and knew that he was the same immortal who was wandering around the dome. He didn't care. He continued: "there are many Xuanxian crystals already!"

"Fairy friend The immortal who sold it said, "only three of my ten immortal wares are incomplete. You always want those three. They are all intact. How about seven xuanxianjing?"

"No, no..." Bai Xiaotu insisted on shaking his head and said, "I want these three. How about five xuanxianjing?"

"Well..." The immortal hesitated for a moment and said, "the left and right are also incomplete. Five are five..."

Unfortunately, without waiting for the immortal to finish selling, the immortal who just came in shrieked: "I have seven xuanxianjing!"

"Ah?" The immortals and white clay on sale were stunned. After all, the immortals who just came in didn't even look at the immortal utensils!

However, the immortal who sold it came back and said, "no problem, seven xuanxianjing..."

"Eight, I'll give you eight!" Bai Xiaotu frowned.

"Ten!" Immortal did not hesitate to increase the price.

Bai Xiaotu hesitated for a moment. It's said that these immortal utensils are worth twenty xuanxianjing. But Bai Xiaotu has been used to buying them cheaply for a month, and he's not used to buying one more!

"Twelve xuanxianjing!" Bai Xiaotu gritted his teeth and cried.

The spirit of the immortal came and looked at the later immortal: "where are the immortal friends?"

"Thirteen!" The immortal did not hesitate.



Bai Xiaotu smiles and raises his hand: "Xianyou won, Xianyou please..."

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Strange. Who's coming?