Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 811

Li Moyi goes with Bai Xiaotu. Xiao Hua's mind goes into the space. It's not surprising that Mo Xiantong, whom he left for the yudie Wenqu, has disappeared. Then Xiao Hua carefully explored the objects in the space. There is no fire dragon pill that Rong Er needs. It seems that this object can only wait until the Dragon space is formed.

The fairyland space still does not have its own most expected message, and shulinggen is still a picture cake. Xiao Hua thought for a moment and took out the zhangjiuquan skill!

Although zhangjiuquan skill is the skill of ghost cultivation, Yujue has no ghost breath, so she stays in the void. Xiao Hua, the jade ultimatum, has nothing to do, so he simply looks at this skill from beginning to end.

With the flash of black silk and light in Xiao Hua's eyes, there was a deep thunder on the sky!

"Oh?" Xiao Hua looked up and said, "it's strange. Does this skill even affect the way of heaven?"

In this way, Xiao Hua didn't realize that he had read the jade ultimatum several times in a row, and then he stopped until he got to the heaven above the starry sky.

Xiao Hua also wants to carefully simulate the spirit to explore the secret arts. When there is movement outside the space, he quickly gets out of the space.

When Xiao Hua's spirit returned, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu just flew back. Seeing Xiao Hua looking at them, Bai Xiaotu quickly came forward and bowed, "master, I have sent the message to Yuxian, but I haven't received a reply yet."

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "this is the secret of Tianzun mansion and penalty palace. I'm afraid it won't be sent back in a short time. Do you want to meditate here or go out for a walk?"

Bai Xiaotu was a little coy. Li Moyi said with a smile: "master, you don't see what happened after Xiao Liu went out. As soon as he got close to a palace, his eyes couldn't help shining. He even took a long breath, as if there were extreme temptation inside. If he didn't want to come back and report, he would have flown away."

"Ha ha, I've forgotten this. Let's go for a walk on Xianwei!" Xiao Hua got up and waved, "you won so many xuanxianjing in the selection of Fu daomeng."

"Hey, hey..." Li Mo Yi listened to, also said with a smile, "Zhao Ting this small money fan if knew, certainly must beat the chest to dun feet!"

"Hee hee, yes!" Xiao Hua is also happy. He didn't expect that Zhao Ting, who is so stubborn, is quite different from shuobing in this respect.

However, as soon as Xiao Hua got up, he thought of something again. He raised his hand and said, "you can wait for some time. I've just paid Qian Jing, and I'll leave now It's a bit of a loss! "

Li Moyi looked at Bai Xiaotu, and said that Zhao Ting was a little money fan. This master was the biggest money fan.

However, both Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu misunderstood Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua sat down with his knees crossed, and immediately settled down. The nine springs in his mind flowed like a clear spring. He had just watched it with his heart. Now if he didn't realize it himself, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity?

About a day after the Yuan Dynasty, Xiao Hua opened his eyes and looked at Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu's meditation with the same eyes, nose and heart. Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu are the first two disciples in the fairyland. They are similar to Yuanya and Liu Yi in FanJie

"Ouch..." Thinking of Yuanya and Liu Yi, Xiao Hua suddenly lost his voice and cried, "not good!"

"Master..." Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu wake up at the same time and ask, "what's the matter?"

"I remember!" Xiao Hua patted his forehead and said, "since Tianzun mansion and penalty palace have detained feisheng immortal for 40 years, my disciples Isn't he also detained? "

"Ha ha, why do you think so?" Li Moyi was relieved and said, "the master is worried too much. There is no friar in the world who can be promoted. The master can be promoted, but the disciples are not likely to be promoted. I have received disciples in the world, but I believe that none of them can be promoted! "

"Maybe!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, got up and said, "let's go, I'll wait to see Xiao Liu's talent. Oh, by the way, if you meet the two immortals mentioned by me earlier, just follow what I said... "

Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Li Mo Yi said with a smile: "you know, master, you are a shaking hands shopkeeper. Leave everything to your disciples!"

After leaving the courtyard, he flew for more than a hundred miles. Sure enough, some people felt the sensation of uproar from the temple in the distance. Looking at Bai Xiaotu again, his fingers moved slightly and said excitedly: "master, I feel some familiar breath. I believe we will return with full load this time."

Flying to the front door of the hall, I saw that there were dragon immortals cruising around the hall. There was cloud like fog under the feet of these dragon immortals, and some Xu Guangsi was connected with the hall. There was no need for the immortals to urge them. The clouds floated automatically, as if there were more than a dozen or a hundred clouds were an immortal array.

Xiao Hua takes Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu into the hall, and faces a huge sea. On the sea, there is a reflection of green waves, on which there are some glittering handwriting. When Xiao Hua looks at it, it says "Yi 21 reef rock, want to buy 400 Shangqing Jiong jade pills..."

"Oh?" Xiao Hua's eyes were hot, and a sense of familiarity came out. Wasn't that the means of the earthly zangxian mainland auction?

Looking at the sea, there are hundreds of reefs and rocks, some of them are written, some are dark, some of them are written with A-3, C-5, and some of the figures are shaking. Those noisy voices are actually the sound of the tide rising and falling."How do you feel the fairyland without helanque?" Bai Xiaotu was disappointed and muttered, "it's not even as good as Yuhong mountain!"

Li Moyi looked at Bai Xiaotu and laughed: "the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment!"

"Ignore him!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "just go and have a look!"

Then Xiao Hua flew to the reef with No.1 written on it. It seemed that the reef was far away, but Xiao Hua only flew a little. In front of him, he was already on the reef. There were several human figures standing in the air, which were thousands of feet high and shining with silver. Hearing the movement, one or two of them turned to look at Xiao Hua, but still looked into the distance.

as like as two peas, Li Moyi, Xiao Hua, looked at the following things, and saw the following words, the white and the small earth. He was not able to smile, because Li Moyi and Bai Xiao were all the same size and the same silver light.

Xiao Hua knew that this must be the rule of the ring dome bidding. He only stepped forward to look into the distance, and Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu were not surprised.

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Let's start by adding another chapter. Let Tanhua think about the rest, and think about it