Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1247

"Xiao tunteng may not know how much military merit you have got this time?" Mao Bing said with a smile, "only 10% of the military achievements are dedicated to adults!"

For a time, Xiao Hua felt some pain! After all, from hunting to tunteng, he has not seen the benefits, and he has not got the military merit. Now he has to send out so many first!

Looking at Xiao Hua's hesitation, Mao Bing said: "Xiao tunteng may not know how much military achievements and achievements he needs from hunting base to Deputy tunteng, from deputy tunteng to tunteng? If it wasn't for master Yuexiao, I'm afraid that Xiao tunteng would only have a vice tunteng... "

"All right!" Xiao Hua thought for a moment, took out his trump card, general Gong to Mao Bing's arrow.

Xiao Hua thought that this would be OK, but Mao Bing looked at the arrow and said: "in addition to military merit, master Yuexiao has a small request..."

"What else?" Xiao Hua frowned and asked, "what is it?"

"Xiao tunteng collected 16 million immortal soldiers..." Mao Bing said, "and they put these immortal soldiers in their own space immortal utensils, and they haven't released them until now. This has caused a lot of people's dissatisfaction. They told Xiao tunteng to keep private soldiers in front of master Yuexiao. Although my lord knows that Xiao tunteng is for the good of those immortal soldiers and let them recover, my Lord also said that Xiao tunteng needs to pay attention to sending those immortal soldiers out as soon as possible and don't let others take hold of them! "

"No problem..." Xiao Hua's heart relaxed and said with a smile, "the emissary can go back and report to Yuexiao. Xiao will release them soon!"

"Don't worry, Xiao tunteng..." Mao Bing smiles and says, "I haven't finished my words yet. Master Yue Xiao also says that if Xiao tunteng doesn't want to, then he is willing to stop it for Xiao tunteng, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Hua sneered and asked.

Mao Bing said: "Xiao tunteng had better keep only ten million immortal soldiers!"

"What about six million?" Xiao Hua doesn't care to sound.

Mao Bing was stunned for a moment and asked: "is Xiao tunteng not clear about the arrangement of these six million immortal soldiers?"

Whether it's Wei Chong or Mao Bing, if they want military merit, Xiao Hua will bear it. But for Xiao Hua, six million immortal soldiers are the foundation of his future life. How can he give them to others?

"Xiao seems to understand something..." Xiao Hua sneered and said, "but can I ask the emissary that Wei Yuexiao has only such a request? Is there anything else... "

"There is no more master Yue Xiao!" Mao Bing hesitated and said, "but I still have a small request!"

"Oh? You said... " Xiao Hua laughed and said, "is it military merit or immortal soldier?"

"None of them..." Mao Bing shook his head and said, "it's an immortal weapon that master Yuexiao rewarded to Xiao tunteng. I have asked you to reward it before, but I don't have enough military merit. This time, I suddenly gave it to Xiao tunteng. I think I forgot it. Oh, I don't want Xiao tunteng's military merit, just this immortal weapon..."

Xiao Hua sneers. Mao Bing has a good idea. First, he says that he has long liked this immortal weapon, suggesting that he doesn't want a gentleman to win people's love. Then he mentions that he should also give him military merit, so he wants to make a profit.

However, Xiao Hua was puzzled. How could Wei Chong think of giving himself immortal tools.

"What fairy ware? How could it be that envoys like it? " Xiao Hua smiles.

"Nothing!" Mao Bing said with a smile, "it's just an inferior high-level immortal weapon!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua understood it as soon as he heard it, and said, "is there a rule in it?"

Mao Bing was embarrassed and nodded: "it's true! Lord Yuexiao had high expectations of Xiao tunteng, so he gave him a high-level immortal tool, hoping that Xiao tunteng could set foot in heaven. But I feel that with Xiao tunteng's good fortune, I can definitely find a better high-grade and often quiet immortal tool. The immortal tool with smart tools can help Xiao tunteng more... "

"This is one of the rewards for the inferior high-level immortal ware..." Xiao Hua took a deep breath and asked, "what's the last reward?"

"Xiao tunteng is a little anxious!" Mao Bing said with a smile, "as long as Xiao tunteng agrees to me and takes the immortal soldier to me, I will naturally give both rewards to you..."

"Bold!" Without waiting for Mao Bing to finish, Xiao Hua was furious. He raised his hand to Mao Bing and said, "do you dare to be arrogant in front of me? Although you are a reward and punishment envoy, representing Wei Yuexiao, do you know what you do? "

"Hey, hey..." Maobing is not a vegetarian either. He can't be frightened by Xiao Hua. He said with a smile, "Xiao tunteng is really young and energetic. The water in the team Deep, do you know how many immortals will come to me when I come out of the army account? "

"Xiao doesn't want to know, and he disdains to know!" Xiao Hua was so angry that he said, "Xiao risked his life to kill the enemy general, and he made such achievements under his command. Do you think this achievement was due to the strong wind? You want it when you want it? It's just military merit. It's a bad habit of the team. You want Xiao's team, too. Isn't it cutting Xiao's arm? "

“…… If you ask Xiao to explain to those brothers? "Give them to others as things?""Mao Bing, to tell you the truth, the inferior high-level immortal ware is a fart in Xiao's eyes! However, why should Xiao give it to you? Have you ever gone through life and death with Xiao? Just because you are a reward and punishment envoy, in a word, Xiao is eager to give it to you? Who do you think you are? "

"Bold!" Mao Bing was also angry and cried, "this envoy came here to represent Wei Chong. Wei Yue Xiao, how dare you collide with this envoy? Are you not afraid to be convicted? "


Xiao Hua laughed and slapped Mao Bing's head with a slap in the face. He broke half of his face and scolded, "do you think I will be punished for my military service? Big deal When I killed you, who would have thought that I would attack a reward and punishment envoy? "

"You How dare you Mao Bing was a little frightened and said, "everything that I have said and done will be recorded in the reward and punishment order. The more roaring adults just need to see it!"

"Are you sure you dare to make public what you just said?"

"You Do you dare to make it public? "

"What dare I do?" Xiao Hua sneered, "isn't it just some bad habits, some squalor of the team?"

Mao Bing really didn't expect Xiao Hua to be so stunned. He struggled: "OK, you have the ability, you are powerful..."

With that, Mao Bing is about to fly away.

"Where to go?" Xiao Hua raised his hand, imprisoned Mao Bing and scolded, "I haven't got my reward yet!"

There are always some people whose desires are hard to satisfy!

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