Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1250

It's easy for Xiao Hua to create an illusion in space. After watching the 16 million immortal soldiers and the disciples of Zaohua pass through the space channel to enter the fragments of the ancient fairyland, Xiao Hua gets out of the space, leaves a long sky to lead the soldiers to stay at the camp, and flies away with Xiangqing.

Jiang Meihua was still in charge of the boat, and Xiangqing was with him. Seeing the star boat breaking through the sky, Xiangqing asked, "my Lord, you It seems that I don't know Chang Kong Mo who stayed in Yingpan... "

"Ha ha, elder brother Xiang, let's be frank!" Xiao Hua said with a smile, "don't you think it's inappropriate for Xiao to leave immortal soldiers who are not originally organized?"

"Yes Xiang counted the head and said, "the end general thinks that the adults will choose the end general, or maybe a long sky under our team will stay behind! How do you know that the adult has selected tens of thousands of people from different teams, which is a bit beyond the expectation of the end general! "

"Xianghujiao..." Jiang Meihua said with a smile, "my Lord, this is not biased, each team has a immortal soldier, no one can say anything!"

"Mei Fu Hu Jiao..." Xiang Qing shook his head and said, "Xiang thought so at the beginning, but he thought about it It doesn't feel like that! "

Xiao Hua looked at them and said, "these immortal soldiers are of unknown origin."

"Silk..." Xiangqing took a breath of air. He didn't doubt Xiao Hua's words, but was surprised at Xiao Hua's magic power!

"How do you know, my lord?" Different from Xiangqing, Jiang Meihua asked directly.

"Don't say it!" Xiao Hua laughed and said nothing.

Jiang Meihua asked: "in addition to these ten thousand immortal soldiers, are the origins of other ten thousand immortal soldiers reliable?"

"This doesn't need to be said by Xiao, does it?" Xiao Hua looked at Xiangqing and said, "I think elder brother Xiangqing should understand!"

Xiangqing thought about it for a moment, and then replied: "the origins of the immortal soldiers in the army are different, and their backgrounds are more complicated. Let alone the adults who are under the command of jielielei, so the return of the immortal soldiers is a great problem. Adults with their experience, this itself is the means to accept them. Of course, valuable immortal soldiers will need to surrender, worthless Let them live and die on their own. The ten thousand immortal soldiers should be useless. It's easy to reveal their whereabouts with them. If you don't leave them in the camp, who do they want to summon? Who do they want to summon... "

Xiangqing said, Jiang Meihua immediately understand, he said with a wry smile: "adult powerful!"

"Don't flatter me..." Xiao Hua said with a smile, "concentrate on driving the boat. I'm afraid you can't follow me when you go to the color world this time. You'd better take your subordinates and have a good experience in the secret place!"

Jiang Meihua's shock is even worse than Xiangqing's when it comes to the secret place. Xiao Hua has already told him that the secret place is a fragment of the ancient fairyland of the Mei family.

Jiang Meihua couldn't figure out what means Xiao Hua could use to let more than 10 million immortal soldiers enter the ancient fairyland!

Xiaomeixin's Bronze stele?

Mei family's Tian Mei Ling??

Jiang Meihua's thoughts are as fast as those of Xingzhou, but she can't catch up with Xiao Hua's pace of cultivation!

But after a moment, Jiang Meihua didn't think much about it. The more powerful Xiao Hua was, the better it would be for him. Moreover, he now vaguely felt the purpose of Xiao Hua's making those immortal soldiers swear poison.

"Hey, hey..." Jiang Meihua looked at the darkness of JieChong gradually being left behind, but she couldn't help smiling. She said in secret, "I don't know how many years later, Mei Yun finally has the strength to enter the archaic fairyland. What will he think when he sees Xiao Hua's Secret experience land as his back garden?"

Jiang Meihua doesn't know what Mei Yun thinks, and Xiao Hua doesn't think about it either, because Mei Yun's strength is too weak. When he has the strength to enter the fragments of the ancient fairyland, Xiao Hua's strength has already exceeded his imagination!

However, in the 18 days of emptiness in the color world, Wu Zhan, an immortal in the star dome, was sitting in a red stone the size of a fist, scratching his ears and knees, whispering: "this It seems that immortal Xiao is just a spirit transforming immortal. He How can he have the strength of real immortal and defeat me! Could it be that Is this all the power of the seven spirits? "

"But But if he is not a real immortal, how can he find me in dese Jietian? The messenger is useless. Alas, I was too shocked when I was the first day, but immortal Xiao came and went in a hurry, and didn't think much about it.... "

Then Wu Zhan looked out of the stone with some worry!

There are more than ten odd textures on the red stone, alternating light and dark. Although the texture is flashing red and shining, there are seven colors on it.

As for the stone, there is also a red gas filament, which is like a flame. There are infinite rules in it. Light and shadow radiate out and fill the whole space.

"Whoosh..." Just as Wu Zhan was thinking, a blue water droplet rushed out of the void and fell straight to the stone. When he got close, a blue haze on the stone blocked the water droplet. The water droplet rotated in the haze and turned into a flying crane.

The water seeps into the stone and rises suddenly. It turns into a flying crane of nearly hundreds of feet. With a clear sound of "Ga", it flies towards the Chifeng mountain, which is about ten thousand feet high in the distance! (Note: notice the difference between the color heaven and the desire heaven.)

At this time, on Chifeng, Wu Zhan's whole body flashed sword light. On the immortal body of thousands of feet, an immortal baby of nearly 100 feet sat on his knees. The immortal baby looked a little dispirited. A sword like impression between his eyebrows was just a faint outline.Although there are two immortal marks on Wu Zhan's immortal body, one is green and the other is red. The two sword lights pierce into Wu Zhan's immortal body like a piece of training, but the sword light can't carve any trace. Instead, it spreads down the immortal baby's body and turns into water like sword light and falls on Wu Zhan's immortal body!

Wu Zhan was upset when he heard the crane's chirping. He raised his hand, and a big hand with a size of more than 100 Zhang broke out of the air. It was on the top of the crane's head that the sound of "click" smashed the crane. Then Wu Zhan yelled: "I've already said that I'm in meditation. You'll disturb me again. It's impossible for me to enter the star dome. It's just you who are waiting for me Life Hey, hey... "

Wu Zhan's words did not finish, a red sword light condensed out, "brush" a fly into the void disappeared, that is, after a few breath, the sword light flew back again, burst in front of Wu Zhan, inside there was a panic voice: "Wu Shangxian, the younger generation know wrong, the younger generation know wrong, the younger generation wait for the immortal in xiaoliuhou, wait for the immortal to pass, must pass to the younger generation A message... "

"Hum..." Wu Zhan hummed coldly and watched the sword light disappear. He said coldly, "Lu Zhong Xiao'er, I'm just looking for trouble for you. What's the qualification for such shameless things to enter the star dome?"

The new color world is different from the original desire world

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