Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 812

But in the distance, there is an oval whirlpool, in which there are several immortal utensils rotating slowly. These immortal utensils are rope like, book like, or spear like. On the whirlpool, there is a human immortal sitting on his knees. The immortal is blocked by the clear light, and can't see men and women clearly.

"Master..." Before Xiao Hua had a close look, Bai Xiaotu's voice had already come. "There is something about the origin of the book like immortal weapon, but the disciple didn't touch it. I'm not sure yet!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua was sending out Yannian to explore some immortal utensils, and he said, "you are the leader of the business alliance. If you think you can do it!"

"This fairy friend..." Bai Xiaotu got Xiao Hua's approval and immediately said, "I want to see that book like immortal weapon!"

"Ha ha..." Bai Xiaotu's voice did not fall, an immortal had already laughed, "another one!"

White small soil a Leng, strange way: "fairy friend what meaning?"

"Cough..." The fairy sitting on the whirlpool coughed two times, and a slightly hoarse voice sounded, "this fairy friend, if you want to bid, you can bid. If you don't want to bid, please leave, or shut up."

"I don't want to leave, and I don't want to shut up. What's the matter?" The fairy said coldly.

"Ah, this fairy friend..." A man next to him sighed and said, "you've made a high bid for that immortal weapon just now, but since you've already bought it, you should be satisfied. Why bother here?"

"Xianyou, the problem is that the artifact just now is not worth so much money, and you have seen the bidding process. The one who bid with me It's obviously with him. I fell into their trap... "

"All right!" The persuasive immortal chuckled, turned around and disappeared. Obviously, he didn't want to hear more and left here.

"This fairy friend, if you make trouble here again, don't blame me for inviting the sea patrolling immortal to come here!" Warned the fairy, who sat cross - legged.

"Please do it quickly." The immortal said coldly, "I'm looking for them!"

"Cough..." White soil two, light way, "Xianyou still want to trade? If you don't want to, you can take all these fairy wares away... "

"Where, where..." On the whirlpool, the immortal quickly rolled up his sleeve, sent the book to Bai Xiaotu, and said with a smile, "Xianyou can appreciate it as much as possible!"

Bai Xiaotu took the book and looked down at it without frowning. However, he saw some mottled textures on the book and some starlike fluorescence between the textures. Yannian scanned the book. There were some obscure fluctuations in the book. It was a treasure in any way, but Bai Xiaotu didn't feel anything when he took the book.

"Strange..." Bai Xiaotu said in secret, "where did that feeling come from?"

"Xianyou..." Bai Xiaotu sent the book back and asked, "can I have a look at the other immortal utensils?"

"Of course The fairy on the whirlpool smiles and says, "I'll take away the fairy ban, and the fairy friend will take it by himself."

With that, the immortal's middle finger flicked, a blue light lifted from the whirlpool, and several immortal utensils flew out.

Bai Xiaotu is not polite either. He picks up the immortal wares one by one. Unfortunately, although they all look good, none of them make Bai Xiaotu interested.

"What's the matter?" Looking at Bai Xiaotu returning the last artifact to the whirlpool, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "didn't you find any artifact of good quality?"

"Yes, sir..." Bai Xiaotu nodded and said, "as soon as I came in, I had a feeling that there would be a very good immortal weapon here. But these immortal weapons are not. Is it wrong?"

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua laughed and turned to the immortal who was gloating beside him and said, "by the way, didn't Xianyou just say that? You've been cheated. Why What kind of artifact makes Xianyou so impolite? "

"What does Xianyou mean..." The immortal standing next to him said, "do you want to watch the excitement?"

"Ha ha..." A few of the onlookers first laughed, turned and urged their bodies to leave. For a moment, only Xiao Hua and other immortals were left beside the whirlpool.

"No, no..." Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "the fairy friend misunderstood. I want to see the fairy ware you bought."

"Are you still watching the crowd?" The immortal was a little angry.

"Ah, Xianyou is wrong!" Xiao Hua sighed, "just now my disciples have seen these pieces of fairy ware, and they think they are all of good quality, so he is a little surprised. He thinks that the fairy friend has misunderstood..."

"What's wrong?" The immortal patted the bag on his waist, took out the artifact he had just put in, and handed it to Xiao Hua. "Look at this artifact, he asked me for ten xuanxianjing..."

"This fairy friend..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to open his mouth, the immortal who was selling it was displeased and said, "I'm selling only six xuanxianjing, which Xianyou and the one who just bought together..."

"So say it!" That immortal urgent way, "just that immortal is partner with you!"

"Xianyou is slandering me!" The immortal, who was selling it, got up in anger and took out the token of the ring dome. It was obvious that he wanted to urge.

"Goodbye, goodbye..." Xiao Hua quickly took out ten Xuanxian crystals and put them into the immortal's hand, shouting, "isn't that ten Xuanxian crystals? I'll do it for you! ""Ah?" Although the immortal was stunned, his hands and feet were not slow. He didn't even want to send xuanxianjing into the bag. Then he asked, "is Xianyou serious?"

"You've taken all the money, don't you take it seriously?" Xiao Hua did not have the good spirit to reply a way, "or the fairy friend returns the money crystal to me!"

"Ha ha, thank you very much!" The fairy laughed twice, turned and flew away.

"Ah, fairy friend..." The immortal sighed, "Why are you doing this? He just thought that the fairy ware was too expensive. He had been pestering for half an hour again! "

"He thinks it's expensive, but I don't think it's expensive!" Xiao Hua said and handed the artifact to Bai Xiaotu.

Bai Xiaotu took the artifact, his fingers trembled slightly, and his eyes flashed a light white light. A moment later, he sent a message to Xiao Hua: "master, this artifact is not powerful, but it is a part of another artifact. I don't know what the other artifact is..."

"Ha ha, that's good!" Xiao Hua laughed and said, "let's go, don't have a look!"

While he was talking, other immortal flying generals came. Xiao Hua took the opportunity to fly out with Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu. As soon as he came in, Xiao Hua's body had come out of the reef and landed on the sea.

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Add another chapter to see what Xiao Liu has picked up!