Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 810

Xiao Hua talks about rong'er and Xiaoxiao, but he doesn't point out that they are from ancient families, doesn't explain what they want to deal with Yiyuan business alliance, and doesn't even elaborate on the news of entrusting Yuxian. Li Mo Yi frowned and asked, "master, I remember you said that when the Dragon man robbery appeared, there were two purple and gold figures. Zhou Xiaoming also mentioned the danger of the Dragon man robbery to his disciples. These two immortals do not fly to the sky, but go to the void. Do you always think they are all the same

Xiao Hua sighed that Li Mo Yi was as clever as a demon, but he didn't speak, and Li Mo Yi didn't wait for Xiao Hua's answer. Instead, he thought about it for a moment and said again: "also, if they have something to entrust Yuxian, they can find it by themselves. Since we are going to visit the business alliance, either they have some secrets to be found by Yuxian, or they want to use us to visit the business alliance, disciple I suspected that the purple gold figure was an ancient family, and it seemed that I had more assurance. By the way, sir, what are they trading with us? What's the news you want Yuxian to inquire about? "

"What?" When Xiao Hua talks about Xiao Yao's xuanhuang Zijiao, rong'er huojilong pill, and later Tianting elixir, Li Moyi doesn't respond. But when rong'er asks Xiao Hua to inquire about Tianzun's orders, he can't help but exclaim in surprise, "Tianzun's house and penalty palace have been imprisoned for nearly In the past 40 years, feisheng immortal of feisheng fairy kingdom

"Yes Xiao Hua nodded and said, "I just ascended forty years ago, but I didn't encounter these things."

"So, master..." Li Mo Yi said with a smile, "these two elders must be the disciples of the ancient family! They must have something to do with passing by here, and occasionally they meet with the Dragon robbers. After they beat back the strange immortal weapon, they find something strange. They have to hide their true appearance! "

Bai Xiaotu was puzzled and said, "why? Why do I think they can't be hit by eight strokes? "

"Sir, it must be that they made several explorations, or walked with him for a long time. After he revealed the strength of the business alliance, did they say what they wanted?"

Facing Li MOI's conjecture, Xiao Hua only nodded.

"Xiao Liu..." Li Moyi turned to Bai Xiaotu and said, "I don't know if you've ever heard the story of the ancient immortal before?"

"No No! " Bai Xiaotu shook his head without hesitation and said, "I heard it for the first time when I listened to Mr. Mei

Li Moyi took a meaningful look at Bai Xiaotu and said, "I'm on my way to enlighten the mainland. I'm listening to other immortals talk about it!"

"Master..." Li Moyi said to Xiao Hua again, "what you said before is right. What Mei Yunmei said can only be used as a reference, and can't be completely believed. He didn't talk about the real reason for the decline of the ancient family, or he didn't know at all. There is a saying that the fairyland was originally controlled by the ancient aristocratic family, and then there was a connection among the Taoist master, Taoist Zun and Taoist ancestor. In order to fight for the fairyland, the two immortals fought against each other, and the ancient aristocratic family was defeated. Only then did the Taoist master, Taoist Zun and Taoist ancestor set up the Moban mountain in Tianwaitian, achieving the present fairyland order.... "

"Ah?" Bai Xiaotu exclaimed, "still What else

"Yes Li Moyi nodded and said, "the cultivation methods of ancient aristocratic families are different from ours. They don't have immortal marks. They don't have to engrave them!"

"That is, they are enemies of daozun. How can daozun make immortal marks for them?" Bai Xiaotu smiles, but after laughing, he is dazeng again. He loses his voice and says, "don't they engrave immortal marks? So Then how to practice? "

Xiao Hua didn't point out the loophole in Li Moyi's words, but said: "Xiao Liu, there are many skills practiced by immortals in this world. Immortal trace may be one or the most, but we can't deny that other skills can also be practiced!"

"Yes, I understand!" Bai Xiaotu was obedient to Xiao Hua, so he would not refute anything.

"Xiao Liu, let's talk again!" Li Moyi frowned slightly and explained, "if the two immortals are ordinary families, they can't take the risk to investigate the orders of Tianzun mansion and penalty palace, which obviously offends the immortals! Only ancient families They didn't obey the order of heaven, and they didn't serve their sentences. That's the only way to investigate! The reason for their investigation must also be related to the world. It was some of their hands and feet in the mortal world that they were found by Tianzun's house and penalty palace. Then they gave an order to arrest all the rising immortals and destroy the plan of the ancient aristocratic family

"Pa pa pa..." Hearing this, Bai Xiaotu couldn't help clapping, "brother Li, you You're too good, aren't you? "

"Well, it's nothing. As long as you've got the details, you'll be able to see them clearly." Li MOI shook his head.

"Now I come to the business alliance, how should I deal with it?" Xiao Hua's face looked worried and asked, "should we stay away from this matter?"

"No, sir!" Li MOI had a good idea for a long time and said, "this is a great opportunity for me to come to the business alliance and grow up again!"

"Why?" Bai Xiaotu said, "is this too dangerous? Seeking skin with a tiger! "

"For the skin of a tiger?" Li Mo Yi Leng for a while, smiling and shaking his head way, "not as, not as, at most is a good source.""Say it, MOI!" Xiao Hua was very interested.

"It's very simple..." Li Moyi said, "Yuxian can be so big. There must be a fairy King behind it. There is even more than one such fairy king. And I come to the business alliance to become bigger, can't follow the footsteps of Yuxian, the ancient family is the best choice! Of course, there is also a sense of desperation. But without risk, where is the return? If I make the business alliance bigger, the Immortal King may also see the value of my business alliance, and we can also seek greater interests between the Immortal King and the ancient family! "

"Alas Xiao Hua sighs a little. He plans to agree to rong'er and Xiao'er's terms. The biggest reason is that stupid Taoist and yuan'er don't think so much about it!

"Master..." Li Moyi even reminded, "this Commission should be a test of the ancient aristocratic family. If the master wants to cooperate with them, he should do it well, otherwise everything will be hands-free!"

"Well..." Xiao Hua nodded and gave the token to Bai Xiaotu. "You have Huiyu fairy's message Jingfu. Send this to her. By the way, how much does it cost?"

"Yes, sir!" Bai Xiaotu took the token and said, "I'll go with brother Li now!"

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"National day seven days" is over. Thank you for your support, but the National Day holiday is not over yet. Tanhua is hesitant about how to update today