Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 815

"Master..." Bai Xiaotu was surprised and said, "this is Yuxian's message. Do they have news so soon?"

Li MOI frowned and said, "I don't think it's possible. It should be something else."

Bai Xiaotu takes the crystal talisman and breaks the internal prohibition. Instead of visiting him, he respectfully sends it to Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua's face changes as he sweeps away.

"What's the matter?" Li Mo Yi big Leng, strange way, "master, have other affairs?"

"No!" Xiao Hua shook his head and said, "it's about Tianzun mansion and penalty palace detaining Fei Shengxian!"

"Then..." Li Moyi hesitated and said tentatively, "isn't this news right? Or is there another reason? "

"Have a look!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment and handed the crystal symbol to Li Mo Yi. Li Mo Yi scanned it and handed it to Bai Xiaotu. He said strangely, "master, this This message is nothing special! It's just that Tianzun mansion and penalty palace got Tianzun's order 32 years ago to detain feisheng immortals and explore the origin of each one. Now that Tianzun's order has been removed, it's no secret. So Yuxian doesn't plan to charge us any money? "

Xiao Hua narrowed his eyes and said, "that is to say, the fortieth year of those two immortals is to test me to come to the business alliance? Or do they have other ideas? "

Li Mo Yi looked at Xiao Hua strangely and said with a smile: "master, they are ancient families. Now if you want to find a business alliance you can trust, it's natural to try. Moreover, the 40th and 30th years are very different in the eyes of the rising immortals, but they are no different from the 10th year in the eyes of the ordinary friars in the eyes of the fairyland immortals."

Bai Xiaotu didn't think so much. He asked in a hurry: "master, Yuxian doesn't want Qian Jing. How can we make an offer? Brother Li said earlier that it's OK to have more than ten thousand xuanxianjing... "

Xiao Hua was so upset that he said with a forced smile, "you can discuss this with MOI. I don't care."

Xiao Hua's mind is not clear to Li MOI.

Although there is only eight years difference between the 32nd and 40th years, it is extremely important for Xiao Hua! Forty years ago, Xiao Hua was not in the fairyland, while thirty-two years ago, Xiao Hua had just set foot in the fairyland and had just killed Wang Lang!!

If tianzunling was issued 40 years ago, Xiao Hua is a pond fish; if tianzunling was issued 32 years ago, Xiao Hua is likely to be the initiator! It's the culprit!!

How can Xiao Hua's face change with the news?

"If so..." Xiao Hua said secretly, "in addition to zhanglv palace, there may be immortal officials from Tianzun palace and penalty palace after Xiao. Guan Guan Tian more and more dust Xiaohai I can't say it's also looking for Xiao! It's just that he doesn't know that Xiao is the nine robbers scattered baby who is flying up! "

At the thought of zhanglv palace, penalty palace and Tianzun palace all chasing and killing themselves, Xiao Hua couldn't help being one of the top ten! This is a doomed ending. How can I avoid it?

"No!" Xiao Hua thought, "since I haven't found Xiao, why is the order revoked?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry. He said in secret: "nonsense, it's Xiao that Tianzun's order is looking for. Those flying immortals are from normal origins. Naturally, Tianzun's house is going to release them?"

"And..." Xiao Hua thought more and more, he was more and more afraid, "thunder that guy and Xiao fly up together, how can he be ok? I haven't heard him talk about it. It must be aimed at enlightenment mainland or Mingdao Xianyu. Damn it, who did Xiao offend? Previously, Xiao thought it was the matter of master Xu Zhixu. Now it seems that it is not the case! "

"Silk..." All of a sudden, Xiao Hua felt like he was in the top of his mind. Thirty two years? To be precise, it seems that It seems to be the time when Xiao congealed the immortal trace, right? Difficult Is it difficult to Is it the witch mark?

Think of sorcery mark, Xiao Hua vest gives birth to a burst of cold sweat!

Xu Zhi makes it clear that it's a taboo art to exert soul power in the fairyland. He even engraves sorcery marks in the fairyland. This Isn't this the extreme of treason?? No wonder the emperor of Heaven gives orders!

"Damn it Xiao Hua almost groaned in his heart, and later he scolded, "witch Taoist, why don't you come to the fairyland?"?? I've been killed by you! "

After scolding, Xiao Hua himself first grinned bitterly. Isn't the wizard himself? To scold a witch or Taoist is to scold oneself?

When Xiao Hua thought to himself, Li Moyi looked at Xiao Hua suspiciously and turned to Bai Xiaotu and said, "Xiao Liu, the price of tens of thousands of xuanxianjing is the time limit that we didn't know before. If Yuxian spent a lot of effort to find out, it means that the news is very important, and we have a lot of money for Yuxian. Now, although the news has not been made public, since it has been removed, it means that the detained feisheng immortals have been released, and the news will be soon... "

Speaking of this, Li Mo Yi suddenly woke up, bowed to Xiao Hua with a smile and said, "it turns out that the master is worried about gain and loss. Congratulations, master. I think it won't take him long to see his disciples in the world!"

Xiao Hua came back and said with a strong smile: "yes, yes, when I find my own disciples, you..."Speaking of this, Xiao Hua thought of something and asked, "yes, my disciples in the world should also be your brothers, right?"

Bai Xiaotu chuckled and said: "look what the master said. When the master was in the world, the disciples didn't come and catch up with him. In the future, the disciples will accompany him, but the master's disciples Naturally, I'm also a disciple of the business alliance. Of course, I'm the disciple's brother. I just don't know whether the master will judge the seniority according to his strength or the starting time? "

When he talked about his disciples in the world, Xiao Hua thought a little. He looked at the huge water column in the distance and said, "let's go. I'll tell you about my disciples in the world. To tell you the truth, I still don't know who is the first elder martial brother and who is the second elder martial brother."

"What What do you mean Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu were all big Leng, and said in a different voice, "how is this possible?"

"Why not?" Xiao Hua flew up and said, "when I was in the world, my time was different, and their strength was also different. I didn't know whether I was according to time or strength. As a result, their brothers thought of a way. There was a great disaster in the world where I lived. They agreed who Who fell first is the elder martial brother... "

"Silk..." Hearing this, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu took a breath of air at the same time, and looked at each other with admiration in their eyes

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The past is like smoke, there are always thoughts! That's all for the eight day holiday. Thank you for your support!