Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 809

Xiao Hua sighed when he got close to the dome and looked at the huge oval water ball and the vast ocean like blue waves inside. He let out Yannian to have a look and found that the place where Yannian was located was bigger than his eyes. He knew that there must be a powerful space in it.

When he looked around, he saw some immortals flying down. He saw the blue waves approaching, the huge roar disappeared, and the majestic waves tended to calm down. Even a strong force came out of the waves, as if he could not resist the big hand holding him. Xiao Hua hastened to stir up the immortal force, and gave birth to auspicious clouds to hold him.

Xiao Hua's body fell into the waves, surrounded by a quiet, countless fairy waves, such as fish floating around, Xiao Hua dived more than a thousand miles, suddenly a flash of light and shadow, and then buoyancy came out, Xiao Hua's whole body silver flash, unexpectedly on a water shining sea.

In the air in front of Xiao Hua's head, like a mirage, many temples emerge one after another.

"Boom..." Before Xiao Hua could see the situation of the temple, several pillars of water burst into the sky. There were more than a dozen dragon people in armor flying out of the sky. The first immortal was more than 200 feet tall, and his whole body was shining with silver light. He could only see the armor, but not the appearance. The immortal bowed to Xiao Hua and said, "I've seen you before, and welcome you to ring the dome." ”

as the immortal saw the ceremony, his silver light gradually dissipated, revealing his true appearance.

"The circle of Wuwang?" Xiao Hua was a little bit surprised by the name of the ring dome, but when he thought about it, he immediately thought of the sixty-four hexagrams. If not unexpectedly, the sixty-four ring dome should be the name of the sixty-four hexagrams.

"Are there any taboos that I should pay attention to when I come to Wuwang huanqiong?" Xiao Hua looked at the immortal silver disappeared, light asked.

"Yes, master!" The immortal replied, "there are all kinds of fairs in the Wuwang ring dome. The elders can bid and sell them. Some places are presided over by the immortal of the three ethnic groups of chenxiaohai, while some places are not. However, no matter where I am, chenxiaohai does not want to participate in the struggle among the elders of Haishi. "

"What if you meet the enemy of life and death?" Xiao Hua asked with a smile. It seems that whether it is fairyland or mortal world, as long as it is where the transaction is, the rules are similar.

Sure enough, the immortal handed over a Lingjian engraved with the hexagram of "Wuwang" and explained: "if you don't want to fight, you can urge Lingjian. Lingjian will protect you and send you out of Wuwang dome, and the guards of the three clans of chenxiaohai will also fly out of the Xianban. Of course, if you want to solve the gratitude and resentment in Wuwang dome, there is also a hall of life and death for you to use... "

Then the immortal said some rules, but they were similar to the ordinary world. Xiao Hua listened carefully and finally asked, "if I want to practice meditation?"

"There are quiet rooms, Dan rooms and utensils rooms in Wuwang dome. It only costs a little money from the elder..." The immortal pointed to Xiao Hua's command arrow and said, "the command arrow of the elder has its own explanation."

"OK, I see!" Xiao Huayan said, "thank you very much."

"You are welcome, sir..." The immortal bowed to say goodbye and said, "master, please keep every ring bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow

"Sweat Xiao Hua can't help but have a black line on his forehead. How can this sound like coaxing a child?

The dragon people's sea patrolling generals fly away. Xiao Hua sees a fairy shadow flying into the temple in the distance, and urges himself to fly.

The halls and pavilions in mid air were as illusory as mirage, but Xiao Hua just flew hundreds of miles, and the illusory and ethereal began to solidify. With the sound of birds singing and animals roaring, a beautiful scene of immortals appeared not far away.

It seems that some figures similar to Xiao Hua are coming in and out in the distant clouds, and some figures appear in the pavilions. Xiao Hua doesn't pay attention to them. He urges his body to fly down to a hall, takes out his arrow and looks around. Then he turns into light and shadow and comes to the front of the courtyard with a flashing dark halo.

Looking at a torch in front of the courtyard door, Xiao Hua takes out a xuanxianjing to put it into it. But listening to the sound of "boom", a blue flame rushes out of the torch, and the flame ignites the halo of the courtyard. At the same time, a triangular token flies out of the torch.

Xiao Hua raised his hand to take the token, and Xianli urged the door to open in the light of the courtyard!

Xiao Hua let out Yan Nian to look around, there is nothing different, this just flew into it.

The courtyard is very simple, except for some rocks, pavilions, nothing.

"Thanks!" Xiao Hua immediately turned his mouth, "a Xuanxian crystal, not even a spirit fruit."

Xiao Hua just thought about it in his heart. With a little exploration, he sacrificed the star array.

Looking at the stars coming out of the void, Xiao Hua sighed with relief, offered up the Kunlun mirror, raised his hand a little, the clear light on the mirror flowed out like water, and Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu flew out from the inside.

"Master..." White small soil flies out to cry a way, "is this arrived purple Huan island?"

"This is Wuwang huanqiong..." Xiao Hua explained with a smile, "has not entered the core of Zihuan island.""Master..." Li Moyi is different from Bai Xiaotu. He flies to Xiao Hua and says, "Zhou Xiaoming and Zhao Ting are still in retreat. It seems that they can't participate in the sea market."

"It's ok if they don't take part!" Xiao Hua had known for a long time, but he nodded, "one of them is the missing disciple of the dragon people, the other is the expelled disciple of the Xiaojian people. If they appear in the sea market, everyone will be embarrassed!"

"It's all my fault!" Li Moyi bowed himself again and said, "I see that Zhou Xiaoming's talent is very good, and there is a fairy fate that other people can't reach..."

"Just, just!" Xiao Hua waved his hand and said, "I don't blame you for persuading them It's better to say less! "

"Yes, I understand!" Li MOI nodded and agreed.

"Sir, shall we not take part in the other round dome transactions?" Bai Xiaotu thought about the business alliance, and could not help asking.

"Of course Xiao Hua replied, "but before joining, I have something else to tell you."

"Master, please tell me..." Seeing Xiao Hua suddenly say this, Li Moyi and Bai Xiaotu look at each other and say

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Xiao Hua begins his journey to the 64 ring dome, and the 70 Geng promised by exploring flowers has been completed. Thank you for your support. If you think 70 Geng has more water, there is no way to explore flowers. After all, in the dust free sea, water quite a lot!

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