Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 808

"Boom..." Without waiting for Xiao Hua to answer, there was a roaring sound in the distance. With the huge roar, the fairy boat vibrated a little. In front of the sky, circles of wave wheels with water drops came like a rainstorm

"where is the dust Xiaohai?" Xiao Huayan scanned it. There was no blue and quiet sea under the immortal boat, and there was no water above his head. The faults in the surrounding space fluctuated like mountains. The immortal boat flew forward in a curve. Xiao Hua could not help asking.

"It's time for Xianzhou to enter the Chenxiao sea!" Xiaoxiao replied, "about six hours ago, the fairy boat was flying on the sea. Suddenly, it passed through a space illusion. After the sea surface of Chenxiao sea swayed, it came here. I think it's the congenital prohibition of Chenxiao sea..."

"Wu..." The wind howls around the immortal boat like ghosts crying and wolves howling. Then seven air masses of different colors come out of the air and surround the immortal boat. Strange force comes from the seven air masses and Sheng Sheng locks the immortal boat.

"Senior..." In the blue light and shadow atmosphere, a modest voice rang out, "is there a keepsake to enter the sea market?"

With this sound, a water mist condensation of the immortal body in front of the immortal boat revealed.

"Yes..." Xiao Hua took out the two-color Keepsake given by Yu Xian. He sent it to the immortal body. The keepsake gave birth to a purple and golden light and shadow to rush into the sky!

"Poop, poop..." As soon as Zijin's light and shadow appeared, seven air masses were broken at the same time, and the water mist like immortal body turned into a broken firefly and disappeared. At the same time, he still respectfully said, "the three clans of chenxiaohai welcome the elder to Zihuan island to participate in the sea market. At this time, there is still one and a half months to go before Zihuan Island opens. The elder can have a look at the other 64 ring domes..."

The voice disappeared, "click..." The water vapor around the immortal boat began to condense, but between the fingers, an ice crystal tunnel with flashing blue light came out. The immortal boat didn't have to be pushed to slide along the tunnel.

Rong'er and Xiao'er are well-informed, with the same look on their faces. Xiao Hua is still like that, looking around, Yan Nian has been released. It's a pity that the ice crystal twinkles everywhere you look, and the place where Yan Nian falls is a similar dreamland. You can't explore the clarity outside the ice crystal tunnel.

"Brush..." It's about a cup of tea. The fairy boat has already rushed out of the ice crystal tunnel. Xiao Hua can't look back at the melting of the ice crystal tunnel. His eyes have been attracted by the situation in front of him!

But there is a huge sky in front of my head. The sea water around the sky is condensed into a whirlpool, and the huge roar comes from the vast sea water. And in the center of the sky, a huge spiral from the deep whirlpool, far into the depths of the sky! The spiral is formed by condensation of thousands of miles of thick water column. I don't know how many shapes are like Qiulong water in the rough sea, and the water column is connected by 8864 oval water balls of different sizes and colors of light and shadow!

These water balls look like Canxing, with island shape inside and sea water outside. The sea water rotates at a high speed, making a huge sound. Moreover, the water light raises waves, with countless runes and strange textures, swimming like fish.

The sixty-four water balls should be sixty-four ring domes, but at this time only about a dozen ring domes are bright. On the other dark ring domes, the sea water is spinning and calm, and there is no wave rising.

As for the top of the huge spiral, it seems that it is the deep part of the starry sky, a faint golden star shining brightly and darkly. If nothing happens, it should be the core of the sea market Zihuan island!

"Huang Zengtian..." Small eyes give birth to brilliant, can't help saying.

"Cough..." Rong'er coughed softly and said with a smile, "no, I didn't expect that there was such a magnificent place in the enlightenment mainland. I heard Zihuan island before and thought it was an island on the sea. Now it seems that not only the law of space is reversed, but also the law of power is changed! "

Xiaoxiao realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and said with a smile: "no, Zihuan island should be on the bottom of the sea, but now it's on top of us. Naturally, the law of space is reversed! And the sea water condenses into a whirlpool, which is, of course, a change in the law of power... "

With a small voice, the fairy boat slowly stops, and then the surrounding space seems to uncover a layer of veil. Not only the light and shadow around it become clear, but also the previously empty sky begins to appear in human form, first dozens, then hundreds. When the fairy boat stops, there are thousands of immortal flying around the huge spiral.

These immortals either go in and out of the ring dome with light and shadow, or fly into the whirlpool around them, and there are ice marks everywhere.

"You can't activate the immortal boat here!" A little try, said, "if the strong self-propelled, it will be sent back to the vortex, sent out of this space."

"Then I'll take back the boat!" Xiao Hua said and took the fairy boat away.

Looking at Xiao Hua's taking in the fairy boat, Xiao Xiao couldn't help asking, "where are your disciples from the Business League?"

Xiao Hua was ready and said with a smile, "they came first. I don't know where they are. They should be in those domes."

Rong'er and Xiao Xiao look at each other, and rong'er says, "Xiaoyao, when we first come to Xiaohai City, we want to walk around. You should first find a stream of business alliance disciples and implement our previous agreement. Do you have a messenger? Give me one... "

"Do you need a keepsake to enter the dome?" Xiao Hua took out the long refined messenger crystal Fu and handed it to Rong er. He said with a smile, "I have only one Keepsake!""Ha ha, don't worry!" Looking at rong'er taking the keepsake, Xiao Xiao said with a laugh, "we've known for a long time. As long as we enter the immortal forbidden area of the three clans of chenxiaohai, we can enter all the hoops. Only the last Zihuan island needs keepsake. Xiaoyao, it seems that you are really a shopkeeper. You don't even know this. "

Xiao Huapo was embarrassed and said with a smile: "it's all the responsibility of the disciples. I really don't know..."

"Gone, gone..." Rong'er waved to Xiao Hua and said, "don't worry about the keepsake entering Zihuan island. We have our own way. If we can't, we'll find you again. Go and get xuanhuang Zijiao and huojilongdan

Xiao Hua smiles, and Chong rong'er and Xiao Gong bow their hands. He knows very well that the ancient family would never put eggs in one basket. They may worry about the secret and would not find another business alliance, but rong'er and Xiao Gong will go to huanqiong and Zihuan island in person.

Xiao Hua waits for a moment, and sees that rong'er and Xiao'er's figure disappear. He looks around and flies to a bright ring dome

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Today is the five chapters that Tanhua promised to update for free, plus the update of several new alliance leaders, it is still ten more!

Finally, we arrived at Zihuan Island, and the highlights of the sea market gradually unfolded

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