Legend of the Cultivation God

Chapter 1246

Mao Bing was not surprised. He said coldly in the same tone: "I'm under the command of Wei Yuexiao to inspect the team. Naturally, I have this right!"

"They're all seriously injured. They're cultivating in the immortal space!"

"Ha ha, I see!" Mao Bing nodded and said with a smile, "master Xiao loves soldiers like a son. It's really respectable. I will report this to master Yue Xiao!"

"Well!" Xiao Hua answered.

Seeing Xiao Hua like this, Mao Bing was a little displeased. However, Mao Bing said with a smile: "immortal Xiao, you and others fought bravely in JieChong 1741 to stop the trick of demon alliance and demon soldiers, and made an indelible contribution to our team's overall victory. Therefore, Wei Yuexiao will come at the end of the mission and issue a reward and punishment order..."

Then Mao Bing praised Xiao Hua and Qin Xin, saying that they were rare in the sky and the earth, and that he showed Wei Chong's attitude more than once.

However, after a long time, Mao Bing did not take out the reward and punishment order.

Xiao Hua knew it. He sneered in his heart. Looking back at Qin Xin, Qin Xin understood it. He came forward and bowed himself and said, "thank you and Wei Yuexiao for your high opinion. You've come all the way. How about taking a rest for a moment instead of using some fairy wine first?"

"No, no..." Mao Bing waved his hand and said with righteous words, "I'm waiting for you to come out to represent Yue Xiao. How can you eat Naka at will? That's losing the face of master Yue Xiao... "

"It's nothing..." With a smile, Qin Xin handed a crystal bottle to Mao Bing and said, "it's just some of the gains we got from hunting the demon clan in the demon League last time. Let's have a look first!"

The smile on Maobing's face is even worse. He reaches for the crystal bottle. Just as he takes it, Qin Xin gives Maobing a naxu ring.

Mao Bing didn't say a word at all. He let out Yan Nian and looked at the crystal bottle. He shook his head and said, "this is the thing of the demon alliance. I didn't like it. Moreover, I can't go beyond the rules of the army."

With that, Mao Bing gives the crystal bottle back to Qin Xin, and the empty ring naturally stays in his hands.

Mao Bing looked at the things in naxu ring and frowned slightly. However, he still reached out and took out a command arrow from the animal's swallow. He held it high and said, "immortal Xiao, Qin Xin, Li Boyi Receive the reward and punishment order of Lord Yue Xiao! "

"The last general will listen to the order..." Qin Xin and others did not dare to neglect, and bowed together.

Xiao Hua was contemptuous, but he still bowed himself.

Mao Bing was very satisfied to see all the immortals, especially Xiao Hua, who was a real immortal, bowed his head in front of him. Then he said, "I'm very happy that you fought bravely. The rewards for this battle are as follows. The base hunter, immortal Xiao, killed Wuxiao in 1741, killed 40 million demon soldiers in the demon League and saved more than 16 million troops. Breaking through the layout of the green ape, leading to the collapse of the space and killing more than 10 million demon soldiers, he made great contributions to the reversal of the war and was promoted to tunteng general.... "

Speaking of this, Mao Bing stopped and said, "congratulations to Xiao tunteng..."

Although Qin Xin and others had known for a long time that there would be such a reward, they were still shocked when they really issued a reward and punishment order. How long did it take Xiao Hua to enter the Taichong team!

But Qin Xin and others were even more happy. Xiao Hua was promoted, and they had more room for promotion. So they bowed themselves together and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Xiao!"

Xiao Hua didn't say anything, but Mao Bing said, "Xiao tunteng may not know, but Yue Xiao has taken much trouble for Xiao tunteng."

Xiao Hua said with a smile: "this end will understand."

"If only you knew!" Mao Bing took the opportunity to say, "Xiao tunteng's seniority is too shallow, and he has no experience in unifying the army. Although he has made many military achievements before, he is all brave, and tunteng's military position is to lead the troops in the battle, so Xiao tunteng It's not very convincing! "

"Yes, yes, Xiao knows!"

"But Lord Yuexiao was able to get rid of the public opinion. He said..." Mao Bing said, "if you don't know, you can learn. If you don't know, you can teach. We should let every general have a way to rise. We should make them feel that it is worthwhile to kill the enemy bravely and win military merit. We can't let the generals shed blood and sweat, but also cold heart.... "

Xiao Hua moved in his heart and arched his hand in a direction: "thank you, master Yue Xiao, for being so considerate of our hardships. We are more willing to shed our blood for the team in the future!"

Qin Xin and so on also hurriedly bow body, followed to say again.

"Well, I wish Xiao tunteng understood!" Mao Bing repeated this sentence again, then looked at Lingjian in his hand, told Qin Xin and others about their military achievements and rewards, and took Lingjian general Gong to the immortal generals on the spot.

After that, Mao Bing said to Xiao Hua with a smile: "Xiao tunteng, your military exploits and rewards have been arranged by master Yuexiao. Please disband your subordinates. Let's talk about them one by one..."

"My lord..." Seeing Xiao Hua frown, Qin Xin quickly said, "Mao Bing represents Wei Yuexiao after all. What's wrong with adults' empty and helpless?"

Xiao Hua thought for a moment, turned his head and said, "you go out first, and take your military merit to mend the fairyland..."

"Yes, my Lord, I'll leave later!" Qin Xin and others exit behind Xiao Hua and Mao Binggong.

"Xiao tunteng..." Mao Bing looked at Xiao Hua and said, "it's really difficult for master Yuexiao to promote you to tunteng general this time. Moreover, for your reward, his old man also tried his best. In addition to his military position, his old man has specially arranged two rewards for you..."Xiao Hua was grateful to Wei Chongwei Yuexiao, who had never met him before, so he respectfully said, "thank you, Mr. Yuexiao. I'm very grateful to you."

"Just a thank you?" Looking at Xiao Hua, Mao Bing said with profound meaning: "empty words Everyone can say it

"Ha ha..." Xiao Hua looked at Mao Bing and said with a smile, "if the messenger has something to say, please just say it. Xiao has not been in the team for a long time. He doesn't know many rules very well!"

"All right!" Mao Bing thought about it for a moment and said, "according to the practice of the team, the military merit reward..."

Without waiting for Mao Bing to finish, Xiao Hua nodded and said, "don't worry about this emissary. Xiao doesn't know how much military service he has. Please buckle it directly from master Yue Xiao!"

"Hey, hey..." Mao Bing squints at Xiao Hua and asks, "is Xiao tunteng unwilling or has other ideas?"

Xiao Hua was puzzled: "no!"

"Xiao tunteng's military exploits are written on the reward military order. How can master Yuexiao deduct them in advance?"

"I see!" Xiao Hua patted his forehead and said with a smile, "Xiao understands, Xiao ignores! Please give me some advice... "

Mao Bing couldn't say anything more. He handed the order arrow to Xiao Hua and said, "Xiao tunteng, send the military service here for the time being."

Then Mao Bing said a number!

"Ah?" Xiao Hua was shocked and said, "how So much? "

Xiao Hua is a little bit old. Where is the fairyland?

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