Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1249

"The master of black and white chess?" Xiao Hua moved in his heart and said, "my task now is to go to the color world to find this elder? Where is he? "

"I don't know, neither does Chen Buyao..." Su min replied, "even master Yue Xiao doesn't know it himself!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua is stupid.

"It's like this..." Su min explained, "this master of chess has no fixed cultivation cave. He has won the benefits of our team, so he has an agreement with our team, which can help the team cultivate some potential commanders and guide them how to arrange their troops. I and Chen Buyao have been instructed by him."

“…… However, his old man's temper is rather strange. He only points out one person at a time, and the length of time depends on his old man's preference... "

“…… Because he has no place to stay, and most of the commanders of our team are real immortals, so every time the team needs to train a commander, they will contact him, and he will give us a Mo Xiantong. Mo Xiantong records the way and place to find his old man. That Mo Xiantong can only use Yannian to see it once, and then Mo Xiantong will be destroyed... "

“…… I remember that I found him in a cave in nihilistic yuehengtian. At that time, I turned into a Cough, I don't want to say anything about it, because everyone is different. Chen Buyao found it in a cloud in the shadow of Taiji. "

Xiao Hua grinned bitterly and said, "that's the trouble! 18 days of color world, where will you find it? And with Mao Bing's character, he will destroy Mo Xiantong! "

"That's it!" Su Min said with a smile, "Mo Xiantong will be destroyed after watching. He can push it to you as much as he can! But you don't have to worry too much. Generally speaking, the old master of chess will wait for the immortal generals of the team in the nothingness of the color world, yuehengtian and taijimengyitian. You can try your luck... "

"If What if he was summoned again? "

"Don't think about that!" Su min replied, "it's not Lord Yuexiao who can send a message to the old man..."

"Well, thank you, Mr. Su!"

"Xiao tunteng, sometimes Don't be too rigid... "

"Mo Jiang doesn't want to be like that either..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "but that guy is too arrogant and exceeds the bottom line of the final general! Before, when he was in charge of the team, he just didn't accept his subordinates' and his superiors' contributions. He showed a little bit of filial piety... "

"Bottom line, ha ha..." Su Min said with a smile, "you speak very well. In that case, I'll help you again. Although the black and white chess master's whereabouts are uncertain, his old man's appearance never changes. After a while, I'll send his old man's image to your trump card..."

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and thanks again.

"By the way, and the tunteng seal..." Su min thought of something again and told him, "the immortal ban on it needs the help of the old man. If the old man thinks you are competent for the military duty of tunteng, he will help you lift it. If the old man doesn't lift it, you should never think about breaking it. It's a big crime against the military rules..."

"The end will understand!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "the end of the general is not a fan, more do not love to show off, take this tunteng seal as a decoration, no reason to cause those troubles?"

Su Min said a few words to turn off the seal communication.

"Hum..." Xiao Hua snorted coldly, looked at Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua, and said, "give me orders, all the generals will clean up, and follow me to experience in the color world..."

"My lord..." Xiangqing was very anxious and said, "this is the camp of our regiment. We must keep immortal soldiers guarding..."

Xiao Hua couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "elder brother Xiang, I didn't say that I don't want to keep immortal soldiers! It's just that it's useless here. Just leave a long sky to lead the soldiers to stay! "

"Yes, yes..." Xiangqing laughed and said, "it's the end general who thinks so much. The end general thinks that the adult wants to give up here!"

"How can it be!" Xiao Hua also laughed, "I haven't planned to rush out of the border yet!"

"Back out of bounds?" Xiangqing was stunned.

Jiang Meihua looked at Xiangqing and went out alone to summon him. Li Boyi and Chuanbo returned to the army account again. At this time, people's faces were different, some were admiration, some were worry. Xiao Hua swept his eyes and said: "you must have some worry in your heart. You think Xiao has offended the reward and punishment envoy. After that, you must be crushed in the team, or hit a wall everywhere?"

There are more or less such thoughts in the hearts of the generals, but who will say it?

Without waiting for Qin Xin to open his mouth, Xiao Hua said with a smile, "Xiao asked you, there are so many hunting bases like Xiao. Why can Xiao be promoted two levels in a row and get the post of tunteng army like lightning?"

"Of course, it's the adults who kill tens of millions of demon soldiers. They have excellent military achievements!" Let's all answer.

"Yes Xiao Hua patted the military case and said in a loud voice, "as long as we can kill the demon soldiers and have extraordinary fighting power, who dares to show us the wink? Who dares to let us eat shriveled? "

"My Lord is right!" The crowd laughed.

"And..." Xiao Hua raised his hand again and said, "under Xiao, there are deputy tunteng, hunting base, and Deputy hunting base. Xiao can tell you clearly that he doesn't want other station generals to make trouble with Xiao's team. Xiao's military positions It's for you... "Qin Xin and others were overjoyed, and their eyes flashed with excitement, shouting: "thank you for your kindness, general!"

"But..." Xiao Hua can't avoid the vulgarity either. As soon as he turns around, he says, "you don't have strength or military merit. What reward will Xiao give you? Even if Xiao gives Qin Xin the military post of hunting base, Qin Xin, do you think you are a spirit changing immortal, have you the face to take over the seal of hunting base?"

On hearing this, Qin Xin rushed out and knelt down on one knee and said, "my Lord, I will not be able to At the beginning of 1741, JieChong took the lead of his master. If you have any plans or experience you need, please do not hesitate to give orders, and you will die! "

"I'll wait till I die!"

All the immortals will kneel on one knee at the same time.

"Good!" Xiao Hua also stood up, took a deep breath, and said, "since you are willing to wait, Xiao does not hide it. Xiao has found a secret place for you to wait for experience. As long as you wait for your heart, don't say the immortal can be expected. It's the immortal array that makes the demon alliance and demon soldiers scared on the first day, and it can also be perfectly laid. At that time, who dares to fight for you in the whole team?"

After that, Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun mirror and said, "you wait up, go back to the immortal space immediately, and reorganize the team. When Xiao goes to dese Jietian, he will send you to the secret place for training immediately. When we return to JieChong, we should make a big splash and fly to the sky!"

"Mr. Xie, we will die with all our heart and soul!"

All the generals got up and answered in unison, and then let Xiao Hua get into the room.

Mei's Taigu fairyland is going to train for Xiao Hua!

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