Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1248

"Sorry!" Maobing's body could not be moved. He just stood there and said, "Ben has hurt himself. I can't open the reward and punishment order for the time being.

"Are you threatening Xiao?"

"Xiao tunteng thinks that's OK!" Mao Bing said coldly, "this reward and punishment order is granted by Lord Buyao. It can't be opened unless it's originally made!"

Xiao Hua raised his foot and kicked it on the side of Dantian under Maobing The sound of Mao Bing's immortal body was pierced, and a big hole appeared in the lower Dantian!

"I've grown up!" Xiao Hua snatched the reward and punishment order and scolded, "do you know your family Yuexiao?"

"You, you!" The remaining half of Mao Bing's face is blue. He has never seen such a arrogant immortal general!

Xiao Hua took the arrow and turned around. Then he solved Mao Bing's ban. He threw the arrow to Mao Bing and said, "roll..."

Mao bingda Leng, he Yannian swept the arrow, but his face changed greatly, because the arrow was empty at this time, not to mention that the reward was missing, even the previous military achievements were gone!

"You..." What else does Mao Bing have to say? Xiao Hua squints and says, "if you say another word, believe it or not, you can't even fly out of this military tent?"

Maobing gritted her teeth. If she didn't dare to say anything more, she got out of the army tent and flew away with her broken immortal body.

"My lord..." As soon as Mao Bing left, Qin Xin and others rushed in and cried, "what's the matter?"

“nnd……” Sitting behind the military case, Xiao Hua scolded, "I've seen an arrogant emissary. I've never seen such an arrogant emissary. How dare I ask for six million immortal soldiers from me!"

"This..." Qin Xin, Li Boyi and others naturally did not have such experience. Li Boyi said in a small way, "my Lord is still a bit reckless. You can bargain for these things. I'm afraid that if you collide with the reward and punishment envoy, it's for your future..."

"It's because every immortal general has such ideas..." Xiao Hua coldly way, "this just encouraged the arrogance of this kind of dog general immortal general! Wei Chong wants six million immortal soldiers. He can send orders and ask me to bribe him in private. That's impossible! "

Li Bo and others look at each other, while Jiang Zibo and Xiang Qing shake their heads slightly. They already know Xiao Hua's style!

"Oh, and..." Xiao Hua thought of something and said, "you don't have to be filial to Xiao for your military exploits, and you don't have to be filial to Xianbing's military exploits. If anyone dares to ask for it, Xiao knows it. Don't blame Xiao for his ruthlessness! Go

"Yes..." Li Bo and others looked at each other and promised to fly out of the military account. Just now, they were still talking outside the military account. It's good. It's easy!

Xiangqing and Jiang Meihua didn't leave. Xiangqing wanted to say something, but Jiang Meihua pulled them aside, indicating that he didn't have to say much.

Xiao Hua calmed down his anger and took out three things.

The first is the seal, which is a chaotic beast. It is obviously Xiao Hua's tunteng seal. However, Xiao Huayan once said that there was a strange celestial prohibition on the seal, which could not be refined or stimulated. Xiao Hua thought of Su min's words, with a bitter smile on his face, and put the useless tunteng seal on the military case.

The second one is like a cloud. It should be the inferior high-level and often quiet immortal that Mao Bing said. Xiao Hua found it on the military case, but it was useless to him.

as like as two peas, the last one is the ball shaped jade crystal. The jade crystal is pure and pure, and there are black and white in it. This black and white color is very strange. From that angle, the black and white color will be divided into two parts.

And Xiao Huayan read swept, jade crystal is nothing special, just a keepsake!

"Damn it Xiao Hua has seen it and already understands that the way Yujing uses Maobing is not in the arrow. If he wants to know, he can only go to Maobing again.

How could Xiao Hua lose his face?

He thought a little and urged the seal of lielei

As soon as Mao Bing came out of Xiao Hua's camp, he immediately took out an ink fairy pupil from the beast's swallow. With a light grip of his right hand, the ink fairy pupil turned into powder!

"Hum..." Mao Bing turned to look at the almost empty camp and hummed coldly, "thanks to the envoy, you will lose your face of humiliation. Now what if you take the keepsake? I'll see where you can find... "

After that, Mao Bing didn't dare to stay for a long time. He urged the immortal boat to fly thousands of miles. Then he fell on the soldier's road and went quickly.

But it took half an hour for Mao Bing to mend the immortal body. Before he got up, he sent a message around his waist.

Mao Bing light point fairy, inside came a quite charming voice: "Mao Xianyou, what's the matter?"

"Alas..." Mao Bing sighed and said, "don't mention it. I thought it was a good job, but I didn't expect it to come to nothing. Now I don't know how to explain it to Yuexiao!"

"Oh? What's the matter? "

"It's too much to say!"

"Where are you?" The voice asked, "I'll help you!"

"What can you do for me?" Mao Bing said with a bitter smile, "immortal Xiao is a real immortal...""Don't forget, I know zhenxianjiang, too! If it's not convenient for you to come out, there's me! " The voice said with a smile, "what's more, I'll listen to it, and I can always help you with your suggestions?"

"Well..." Mao Bing looked around, said a position in a soft voice, then stopped the immortal boat, and still sat on his knees to repair the immortal body.

About an hour, a lavender star boat came from another soldier's road!

When Xiao Hua urged the seal, Su min's laughter immediately came from the seal: "Congratulations, Xiao tunteng. I think the reward of master Yuexiao has arrived. When will you go to the color world?"

Xiao Hua said with a wry smile: "sorry, Mr. Su, Xiao has messed up!"

"Ah?" Su min was surprised and said, "what's the matter? How can a good thing go wrong? "

When Xiao Hua finished, Su min was silent. After a long time, he said with a bitter smile: "this kind of thing Alas, I've been in the same boat for a long time, but I didn't want to remind you! Of course, if you want six million immortal soldiers, it's really a lion's mouth. However, it can't be ruled out that the damned Maobing put forward it himself and wanted to flatter Wei Yuexiao! "

"It's not easy to control this matter. Ask Wei Yuexiao..." Xiao Hua nodded and said, "who knows if it's true or not?"

"Don't make up your mind to ask me!" Su min thought of something and said with a smile, "deal with the trouble you caused yourself!"

"How dare you implicate Mr. Su?" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "but I don't know that Yuexiao's reward is the hard work of the two adults, so I ask..."

"Alas..." Su min sighed, "we are all recommending. The decision-making power is still in the hands of master Yuexiao. He thinks you have potential, so he gives you the keepsake of the master of black and white chess."

Xiao Hua is going to learn go!

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