Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 816

"Of course..." Xiao Hua continued, "the way of heaven is merciful. How can they be willing to fall? Although they have been in danger for countless times, none of them has been damaged, so the elder martial brother finally failed to make a decision when I ascended. "

Li Mo Yi said with a smile: "I understand. Who can be the first to rise next is the elder martial brother?"

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded, looked at the water column near him, and said, "I just saw that message, and then I thought of it!"

"Or..." Bai Xiaotu looked at Li Moyi and said tentatively, "let them be elder martial brothers?"

Xiao Hua laughed, waved his hand and said, "you don't have to be like this. You are you. They It's them. Let's wait until they fly up! "

"Senior..." Thousands of ice crystals gushed out of the water column and transformed into a human shape. The human shape was thousands of feet long. He arched his hand and said, "if you want to leave Wuwu ring dome, please pinch the token of Wuwu ring dome."

Bai Xiaotu yelled in a hurry, "isn't there any surprise for the token of the sixty-four ring dome?"

"If you try to crack it, you will know!" Although the figure could not see clearly, it could hear clearly in the tone of smiling and chanting.

"Pa" Bai Xiaotu was crushed first, and an icicle fell down in the water column to cover Bai Xiaotu, but a faint light and shadow of eight trigrams rolled in the icicle, and Bai Xiaotu's body disappeared.

Later, Xiao Hua and Li MOI broke them respectively, and they also flew out of the Wuwang ring dome.

Xiao Hua and the other three just flew away. A slender fairy in colorful neon clothes flew out of the sea far away and toward the half empty palace. However, it took her half a bag of smoke to fly out of the main hall where the fairy wares were sold. With surprise on her face, she said, "how can it be? This There isn't a top-grade immortal ware on sale? And And it's just been bought? Who is it? "

Then the fairy flew into other halls.

Naturally, Xiao Hua and others don't know what happened to them after they left. They fly out of the icicle, and the gossip has turned into clouds, carrying them in the air.

"Where are you going, sir?" Bai Xiaotu looked at the other rings in the distance above his head and asked.

"Let's go one by one!" Xiao Hua thought about the cableway. "Now it's far away from Zihuan Island fairyland. Let's take the opportunity to buy more..."

The nearest one to Wuwang huanqiong is Dahu huanqiong. Xiao Hua knew the name of huanqiong from the general of the Sea Patrol. He had already determined that the name of huanqiong was sixty-four hexagrams.

The big animal ring dome is different from the Wuwu ring dome. It is a desert mirage. One by one, the sand dunes are the places for sale. Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu go in to bid in high spirits, but Xiao Hua is worried. However, he doesn't show his worry. He only thinks in his heart how to go in the future.

About ten days later, the three flew out of the big animal dome and directly entered the Yihuan dome. The harvest of yihuanqiong is similar to that of wuwanyu. In addition to some immortals, Xiao Hua also found two crystal cards, one is orchid, the other is chrysanthemum, which looks similar to the plum crystal card from Chu Yu and the Peach crystal card from Shen Jiaohe.

Not to mention Xiao Hua's leisurely tour of Haishi with Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu. In an unknown place in the fairyland, a piece of purple and golden light and shadow does not know where it came from to shine the whole space. In the center of the space, the continuous Temple gives birth to the sky like virtual shadow. This virtual shadow is like a flame and a wave, with mysterious runes swimming in it like fish.

In the sky above the temple, like the curtain of heaven, there are circles of thorny spirals linked with each other. There is a needle like purple air gushing out from the top. The purple air is like a cloud, which conjures up all kinds of foreign lands. If someone looks at it at a glance, he almost suspects that there is a small world in it!

Under the palace, as the ground is, there is golden light and shadow everywhere. This golden light is different from Ziqi. There are hundreds of millions of huge marks on it. The marks are like runes, and they are even more complicated and abnormal. And vaguely, there is a sharp flash like sword light in this grain, which seems to be dangerous.

All of a sudden, as if there was wind, a burst of folds and ripples in the space rushed towards the continuous palace. The virtual shadow flickered like a candle, revealing the door of the palace!

The gate of the hall is huge and almost upright. Three purple gold ancient characters are carved in the void above the gate. These three characters are not commonly used in the immortal world. But no matter where the immortal looks, he can understand the meaning in his mind. Isn't it "chaotianque"?

As soon as the gate of the hall appeared, the momentum of the temple was also pouring out like an avalanche! It's a pity that there is no immortal around the space. This momentum falls into the void!

Inside the palace, there is another kind of weather. All kinds of fairy grass, all kinds of fairy birds are unprepared. Even many courtyards and temples are floating with light, and there are shadows of thousands of worlds! But in a small courtyard blocked by a scarlet wall, there is a space like a vast mountain. There are many mountains, birds crowing, and immortals flying away!

On one side of the courtyard, a pavilion that looks like an orchid, there are two immortals, a man and a woman.

Standing at the edge of the pavilion, the male immortal looks at the space in the courtyard. The male immortal is wearing soft armor. The soft armor is made of no known material. There is light and shadow flowing slowly like water inside. There are strange runes pouring out when the light and shadow flow. The male immortal does not have silver light to protect his body. He shows his long and thin cheeks. His eyebrows fly obliquely. His painted eyes flash with a faint purple and gold light. Five long whiskers flutter slightly on his chin, showing his rare elegance.The fairy stood on the inside of the pavilion, looking at the purple air in the sky. The female fairy is dressed in goose yellow fairy clothes, on which there are dots of light. It looks like the starry sky twinkles. Female fairy melon face, double eyebrows such as Dai, such as jade cheek a pair of dimples shallow. The fairy raised her hand and straightened the falling Wusi. Her eyes were even more worried. She could not help but ask in a low voice: "fourth uncle, jue'er has been closed in the Biyu Tianrong Cave It's nearly six years, isn't it? "

"Oh?" The male immortal was stunned for a moment. Looking back at the female immortal, he replied, "yes, what's the matter, Yan Yu? Do you have any questions? Why did you ask this all of a sudden? "

This male immortal is actually a stupid Taoist. Naturally, the female immortal is Yan Yu, the elder sister of yu'er!

"Fourth uncle..." The fairy named Yan Yu said with a bitter smile, "when did you see her shut up for more than a lifetime? This It's a long time to be closed this time! "

"Ha ha..." The stupid Taoist laughed, turned his head and still looked at Xiaoqian world in the courtyard, and said, "that's because he didn't receive any stimulation before. This time, he was irritated by Xiao Hua's Fairy baby! Finally, I can work hard and remove the big stone in your father's heart! "

"The problem is, fourth uncle, what's the matter with you?" Yan Yu some worry of ask a way, "I always feel a little frightened."

"You're an air carrier!" The stupid Taoist didn't agree and said, "what can I do for her? The rejuvenation of my Liu family and the glory of the ancient family all depend on her! "

"Oh, yes..." Speaking of this, the stupid Taoist suddenly thought of a thing and asked, "Yan Yu, I heard that the disciples of the Feng family and the Huang family are going down. What are they doing?"

"Didn't they send a subpoena to the Lius before they went down?" Liu Yanyu said with a smile, "didn't fourth uncle see it?"

"I didn't notice!" The stupid Taoist shook his head and said, "how many times have the Huang family and the Feng family gone to the bottom? Who would have thought they would go out suddenly?"

"Aren't the Huang family and the Feng family the ancient immortals who guard the fairyland and the lower world?" Liu Yanyu replied, "they found an important fairy warning in the lower world, so they quickly sent someone down to investigate. Didn't we Liu's family come back last time? One of their subpoenas was to announce that they were going out of heaven, and the other was to ask if the Lius had found anything

"Well, what did you find?" The stupid Taoist snorted coldly, "I'm afraid I want to ask if the ancient immortal ban was destroyed by my Liu family?"

"Whether he is or not!" Liu Yanyu chuckled, and the unspeakable geniality came out of her eyebrows and said, "they are already in the lower world..."

Liu Yanyu's words had not finished yet, "whoosh..." A golden light came from the place where Liu Yanyu's eyes were looking. The golden light made a shrill sound across the sky.

Seeing this, Liu Yanyu's face changed greatly. She thought about it and said, "no, it's something wrong with yu'er!"

Sure enough, the golden light fell in front of Liu Yanyu. With a crack, an old voice came out: "Yanyu, come to biyutian quickly!"

"Let's go!" Hearing this voice, the stupid Taoist also changed his face. He raised his hand and grabbed it. A light and shadow wrapped Liu Yanyu and turned her into a meteor and rushed to the place where the golden light came!

"Puff, puff, puff..." The meteor of stupid Taoist broke through several layers of purple Qi one after another. In the purple Qi, there were some strange smoke and dust, which seemed to be the virtual shadows of the city and the mountain forest. Seeing a huge oval shape in front of his head revealed, the stupid Taoist was just about to slow down, and the old voice just sounded: "old four? You're here too? "

With this sound, a huge purple golden wind tunnel suddenly appeared in the air in front of stupid Taoist's head. The hurricane rolled stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu like a big hand, but it was just between the fingers, and the wind tunnel retracted and disappeared in the oval outline!

When daoren and Liu Yanyu appeared here, it was already a desolate and dark place like night. In the dark, occasionally some faint green light flash away like lightning. Just in a flash, you can see the mountains like monsters in the dark.

Stupid Taoist and Liu Yanyu are standing on a precipitous cliff. Before they can stand still, "brush..." There was some rain falling in the dark. The stupid Taoist didn't dare to neglect it. He took Liu Yanyu and flew to the cliff with a sign like a rune.

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What's the matter with the accident of the air transporter!